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Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 1:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

I am not sure if we can change anything in this case. I can observe the same situation about games
for Mac OS X where most of the buyers are non-technical users. They usually do not care about the quality of the Mac ports if they do not have problems with them.
I want to remind that a lot of Linux users use Wine and other emulators, and I think that some producers believe that will be acceptable process of creating games for Linux.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 1:21 pm UTC

While I do agree with you, I don't think the game that started this fuss (which is Witcher 2 I presume) will stay like that. The way I see it is that CDProjectRED released witcher 2 as beta for their gog version later this year, so they can polish it until then.

Why? Because they are all about gog way of doing thins, and this game is not like that. Maybe I'm wrong, but will see :)

Bottom line, bad ports are bad for community, but somehow I doubt that witcher 2 will stay a bad port.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By , 25 May 2014 at 1:16 pm UTC

Exactly my thoughts.
Thank you Liam!

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 25 May 2014 at 12:54 pm UTC

The sad part that any youtube video (as far as I know) is limited at 30 FPS. So, no amount of them will be able to make me drop my stance that the port's performance is abysmal.

In fact, because of this limitation, it will only help prove my point.

Why We Shouldn't Accept Bad Linux Ports
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 12:46 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestDon't you mean "why we should not" in the first paragraph?

You saw nothing!

Hah, I did edit it before publishing, but that didn't save. Odd.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By adamhm, 25 May 2014 at 12:32 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweWhat a terrible, terrible comment from that editor.

Yeah, it's utterly ridiculous but sadly that kind of attitude is very common in the games industry :/

Now I don't have any problem with developers using a wrapper to "port" old games such as these (sure, it's no problem for most of us here to set up CrossOver or Wine to play the Windows versions, but most gamers just want to install and play without any fuss), but they should make sure that they perform decently. It's stupid that TW2 performs *worse* in a wrapper designed specificially for it than it does in Wine! I think things would have been much better if CDPR got CodeWeavers to do the job instead...

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By Liam Dawe, 25 May 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

It seems GOL got linked by kotaku australia:

Quoteit took years before the game found its way to the platform — and gamers using the operating system should be thankful they have something at all.

My god that comment from the editor at the end of the article is just...and having to bite my tongue here....terrible.

NO, we should not be thankful for terrible "ports" that do nothing other than hurt gamers. If we had a ton of AAA games that where all terrible ports, but ran perfectly well on Windows who does that look bad on? LINUX. It makes Linux look like it can't handle the games and pushes people away from sticking with it to game.

What a terrible, terrible comment from that editor.

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
By , 25 May 2014 at 11:11 am UTC

I bought tbe Redux Bundle, as I really liked both Metro games. And personally I have no problem with the paying for it, especially as they offered 50% upgrade discount. And I got the original dirt cheap on a sale.

Furthermore, I want to support developers that port to Linux. The more we support them, the better the ports will get.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By , 25 May 2014 at 9:43 am UTC

Sounds awesome, gotta love boxed games and forr Linux aswell.
might give it A go if I turn Linux fulltime.
I'm in Sweden so I hope its not that expensive.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By BabaoWhisky, 25 May 2014 at 9:23 am UTC

Like someone said, TW2 use a wrapper because CDP works on Cyberpunk and TW3. But, i hope that these 2 games will have a "real" port on Linux.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By Lordpkappa, 25 May 2014 at 8:59 am UTC

Quoting: zimHopefully they will continue working on the port, so everyone(atleast most) can get it working properly. I also hope this means we will get witcher 3 and hopefully that is native.

I think that with the first update we will see more performance and stability for sure.

Pixel Dungeon Procedural Death Labyrinth Turning Open Source
By berarma, 25 May 2014 at 7:16 am UTC

This is a great rogue-like for the phone, the only one I like. I was looking forward to this.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 25 May 2014 at 6:29 am UTC

Hopefully they will continue working on the port, so everyone(atleast most) can get it working properly. I also hope this means we will get witcher 3 and hopefully that is native.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Glorfindel, 25 May 2014 at 6:07 am UTC

This game is running fine on my system with high settings.
Thanks to CD Projekt Red ^_^
Arch Linux 64 bit
GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2 Go
Intel Core i7 860
G.Skill RipJaws Z 16 Go

Pixel Dungeon Procedural Death Labyrinth Turning Open Source
By , 25 May 2014 at 5:46 am UTC

This is literally the only game I've ever played for more than 5 minutes on my phone -- a handy smoke break distraction.

It's written in plain Java AFAIK and can be played on your Linux desktop using the Android SDK, so a native port shouldn't be that hard. I guess the biggest challenge is scaling it up for 1080p and above resolutions.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Znurre, 25 May 2014 at 5:45 am UTC

Quoting: Lordpkappa

How it works in my system.
Thank you for the video.
This just reinforces my point, that doesn't look fluent to me.
There are small frame drops all over the place, and seems you even dip below 30 fps at times (during the scene with the rushing soldiers).
Most of the time you have a good fps, but then it drops at occasions.
This is not ok imo, especially since lowering the quality does not even help, even on low I get these drops in FPS and small stuttering.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By Shmerl, 25 May 2014 at 1:32 am UTC

Quoting: KelsTo be honest, the biggest complaint I have with the game is the incomprehensible naming of the spells. "Igni" I kinda get, but outside the tutorial there's nothing that actually tells you what each of them does. It's very confusing.

As to performance, works fine for me on a 4-year old system with an nVidia GTX750ti in it running on high graphics setting.

Spells' names (called "signs" ) don't come from the game, but originate from the Witcher books on which the settings of the games are based. I agree that they could do some better job of explaining their meaning (the tutorial info is available in your journal by the way at any time later in the game).

If you want more in depth review, see:

About comparing to Elder Scrolls - I can't even compare. Witcher games are true masterpieces of adventure/RPG genre. Elder Scrolls games (the latest ones) are much weaker on the depth of the story and consequences of one's actions. They are more about exploration than about being an adventure/RPG. Morrowind was probably the best game in those series if you value the roleplaying aspects.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 24 May 2014 at 11:57 pm UTC

Works fine here, once I installed mesa-git. But damn! this game is long. 20 hours in, no even half done.

Pixel Dungeon Procedural Death Labyrinth Turning Open Source
By HadBabits, 24 May 2014 at 11:56 pm UTC

Oh, man. I came across this game randomly before on the android market. It's pretty hard, but a fun game.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 24 May 2014 at 11:45 pm UTC

Quoting: MikeI have to say that I have not really experienced issues with the game, so it might just be on some cards and some drivers that the performance is bad. I'm using a GTX 750 ti with the 334.21 drivers and it works pretty well on nearly maximum settings.

The game itself on the other hand (so far) has really not been that great. I love RPGs, but the first hour or so of playing (as far as I got) just feels like I'm taking orders from and being talked down to by a game that's pointlessly over-complicated. Comparing this to the Elder Scrolls game (closest comparison I can make), the UI, skills, combat, tech trees, etc. are just cumbersome and get in the way of the game as you're constantly pausing and navigating through counter-intuitive menus with different features that don't really need to be there. So far there has been nothing "fun" about this game, it has just felt like the developers are testing me like some snarky overweight PC gamer with a £1000 rig trying to prove a point about how they are so much more superior than us mere mortals. Don't think I'll bother playing this until I have a bit more patience.

I got to be honest, I enjoyed this game (played it a few months ago) a lot more then Skyrim. I started playing Skyrim and it was all fine, then I started getting bored with the story so I just explored the world, did that for about 30 hours, it was quite fun but eventually I got bored and decided to go back to the main story, however the characters were so shallow I just couldn't bare it, none of them had anything memorable about them, it feels like they could be put in any other rpg ever created and they would fit in just as much. The only one I recall is Delphi, because her name was mentioned a lot, that's it.

While Witcher 2 doesn't have an open world, it does offer good characters, atmosphere, and story (which changes depending on your decisions)which drew me in. I didn't really mind the whole menu system, because all you got to do is use quen, then you're all set (unfortunately the combat system could use a redesign, you don't have to use like 80% of the stuff it offers, it's overly ambitious).

In the end I played Skyrim for longer, but I had more quality time on Witcher 2.

Rube Works: The Official Rube Goldberg Invention Puzzle Game On Steam For Linux
By Speedster, 24 May 2014 at 10:30 pm UTC

I ended up getting this myself, and it was fun though short. Only $5 though so worth the cost to me. Interestingly, Ron Gilbert must have consulted on it, because he is mentioned in the credits under "additional game design"

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 24 May 2014 at 8:44 pm UTC

I really wish have my money back :><::><::><:

Among The Sleep, A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective Releases May 29th For Linux
By FutureSuture, 24 May 2014 at 8:37 pm UTC

Still very much tempted to get this despite not currently possessing any toddlers.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By Lordpkappa, 24 May 2014 at 8:30 pm UTC Likes: 1

Sure a native version it's the best solution.
But, as i said in the other post, the performance on my ring are good (i7 3770 and GTX770 on Ubuntu 14.04) and i see in others forum user with good results too, after proper setting the game.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By Nezchan, 24 May 2014 at 7:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

To be honest, the biggest complaint I have with the game is the incomprehensible naming of the spells. "Igni" I kinda get, but outside the tutorial there's nothing that actually tells you what each of them does. It's very confusing.

As to performance, works fine for me on a 4-year old system with an nVidia GTX750ti in it running on high graphics setting.

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 24 May 2014 at 7:52 pm UTC

Linux Mint 17, Geforce GTX660, FX8350, 12GB of ram, newest driver and it's about 2x the speed on Windows :/
There is a topic on the Steam forum of the game dedicated to fixing those issues, I really hope the port gets better. I can understand it being slower, since making (fully) native game is probably pricey, but where it's at now is just going too far.

Eador. Masters of the Broken World Linux Version Is Being Worked On
By , 24 May 2014 at 7:38 pm UTC

I already forgot that I got this game. I am not hoping any more to receive proper port

GOL Cast: Fleeing From Elves in The Witcher 2
By , 24 May 2014 at 7:36 pm UTC Likes: 1

It works pretty fine on my GTX760 and game haven't crashed for me. But yeah same problem form me as for the first Witcher game it feels so boring and overly complicated :(