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Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By toor, 24 June 2014 at 8:38 am UTC

+1 for scaine
Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to harass you :p
(<--- evil jokes >=D)

The Civ V Steam Giveaway Winner!
By Beamboom, 24 June 2014 at 8:14 am UTC

Quoting: STiAT@wleoncio gz :)

PS: when do we get the edit feature on the comments XD.

It's there on the top bar of your comment, behind a link titled, aptly, "Edit". :)

Edit: Right before the "Report Spam" link.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Released For Linux
By abelthorne, 24 June 2014 at 8:01 am UTC

Quoting: MilaniumSadly it is 64-bit only on Linux for no real obvious reason.
Well, maybe it's because 64 bit distros are well implemented, that 64 bit has been "the future" for quite some time now and that they don't want to manage/support two different binaries.

Using a 32 bit distro has no real advantages nowadays, unless you have an old computer that can't handle a 64 bit one. But in that case, I'm not sure it would be powerful enough to run XCOM if it was available as a 32 bit version.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By scaine, 24 June 2014 at 7:35 am UTC

Quoting: MilaniumHow is that newsworthy? Gamers in general are annoying. You know that when you decide to work on games. It does not matter if you are a hobbyist or big business. Everyone gets constant unfair attacks by usually non-technical people who don't understand the limitations and problems. This seems like a poor excuse to cope with critics. Porting games to Linux is not easy and certainly a frustrating work. There are also more valid reasons not to invest unpaid free time in this undertaking. The whole press release is really unprofessional.

You're very confused.

1. It's an article, contributed by a third party, not a press release. GamingOnLinux is NOT an outlet for press releases.
2. It's newsworthy because a great game is going to take longer as a result of online harassment.
3. "Annoying" isn't the right word to use in this case. Tripping over a crack in the pavement is annoying. Abusive and sustained online harassment isn't "annoying".

You also seem to be saying that developing games is justification for this level of harassment. Specifically you say, "everyone gets constant unfair attacks". So game devs should just toughen up?

Some might. If it were me though, I'd flick a finger to the harassers, exactly as Gran has done here.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By neffo, 24 June 2014 at 7:11 am UTC

Quoting: Gran PCOne last note -- I am actually pretty blown away by the new messages I have been receiving/seeing on forums, articles like these, etc. It actually does help put things in scale. So thank you for that.

Love that you are still engaging with the community (if that's what it can be called). It's a shame that divisions, like platform differences, turn people into assholes. Thanks for speaking out about it and hopefully you'll have thawed the frozen heart of a dickwad in the process.

And cheers for the port. :P

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Released For Linux
By Milanium, 24 June 2014 at 7:01 am UTC Likes: 1

Sadly it is 64-bit only on Linux for no real obvious reason. I just found out myself when trying to locate the binary in ~/.steam/SteamApps/ and start it manually. The customer support was completely overstrained. I sent them all the necessary system information, but just got suggestions like restart your computer and reinstall Steam which of course did not help at all.

Risk Of Rain Procedural Death Labyrinth Coming To Linux Soon
By potatopete, 24 June 2014 at 6:59 am UTC

Great stuff! I added this to my Steam wish list a while back in the hope that one day there would be a Linux port.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Milanium, 24 June 2014 at 6:54 am UTC

How is that newsworthy? Gamers in general are annoying. You know that when you decide to work on games. It does not matter if you are a hobbyist or big business. Everyone gets constant unfair attacks by usually non-technical people who don't understand the limitations and problems. This seems like a poor excuse to cope with critics. Porting games to Linux is not easy and certainly a frustrating work. There are also more valid reasons not to invest unpaid free time in this undertaking. The whole press release is really unprofessional.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Beamboom, 24 June 2014 at 6:14 am UTC

Quoting: SpeedsterI had over a day just last week where internet was down at my house; being forced offline really is a thing that happens to people that aren't big powerful cyborgs like Beamboom ;)

Oooh I like the sound of that - I'll let that illusion reside. :)

Of course there's moments where I too am cut off from the internet at home (although, living in the center of the capital of Norway I must say it happens very rarely. I can only guess it's more common other places) but I don't think that's ever stopped me from starting a game. I just have never experienced the problems described.

But again, thanks for the replies, now I at least understand the anti comments better.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By hardpenguin, 24 June 2014 at 5:23 am UTC

@Gran PC
Don't worry too much about such jerks - remember what community did to Phil Fish? Just stick to your way and to the good people :) I'm glad you visited us here and also I'm keenly awaiting for Stanley Parable. Much love to you!

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Speedster, 24 June 2014 at 3:56 am UTC Likes: 2

Nice article -- noticed it's your first here, feel free to write more :)

We could use more developers like Gran PC, and it is such a shame that angry jerks have been working to ruin his enthusiasm. It does matter whether developers do ports for fun or purely for money: developers having fun leads to less burnout and failed projects, more great work, and the world is a happier place.

It is wrong when people get abused online, just like it's wrong when somebody gets mugged walking in the street. It's something that happens frequently in some places, but it's not good to just give up on making things better and just tell the victims to get tougher, even tough neighborhoods can be improved if enough people care instead of giving up...

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Hamish, 24 June 2014 at 3:01 am UTC

Quoting: STiATI don't really take a difference there. Critism can be trolling.

So how can concerns be expressed apart from criticism? It can be constructive.

Quoting: STiATIn fact, trolling is mostly based on the product, not the person. "Critism" can often be a personal attack ("are you incompetent or just retarded? the feature XY didn't work again as I expected";).

What is objectionable there is the personal attack, not the criticism, which is separate.

Quoting: STiATThough, despite the feature was never intended to work that way it was used which certainly was a fault on checking for the way to use it. I got personal mails like that.

Critics can be at fault without trolling. If they were harassing you over it though that is trolling.

Quoting: STiATMaybe you see it the other way around - but I consider trolling as something which has no context, just telling everything bad because you like something else. In example, trolling would be "fuck the linux port, go for more features on platform XY".

Thing is, while we may disagree with the statement, suggesting that a Linux port is less important than something else is not trolling in of itself. What is trolling is the attack on Linux in the context of the quote, which makes it a personal attack in its own way.

My apologies if this is drifting off-topic.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Nyamiou, 24 June 2014 at 12:41 am UTC

Quoting: LowEndGeekI'm willing to bet most of these post are from this 'new generation' of linux user that expects everything to be the same as it was for them on windows.
Even if as Linux gamers we are a minority I don't see why we shouldn't ask for as much respect from games companies as Windows gamers have. If a Linux gamers feel he have paid for a vaporware, he should have the right to get mad and saying that he shouldn't because then that company may decide not to continue to work on the port is not going to help.

I don't say that The Stanley Parable on Linux is a vaporware (it's probably not), what I say is that as it is, it could be and that probably why some people are mad.

LIMBO Dark Platformer Fully Native Linux Version Released, No More Wine
By LowEndGeek, 24 June 2014 at 12:03 am UTC

I posted on google plus the other day and stand by this. The linux native version runs better on my machine using debing testing then the windows build does on windows 7 or 8. I can actually play it now.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By LowEndGeek, 24 June 2014 at 12:01 am UTC Likes: 1

I do belive the phrase "this is why we can't have nice things" could apply here. I really don't know why people have to act this way. I guess maybe it has to do with lackluster ports, or having to wait X ammount of years for linux gaming to become a thing but that doesn't excuse this behavior. To many developers developing on linux is a brand new thing and it's expected for there to be growing pains. As far as waiting, so what? If you have been using linux for that long you obviously didn't choose it for it's vast game library in the first place. I'm willing to bet most of these post are from this 'new generation' of linux user that expects everything to be the same as it was for them on windows. I don't really know, sometimes the answer is a simple one, people are asses.

Prepare Your Wallets! The Steam Summer Sales To Start 19th June
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:26 pm UTC

Oh god, could bite my ass .. so many games I have bought full price now on sale. XCOM, Planatary Annihilation, Forced, CivV, Metro, L4D, Portal2, CS:Source, Football Manager 2014, Europa Universalis, Natural selection, Amnesia, Crusader of Kings II:CD .. ARGH!

FLASHOUT 2 Racing Game Game-play Video & Some Thoughts
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:20 pm UTC

I bought this game .. and sadly it turns out to be one of the acarde funs of my childhood ... addicting.

Good game, glad I bought it. My wife does not appreciate it though :D.

The Civ V Steam Giveaway Winner!
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

@wleoncio gz :)

PS: when do we get the edit feature on the comments XD.

The Civ V Steam Giveaway Winner!
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:14 pm UTC

If you need a copy, I still have a spare one...

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:13 pm UTC

To be true, I hate the ubi launcher, and I hate the lock-in and DRM of them. But yes, I'd love to see it on Linux (FarCry 3 <3).

The thing is: in the end, I can decide if I want to go for it or not. Having the choice, that's what it all is about.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 11:07 pm UTC

Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: STiATSaldy, most of the critism guys are the very outspoken and loud ones. The ones quietly waiting are hardly recognized. If you ever developed open source - you probably have thousands and even hundred thousands of happy users who won't loose a word about it - and a few outspoken guys with a lot of critism and judgement - even about your person. I withdrew of a project because of that reason years ago.
To be fair, there is a fine line between criticism and trolling, which in this instance seems to have been quite heavily crossed (especially by the derogatory private emails) but does not apply to all criticism or opposition to something. Going after the person certainly is objectionable, but taking issue with a project on certain grounds is not, at least not when handled in a professional and suitably respectful manner.

I don't really take a difference there. Critism can be trolling.

In fact, trolling is mostly based on the product, not the person. "Critism" can often be a personal attack ("are you incompetent or just retarded? the feature XY didn't work again as I expected"). Though, despite the feature was never intended to work that way it was used which certainly was a fault on checking for the way to use it. I got personal mails like that. My answer "if you can do better do it" wasn't well received though ("you are the ******* developer and maintainer, you have to care about it!!<trillion!>"). Maybe you see it the other way around - but I consider trolling as something which has no context, just telling everything bad because you like something else. In example, trolling would be "fuck the linux port, go for more features on platform XY".

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Cheeseness, 23 June 2014 at 11:00 pm UTC

Quoting: Gran PCOne last note -- I am actually pretty blown away by the new messages I have been receiving/seeing on forums, articles like these, etc. It actually does help put things in scale. So thank you for that.

Gotta say, the article here surprised me. As somebody who is waiting patiently for the game, visiting the Steam forums to rant about it (or even to offer support, since I'm aware that you already know that I'm keen) is not really something I'm likely to spend my time on, so I had no idea that this was going on.

It's super disappointing to hear, but I'm also glad that visibility of this has encouraged those of us who had obliviously been sitting on the sidelines to step in an express our enthusiasm.

Also, fancy seeing you here :D

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 10:55 pm UTC

Just read - it's using Source and that Gran PC is answering here. So you don't need to port the engine (well done using an exising one :D). As I said - keep your head up - you miss all the quiet ones not complaining, who probably are the majority.

I don't know the source engine, so I don't know which troubles you are running into porting - guess I can't be of much help there...

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By drmoth, 23 June 2014 at 10:28 pm UTC

Just to confirm what Dr McCoy said, +1 in my mind is just a show of hands and enthusiasm. It's a way of saying, "I'll buy this when it comes out". It's also a technique used by a small community to raise its profile, when often being outnumbered.

I was poised to buy Stanley Parable, I've heard wonderful things about this game but I've become cautious about buying things until they've been properly ported.

Don't lose faith Gran PC, there's a wonderfully warm and fuzzy Linux community away from the Steam trolls...

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Hamish, 23 June 2014 at 10:27 pm UTC

Quoting: STiATSaldy, most of the critism guys are the very outspoken and loud ones. The ones quietly waiting are hardly recognized. If you ever developed open source - you probably have thousands and even hundred thousands of happy users who won't loose a word about it - and a few outspoken guys with a lot of critism and judgement - even about your person. I withdrew of a project because of that reason years ago.

To be fair, there is a fine line between criticism and trolling, which in this instance seems to have been quite heavily crossed (especially by the derogatory private emails) but does not apply to all criticism or opposition to something. Going after the person certainly is objectionable, but taking issue with a project on certain grounds is not, at least not when handled in a professional and suitably respectful manner.

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 10:15 pm UTC

I played it on windows once. I was too dumb for the training missions, so I didn't want to continue :D.

Chaos Reborn Should Have A Linux Version Soon, From The Creator Of The Original X-COM
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 10:14 pm UTC

Anyone with a short sum-up about the game? Round based? What kind of game?

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By STiAT, 23 June 2014 at 10:11 pm UTC

I left him a post on steam for that. I know the feeling from open source development - people demanding having only their point of view.

Depending on the state of the work and how the game was designed, that could be a huge project by just porting the engine. If you ever tried to untie effects from direct code creating an abstraction layer for ogl/dx, and you do it the firs time, you'd probably need some refactorings to manage that. At least, I often know where I want to go - just the way I do turns out to be stupid :D.

Saldy, most of the critism guys are the very outspoken and loud ones. The ones quietly waiting are hardly recognized. If you ever developed open source - you probably have thousands and even hundred thousands of happy users who won't loose a word about it - and a few outspoken guys with a lot of critism and judgement - even about your person. I withdrew of a project because of that reason years ago.

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By toor, 23 June 2014 at 9:54 pm UTC

I'm sorry to hear that, but I understand Gran PC.
I have paid for the game as he confirmed he would port it once portal 2 is out, and I'll wait the time it needs, I have many others to play before.
But a friend on windows got me to test it, and that was hilarious and smart. I'm so happy he ports it to linux, and even more happy he does it not only for money but in his free time for fun.
There will always be mean or stupid people, in every communities.
I hope you Gran PC still have some fun developping though. That's what make the best results !

Trolling Delays Linux Release Of The Stanley Parable
By Ivancillo, 23 June 2014 at 9:04 pm UTC Likes: 1

A Linux developer that was trolled.
I saw this kind of trolling many times.

Surely some of us remember how "Q" ass-trolled "Bridgman" (AMD driver developer) at Phoronix.

Gran-PC :

I recomend you to state clearly to the users that you won't discuss by private mail.
Reserv that use for the people you see really could be of help.

The rest is thing of the forum's moderation. If you experience that in Steam forums you've been trolled and the staff do nothing, then you shouldn't continue to post there.

First your dignity, and second the rest.