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Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 17 June 2014 at 12:23 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousThis was bound to happen with the first generation of Steam Machines given Valve's track record on punctuality.

These "partners" should have KNEW this was a possibility because of exactly this.

There's no REAL excuse for shipping Windows in a "Steam Machine."

Quoting: AnonymousIn half a year it'll have lost a huge chunk of its monetary value.

Wanna bet they'll still sell it for what they had originally planned to?

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By tuxisagamer, 17 June 2014 at 12:13 pm UTC

30-40 Times the number of Linux gamers overnight ain't gonna happen. 5 to 10 times in the first 6 months may be.

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By , 17 June 2014 at 11:27 am UTC

Quoting: edgleyThe Linux client is already working, it was playable there (just not by general public) -- they don't have any GUI for the launcher yet, which is holding them back.

Ironically, I was talking to my Dad about this yesterday (he's in the video).

You mean the linux client in the video?

SteamBoy Aims To Be A Handheld Steam Machine
By MayeulC, 17 June 2014 at 11:26 am UTC

It makes perfect sense in my opinion : you can get enough performance with a not-too-high TDP form an AMD APU, and play more demanding games with in-home streaming.
Steam's offline mode is perfect if you don't have an Internet connection.
Overall, I would love to play civilization/the binding of Isaac/Super Meat Boy, or whatever, on such a portable console.
But I am not completely sold on 3D games, though.

Somewhat reminds me the open pandora (or dragonbox pyra), and would be cool to use as a portable linux device.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 17 June 2014 at 11:22 am UTC

Quoting: paupavWhen Wayland becomes default display protocol we will see who will be laughing. AMD is already working on Wayland support while nVidia stated that they won't support it because then their Linux drivers will look completely different from their Windows drivers.

At least back up a proof that nVidia actually said that idiot...

nVidia claim that they are working on Wayland


Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 17 June 2014 at 10:29 am UTC

You can't expect Steam Machine hardware vendors to just wait another half a year to a year longer than they were initially promised for SteamOS, this might work with Software, but you can't wait with Hardware ready to ship. In half a year it'll have lost a huge chunk of its monetary value.

This is on Valve delaying SteamOS and the Steam Controller, the Hardware vendors are just trying to save their investment by selling the hardware before it's losing its worth.

This was bound to happen with the first generation of Steam Machines given Valve's track record on punctuality.

I mean they could've still shipped them with SteamOS but I can't blame them for feeling uncomfortable with shipping beta software.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 17 June 2014 at 10:02 am UTC Likes: 1

When Wayland becomes default display protocol we will see who will be laughing. AMD is already working on Wayland support while nVidia stated that they won't support it because then their Linux drivers will look completely different from their Windows drivers.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By Danny, 17 June 2014 at 9:29 am UTC Likes: 1

Usual corporate bullshit.
Do one thing, say you do the entirely different thing and report to press yet another thing.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By abelthorne, 17 June 2014 at 9:12 am UTC

Quoting: Alex GovenI thought I heard the Steam controller will use non-standard wireless. I don't know if that's correct, but if it is, Windows based Steam consoles pre-controller might miss out on integration with the tranceiver.
IIRC correctly, the Alienware Alpha is Steam Controller-ready and includes the compatible wireless hardware. It was also the case on another Steam Machine (don't remember the manufacturer, it was the "white one with a glowing part") that was presented in details a few monthes ago. So I guess that Valve at least gave the specs for the controller compatibility and all official Steam Machines will have it.

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 17 June 2014 at 9:09 am UTC

apitest is not useful as a driver benchmark, only an opengl api usage bechmark. Doing otherwise is just silly, and very untrustworthy.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 17 June 2014 at 8:56 am UTC

I think they should wait for the controller and a polished SteamOS with more AAA games supporting it in the future. I thought I heard the Steam controller will use non-standard wireless. I don't know if that's correct, but if it is, Windows based Steam consoles pre-controller might miss out on integration with the tranceiver. The only benefit I can see from these is that the hardware from each OEM will have time to be tested and proven in the console-like form factors, but then again I think they will more than likely do a good job at it. I personally won't have a doubt that ASUS ROG will have a rock solid piece of hardware, but I'd rather wait for the Steam Machine full debut. I already have a Windows PC and a 360 controller. A real Steam Machine will have exactly what I want and nothing more unless I want to pay more for redundancy. I want a pure experience with all the goods focused on what Valve and game developers are dedicating towards the Steam Machine initiative.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By minj, 17 June 2014 at 8:43 am UTC Likes: 1

It is said steam has 75M users, right?

Considering 7M units of PS4 have been sold in 6 months since release (with 1M pre-orders) SteamOS might double (1.5M units?) in hardware survey in the first month or two?

While their illusions of grandeur translate to at least 30M? pre-orders. Crack it is. Or more like over-hyping to increase their own sales since they will definitely be a flop. They run Windows and use 360 controller, why would anyone order from them?

Worst thing yet, their flop will establish a negative mind-sight for vendors going for the real thing. I'm shocked Valve does not put an end to their 'steam machine'.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 17 June 2014 at 8:39 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: rustybroomhandle1. If a user buys this, making their entire Windows catalogue available to them, why would they want to switch to another OS with a fraction of the available content?

Fully agree.

I don't think this is _only_ a side effect, but might be a strategic move to weaken the market position of SteamOS even before it goes live.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By abelthorne, 17 June 2014 at 8:28 am UTC

Is it a real article or is PCGamesN an Onion-like website for video games?

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 17 June 2014 at 8:21 am UTC Likes: 1

Here we go again. AMD support is almost non existing for years. But that is ok, I'm not supporting AMD anymore. My computers are an AMD free zone meanwhile.

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By Deformal, 17 June 2014 at 8:14 am UTC

Quoting: loggfreakawesome
but no it's not mmo, the massively part is missing, still good game though, played it for some time on windows
"War Thunder is a next generation MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. You will take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world."
At least, devs think, that their game is MMO.
And about MMO. What MMO games I want to see on Linux - Planeside 2, Warframe and Hawken.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By Beamboom, 17 June 2014 at 7:57 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: rustybroomhandle2. How is Microsoft allowing this, seeing as it runs their OS and will be eating away chunks of their XBox profits? They get money for the OS license, that's it.

I don't see how an allowance is required from Microsoft, this is a regular PC with regular licensing.
If they *like* it is another matter. But any PC can theoretically be a Xbox competitor.

Plus, MS' Xbox division and Windows division are two different entities.

Asus G20 Steam Machine Announced
By , 17 June 2014 at 7:54 am UTC

("performant" <= I actually meant well-performing, or efficient. Sorry for this French/English mix-up...)

FLASHOUT 2 Racing Game Game-play Video & Some Thoughts
By , 17 June 2014 at 7:38 am UTC

I was really exited about this game, but if it's another android game ported to desktop with no changes I will probably forget about it. For me, a game made for mobile is not a good desktop game. As you said, I like accelerating in a race game and buttons on the screen have no reason at all when you are using a keyboard.

It's a real pity, it looks cool!

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By rustybroomhandle, 17 June 2014 at 7:35 am UTC Likes: 2

Two things:

1. If a user buys this, making their entire Windows catalogue available to them, why would they want to switch to another OS with a fraction of the available content?

2. How is Microsoft allowing this, seeing as it runs their OS and will be eating away chunks of their XBox profits? They get money for the OS license, that's it.

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By loggfreak, 17 June 2014 at 7:29 am UTC

but no it's not mmo, the massively part is missing, still good game though, played it for some time on windows

A Bad AMD Catalyst Driver Is Bad For Everyone
By , 17 June 2014 at 7:27 am UTC Likes: 1

Catalyst right now is a joke, and a not-very-funny one at that. Not even kidding, my computer is much more stable when I'm running without Catalyst. Just using the stuff that's in a brand new OS install, I can actually play most of my games without worrying about a whole system freeze.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By Liam Dawe, 17 June 2014 at 7:09 am UTC Likes: 1

It won't be the same UI that's the point. Alienware are doing a completely custom UI for their Windows Steam Machine. Still don't think anyone should be able to call something a Steam Machine unless it has SteamOS on it.

Alienware Say Steam Machines Will Open The Flood Gates On New Linux Gamers
By , 17 June 2014 at 7:07 am UTC

Well... TBH for the regular gamer it doesn't matter what runs PS4 or Xbox1, I don't think they will care if its Windows or Linux running SteamBox, All they would see is a great customizable machine, with a good performance with the same UI when it's SteamOS or Windows, this way, AlienWare can start shipping the new consoles and the next version will be Linux based without the users even noticing what changed, its a great solution (for them) to test the market and ready the ground for the next versions.

I don't think we should care, as long as the "next version" will be Linux, we should only look at this as a place holder ;)

Civ V Steam Giveaway!
By DerBunman, 17 June 2014 at 5:39 am UTC

Thanks a lot for this.

Unity3D Releases Unity 4.5 & With It Comes Major Linux Fixes
By edo, 17 June 2014 at 5:30 am UTC

There are some bugs in Rochard for Linux than I had, I hope it is now fixed and the game gets updated to the new unity 4.5.

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By Deformal, 17 June 2014 at 5:18 am UTC

Well, I`m not surprised. They had told about PS4, Mac OS X and Linux more, then one year ago. they created PS4 version and Mac version. So It`s time for Linux version.

Asus G20 Steam Machine Announced
By , 17 June 2014 at 5:06 am UTC

Also I think they want all the OS thing to be as performant as possible, and a way to do it is to give it great computing performance. An i5 is indeed good enough for gaming (I personnaly doubt an i3 is worth an i5 with a gtx750 Ti), but an i7 makes the system snappier and totaly bottleneck free. Remember that console players need to have their system managed and updated automaticaly and seamlessly. They don't want to mess with computer related things. See how people reacted when the Wii U was released, its slow OS was bashed whenever possible.

War Thunder MMO Coming To Linux
By , 17 June 2014 at 3:52 am UTC

Quoting: HrkTheOrcLibrarianThis isn't an MMO, it's a shooter with a progression model and planes/tanks instead of tactical dudes.

It is an MMO. It is a Massively Multiplayer Online air/ground combat game.

Would be nice if World of Tanks got a port as well, but I think the proverbial pig will fly before that happens.

Asus G20 Steam Machine Announced
By , 17 June 2014 at 3:38 am UTC

Gotta factor in volumes and production lines, too; ordering a crap-ton of i7s might not be so much more expensive than a lot of i7s and a lot of i3s, and minimising the differences between models simplifies the manufacturing process -- they can just keep feeding the same parts into the same machines no matter what they're assembling (up to a point, obviously).

So the cost difference might not be as much as you'd assume.