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Contagion, The FPS Co-op Zombie Survival Game Linux Version Likely Soon
By Liam Dawe, 19 May 2014 at 2:30 pm UTC

Indeed, try not to get too excited it may only be an updated roadmap for Linux.

Contagion, The FPS Co-op Zombie Survival Game Linux Version Likely Soon
By Alzarath, 19 May 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

Quoting: SabunAt the end of the month? Nice!

It sounds like they'll have information about the port at the end of the month. Not the port itself. Try not to get your hopes up about it coming soon.

Unless you're one of those people that get excited about news for impending news. In which case, go nuts.

CaveExpress 2D Platformer Open Sourced
By hardpenguin, 19 May 2014 at 11:32 am UTC

Quoting: pbI installed it when then made it free on Desura, unfortunately the physics were terrible and the game was hardly playable. Ugh! was a great game and I actually played it to the end on Amiga. I'd gladly play it again, or a remake, but not like that.
You can find it somewhere on the web, it is practically abandonware so you can download it and run it on DOSBox. Works like a charm, still decent coop fun after all these years!

Toribash On Steam Beta Access, 15 Keys To Give Away
By hardpenguin, 19 May 2014 at 11:23 am UTC


Game is available free-to-play, but its download on Steam is broken at the very moment. They are gonna fix it soon.

For Windows and Mac versions you can go to (Windows version runs with Wine on Linux too)

Linux native version is/will be available on Steam.

Toribash On Steam Beta Access, 15 Keys To Give Away
By , 19 May 2014 at 10:22 am UTC

oh wait.. its only for linux users.. well then sorry for wasting your time

Toribash On Steam Beta Access, 15 Keys To Give Away
By , 19 May 2014 at 10:17 am UTC

I wish I could get a key , I have been playing toribash for 3-4 years / had 2 accounts joope & joope1
(joope1 the active one atm)I really love this game so would be great if you guys could hit me up with a key, thx

ROCCAT Ryos MK Glow Review
By , 19 May 2014 at 6:07 am UTC

Quoting: Half-Shot
Quotesomewhat noisy buttons
Ahem, isn't that the point of Cherry MX switches. So you can hear the music of your fingers tapping out gaming poetry?

Really really want one now because it has chery MX switches AND Linux support. Will be my next keyboard.

No. that's the point of Cherry MX BLUE switches. reds and blacks are actually quieter than the few membrane keyboards I have.

CaveExpress 2D Platformer Open Sourced
By pb, 18 May 2014 at 8:20 pm UTC

I installed it when then made it free on Desura, unfortunately the physics were terrible and the game was hardly playable. Ugh! was a great game and I actually played it to the end on Amiga. I'd gladly play it again, or a remake, but not like that.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.19 Is Now Available
By Alzarath, 18 May 2014 at 7:11 pm UTC

Quoting: mrdeathjrTry compiling yourself, on my test i compile wine myself

I appreciate it, but I'm sure I could compile it myself if I wanted to. Plus it's effort for something I prefer to avoid using where I can in the first place (Wine). I was able to get Dawngate working well after installing it in a Windows XP virtual machine and copying the files over.

CaveExpress 2D Platformer Open Sourced
By hardpenguin, 18 May 2014 at 6:52 pm UTC

This is a remake/clone of old DOS game named Ugh!

It apparently wasn't as good as the original, so instead of selling it they decided to opensource it.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Liam Dawe, 18 May 2014 at 5:59 pm UTC

Quoting: under cover agentThis news seems to be a filthy lie. My best guess would be that this piece of news was engineered to push MIT/BSD like license, which are, as a matter of facts, a real danger for open source software.
Yes, that's it exactly *puts hands up*. I hate the GPL and want to push the MIT license to everyone and GOL is my foothold on the internet to do that.

Sarcasm aside, you are spreading complete FUD. I have my own personal preference for licensing as does everyone.

I actually state in the article:
Quoting: liamdaweThe LGPL isn't a bad license
I haven't told anyone not to use it, nor have I spoken bad about the license itself.

This article was "engineered" directly from the source (the PZ forums) where the person was making their claims, they are not my claims they are theirs.

Also, the comments on this article are now closed before more idiots come along to spread more FUD. If you have a problem with this feel free to register an account and post in the forum.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By , 18 May 2014 at 5:25 pm UTC

java... erk! We all agree on that...

But anyway, that story does not make sense.

If a part of the game is actually a component protected with the GNU Lesser GPL, they don't need to open source the whole game. They just need to publish the additional code they added in that component.
That's it.

This news seems to be a filthy lie. My best guess would be that this piece of news was engineered to push MIT/BSD like license, which are, as a matter of facts, a real danger for open source software.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By , 18 May 2014 at 5:18 pm UTC

Its okay for "random people" to point out such violations be it acidentially or intentionally.

I don't see it being "downright horrible" by them not giving the developers "a chance to explain".

They just make the incident public and are not those in charge for mediation or taking actions. The later they can't anyways if they're not the copyright holders..

At last, I fail to see me being part of "the problem" as I don't see a general problem at all.

My bet for this particual case: As no harm was intended and no harm was done (as they didn't use any of the code in question at all) nothing will happen except some more rampage on various fora..

Escape Goat 2 Has A Major Update, Steam Workshop Included
By , 18 May 2014 at 4:47 pm UTC

I just hope the update also arrives for those who bought @Humblestore...

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Liam Dawe, 18 May 2014 at 4:38 pm UTC

@lane_support you don't get the point of my article at all.

Like I said in it:
QuoteYes sticking to licenses is very important, but attacking a developer and threatening them before they get a chance to explain is downright horrible.

That's the point. So, you think it's okay for random people to threaten developers over accidents? Then you are part of the problem. It's a code license and not a contract to be threatened with as pointed out by the Link Hamish provided.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By , 18 May 2014 at 4:35 pm UTC

Well to be honest, I haven't read the whole linked thread but just some ongoing post from the linked one. And it wasn't PZ specifically triggering my reply but the (imo) more general tone in this post against the "defenders of the GPL".

Liam, for me its simple: If you want to make cash with your software, pay close attention to remove license-restriced code before releasing it otherwise obey the rules or simply don't mess around with code like this in first place.

PZ violating the LGPL seem to be accidentially but I don't see any reason shooting at ppl finding oss-license violations in commercial applications as much as I don't see reasons to open up a big barrel in this particular case (i.e. demanding full source code access, threatening the developers with legal actions etc.).

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Metallinatus, 18 May 2014 at 4:07 pm UTC

Quoting: lemmy101Metallinatus: I agree, and as you see from the first page we were happy to comply, despite the disruption it would cause. We don't want to be seen to be using people's hard work without due credit and the whole mess was just a misunderstanding. It was the subsequent arguments, as well as comments he was found to have made in our IRC at the point that thread was posted where he was threatening to have us removed from Steam over it, and also his PMs asking for me to send HIM the code, not release it publicly.

It transpired it's some Russian guy who's been decompiling our code to learn game development stuff, and it really seems to me a ploy to try and extort the PZ source code for his own use. Considering also, I'll share with you this little quote after I changed the license rules for our game to forbid decompilation (with special dispensation for the guy to confirm we'd fixed the issues he described)

"Dont let me over persuade you and reversing PZ just 4 lulz. I'm living in Russia so your lawyers have no power here. I'm not looking for money profit, I'm looking for experience and reversing PZ will give it me"

So the same champion for justice making sure other people's licenses are respected has no qualms about breaking our own license agreement, even taunting us at his immunity from any action we might take to defend our license. So the list of reasons why I do not respect his motivations for raising this in the first place is growing ever larger.

I understand everything now.... what he asked was not wrong, but the way and the reason he did.... he really is no "good guy" after all :)

The Bridge, A 2D Logic Puzzle Game Released For Linux On Steam
By Eike, 18 May 2014 at 4:06 pm UTC

Bought. As it looks really weird and I was... absorbed by Antichamber, I had to give it a chance!

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Metallinatus, 18 May 2014 at 3:56 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: MetallinatusI saw the first page of the linked thread and I saw nothing wrong actually.
The guy just demanded the source codes he have the rights to see, he was polite and all, did nothing wrong at all....
Then I saw the other pages and DAMN!... Hell did brake loose in there....
So, the guy is right to ask for the licenses to be respected and all and the devs were "wrong" by not be respecting it.... but this guy sureeeeeeeeeely went over the limit....
None of them was right after all, but everything could just have gone much more pacific than it was.
There's asking for a license to be respected.

Then there's threatening a developer with the FSF, Steam and threatening to release their source code. Before they can explain it.

This is all noted in my article...

Yep, that is what I meant by going way "over the limit".... as I said, everything could have been much more "pacific"

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Liam Dawe, 18 May 2014 at 3:53 pm UTC

Quoting: HamishIt should also be pointed out that the license in question is the LGPL, not the GPL itself as is claimed by the article, which is more in line although not the same as the MIT license which is Liam's preference in this instance.
Ah damn I went to a really old site of EasyWay Game Engine that listed GPL not LGPL. Ah well, the point is the same.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By , 18 May 2014 at 3:52 pm UTC Likes: 2

Metallinatus: I agree, and as you see from the first page we were happy to comply, despite the disruption it would cause. We don't want to be seen to be using people's hard work without due credit and the whole mess was just a misunderstanding. It was the subsequent arguments, as well as comments he was found to have made in our IRC at the point that thread was posted where he was threatening to have us removed from Steam over it, and also his PMs asking for me to send HIM the code, not release it publicly.

It transpired it's some Russian guy who's been decompiling our code to learn game development stuff, and it really seems to me a ploy to try and extort the PZ source code for his own use. Considering also, I'll share with you this little quote after I changed the license rules for our game to forbid decompilation (with special dispensation for the guy to confirm we'd fixed the issues he described)

"Dont let me over persuade you and reversing PZ just 4 lulz. I'm living in Russia so your lawyers have no power here. I'm not looking for money profit, I'm looking for experience and reversing PZ will give it me"

So the same champion for justice making sure other people's licenses are respected has no qualms about breaking our own license agreement, even taunting us at his immunity from any action we might take to defend our license. So the list of reasons why I do not respect his motivations for raising this in the first place is growing ever larger.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Metallinatus, 18 May 2014 at 3:52 pm UTC

Quoting: sgtGarciaGood that he pointed possible GPL license violation, so the guys could remove that code, but threatening devs & breaking their license is just plain stupid.

He's ret arded to the point, he don't see his own hypocrisy :/

And yeah
Quoting: GoCorinthiansJava
Yuck... ;)

Actually, he didn't brake their license.... the devs decided to change the license after all that confusion started, so it would not happen again (which I think it was a wrong way to deal with that too), so what he did was totally legal when he did.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Hamish, 18 May 2014 at 3:50 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quite frankly I have seen the same or worse by people trying to demand a Linux version of a game. The problem is people, and not a preference of license.

It should also be pointed out that the license in question is the LGPL, not the GPL itself as is claimed by the article, which is more in line although not the same as the MIT license which is Liam's preference in this instance.

Further, if he had gone to the FSF nothing would have come of it as they know their license, as was pointed out in the thread through this link with quotes from Eben Moglen:

About the only entity that could have actually threatened them based on that threat is Valve, and they seem rather slow on acting on more serious copyright violations anyway.

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Liam Dawe, 18 May 2014 at 3:48 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: MetallinatusI saw the first page of the linked thread and I saw nothing wrong actually.
The guy just demanded the source codes he have the rights to see, he was polite and all, did nothing wrong at all....
Then I saw the other pages and DAMN!... Hell did brake loose in there....
So, the guy is right to ask for the licenses to be respected and all and the devs were "wrong" by not be respecting it.... but this guy sureeeeeeeeeely went over the limit....
None of them was right after all, but everything could just have gone much more pacific than it was.

There's asking for a license to be respected.

Then there's threatening a developer with the FSF, Steam and threatening to release their source code. Before they can explain it.

This is all noted in my article...

Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Liam Dawe, 18 May 2014 at 3:46 pm UTC

Quoting: lemmy101To clarify: This supposed engine that we used, Easy Way, was added to the project and removed within a day or two. It was of no use to us. Somehow was left and was not used whatsoever. In what way did this engine 'help the devs to develop the game in the first place'?

I'm guessing people have different definitions of something that's "unused".


Defender Of The GNU/LGPL Threatens Project Zomboid
By Metallinatus, 18 May 2014 at 3:46 pm UTC Likes: 4

I saw the first page of the linked thread and I saw nothing wrong actually.
The guy just demanded the source codes he have the rights to see, he was polite and all, did nothing wrong at all....
Then I saw the other pages and DAMN!... Hell did brake loose in there....
So, the guy is right to ask for the licenses to be respected and all and the devs were "wrong" by not be respecting it.... but this guy sureeeeeeeeeely went over the limit....
None of them was right after all, but everything could just have gone much more pacific than it was.