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Epic Games Release New Information About Unreal Engine 4 & Linux Support
By , 20 May 2014 at 7:41 am UTC

I can't seem to find a link to the original blog post in this article, could you add it please?

Epic Games Release New Information About Unreal Engine 4 & Linux Support
By Sabun, 20 May 2014 at 7:41 am UTC

They seem like a class act! I hope it continues to get better, and I really can't wait to see what games others will bring us.

It would be really sad though, if we had developers do only Mac and Win publishing and give the old excuse of "We need time to test/insufficient resources, and will only port at the end" like so many do with Unity (even though it's simply a click away).

Wargame: Red Dragon, Strategy Game Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 20 May 2014 at 7:36 am UTC

I play with mouse/keyboard, no problem there.

Performance in linux (for me) is pretty good (using nvidia proprietary though)

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By leillo1975, 20 May 2014 at 7:18 am UTC

I have Civ V and I would like to buy Brave New World and other DLC's if the game is ported to Linux

CaveExpress 2D Platformer Open Sourced
By , 20 May 2014 at 7:00 am UTC

haha - I love that captcha btw.

CaveExpress 2D Platformer Open Sourced
By , 20 May 2014 at 7:00 am UTC

The fact that is is open sourced has nothing to do with the "it wasn't successful" - it was a decision from the first line of code. Because I do believe in open source. Everything I code is released under some open source license.

If you don't like aspects of the game, please let me know, I will of course try to improve it. Or if you are able to and willing to, contribute patches to the game. The included map editor even allows you to submit your own maps.

Currently I'm only selling it on Desura to let people be able to more or less donate something if they want. I've written on Desura, that this is not needed and the game is open sourced - so everybody is free to compile it on his own.

@GamingForLinux: Thanks for posting this article - publicity is always good - contributors would be awesome.

Wargame: Red Dragon, Strategy Game Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 20 May 2014 at 6:47 am UTC

SteamOS might mean it's only playable with a controller? Which is pretty dumb for a strategy game...

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By Samsai, 20 May 2014 at 6:34 am UTC Likes: 1

This is awesome! I might buy the game a third time if this is really happens! :D

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 20 May 2014 at 4:16 am UTC

I hope they release this soon. Can't wait to play this for another 100 hours! ;D

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By Cheeseness, 20 May 2014 at 3:50 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: wleoncioI see, but do you know of any records of a game acquiring "Signs of Linux Support" status and then reverting back to "No Linux Launch Config" or something like that?

Worms: Clan Wars did this in February. You can see the Linux config and oslist changes appearing and then being removed in SteamDB's history for the app if you go back far enough.

Wargame: Red Dragon, Strategy Game Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 20 May 2014 at 2:57 am UTC

This one is a tough game. Very rewarding if you're able to win a (multiplayer) round, _very_ frustrating if you lose.

I played Wargame: Red Dragon already under Windows and it ran very well. If the predecessor Wargame: Airland Battle is any indication, Linux performance will be much worse however. I'll report back in the next days with Linux impressions.

Act III Of Kentucky Route Zero Is Available Now, Plus Some Thoughts
By , 20 May 2014 at 2:47 am UTC

The style in Act I was really great. While playing, it feels like reading a book that somehow has supporting visuals and sounds to go with it. At the same time, you're also able to influence the story by yourself to a degree. Overall a really unique approach that I find very enjoyable.

Haven't played II and III yet.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 20 May 2014 at 2:39 am UTC

Quoting: Maquis196Damn, I promised myself i'd play it once it came out on Linux. People seem to love it but I find it really dumbed down compared to Civ4 (my favourite outside of AC).

Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?

Oh and I have all the expansion packs, I keep trying to give it a go but...

I like the narrator (Leonard Nemoy aka Commander Spock) and music (each age has its own music) so much more in Civ IV than in Civ V. With that being said, the UI in V is much more streamlined which makes it easier to play and understand what is going on. For me, it's hard to pick a favorite among those two.

Jagged Alliance Flashback Strategy Game Will Get A Linux Version Soon
By Attila2099, 20 May 2014 at 2:38 am UTC

Sweet I love Jagged Alliance! Can't wait!

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 20 May 2014 at 2:37 am UTC

Quoting: Maquis196Damn, I promised myself i'd play it once it came out on Linux. People seem to love it but I find it really dumbed down compared to Civ4 (my favourite outside of AC).

Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?

I think it's a really good game with the expansions and removing/changing certain aspects from Civ (no unit stacks, no road spiderwebs, making it a hex grid...) was the right call. But there's also a bunch of issues, like the whole thing not feeling technologically sound (especially multiplayer is rubbish), awful, awful air combat (it takes way too long) and, yes, somewhat limited diplomacy and AI. I can recommend it but I'm also looking forward to a sequel that fixes some of the issues while keeping the good changes.

That's pretty much how I feel about XCOMEU as well, right down to the bad aerial combat and extremely buggy multiplayer. And the rock-stupid decision with the enemy spawning - thankfully there's nothing that idiotic in Civ 5.

Drunken Robot Pornography, A Bullet Hell FPS Game Released For Linux
By WorMzy, 19 May 2014 at 11:00 pm UTC

Hah, I have to get this, if only for the name! :P

Plus it reminds me of a game I had a demo of on the Playstation. It think you played as a robot rabbit, and all of your weapons were fireworks..?

EDIT: Jumping Flash! That's what it was called.!

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By WorMzy, 19 May 2014 at 10:58 pm UTC

Quoting: Hamish
Quoting: Maquis196Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?
My brother still thinks that the original Civilization is the definitive version

I approve!

Nothing beats the Amiga version.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By GoCorinthians, 19 May 2014 at 10:31 pm UTC

I got it on GreenGaming Free Game. I will all DLC to play on Linux. Never played because of announcement of porting to linux. Looks that I will no longer wait too much!

Wargame: Red Dragon, Strategy Game Released For SteamOS Linux
By , 19 May 2014 at 8:49 pm UTC

Uff, bought the game, played it a bit ... it's fast, and you have to be fast reacting on situations :p

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 19 May 2014 at 8:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

Guys Civ V is one of the best game of the entire Civ serie. It really rocks and has some interesting mechanics. It's a must like XCOM. Now we just need them for real on Linux, not only on some databases.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By tumocs, 19 May 2014 at 8:18 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Maquis196Damn, I promised myself i'd play it once it came out on Linux. People seem to love it but I find it really dumbed down compared to Civ4 (my favourite outside of AC).

Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?

Oh and I have all the expansion packs, I keep trying to give it a go but...

I love it. Favourite after second Civ but I didn't like fourth that much. Getting rid of stacks is the best thing that has happened to civilization series ever.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 19 May 2014 at 8:17 pm UTC

I have civ V, and I have been waiting for linux version so much time. Hope this is a sign of a port.
Notice there is a mac version and also, the new civilization it seems to use (probably) a enhanced version of civV engine. same style of tiles, but different gameplay.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By Maquis196, 19 May 2014 at 8:15 pm UTC

What about Civ call to power?

/me ducks.

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By pb, 19 May 2014 at 8:10 pm UTC

Quoting: HamishMy brother still thinks that the original Civilization is the definitive version, although he will accept Civilization II as being acceptable.

What does he think about FreeCiv?

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By Hamish, 19 May 2014 at 8:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Maquis196Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?

My brother still thinks that the original Civilization is the definitive version, although he will accept Civilization II as being acceptable. Anything later than that is crap as far as he is concerned. My uncle is more tolerant of the later ones, however.

Given that, you may have trouble finding a consensus on any of the Civ games from anyone. :P

Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By , 19 May 2014 at 7:53 pm UTC Likes: 1


I thought i'd have to wait for Beyond Earth, too!


Civilization V Looks Rather Close To A Linux Version
By Pinguino, 19 May 2014 at 7:38 pm UTC

Quoting: Maquis196Damn, I promised myself i'd play it once it came out on Linux. People seem to love it but I find it really dumbed down compared to Civ4 (my favourite outside of AC).

Whats the consensus here? People love/hate Civ5?

Oh and I have all the expansion packs, I keep trying to give it a go but...

Honestly, I had already accepted skipping Civ V and going straight to Beyond Earth, but now I guess I'll buy both just to show my appreciation.