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Anomaly Defenders Released For Linux, The Last In The Anomaly Series
By , 30 May 2014 at 8:34 pm UTC

I never experienced any bugs in all three games.

Spacebase DF-9, A Space Station Building Sim Alpha 5 Released For Linux
By , 30 May 2014 at 7:52 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: mintguyAt the moment, alpha 5 is only released for Windows. The Linux and Mac builds are still on their way.
No it's not, I did check myself and it is out for Linux.

You're right. Now my Steam client shows it too. Sorry! =)

Defense Zone 2 Tower Defence Moves Out Of Early Access, Available For Linux
By gemini, 30 May 2014 at 6:33 pm UTC

Quite similar to iBomber defense pacific, except that the "attacking forces" don´t attack. So far I prefer iBomber, but I have only played through the first two levels of Defense zone 2 though.

New Release: Among The Sleep A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective, Has Issues
By scaine, 30 May 2014 at 6:18 pm UTC

Yeah, the demo worked flawlessly for me too on my Nvidia card, so something must have changed for this to happen. I'm pretty sure I've pledged for this one though, so I might as well check it out this weekend.

Youtube Are Being Stupid On Video Monetization Yet Again
By , 30 May 2014 at 6:06 pm UTC

Youtubers are guilty until proven innocent, appearently.

Spacebase DF-9, A Space Station Building Sim Alpha 5 Released For Linux
By Liam Dawe, 30 May 2014 at 5:50 pm UTC

Quoting: mintguyAt the moment, alpha 5 is only released for Windows. The Linux and Mac builds are still on their way.
No it's not, I did check myself and it is out for Linux.

Fresh Footage Of The New Unreal Tournament That's Coming To Linux
By , 30 May 2014 at 5:49 pm UTC

I hope it will be present in the game in some form, I don't mind if it is another rework, if it is executed well.

Spacebase DF-9, A Space Station Building Sim Alpha 5 Released For Linux
By , 30 May 2014 at 5:47 pm UTC

At the moment, alpha 5 is only released for Windows. The Linux and Mac builds are still on their way.

Anomaly Defenders Released For Linux, The Last In The Anomaly Series
By , 30 May 2014 at 4:34 pm UTC

>> Yeah you get the buggy anomaly 2

And let's not forget the terrible bugs in Anomaly 1... things like Steam Achievements disappearing all the time. I bought (preordered!) Anomaly 2 because I thought this would be fixed in time bit last I checked, people were still complaining about this on the Steam forums. Sorry, but now way I will pay again for anything coming from this company until those things are fixed.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 30 May 2014 at 4:22 pm UTC

The problem with this article (as with many opinion pieces) is that it fails to have a wider scope in its analysis. What I'm hoping to see is something that clearly defines the scope of, say, buyers of the product and properly categorizes them.

For instance, out of the population of the world, some infinitesimally small percentage will actually buy a port for Linux. Just considering that percentage as our target, of that group, what percentage would buy the port and think: "Oh what crap! Is this what gaming on Linux is like? I don't think I'll ever come back to it!"? Then there will be a percentage that might just shrug their shoulders and move on, uncaring. And then there will be a percentage who have been avidly waiting for a port of a game they've always wanted onto their favorite platform (Linux) and will either patiently and painstakingly play the game at 17 FPS, spending countless nights until they complete it or go out an invest on more powerful hardware just to make it playable.

We'd be doing the guys in that latter category a disservice by saying stop porting games if the ports are of lower quality. They are already members of the community and would you sacrifice their happiness for the sake of someone who we're attracting to and might become a member of the community of Linux gamers?

New Release: Among The Sleep A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective, Has Issues
By GNUzel, 30 May 2014 at 4:15 pm UTC

Weird. I played the demo for this awhile back on Nvidia and it worked fine. lol

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By , 30 May 2014 at 3:38 pm UTC

Well, it's not real DRM in my eyes. I can play the games in offline mode. Yes, I do need to have Steam installed to play most games, since most do the steamapi init check, but that does not scare me off, since I only need to have steam installed, but must not be online. I can create backups, and play them any time. Yes, there could be a problem in future when there is Windows 90000 and valve went bankrupt and the old steam client does not run on that machine anymore... but that's it

That's why steam to me is not pure DRM. It does not control on how many machines I do install the game - it does not care about that. I can play the same game on two machines at the same time, Steam won't block this (and couldn't when I'm in offline mode anyway).

For me, it's a store where I can buy licenses. And I can play that on every of my PCs.

Though, steam IS limiting. I can not give games I have to friends for them to play (borrorw/gift them). I can do that with a CD I bought. But I personally decided to accept this limitation.... and hope that Steam will feature something like that in future (they did a start with family sharing).

Bionic Dues Now DRM Free On Humble Store
By Hyeron, 30 May 2014 at 3:38 pm UTC

There's much more that feels wrong than just that, but as with every Arcen game: it's a diamond in the rough. :)

PS - I beg to differ. The title theme makes me cringe every single time.

Anomaly Defenders Released For Linux, The Last In The Anomaly Series
By Liam Dawe, 30 May 2014 at 2:55 pm UTC

Quoting: PunxYeah you get the buggy anomaly 2 wich had seen no patches since relase and crash on linux in level 14 all the time.

Can you show me a bug report for that?

Anomaly Defenders Released For Linux, The Last In The Anomaly Series
By , 30 May 2014 at 2:55 pm UTC

Yeah you get the buggy anomaly 2 wich had seen no patches since relase and crash on linux in level 14 all the time.

New Release: Among The Sleep A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective, Has Issues
By Beamboom, 30 May 2014 at 1:14 pm UTC

Oh man that sucks. I got Nvidia chipset too - and really looked forward to this release! Here's hoping they fix it soon in a patch.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By Teal, 30 May 2014 at 1:00 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: omer666I think that as long as a game engine is proprietary, DRM or not doesn't change a great deal.

Also, Steam's complete lack of consumer rights due to operating out of the USA isn't great either.

I know what exactly you mean but there's many cases where people demanded a refund on their game for a reason or another and got it.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By Teal, 30 May 2014 at 12:59 pm UTC

It's a DRM which however comes with many handy features so it more than makes up for the inconvenience at no monetary cost.

Spacebase DF-9, A Space Station Building Sim Alpha 5 Released For Linux
By gemini, 30 May 2014 at 12:39 pm UTC

Looking good. Will wait to buy it until it gets released though.

Spacebase DF-9, A Space Station Building Sim Alpha 5 Released For Linux
By , 30 May 2014 at 12:37 pm UTC Likes: 1

I hate to test games. Are they going to release it any time soon? In Need Of Linux Tech Specialist To Port Games
By , 30 May 2014 at 12:27 pm UTC

System Shock 2 isn't a good canidate for testing out WINE's abilities as it was released in 1999 when graphics libraries and programming wasn't nearly as complex as today.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By , 30 May 2014 at 12:03 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: omer666I think that as long as a game engine is proprietary, DRM or not doesn't change a great deal.


Also, Steam's complete lack of consumer rights due to operating out of the USA isn't great either.

Youtube Are Being Stupid On Video Monetization Yet Again
By , 30 May 2014 at 11:27 am UTC

One can have different opinions on this topic !

1st: Everyone publishing something on Youtube has to adhere the rules of Youtube / Google. If you don't like it, don't use it. It is obvious that Youtube / Google has gained a big relevance in todays media landscape and can hardly be replace now.

2nd: If someone does a gaming video, they usually do it as hobby. Either as play through, help for peoples to solve game puzzles and sometime only to brag about their PC / gaming skills. As long as things are produced for free, I guess the videos should be visible to everyone for free. If the one who published the video gets enough visits to earn money this is where the problems start. Pretty similar to someone uploading a small portion of a movie or episode of a TV show for some friends versus someone doing this large scale.

Possibly there should be a separation between private non-profit channels and commercial ones ?

just my two cents,

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By , 30 May 2014 at 10:16 am UTC

Quoting: Cloudwalker
Quoting: AnonymousFollowing that logic, if I have to go to a store and buy a game on a disc, then the act of going to the store is DRM. If Steam is DRM, or a website is DRM, then there are no truly DRM-free games, are there?
Do I have to run to the store everytime I want to install the game? No! If I want to install the game I need the steam client and have to be online. THAT IS DRM!

" have to be online" AHHHAHAHA you are so dumb wtf of course you have to be online in order to download games.. How else you gonna get games downloaded to your computer (Note I said downloaded NOT install by cd)

God some people are dumb these days

Youtube Are Being Stupid On Video Monetization Yet Again
By Samsai, 30 May 2014 at 9:47 am UTC

Gaming videos are a major part of the YouTube ecosystem and if they think they can be idiots to the gaming people then YouTube will quite simply collapse. It's not like there aren't alternatives and pushing this sort of stupidity on us will just drive us away from the Google monopoly.

Fresh Footage Of The New Unreal Tournament That's Coming To Linux
By activate2010, 30 May 2014 at 9:04 am UTC

Very awesome. Will be spending loads of time in this game :) Hope it gives me back that old Flak Cannon antics as in DM-Zeto and such. Bring back the king of Arena FPS!

Fresh Footage Of The New Unreal Tournament That's Coming To Linux
By , 30 May 2014 at 8:58 am UTC

Very exciting. I'm really anticipating UT4 FPS to be amazingly fun.

Ask The Community: Your Thoughts On The Steam Client Being DRM
By , 30 May 2014 at 8:32 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: AnonymousYou don't lose access to your games when banned on Steam, they disable new purchases and lock you out of a small subset of multiplayer games using VAC.
That is partially correct. They "lock" your account for most offences now, before you could get banned over something as simple as paypal screwing up (and yes, you'd lose access to all your games even in that eventuality). Now you just get "locked". But they still can, and do, ban people. And the ones that are still lose access to their entire collection.

Rather interesting how it would be outright illegal (in most countries) for a store to deny a consumer a purchase based on just about any arbitrary attribute. But a digital store doing the same because, well, they want to, is totally fine. People that have been banned from steam must really be horrible human beings if their rights aren't covered by law. Then again, we're just licensees. I'm still waiting for the day when all "buy"-buttons are replaced with "acquire license"-buttons across the web.

Quoting: AnonymousWhen Steam finally dies, it would've already earned its worth in my eyes and with how well their business is doing, it'll likely be a very long time before that happens.
You are assuming a status quo. Don't do that or you will be disappointed. Nokia was the reigning heavy weight mobile maker in the world, it got crushed almost overnight. Disruptive technology has a tendency to upset the balance of things we take for granted, the same will happen to steam. Will this disruptive technology appear in a year? Ten years? Hedge your bets, if you rely upon a third party service then make sure you're prepared for when it inevitably does go away.

Quoting: AnonymousSteam adds provides value as a service, instead of detracting from it.
It does. A lot of value. Its managing of my rights does not add anything of value, at all.