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The Most Popular Linux Gaming Articles For May 2014
By , 2 June 2014 at 11:26 am UTC

just wondering this.

is there anything new on Topware linux development? can't wait to get my hands back on Two Worlds 2

OpenGL Is Broken According To Another Developer
By berarma, 2 June 2014 at 11:18 am UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: omer666Isn't OpenGL FOSS? Isn't it possible to improve it?
No, OpenGL is not FOSS. It's not even software, really, it's a standard. It's not truly even open anymore, as there are components that are patent encumbered.

While OpenGL isn't a software project, MESA is and it's opensource. It should get a lot more attention from developers and card vendors.

OpenGL supports extensions as a means to improve it. It certainly is more open to participation and innovation than DirectX.

I don't think the problem is the OpenGL design as much as it is the fact that MS has a monopoly that nowadays benefits many in the industry. But like any monopoly this would change when the competition is gone, see what happened to IE.

I'm not saying OpenGL shouldn't be improving to stay competitive and a good API but I think the critics are going overboard and mistakenly blaming OpenGL for everything.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By , 2 June 2014 at 10:28 am UTC

My answer to this developer is the same as the other one, stop complaining about it & get your hands in there & fix it.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By , 2 June 2014 at 7:53 am UTC

I really hate Windows but still can't leave it because there are just too many applications that i use that are Windows only or don't have alternatives, still what annoys me about Linux is that there are missing a lot of obvious options like sort files by date of birth or having different arrange settings for different folders or aligning desktop icons to grid (i know it has vertical align but why the F is it that it doesn't have horizontal align?) and many more, there are many cases where Linux is much better than windows but why are there so many obviously necessary options missing, it just bubbles my mind.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By , 2 June 2014 at 6:43 am UTC

I find I only get the survey when I log into windows. which I never take, but I would happily do under linux. haha. :)

The Most Popular Linux Gaming Articles For May 2014
By GoCorinthians, 2 June 2014 at 6:13 am UTC

That was a great month for linux. Witcher, GRID, CIV...

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By Beamboom, 2 June 2014 at 6:08 am UTC

Quoting: SurveylistI get a survey every month on windows but not in Linux. This way I dont give anything about this surveys.:><:

I've experienced the same! I dualboot (sorry but I *need* my Far Cry 3, Skyrim and Wildstar fix!) and multiple times I've had the survey popup when I boot into Windows, but hardly ever when on Linux. And that makes little sense since I am on Linux (and Steam in the background) like 90% of the time, if not more.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By toni, 2 June 2014 at 5:50 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: themainlinerThis guy a f*cking idiot. "And no, actual people out there do not update their drivers. Ever." Oh yes we bloody do. Frequently. I agree Liam, for someone who is supposed to be programming games for Linux this guy is sadly lacking in even the most rudimentary knowledge of PCs and users.
If the guy has nothing to offer in making OpenGL better and contributing to the code then he can stick his opinion where the sun doesn't doesn't shine.

You should revisit your opinion, create an informed one or going trolling somewhere else.
This guy knows more about OpenGL than you will know in your whole life. This guy is a well respected graphics programmer which, more over, is defending opengl, just saying it has its flaws, not necessarily related to opengl itself but how drivers are distributed. This guy doesn't program games, but programs a widely used technology to create them. And probably, this guy knows way better than you, how many users (no mega fancy gamers like you) have their drivers up to date.
At the end, this regular users may want to play games too.
Just for your information, this guy, is the one that has released the glsl optimizer that others praise as a wonderful tool. So, a bit of respect for people that knows what they're talking about. Sorry but can't say the same about your opinion.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By toni, 2 June 2014 at 4:24 am UTC

Quoting: mikeyzmanIs it just me or does this guy seem totally, completely out of touch with the non linux world? It seems he's spouting off about something he has zero-point-zero knowledge about.
Of course, this guy knows nothing. He's a lead on unity 3D rendering team, with dozens of articles, talks and conferences, with real world data about drivers installation base, but his opinion has no value, because your experience and perhaps the experience of your close circle is different. Great argument.
Guess what? The world is really big, it doesn't end at the tip of your nose.

SteamLUG June Linux Gaming Events
By Orkultus, 2 June 2014 at 3:53 am UTC

sure will!! :)

SteamLUG June Linux Gaming Events
By Cheeseness, 2 June 2014 at 2:45 am UTC

Quoting: OrkultusYay awesomenauts! Ok so now Cheeseness, since i am finished moving.... thank god. I can start joining events :P

Woo! Hope the move went smoothly :D

Will we see you for Guns of Icarus Online tomorrow?

SteamLUG June Linux Gaming Events
By Orkultus, 2 June 2014 at 2:42 am UTC

Yay awesomenauts! Ok so now Cheeseness, since i am finished moving.... thank god. I can start joining events :P

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By , 1 June 2014 at 11:54 pm UTC

Is it just me or does this guy seem totally, completely out of touch with the non linux world? It seems he's spouting off about something he has zero-point-zero knowledge about.

<paraphrase> "windows users don't update their drivers" WTF planet do you live on? If you're any type of gamer you check, EAGERLY, regularly.

This is a useless article, you interviewed a coffee enthusiast who decided to badmouth espresso when he's never actually had one. Okay - that may be a bad analogy, but seriously, he's out of touch.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By SXX, 1 June 2014 at 11:46 pm UTC

Quoting: berarmaSo Windows is shipping with graphic drivers that have OpenGL support stripped out? MS has always been very smart when it comes to protecting their interests.
Correct. AMD drivers and some Intel drivers bundled with Windows lack OpenGL support, but main problem it's fact that player can't easily replace update AMD and Intel drivers and this have nothing to do with MS.

Quoting: berarmaThe current anti-OpenGL campaign seems to be in the very same line. Developers complaining that it's OpenGL's fault that MS strips OpenGL support out from their graphic drivers, how absurd that is?
If you try to look around you'll notice that MS don't give a shit about PC games and there is no "anti-OpenGL campaign".

Game developers just trying to sent some signal to everyone include AMD and Intel to make them fix their crappy drivers. And yeah if MS distribute crippled AMD legacy drivers this mean it's AMD allowed them to do so.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By , 1 June 2014 at 11:25 pm UTC

I actually find it the opposite when it comes to video drivers. I think Linux users are less likely to upgrade due to stability reasons. It's more likely to update it with their distro. On Mac video driver updates are mandated by Apple, so Mac users don't have a choice when they upgrade it or not.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By berarma, 1 June 2014 at 9:40 pm UTC

So Windows is shipping with graphic drivers that have OpenGL support stripped out? MS has always been very smart when it comes to protecting their interests. The current anti-OpenGL campaign seems to be in the very same line. Developers complaining that it's OpenGL's fault that MS strips OpenGL support out from their graphic drivers, how absurd that is?

OpenGL Is Broken According To Another Developer
By berarma, 1 June 2014 at 9:23 pm UTC

It makes feel bad seeing that opensource is likely to be attacked (lobbied?) while non-opensource alternatives seem to be favored by these same critics.

#1. Any cross-platform graphical low-level API that isn't? Being platform-locked is better? Sure it is for someone but then you don't mind fragmentation.

#2. The fault is in the drivers/manufacturers, not OpenGL, and it's because of a monopoly these critics are helping to.

#3. This is the only point where criticism can be taken, but DirectX sure also has its faults, some versions were really bad and still held monopoly.

Criticism helps to improve, but some criticism feels ill-hearted because of #1 and #2, and even more because OpenGL is treated like it also had the worst non-mentioned DirectX defect that is being locked by the vendor.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By , 1 June 2014 at 8:40 pm UTC

This is probably going to be just like Wayland vs Mir.

Once everyone got upset and it became famous/infamous people started caring because they got upset - then development speed up because suddenly everyone cared so they started contributing.


I mean, who would want to spend their time on a boring project like OpenSSL
/sarcasm /point-proven

Valve Has Yet Again Greenlit 35 More Linux Games For Steam
By pb, 1 June 2014 at 7:10 pm UTC

Quoting: RobertI must admit I have ignored the DROD games because of the first impression (graphics mainly). I didn't know I can try the first one for free, I promise I will give it a chance.

The sequel, DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold is now on sale for $1,99
Yesterday they had DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale on -80% discount, so it's possible they'll do it for the remaining instalments as well.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By jdub, 1 June 2014 at 7:05 pm UTC

Quoting: ImantsMy biggest problem are shortcuts :). The most easiest way I find is using terminal :( on my Ubuntu 14.10. Other than that for home use I do not regret ditching windows.

For shortcuts I use menulibre, it's much better than alacarte in my experience

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By jdub, 1 June 2014 at 7:03 pm UTC

And for reference I was talking about the Ubuntu software center, not the Mint one.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By , 1 June 2014 at 7:03 pm UTC

My biggest problem are shortcuts :). The most easiest way I find is using terminal :( on my Ubuntu 14.10. Other than that for home use I do not regret ditching windows.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By jdub, 1 June 2014 at 6:59 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweIf someone has complaints about Linux it doesn't mean they are a Windows fanboy.

I obviously use and love Linux, but it also pisses me off to no end at the same time. I completely agree on graphics drivers installation from repositories in Ubuntu/Mint being a pain. For me luckily though Cinnamon saved the day as it makes everything bar graphics drivers install a lot easier.

Simple thing like being able to do an uninstall command from right clicking an app in the "start menu", it's little things like that.

Yea, Windows fanboy I am not, I use Linux as my main OS...I don't let ignorant name-calling get to me. People can be really sensitive about their OS and that's ok. There is a lot of room for improvement and mint sure has gone the extra mile on that one

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By Liam Dawe, 1 June 2014 at 6:41 pm UTC

If someone has complaints about Linux it doesn't mean they are a Windows fanboy.

I obviously use and love Linux, but it also pisses me off to no end at the same time. I completely agree on graphics drivers installation from repositories in Ubuntu/Mint being a pain. For me luckily though Cinnamon saved the day as it makes everything bar graphics drivers install a lot easier.

Simple thing like being able to do an uninstall command from right clicking an app in the "start menu", it's little things like that.

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By minj, 1 June 2014 at 6:24 pm UTC

Actually, there will be no plugins for all platforms in September. Argument invalid.

As for Skype, it indeed has been hanging for me periodically for over a year now. An MS conspiracy perhaps?

Steam Hardware Survey For May 2014, Linux Falls Short Of Last Month
By peterp771, 1 June 2014 at 6:17 pm UTC

Not really sure what you're on about jdub. Skype works perfectly well on Linux. Most people won't need to ever use PPA's or terminal commands and installing drivers takes about 3 clicks. I'm using Mint and the software center works smoothly. Also I'm not sure what you mean by Chrome plugins but if you mean extensions, then they're fully supported. Office software like Libre Office works well (more and more businesses are moving towards it and dropping Office) and Gimp should do just fine for 95% of people who want photo editing software.

You're obviously a Windows fanboy so don't try and pull that one on us. Sorry but I've seen too many people claiming to use and love Linux while trashing it at the same time.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By fedso, 1 June 2014 at 6:00 pm UTC

QuoteI've never met a Windows gamer who doesn't update their graphics drivers, have you?
Yes, many, all casual gamers though.

A Developer Of Unity3D Also Speaks Out About OpenGL
By loggfreak, 1 June 2014 at 5:54 pm UTC

Quoting: sgtGarciaSometimes I think that hybrid graphics brought more problems than resolved :/
true, having constant issues with bumblebee on linux, on windows optimus works fine though, but on linux it's a hell to get working
Quoting: SaniTBut seriously, post lots of pro-OpenGL articles now, to even out the argument, from actual long-time Linux (if not Linux-ONLY) OpenGL developers.
like this one?