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Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By Sabun, 21 June 2014 at 3:28 pm UTC

Quoting: HyeronWe're not exactly the largest population around on Steam, so every sale identified as GNU/Linux counts. :)

Indeed, I'm really glad we have two new porting houses in the picture (Aspyr and Feral). I hope they continue to do Linux ports, my money will keep going to them as much as I can give :)

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By Projectile Vomit, 21 June 2014 at 3:22 pm UTC

I'm loving the visual effects on this game!

It's easy to lose track of time, which is a sign of a great game. I'm still getting used to the nuances of the game, but overall, I'm hooked. The Rogue-like qualities are precisely what makes this game great. The graphics are icing on the cake. :)

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By FutureSuture, 21 June 2014 at 1:22 pm UTC

Quoting: Half-Shot
Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: MetallinatusI'm not sure I understand the issue here.... since when make services that you can't get pirating is a bad thing?
I mean, it is bad for pirates, but why is it an "evil" thing?
Look up all the recent controversies surrounding Ubisoft and read the comments by users as well. A company like that displays a high probability that these "services" would have worked just as well offline, but Ubisoft sees it fit to force you to be online for them now. Kind of like Anno 2070 or Diablo 3.
And it's not just DRM. Watchdogs preformance and graphics were deliberately hindered which was found out recently.
Precisely, Half-Shot, you rad lad. This corporate sugarcoating is sickening, but a throng of gullible customers will surely fall for it.

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By FutureSuture, 21 June 2014 at 1:17 pm UTC

Quoting: pbI'm pretty sure Steam knows it if you make the purchase through the Linux client or through a browser on Linux. They will also know when you play the game on Linux. So the stats should be alright. The problem is when one developer makes the original game and another one makes the port, as was the case with Civ V and well explained by Aspyr in the forums.
Nope. According to icculus, what is counted is what platform you play the game the most on in the first week after purchase. Buying a game that does not yet have a Linux client therefore doesn't register as a sale for Linux and doesn't make sense anyway since you cannot play the game.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Half-Shot, 21 June 2014 at 1:11 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: MetallinatusI'm not sure I understand the issue here.... since when make services that you can't get pirating is a bad thing?
I mean, it is bad for pirates, but why is it an "evil" thing?
Look up all the recent controversies surrounding Ubisoft and read the comments by users as well. A company like that displays a high probability that these "services" would have worked just as well offline, but Ubisoft sees it fit to force you to be online for them now. Kind of like Anno 2070 or Diablo 3.

And it's not just DRM. Watchdogs preformance and graphics were deliberately hindered which was found out recently.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By FutureSuture, 21 June 2014 at 1:03 pm UTC

Quoting: MetallinatusI'm not sure I understand the issue here.... since when make services that you can't get pirating is a bad thing?
I mean, it is bad for pirates, but why is it an "evil" thing?
Look up all the recent controversies surrounding Ubisoft and read the comments by users as well. A company like that displays a high probability that these "services" would have worked just as well offline, but Ubisoft sees it fit to force you to be online for them now. Kind of like Anno 2070 or Diablo 3.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Maquis196, 21 June 2014 at 1:03 pm UTC

Quoting: MetallinatusI'm not sure I understand the issue here.... since when make services that you can't get pirating is a bad thing?
I mean, it is bad for pirates, but why is it an "evil" thing?

I dunno about "evil" in the biblical sense. Its just a form of control. It doesn't stop pirating in most cases, plenty of games on Uplay (if not all of them) are downloadable from the right torrent site.

The "evil" part we discuss is the fact that even in the face of this evidence, uplay does more to hurt paying customers then it does to stop piracy. When your gaming experience is enhanced by downloading the cracked version, the "official" way is doing it wrong.

I haven't pirated (arrrrr me mateys) in years simply because I find Steam easier to use then a download, Origin and uplay make it worse.

So yeah, some people hate Steam and I understand those, but compared to Origin and Uplay it's amazing.

Hope this helps :)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Released For Linux
By Kristian, 21 June 2014 at 12:51 pm UTC

This is great news. Yet another port of a 2K/Firaxis game, yet another new porting house joining the Linux fray(Feral Interactive) and yet another UE3 game ported.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Metallinatus, 21 June 2014 at 12:45 pm UTC

I'm not sure I understand the issue here.... since when make services that you can't get pirating is a bad thing?
I mean, it is bad for pirates, but why is it an "evil" thing?

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By pb, 21 June 2014 at 12:23 pm UTC

I'm pretty sure Steam knows it if you make the purchase through the Linux client or through a browser on Linux. They will also know when you play the game on Linux. So the stats should be alright. The problem is when one developer makes the original game and another one makes the port, as was the case with Civ V and well explained by Aspyr in the forums.

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 12:11 pm UTC Likes: 2

The latter. We're not exactly the largest population around on Steam, so every sale identified as GNU/Linux counts. :)

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By Sabun, 21 June 2014 at 12:02 pm UTC

Quoting: HyeronYup. Plus, we couldn't even take advantage of the flash sale, as I don't think it would have shown we exist. Gah.

I'm curious, what do you mean? Is it that everyone would rush onto it regardless of platform, that we (Linux) would be miniscule in number?

Or that it wouldn't register purchases done for that platform, and would just count it as an ambigous sale?

I have a whole different reason to enjoy the summer sales this time around. So many Linux titles on sale, with additions of new triple A titles! :D

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 11:45 am UTC

Yup. Plus, we couldn't even take advantage of the flash sale, as I don't think it would have shown we exist. Gah.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 11:43 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: IvancilloHello Liam.

I don't intend to offend with this my opinion.
But I think this article shows double morale.

Double morale, because some days ago you call us (the people who don't like Steam) pedanthics for thinking Steam is DRM.

And for the topic itself, yes, I think we don't need Ubiplay in Linux, as I think the same about Steam and Origin.
This one is from FutureSuture, not from Liam.
There are no double standards here, just varying opinions. :)

Mount & Blade: Warband Confirmed For Linux By A Developer, Beta Soon Too
By wolfyrion, 21 June 2014 at 11:27 am UTC Likes: 1

poor wallet.... another 9 days left... :'(
(deep breaths....relax....)

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Ivancillo, 21 June 2014 at 11:03 am UTC Likes: 1

Hello Liam.

I don't intend to offend with this my opinion.
But I think this article shows double morale.

Double morale, because some days ago you call us (the people who don't like Steam) pedanthics for thinking Steam is DRM.

And for the topic itself, yes, I think we don't need Ubiplay in Linux, as I think the same about Steam and Origin.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By basso, 21 June 2014 at 11:00 am UTC Likes: 1

This post is my personal view on Ubisoft.

Ubisoft is like EA. It's huge and run by people in suits with one capitalistic goal, earn more money.
I remember reading an article last year where they claimed that DRM works and they earned more money.
When you still "Copy Pasta Bolognese" the crack over the original files DRM does not work, they have to be idiots to claim that. And in most occasions the game's scene-release is not even delayed by their DRM.
And now they say it does not work?
It has never worked.. Period (.)

Remember when Ubisoft released it's super fantastic "Always-On-DRM"? It demanded that you had to be connected online to their servers to be able to play a ******* single-player game.
******* great, love it. Fantastic stuff, it's like a turd smeared all over your monitor in a U-shape.
They removed it soon after the release (some board member probably committed harakiri).

You know that Uplay-turd-steam-alternative they made?
You know that if you purchase a newer Ubisoft game on Steam, they will force you to register on Uplay?
You have to like ******* login to two (2) services to play a ******* game.

The more I write or talk about Ubisoft the more angry I get.
Ubisoft.. you shall not force your restricted turds on Linux, go and **** yourselves.

OpenXcom 1.0 Released, Play The Original XCOM In An Open Source Engine
By iyereed, 21 June 2014 at 10:44 am UTC

Quoting: edoI would like to see an OpenHalo
Yes! Me too!

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By GoCorinthians, 21 June 2014 at 10:11 am UTC

Good, but they doesnt respect PC gamers so i aint buying anything of them anymore.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 9:20 am UTC

Now this is more reasonable - and I won't deny that they have their very own way of doing things; but as far as i'm concerned it doesn't diminish the games in any way, it's just a specific mindset to get into before playing. Other games have an interface so simple you don't even feel it (say, Tokyo Jungle, again).
Turn-based combat is a mixed bag. I feel most JRPGs take it the wrong way, as if all of your fights were just preparations for the REAL fights... which are all too often optional, even hidden bosses. And that sucks indeed.
Does it mean the genre is bad? Hey, I sure would like it to be more challenging, but it has its own charm. I can't say ANY RPG experience has beaten FFVI for me (apart maybe for Kingdoms of Amalur, and that's ONLY on the design side of things). :)
AS to the obviousness of things... Many western games have the same fault in another form: how many of them handhold you all the way? F*** OFF XCOM, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY EXPLOSIVES, NOW SHUT THE F*** UP. ;)

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By commodore256, 21 June 2014 at 9:14 am UTC

Hey, I just find turned based combat to be too easy because I could sit there for hours without making a move. Thank god FFVII has a time limit. In realtime combat, you need to act and you need to act now! Oh and I do wish games had better AI, that makes realtime combat so much better. I played Evoland and the only times I died was in realtime combat, not once in turn based combat. I find turn based combat to be elementary...

Back on the topic of most Japanese games sucking, their menu interfaces are horrible, they obsess with making stuff obvious for the player (like cracked rocks are blow-up-able)and have broken game mechanics like having your block button be the same button as attack like in Revengence.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 8:21 am UTC

Quoting: commodore256
Quoting: HyeronMost modern western games are terrible.
Don't play Call of Duty, Batman Arkham City, I like the fight with Mr. Freeze because he doesn't fall for the same trick twice, you pull a trick on him and he makes it impossible for you to use the same exploit. Play The Blackwell series, best adventure games I ever played (though I mostly recommend Gemini Rue for an adventure game) and most Japanese adventure games are just Visual Novels or WAIFU Simulators with no control apart from dialogue, so it's basically mass effect without the action. I could list names of good western games for hours because "The West" only means "Not Japan", so it's the whole world minus Japan and it doesn't mean "'Murica", it includes Poland where The Witcher is made, it includes Canada of which a development studio from there made Mark of the Ninja and it's a Ninja game where you play a Ninja of which Japanese companies has failed to produce a Ninja game where you play as a Ninja that's marketed as a Ninja. Though Rikimaru from Tenchu was pretty close, but he failed at covering his whole face during missions. My other problem with most Japanese games is the main protagonists are whiny emo b!tches and don't have much confidence and that's very unrealistic, if a person like that tried being a hero, they would be killed because they don't think like a hero or at least an engineer like Gordon Freeman where his intellect makes him successful.

Quoting: HyeronI see FPS as games for people that have no ability to think at all.
Then if people that can't think at all can play, play them. I bet somebody as smart as you would be very good at them. After all, you don't want those "mindless" people to embarrass you now do we? I bet you can show them who's boss if you're so smart.

Oh and I find turn based combat to be very easy, the only time I find it harder than it should be is when I don't know something. Like using a Phoenix Down on the Second Evrea in FFX and once I know exploits, why wouldn't I use them to my advantage?
Should I have used quotation marks? Did you really, seriously not see I was turning your argument upside down to show you how preposterous it was? ;)
All of what you're saying here is valid for japanese games too - and that was the point.
I enjoy a mindless session of Painkiller or Singularity as much as I enjoy a mind-numbing session of Catherine.
I do have the ability to think, and the ability to think on my feet, thank you very much.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By commodore256, 21 June 2014 at 7:58 am UTC

Quoting: HyeronMost modern western games are terrible.

Don't play Call of Duty, Batman Arkham City, I like the fight with Mr. Freeze because he doesn't fall for the same trick twice, you pull a trick on him and he makes it impossible for you to use the same exploit. Play The Blackwell series, best adventure games I ever played (though I mostly recommend Gemini Rue for an adventure game) and most Japanese adventure games are just Visual Novels or WAIFU Simulators with no control apart from dialogue, so it's basically mass effect without the action. I could list names of good western games for hours because "The West" only means "Not Japan", so it's the whole world minus Japan and it doesn't mean "'Murica", it includes Poland where The Witcher is made, it includes Canada of which a development studio from there made Mark of the Ninja and it's a Ninja game where you play a Ninja of which Japanese companies has failed to produce a Ninja game where you play as a Ninja that's marketed as a Ninja. Though Rikimaru from Tenchu was pretty close, but he failed at covering his whole face during missions. My other problem with most Japanese games is the main protagonists are whiny emo b!tches and don't have much confidence and that's very unrealistic, if a person like that tried being a hero, they would be killed because they don't think like a hero or at least an engineer like Gordon Freeman where his intellect makes him successful.

Quoting: HyeronI see FPS as games for people that have no ability to think at all.
Then if people that can't think at all can play, play them. I bet somebody as smart as you would be very good at them. After all, you don't want those "mindless" people to embarrass you now do we? I bet you can show them who's boss if you're so smart.

Oh and I find turn based combat to be very easy, the only time I find it harder than it should be is when I don't know something. Like using a Phoenix Down on the Second Evrea in FFX and once I know exploits, why wouldn't I use them to my advantage?

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By edqe, 21 June 2014 at 6:36 am UTC

Quoting: commodore256I see turn based RPGs as games an accessibility to people that have no ability to think on their feet.

Quoting: HyeronI see FPS as games for people that have no ability to think at all.

I like both genres and I would like to see as many turn-based RPGs and FPS games available for Linux as possible - with or without DRM. Unfortunately at the moment Linux is lacking both so there's no much choice. Personally I don't care about COD or JRPGs but I would like to have them for Linux just that gamers would have more choice.

(games I really like are Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Civilization, Supreme Commander, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Wasteland, etc.)

The Civ V Steam Giveaway Winner!
By Woodie, 21 June 2014 at 6:31 am UTC Likes: 1

gratz! =)

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Hyeron, 21 June 2014 at 6:05 am UTC

Quoting: commodore256From Software makes good games, (apart from Ninja Blade) But other than Dark Souls or Demon Souls, most modern Japanese games are terrible. I see turn based RPGs as games an accessibility to people that have no ability to think on their feet. (however I like how FFVII has a time limit for turns) To me the only time a game is hard is when I don't know what to do or I think I know what to do and screw it up.
Not sure what you're getting at WRT Ubi on Linux, but whatever. :)
Most modern western games are terrible. I see FPS as games for people that have no ability to think at all.
Don't judge a whole bunch of people so easily. Please? ;)
Most any JRPG with ATB has the option to turn on time limit, as far as I'm aware; and Japanese games are MUCH more than JRPGs (and more than "traditional" JPRGs). I mean, Tokyo Jungle? Cave Story? Elona? Rewrite? Astebreed? TorqueL? Revolver360? KoF XIII? La-Mulana? Mighty N°9? Azure Striker? Block Legend? One Way Heroics? Gunhound? Keroblaster? Recettear? Catherine? Yume Nikki? Metal Gear Solid? Patapon? Monster Hunter? Dynasty Warriors? Gran Turismo? Mario Kart?
That you don't like their respective genres is a matter of taste. But dismissing all of THAT as a whole is plain ridiculous.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By edqe, 21 June 2014 at 5:45 am UTC Likes: 1

Of course. It doesn't matter if *I* like their games or dislike DRM. Ubisoft's games are pretty much mandatory to have to make SteamOS/Linux a viable gaming platform.

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By Zouille, 21 June 2014 at 4:47 am UTC

I really dislike Uplay too...

Mount & Blade: Warband Has Hints Of Linux Support Coming
By NamTaey, 21 June 2014 at 12:41 am UTC

I know this article is a week old now but apparently a developer at Taleworlds has confirmed that Mount & Blade: Warband (and possibly the Napoleon War DLC) will indeed be coming to Linux.

Here is the quote and source:
Quoting: MustafaKIt'll be a native port for Linux and Mac. Warband only but we'll try to include Napoleon DLC too. Open beta will be next week and full release will be July, if all goes well.
Steam Forum Post

Do We Want Ubisoft To Support Linux?
By inlinuxdude, 20 June 2014 at 11:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

Yes! If Ubisoft made all their games for Linux, it'd be WAY WAY easier to convince the rest of the family to not get a PS4 (like I've been pushing), and instead build a Steam Machine..