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A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By CFWhitman, 3 June 2014 at 1:36 pm UTC

Quoting: SXXIf you try to look around you'll notice that MS don't give a #$@% about PC games and there is no "anti-OpenGL campaign".

I'm not going to take issue with everything you said, but there is an anti-OpenGL campaign by Microsoft, and there has been since almost the first day they released Direct3D nineteen years ago.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By malkien, 3 June 2014 at 1:14 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: n30p1r4t3P.S. I think it would be good if you published your monthly financial reports so that we KNOW where all the money is going rather than assuming it's just buying you another 6-pack for example.
I don't agree with that at all, people donate/pay for gol premium on the basis that it's to keep GOL going, it's my choice to use it on whatever I need to make that happen. It's income for me plain and simple.
I second that.
GOL is not a public service.
You should support it because you think it's worth it, either by seeing ads or donating money.
The fact that there's money to spare for any number of 6-packs is irrelevant.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Xpander, 3 June 2014 at 1:13 pm UTC Likes: 2

ads on this site arent annoying at all ... so people... whitelist this site on your Adblocker.
i have basicaly whitelisted every site that has linux stuff.. even phoronox which has some annyoing ads.. but still people have to make money for the content they create..and we want to read great content.. so, support is needed.

keep up the good work Liam!

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Xodetaetl, 3 June 2014 at 1:02 pm UTC

I think it would feel better for you and your readers if you slightly changed your stance from :
"Please don't block ads, or otherwise donate if you want me to go on."
"If you like what I'm doing and want me to go on, please donate or otherwise don't block ads"

Same thing but different formulation, it feels a little more positive and encourages donations more than advertising which is controversial.

Also, you should think of how you could better reward those who donate. Get ideas from crowdfunding and free-to-play games. And you can ask us for ideas.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 12:59 pm UTC

I'll make an exception for you as you asked nicely. ;)

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By HadBabits, 3 June 2014 at 12:52 pm UTC

I've taken to unblocking sites I want to support that don't have obnoxious ads, so you've been unblocked for some time :) Bless Jim, but the Escapist's site is horrible for video ads, so I opted instead to subscribe for ad free viewing (and HTML5 videos, though I don't like that paywall).

As for other methods, I think some interesting options will appear as the community grows (I wish I contribute more to that, but my job has me exhausted this introvert it is). For instance, we could do a tournament where all competitors chip in; then split it into prize money (or just prizes) and the rest for the site. Though, you'd probably need more resources like dedicated servers, but it'd be fun to do sometime in the future :)

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By n30p1r4t3, 3 June 2014 at 12:46 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: n30p1r4t3stuff
If people don't notify us about bad adverts, how are we to know? We can easily block certain adverts, but don't shout from the hills when no one has reported that until now.

There's a lot. Online chatting with girls, etc.

And here is more information about that "malware removal tool":

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Liam Dawe, 3 June 2014 at 12:41 pm UTC

Quoting: n30p1r4t3stuff
If people don't notify us about bad adverts, how are we to know? We can easily block certain adverts, but don't shout from the hills when no one has reported that until now.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 12:39 pm UTC

in the Netherlands you've got these stickers you can put on your mailbox (your physical mailbox, the one where all your bills enter) you've got 2 types of stickers:
1 Yes/No -> you will receive free newspapers (with ads in them) but you will not receive unaddressed commercial folders.
2 No/No -> You will receive no Unaddressed commercial stuff and no free newspapers, just your own mail!
These stickers protect you from UNADDRESSED advertisements, addressed ones will still get through, and when I get them, I'll tear them apart and send it back to the company without post-stamp (so they have to pay the shipping fee :-) ) I hate advertisements more than ever!

I see adblock as a No/No sticker for my browser. the point is I still get addressed advertisements (often called spam) in my e-mail and they are shredded to pieces too. I did not ask for it! however I did ask for these convenient GOL news updates, therefore I donated a small fee, so I hope you forgive me for blocking all ads....

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By n30p1r4t3, 3 June 2014 at 12:33 pm UTC

Edit Link to larger photo:

This is my point. YOU'RE supplying malware and adware and you wonder why people want to block ads? If they're game related that's fine, but blatant security risks? Hell no.

The Funding Crowd 33 (May 13th - June 1st)
By scaine, 3 June 2014 at 12:27 pm UTC

I've just queried them and got a "thanks for your comment" banner after doing so. Time will tell. I'll keep you posted on whether they reply.

I also notice that Triggered isn't in the gaming WIKI. Any ideas who proposed it originally (I can see Speedster adding it in the article page, but that could be for anyone)?

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 12:22 pm UTC

Unblocked as I like the site and the amount of new content everyday.
I agree the square ad above the comments looks out of place, either a wide one or two square ones side by side.

Just one question do you get money for just displaying the ads or only if people click on them?

OpenGL Is Broken According To Another Developer
By CFWhitman, 3 June 2014 at 12:03 pm UTC

I've been saying for a little while now that OpenGL ended up at a disadvantage, for game development in particular, for quite some time because of the Microsoft monopoly on the desktop, but that is changing.

When Direct3D first came out, and for a while afterward, people who used both environments expressed how superior OpenGL was. However, as time went on, Direct3D got a lot of developer attention because Microsoft had the resources to throw at it, while OpenGL, being actively campaigned against by Microsoft, got less and less attention. During this time period Direct3D ended up surpassing OpenGL in several ways.

However, with the advent of, first, 3D gaming consoles, and then later, iOS and Android phones and tablets, OpenGL started garnering attention again. Now that Microsoft's desktop monopoly doesn't cover all the latest 3D gaming hardware, OpenGL has gradually become a first class development standard again. We are only beginning to see the results of renewed interest in advancing the OpenGL environment. It will continue to improve.

The Interstellar Marines Developers Are Working On Their Linux Version Right Now
By marcelomendes, 3 June 2014 at 12:02 pm UTC

Finaly! I sometimes log in to my Steam/Wine and try it for a bit. Still lots of work to do, but the gameplay looks fluid.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By neffo, 3 June 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: Playing Penguin SupporterBTW: You are thinking about other payment options?
I'm open to suggestions as always.

Can you make the square-ish ad just before the comments start a leaderboard-style (wide, but short)? It is kind of ugly as it is. Cheers.

Highlighting A Blog Post For Developers Using Unity To Publish On Linux
By rustybroomhandle, 3 June 2014 at 11:51 am UTC

Quoting: MayeulCWell, I tried to register on this website to post a comment on this (mostly the `uname -m` thing, plus export LC_ALL=C which often causes problems in unity games. But I don't understand the verification question :

QuoteWhich kind of farm animal features prominently in Desktop Dungeons? (Hint: The forum bot is one of these):
Since I don't know the answer, I can't register and comment -_-


The Funding Crowd 33 (May 13th - June 1st)
By muntdefems, 3 June 2014 at 11:49 am UTC

Quoting: GuestI did leave a comment asking for the platforms, but I’m not sure if it went through because I landed on a login/register page after sending it. Anyway, can’t find any mention of any platform or engine or tool anywhere. Too bad… :-/

Nope, you need to be logged in for the message to be sent. That's why I cannot do it myself, for the reasons explained earlier. :(

Crytek's CRYENGINE Powered Homefront The Revolution FPS Coming To Linux
By killx_den, 3 June 2014 at 11:47 am UTC Likes: 1

In almost every war game you have to kill the bad Germans. To me that is annoying. So it is refreshing to shot at someone else for a change ^^
Also it is just a fictional game. The gameplay will be important in the first place.

Highlighting A Blog Post For Developers Using Unity To Publish On Linux
By MayeulC, 3 June 2014 at 11:47 am UTC

Well, I tried to register on this website to post a comment on this (mostly the `uname -m` thing, plus export LC_ALL=C which often causes problems in unity games. But I don't understand the verification question :

QuoteWhich kind of farm animal features prominently in Desktop Dungeons? (Hint: The forum bot is one of these):

Since I don't know the answer, I can't register and comment -_-

Earth 2140 Gold Edition Now Supports High Resolutions
By , 3 June 2014 at 11:41 am UTC Likes: 1

Why do you wait for Steam Version while you can DRM free version on Desura ? Do you like DRM?

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 11:40 am UTC

What about a "Game of the week" banner on top of the page, where a developer pays a small fee to GOL for appearing there for 1 week and giving away a code to your readers for buying the game with a small discount or something.

Just some random thoughts

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Maquis196, 3 June 2014 at 11:38 am UTC

Is there any money in Steam referrals either? When you do an advert of a game and you have the "buy from Steam" button at the bottom, there not a way to get a cut of those sales?

Tuxgames used to have something similar for buying from them. I'll go unblock the ads as well.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By n30p1r4t3, 3 June 2014 at 11:35 am UTC

I've spoken about this before, but you could use amazon referral links and then post "the best PC configurations for Linux June Edition" etc. Then have a range of hardware configs from low to high end all promised to work with Linux, etc that could be updated every so often. Surely you wouldn't recieve a ton of business that way, but money is money.

You could also feature a "Peripherals known to work well in Linux," and then link roccat items, etc.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Liam Dawe, 3 June 2014 at 11:30 am UTC

Quoting: n30p1r4t3This site is your only form of income?
Not my only no, but one of my main ones.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By n30p1r4t3, 3 June 2014 at 11:28 am UTC

This site is your only form of income?

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Liam Dawe, 3 June 2014 at 11:24 am UTC

Quoting: tigerLiam have you tried with sponsored reviews?
I mean, "fair" sponsored reviews, where you alert your readers it's sponsored and "might" be a biased (nothing wrong with it IMO)
We actually did a test once, this was the outcome:

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 11:19 am UTC

Liam have you tried with sponsored reviews?
I mean, "fair" sponsored reviews, where you alert your readers it's sponsored and "might" be a biased (nothing wrong with it IMO)

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By Liam Dawe, 3 June 2014 at 11:19 am UTC

Quoting: Playing Penguin SupporterBTW: You are thinking about other payment options?

I'm open to suggestions as always.

GOL On Advert Blocking, I Don't Hate You, But Please Don't Do It
By , 3 June 2014 at 11:18 am UTC

You are doing an amazing job with this site. It's deactivated now. I wish all ads would be like this, then we wouldn't need AdBlock at all :D

BTW: You are thinking about other payment options?