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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Samsai, 23 May 2014 at 3:37 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: dimo2
Quoting: SamsaiUmm... what else can be blamed but the wrapper? The game uses a wrapper and on Linux the performance sucks. On Windows on the other hand it doesn't suck. Let's put 1 and 1 together and we find out that the wrapper IS CAUSING PROBLEMS.
Just gonna hijack this discussion...
That statement is just really generalizing.
Jus because it performs better on Windos in comparison does not indicate that the wrapper is shit.
MetroLL, to my knowledge, was a completely native port that still performed and looked worse on Linux/Mac than it did on Windows, as did plenty other games for me, like Psychonauts.
In fact, on a related note, the Pychonauts native port on Mac performed much worse than the App Store version which used a Crossover solution.

What Im saying is, running the game using a wrapper is not indicative of a bad port and a native conversion does not always indicate a good port and good performance.

MAYBE it's their shoddy wrapper that's causing the performance issues, but it's not like them doing a fully native port would fix every problem, especially since this seems to be their first time dealing with Linux.
If they fix their wrapper to adress all the issues/optimize it (which the clearly should've done a better job at), then I see no issues with them using a wrapper. In fact, Valve kinda showed them how it should be done with Source and togl.

As scaine said, it's the outcome that should matter, not what technique they're using to get there, at least in my opinion.
I am not against wrappers in general. But there is a huge gap between a good wrapper release like System Shock 2 and Witcher 2. If a wrapped game works nicely then I'm okay with that. Like I said, I am not blaming every single wrapper out there. However Witcher 2's wrapper is obviously not doing a good job of presenting this game.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 3:34 pm UTC

I am happy with the port :). The game runs playable for me with an AMD card. I had some problems with mesa 10.1.4. The videos werent played smoothly, also the ingame menu was not easy to use because of bad performance. I upgraded to mesa 10.2_rc3 (git). Now the problems are gone and the game is playable on the high spec configuration (I tested the arena mode).

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 3:31 pm UTC

Quoting: Silviu
Quoting: Anonymous> It's no wonder people are experiencing poor performance issues, it looks like it uses a wrapper called "eON" from Virtual Programming who did the Mac port.
Will it be better to play Witcher 2 under Wine than "natively"?
Probably. The best solution is to get a build of wine with the CSMT patch. The PlayOnLinux/Mac project does provide one.

If you have a wimpy machine, don't bother.
Thank You!
In days i'm going to buy new motherboard and CPU (i already bought new GPU). Then first i'll try the game "natively" because i don't like to use Steam under Wine. Then maybe i'll try the game under Wine and compare results.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By dimo2, 23 May 2014 at 3:30 pm UTC

Quoting: SamsaiUmm... what else can be blamed but the wrapper? The game uses a wrapper and on Linux the performance sucks. On Windows on the other hand it doesn't suck. Let's put 1 and 1 together and we find out that the wrapper IS CAUSING PROBLEMS.

Just gonna hijack this discussion...
That statement is just really generalizing.
Jus because it performs better on Windos in comparison does not indicate that the wrapper is shit.
MetroLL, to my knowledge, was a completely native port that still performed and looked worse on Linux/Mac than it did on Windows, as did plenty other games for me, like Psychonauts.
In fact, on a related note, the Pychonauts native port on Mac performed much worse than the App Store version which used a Crossover solution.

What Im saying is, running the game using a wrapper is not indicative of a bad port and a native conversion does not always indicate a good port and good performance.

MAYBE it's their shoddy wrapper that's causing the performance issues, but it's not like them doing a fully native port would fix every problem, especially since this seems to be their first time dealing with Linux.
If they fix their wrapper to adress all the issues/optimize it (which the clearly should've done a better job at), then I see no issues with them using a wrapper. In fact, Valve kinda showed them how it should be done with Source and togl.

As scaine said, it's the outcome that should matter, not what technique they're using to get there, at least in my opinion.

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 3:10 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousI will pre-order 2033 Redux
I changed my mind. I'll wait for final releases of both reduxes while reading reviews and watching letsplays

Flagship, An RTS Game Played In First Person & It Looks Awesome
By scaine, 23 May 2014 at 3:04 pm UTC

Nice! Looks like Pulsar:Lost Colony has some competition on their hands!

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Samsai, 23 May 2014 at 3:04 pm UTC

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: GuestSo yes, the blame for the technical issues is from the wrapper, in my opinion.
And again with the wrapper! Are you in cahoots with Liam? :)

Standards are being applied to this that no other industry has to deal with. In my pizza example, you'd demand to know HOW the pizza was made. In the car industry, you'd ask the salesman how the welds were joined. In the fashion industry, you'd demand to know the stitching method.

It's not the HOW that is important. It's the end result. There are exceptions to this, such as DRM, of course. But using eON is not an example of this.

Good points about my faulty extrapolation on Steam sales though. There will be many Windows users buying this of course. I hadn't taken into account the fact that they'd put it on Sale at the same time as the Linux launch. And true, not everyone will complain but the countpoint was that almost no-one will champion it.
Umm... what else can be blamed but the wrapper? The game uses a wrapper and on Linux the performance sucks. On Windows on the other hand it doesn't suck. Let's put 1 and 1 together and we find out that the wrapper IS CAUSING PROBLEMS.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By nullzero, 23 May 2014 at 3:02 pm UTC

Yes, unfortunately for international customers the price goes up and it also takes a while to get there. I bought mine for Europe (Portugal) and yesterday according to the UPS shipping tracking system it was still in the states (MIAMI, FL 33112)...

So I just bought the first one (single month subscription) to see how it goes. But I liked what I saw in the post. Good game, presentation and all ^_^

QuoteThe price-point is actually pretty decent for all of that kit too, I might have to sign up for a month or two and see how it goes to write-up on here, would you guys be interested in that?

But I would like it covered here on Gaming On Linux, yes. Besides the game there are also some extras in the USB right? Having some kind of review would be cool!

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By scaine, 23 May 2014 at 2:59 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestSo yes, the blame for the technical issues is from the wrapper, in my opinion.

And again with the wrapper! Are you in cahoots with Liam? :)

Standards are being applied to this that no other industry has to deal with. In my pizza example, you'd demand to know HOW the pizza was made. In the car industry, you'd ask the salesman how the welds were joined. In the fashion industry, you'd demand to know the stitching method.

It's not the HOW that is important. It's the end result. There are exceptions to this, such as DRM, of course. But using eON is not an example of this.

Good points about my faulty extrapolation on Steam sales though. There will be many Windows users buying this of course. I hadn't taken into account the fact that they'd put it on Sale at the same time as the Linux launch. And true, not everyone will complain but the countpoint was that almost no-one will champion it.

Flagship, An RTS Game Played In First Person & It Looks Awesome
By , 23 May 2014 at 2:56 pm UTC


Yes, totally agree GoL! Space games were the golden age of computer gaming prior to the advent of the FPS. I've ALWAYS wanted a star trek game to be like this.

Thank you for bringing this under my radar :)

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 2:49 pm UTC

Sorry but i can't translate this my message to English losslessly:
Не люблю делать предзаказы, но в этот раз рискну сделать исключение и куплю переизданное Метро 2033. Учитывая, что 4A перебираются из украинской неразберихи на Мальту, шанс дождаться переиздания не так уж и мал. Ну а с переизданием Last Light пока погожу.
In brief:
I will pre-order 2033 Redux and pray for final release to come. I already have both games (not redux) in Steam but i still did't play them (except unsuccessfully trying 2033 under Wine) so i'm not going to buy Last Light Redux at the moment.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By scaine, 23 May 2014 at 2:26 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweIt matters to me, that's my point. We all have our opinions and you clearly don't mind where as I do.

Will have to agree to disagree on this as the toolkit IS the source of my and others issues.

I'm just trying to understand why you care. The result is what matters. I saw the same outrage with Limbo, but for me - it worked perfectly and we wouldn't have that game otherwise so...

But sure. Let's drop it.

Quoting: GuestActually at first there were very many positive comments.

Then people finished downloading the game.

Then came the outrage.

But from how many? Of tens of thousands (guessing) downloads, we have a few hundred posts on here, from maybe twenty or so folk who have problems. Same on Steam, slightly bigger scale there (about 700 messages so far over two threads), but we're talking hundreds of disgruntled buyers, a tiny percentage of the overall target.

So is this wrapper really the root of evil? There must surely be thousands and thousands of configurations running out there near-flawlessly. Not as good as Windows performance, sure, but good enough to play the game, like my own experience. And going back to my Limbo point above - let's be clear here. If they didn't use eON, we wouldn't have this game, simple as that.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Shmerl, 23 May 2014 at 2:22 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestI tried to get confirmation somewhere about the Witcher 3, but could only find references to multiple backends. That doesn't actually rule out any sort of middleware for it. TW3 does, however, make use of DX11 - and good luck with any sort of wrapper to opengl from that. I would think, from a technical viewpoint, that they should do a proper OpenGL backend (anything else would be insane), but we'll just have to wait and see.
At the very least, this debacle shows interest in the title for Linux, and it shows that they should do a proper job of it, no matter what path they take. I think it's fairly obvious that devs have to take SteamOS fairly seriously now, so if all they do is learn from this....then I suppose it's worth it in the end.

I agree. Chances of getting a native OpenGL 4 backend for the Witcher 3 (and Cyberpunk 2077) are better than for the Witcher 2. Because those are their current projects and also because CD Projekt Red plan to start licensing their newest REDengine (used in the Witcher 3 and CP 2077) to others. So it's in their direct interest to make it performing better while supporting most platforms. Let's wait and see.

Flagship, An RTS Game Played In First Person & It Looks Awesome
By , 23 May 2014 at 2:18 pm UTC

This is what EVE Online needs. Make it into a MMO and it wil be the best game ever. Sadly I have concerns about it using Unity, not the best for anything massively multiplayer.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Lordpkappa, 23 May 2014 at 1:55 pm UTC

I'll try tonight with my ring

I7 3770
8 Gb ram
GTX 770 4 Gb

My opinion so far:

Unfortunately they doesen't chose to convert the entire engine, but to use a mix of wrapper and dedicated code for GL extension. This is a cross between native code and one emulated by the system, which offers so performance not comparable with the Windows counterpart with the same system.

Personally, I am happy to see The Witcher 2 on Linux, I still have to explore the performance offered, and so i defile me on this aspect until I get useful data.
I can not deny that i'm little 'disappointed as many others user.

I think that in the future there will be fewer and fewer problems, it's the disadvantage of a new gaming platform.

I'll try to get the most out of my Hw to have a good experience and I will focus on that rather than thinking about how it would be nice to have a real native port, but the Mac has had the same treatment.
I hope in the same time a massive Cdproject support to improve the performance as much as possible.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By adamhm, 23 May 2014 at 1:14 pm UTC

My experience so far:

System specs:
Linux Mint 16 KDE 64-bit
i7-2600k @ 4.5GHz
Nvidia GTX 570 (driver version 319.60)
Display resolution 1920x1200

The 'native' port is extremely stuttery even at reduced settings :/ However the Windows version (tested on Windows 7 and on Linux using CrossOver) runs quite smoothly with settings almost maxed out.

Among The Sleep, A Horror Game From A Toddlers Perspective Releases May 29th For Linux
By Beamboom, 23 May 2014 at 1:07 pm UTC

I got a little girl, 2.5 years old, so this is a setting I most definitely will be able to recognize myself in.

Obviously I backed this project on Kickstarter, can't wait to see the final result!

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By HadBabits, 23 May 2014 at 1:05 pm UTC

Man, I've been psyched since I found out about this last night. I was hoping to do this article when I got home, but I see now I'll have to start writing them at work on my phone if I want to keep up ;)

Quoting: TheIndieBoxWe're working on a FAQ page that explains all of that before you have to register. Current shipping rates are as follows: US - $3 / Canada - $8 / Everywhere Else - $13

While you're working on that; care to say what time of the month the games actually go out? I just subscribed and I'm already too excited :P

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 1:04 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous> It's no wonder people are experiencing poor performance issues, it looks like it uses a wrapper called "eON" from Virtual Programming who did the Mac port.
Will it be better to play Witcher 2 under Wine than "natively"?

Probably. The best solution is to get a build of wine with the CSMT patch. The PlayOnLinux/Mac project does provide one.

If you have a wimpy machine, don't bother.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By Half-Shot, 23 May 2014 at 12:59 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweI also found that out by going to order, seeing the cost at $13 just for shipping to me :(
They are new though, I hope they can sort minor issues out.

Not to good for me either then :/ . Last time I made orders from 'murica I had to sort out all sorts of international fees.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 12:58 pm UTC

> It's no wonder people are experiencing poor performance issues, it looks like it uses a wrapper called "eON" from Virtual Programming who did the Mac port.
Will it be better to play Witcher 2 under Wine than "natively"?

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
By Nezchan, 23 May 2014 at 12:56 pm UTC

Quoting: rustybroomhandle
Quoting: philip550cIve heard about this problem from all the way back in the doom days but I still dont understand how fov helps with motion sickness?
This video explains it in some detail:

That's very good, probably the most complete explanation I've seen. I like how he mentiones Half-Life 2, since that's where I first noticed it. I used to play on a 17-inch CRT back in the day and loved it, but I found it physically impossible on a 25-inch LCD. In fact, I have the same problem with the Black Mesa mod, and generally have to research any FPS that interests me because there's a serious chance I'll end up bying something I cannot play.

In any case, Metro LL definitely has this issue as do a lot of recent games like Jazzpunk or Delver.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By , 23 May 2014 at 12:51 pm UTC

Quoting: KelsOne problem I see is the site doesn't give shipping rates, which I find that outside of the US (even in Canada, let alone Europe and elsewhere) can easily double the price of a box. Not having that information up front means I don't have an accurate price available to me unless I go through most of the subscription process first.

We're working on a FAQ page that explains all of that before you have to register. Current shipping rates are as follows: US - $3 / Canada - $8 / Everywhere Else - $13

Flagship, An RTS Game Played In First Person & It Looks Awesome
By , 23 May 2014 at 12:35 pm UTC

I'm Definately Interested. Feels like System Shock 2.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By Liam Dawe, 23 May 2014 at 12:29 pm UTC

I also found that out by going to order, seeing the cost at $13 just for shipping to me :(

They are new though, I hope they can sort minor issues out.

The IndieBox, Get A Fancy Boxed Copy & Extras Of A Linux Supported Game Every Month
By Nezchan, 23 May 2014 at 12:23 pm UTC

One problem I see is the site doesn't give shipping rates, which I find that outside of the US (even in Canada, let alone Europe and elsewhere) can easily double the price of a box. Not having that information up front means I don't have an accurate price available to me unless I go through most of the subscription process first.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By Liam Dawe, 23 May 2014 at 12:14 pm UTC

It matters to me, that's my point. We all have our opinions and you clearly don't mind where as I do.

Will have to agree to disagree on this as the toolkit IS the source of my and others issues.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By scaine, 23 May 2014 at 12:13 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe@scaine, Again i disagree, people can compare apples to oranges all they like, but in the end my views still stand.

This is more like cooking a pizza with a lightbulb, the tools ALWAYS matter when the tool isn't up for the job. The point is a lightbulb isn't meant to cook a pizza. In the same way that a Windows game isn't meant to be run on Linux, it's meant to be ported in-code.

All metaphors will fail in the end, Liam, but honestly, a lightbulb didn't cook my Witcher 2 experience. eON clearly works really, really well in certain configurations and the fact is, I got that great experience.

So my point stands. Stop focussing on WHY things are bad. You shouldn't care about the why. And if you were a bit less geeky (like myself) you wouldn't care. All you'd focus on is that you had a bad experience while many others are having a great experience.

Let me put it another way. The Witcher 2 shot into the top sellers on Steam. Probably tens of thousands of sales. Do you think there's a thread out there with hundreds of comments of "OMG, this is awesome on my PC!"? Nah, those guys are busy playing the damn game. We're only hearing the negative here.

So there's a really good chance that we're only hearing about a tiny percentage of disgruntled folk here. CD Projekt RED have support a platform that they've generally had very big reservations about and no, they didn't test properly. But we're only one day after general release and I think improvements will come.

They should be applauded for taking a risk. Not shot down for some obscure technical detail regarding the way they provided support.

Metro 2033 & Metro Last Light Getting Upgrades, Metro 2033 To Release On Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 12:10 pm UTC

Metro LL really really need an upgrade. And I hope 2033 won't be lazy port as LL is. But I*m happy to hear the news :D.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 23 May 2014 at 11:50 am UTC

To those who has performance issues.
Don't you have Ubersampling turned ON? I'm not sure if Linux version of the game has this option at all - I haven't had time to download this game yet. This option can destroy any configuration.