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Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By pb, 9 June 2014 at 7:19 pm UTC

This game looks awesome and I've been watching it since the release. The main thing keeping me from buying is that historically when I bought a game fresh after release, it had several shortcomings like not working achievements, Linux port bugs etc. - and in some reviews I've seen traces of such bugs also in this game. Though I wouldn't mind them that much if you have a free key for me. ;-)

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By BTRE, 9 June 2014 at 7:14 pm UTC

I want to win.

Otherwise I might pick it up when it's on sale.

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By HadBabits, 9 June 2014 at 7:04 pm UTC

I wouldn't mind a key ;) I've been on the fence about this game, but it looks like a good time.

RimWorld Colony Sim Alpha 4 Is Available, Our Thoughts
By scaine, 9 June 2014 at 6:40 pm UTC

One we covered back in October!

Looks great and I'm not playing it until it's ready, despite backing it. I hope it shakes that Prison Architect vibe though...

Neon Struct Stealth Game Coming To Linux From The Developers Of Eldritch
By DrMcCoy, 9 June 2014 at 5:43 pm UTC Likes: 2

Looking forward to that game.

And I'm glad that the title is correct German and not some mock-German or incorrectly inflected or something.

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By Liam Dawe, 9 June 2014 at 5:34 pm UTC

Hah that's not my voice that's the in-game voice! I think it sounds more like the nutty scientist from The Simpsons.

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By JoZ3, 9 June 2014 at 5:31 pm UTC

It looks fantastic, I love neon colors they have, is amazing. I would like to win a copy :) , Hey Liam your voice sounds a bit similar to Cartman :) -

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By Liam Dawe, 9 June 2014 at 5:30 pm UTC

Quoting: mrpoundsignP.S. Are you going to be doing any kind of review of the EA to Crea?
Crea is one of the next yes! :)

Pixel Boy And The Ever Expanding Dungeon Video & Thoughts, Plus A Free Key Give-away
By mrpoundsign, 9 June 2014 at 5:29 pm UTC

I'd enjoy trying out this game :) I have been watching it for a few days. Been reading for a while, love the site. I want to win!

P.S. Are you going to be doing any kind of review of the EA to Crea?

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Confirmed For Linux & SteamOS
By Shmerl, 9 June 2014 at 5:10 pm UTC

Quoting: 111
Quoting: BerillionsThe main page of Steam's store has changed ... I hope that it was not a prank ...
It changes every 2 or 3 days, nothing to worry about ;)

I'd say the main reason for worrying is that actual preorder pages don't say anything about Linux at all.

Daedalus, A Top Down Action Game For Linux Currently In Beta, Plus Some Thoughts
By Hamish, 9 June 2014 at 5:09 pm UTC Likes: 1

Looks very much like Shadowgrounds only more strictly top-down and less isometric.

Neon Struct Stealth Game Coming To Linux From The Developers Of Eldritch
By Hamish, 9 June 2014 at 5:07 pm UTC Likes: 1

Looks interesting, it could be the Indie Deus Ex.

But damn, I really do need to buy Eldritch!

Valve Are Funding A Big Change To Mesa, Should Improve Linux Graphical Performance
By Hamish, 9 June 2014 at 5:04 pm UTC

Another AMD FUD thread which is off topic and was mostly based on ignorance of the fact that AMD actually does provide support for their FOSS driver (and have been doing so since acquiring ATI in 2007) and even have plans to greater utilize its potential.

As for this move by Valve, I of course do applaud it and feel no shame in doing so. I criticize them heavily on the DRM front and anything else I object to them doing, but I am perfectly content to praise them when they do something praiseworthy. That being said, this is not charity as building up the Linux graphics infrastructure is something Valve needs to make SteamOS successful, which is a perfectly valid reason for contributing but is not different than Red Hat or anyone other vendor funding FOSS graphic development for their own purposes.

And as someone who has been using my current dedicated Radeon HD 4670 with the FOSS drivers since 2011 with great success, I must say my luck must be pretty damn good then.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Confirmed For Linux & SteamOS
By , 9 June 2014 at 4:44 pm UTC

Quoting: BerillionsThe main page of Steam's store has changed ... I hope that it was not a prank ...
It changes every 2 or 3 days, nothing to worry about ;)

Valve Are Funding A Big Change To Mesa, Should Improve Linux Graphical Performance
By FutureSuture, 9 June 2014 at 3:41 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Guest(You shouldn't use a dedicated AMD card on Linux as is, that's just bad luck)
That really isn't true, though.

Civilization Beyond Earth Sneak Peak & Dev Chat From GameTrailers
By Nezchan, 9 June 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC Likes: 1

I am gonna play the hell out of this when it comes out. It does make me hesitate to try out Pandora, given this will be very much the same sort of thing but far more developed.

Reckpunk, A Mouse Only Platformer For Linux, Looks Interesting
By , 9 June 2014 at 1:40 pm UTC

Hmm, first I got an error about an undefined symbol: XF86VidModeQueryExtension
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ ./reckpunk solved that, but now it seems to insist on using jack for sound which I don't have installed (and don't intend to install) -> Gave up.
Looks interesting though.

Age Of Wonders III Developers Give Another Hint At Linux Support Soon
By PublicNuisance, 9 June 2014 at 12:21 pm UTC

I've been following Age of Wonders 3 for a while now. Linux support just may make me pull the trigger on a sale.

Crytek's CRYENGINE Powered Homefront The Revolution FPS Coming To Linux
By PublicNuisance, 9 June 2014 at 12:08 pm UTC

I have my doubts it will look that good upon launch but I'll be happy if they prove me wrong. I thought the original Homefront was a solid game. Nothing spectacular but not bad. Nice to see Crytek hopping on the Linux wagon.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By PublicNuisance, 9 June 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

I believe Steam to be DRM. It may be the most user friendly DRM ever conceived but it is DRM none the less. People say it is no different from GOG because you have to download the game from GOG's site but they fail to realize that after I do that I can store the install files anywhere I please and reinstall them without ever having to use any GOG service at all. If you have a game on Steam you need Steam to use the game one way or another. There may be games that after install you can bypass Steam but to get that far you need the Steam client. All I need if my backup copy fails me is to download it again from the GOG website. No client install at all. I keep my GOG games backed up in 2 separate computers and an external hard drive so the chances of me even needing their website is slim to none.

Valve Are Funding A Big Change To Mesa, Should Improve Linux Graphical Performance
By PublicNuisance, 9 June 2014 at 11:52 am UTC

I may prefer DRM free but I will never talk down about Valve. They do a lot for PC Gaming as a whole. Kudos to them for helping out even more.

Interstellar Marines Tactical & Future FPS Is Now On Linux
By Vissy, 9 June 2014 at 11:50 am UTC

Quoting: MayeulCI had some of the issues quoted above for various unity games. The fixes for me in those games were :

-add "LC_ALL=C %command%" (or something like that, I am not sure about that %command%) to the game launch options

-start and play the game in windowed mode at least one time to get rid of that freeze bug.

You should figure out what you did and give a little tutorial for other people to follow. Instant internet points. :)

Eador. Masters of the Broken World Strategy Game Releases Long Awaited Linux Version + DLC
By , 9 June 2014 at 10:59 am UTC

Don't buy this. They are just using straight up wine, with the same issues from the winehq site....pretty awful "port"

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Liam Dawe, 9 June 2014 at 10:50 am UTC

reaVer: I Get where you are coming from which is why we have GOL Premium to support us with no adverts + other features too.

Like I said before time is money and my time to work on this site isn't free.

I don't hate people blocking ads as mentioned, but it is income for me I am losing out.

Again I also refuse to put up some big "we need x/x by the end of x month". Life/my time doesn't have a figure on it.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 9 June 2014 at 10:46 am UTC

Alright, let me tell you why I got adblock and why it is never coming off.

Lets start with a true story broz. About 10 years ago there was this site named combovideos. From that site users could download fightinggame videos such as matches, combos, etc. And, just like this one, that site used to be ad funded. It happened however that the ad revenue got too low to pay for the site. So the admin told all of us that we need to click the ads some more so he would get more money to keep the site up. And we did, at least once a day, we clicked an ad, even bothered to look at it and then clicked away. The admin of that site didn't get his money however, but instead a message that they believe he was committing fraud and that they are not going to pay him. So the benefit of ads? Nah...

Instead, he set up a funding system, much like the modern kickstarter where he showed how much he needs and how much has been paid. Anything extra skipped over to the next month. And the result was that the site had stayed alive for years after (it's now dead cuz eventhubs...) because people donated.

Another reason to keep using adblock has been described before. Ads have gotten more and more intrusive in the browser experience. "8 second video on youtube? Why don't you watch this 30 second ad first?" "Oh did you switch videos? Mind this 1 minute ad first?" "Oh, you refreshed? How about another ad?" "Say, are you interested in the hud found on this live gaming stream? How about you click the ad away first?" "Oh the streamer is getting into a fight in game? How about this ad?" and the mentions are endless just for videos. I haven't even begun about normal sites, where pop ups are still frequent, where they have gone to enormous lengths to avoid pop up blockers (especially those built into the browser) and they even dedicate entire pages to an ad that randomly pops up as you're navigating the site. Even forums are subject to similar behavior where they will camouflage ads as regular forum posts.

Quite frankly, it has gone too far. It's over, you should simply no longer expect to make money off of ads. The adblock has become a part of chrome and chromium because the majority of internet users are fed up with them. It was a nice and viable form of revenue when it were just banners and would've stayed as banners. Now they deploy cookies, they spam pop ups and if they were able, they would hack our system and get our email + address book. And as simple as that, it has gone too far to expect anyone with half a brain to accept ads in their browser.

Lets push this a little further even. Do you know what your own ads do? Do they deploy cookies? Do they attempt to store my IP? What do they do besides showing me something I'm probably not interested in in the first place?

Valve Are Funding A Big Change To Mesa, Should Improve Linux Graphical Performance
By , 9 June 2014 at 10:27 am UTC

Quoting: SaleckThey could rename it Black Mesa while they're at it :)
They already have Black Mesa and now they need another one Mesa and maybe one XEN to summon Vortiguants to us