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Stronghold 3 Strategy Game Could Be Coming To Linux
By hardpenguin, 12 May 2014 at 10:50 pm UTC Likes: 1

Definitely the worst game from the whole Stronghold series with tragic rating on Metacritic >.>

It would be much better if they even decided to bring Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader with Wine to Linux and call it official >.>

Tesseract A Brand New Open Source FPS Derived From Cube 2: Sauerbraten
By , 12 May 2014 at 9:49 pm UTC

I hope this game is like Section 8, if so that'll quench my need for a Halo style Linux FPS.

I love the editor, I'd love to see more of the weapons.

Tesseract A Brand New Open Source FPS Derived From Cube 2: Sauerbraten
By Lapinopl, 12 May 2014 at 9:14 pm UTC

I love the performance with it, where unity would be gasping for air this thing runs like a charm. And yeah I know that 770 should be able to handle a lot more than this; but really, good optimization something so rare recently:) I see potential here! - screen tearing is present as I turned off v-sync:)

Stronghold 3 Strategy Game Could Be Coming To Linux
By Belarrius, 12 May 2014 at 9:10 pm UTC


Xoreos FOSS Project Needing OpenGL Developers, Open Engine For BioWare's Aurora Engine
By DrMcCoy, 12 May 2014 at 8:56 pm UTC

Yes, The Witcher is a potential target.
Right now, xoreos can play videos and sounds, and partially load the models (enough to show a cat, or a dryad).

Xoreos FOSS Project Needing OpenGL Developers, Open Engine For BioWare's Aurora Engine
By , 12 May 2014 at 8:06 pm UTC

On Aurora is build also one of the best Poland game based on Sapkowski books - The Witcher (1). Maybe this project can run albo The Witcher :D

Valve's Rich Geldreich Is At It Again, The State Of Graphics Drivers OpenGL Support
By godlike, 12 May 2014 at 6:55 pm UTC

To put it into perspective. Vendor A is nVidia, B is AMD, C is Intel with #1 being their Linux stack and #2 their windows one.

And now some truths. Excluding nVidia all the rest of the OpenGL desktop drivers out there are having questionable quality and there is a reason for that. OpenGL is huge, complex and all the extensions (start counting from 20year ago) interact in a very weird way with each other. That is a source for many bugs and redundancy.

Khronos group at some point created a cut down version of GL with core profiles. Valve, despite the love I have for them, in some presentations they recommended using compatibility profiles. That makes me angry because in a way they undermine all the effort Khronos had put into driving everyone to the core profiles.

I totally get AMD, writing OpenGL drivers with all this ***load of extensions is unimaginable tough (I know because I write OpenGL drivers myself). Trying to test all this combinations and interactions is an insanely huge vector of possibilities.

The solution IMHO? A new and slick and modern API.

Valve's Rich Geldreich Notes Some Problems With OpenGL, DirectX 12 Will Leave It In The Dust
By , 12 May 2014 at 6:06 pm UTC Likes: 1

Let me guess. He's worked on D3D for many years, and now is just barely learning OpenGL, but he prefers how D3D does things. Sounds like a pretty biased viewpoint. Take for instance the "Drivers should not crash the GPU or CPU" complaint. D3D drivers are the primary reason for Windows crashing, yet this is somehow a OpenGL problem only? Almost every D3D game I've ever played has crashed and left the system in an unusable state, but I've almost never had a game bring down Linux.

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By Xpander, 12 May 2014 at 5:27 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe...

A UI like Don't Starve would be very welcome in Project Zomboid that's for sure.

i agree and disagree with that... Don't Starve menu is quite easy to look for first..but once you wanna start searching how to make some items, its pretty messy. items arent always categorized nicely and have to scroll a lot... feels more like crappy tablet/mobile UI.
search function could fix it though

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By berarma, 12 May 2014 at 5:23 pm UTC

I hope this time they test the package before uploading to Desura. Having to wait one year to get the missing files is awful, even for an alpha release.

Valve's Rich Geldreich Notes Some Problems With OpenGL, DirectX 12 Will Leave It In The Dust
By fedso, 12 May 2014 at 5:21 pm UTC

Blog from the same guy about the drivers situation:
This would have been a useful addendum to Liam's article about drivers from a couple of weeks ago (

Help Make Open Source AMD Graphics Drivers Better
By , 12 May 2014 at 5:08 pm UTC

BIG BS to all leave VGA GO AMIGA it is TRUE 48bit. Your stuck with inferior true 8bit vga.

doesnt matter taht you have "Dvi" thats just a gender changer. Dam look it up. EVEN NEW TEK and NVIDIA , and AMD admitted to it on their site. WAKE UP and smell the ROSES.

TRUE 48bit is 48bit per each channel of rgb and e and u need that to be true dvi.

you guys have vg and a of which is 8bit each channel . suck suck. you dont use buffering hoser.

Valve's Rich Geldreich Notes Some Problems With OpenGL, DirectX 12 Will Leave It In The Dust
By edo, 12 May 2014 at 4:59 pm UTC

The question is: Is this going to be solved soon?

Valve's Rich Geldreich Notes Some Problems With OpenGL, DirectX 12 Will Leave It In The Dust
By , 12 May 2014 at 4:53 pm UTC

OpenGl and GNU/Linux will be treated as lower class citizens for ever. There is no much improvements in OpenGl, it is still horrible. Google/Linux is improving. We just need to support Canonical and Valve more since they are only 2 companies that can make improvement. That's why I have ads enabled in dash on my Ubuntu installation.

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 4:48 pm UTC

yeah just hold RMB throughout the entire combat. And then sparingly LMB click to take powerful swings. If you leave 2 seconds in between each LMB they will be much more powerful.

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By Liam Dawe, 12 May 2014 at 4:19 pm UTC

I guess I need a lot more practice on that.

So if you hold down the RMB without letting go and click, not letting go of RMB and wait a moment again and then swing it will do more damage?

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 3:40 pm UTC

And for the record the in-game Survival guide has an entire page dedicated to combat and 'don't swing wildly' :D

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 3:39 pm UTC

holding CTRL or RMB, but worth trying RMB seeing if it works better for you. Point is that if you delay between them you'll do stronger swings / pushes, as in your panic if you're wildly swinging fast those swings will have little strength.

When new combat anims go in we'll be changing combat system to be more intuitive, but yeah it's nowhere near as hard as that video suggests if you're charging properly as far as I've ever seen. :)

The Funding Crowd Interviews Daniel Swiger (Chronicles Of The Rift, Shattered Time)
By Speedster, 12 May 2014 at 3:35 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: DanielThat cost of a game is supposed to pay back the investment that was used to make the game. In crowdfunding there is no investment to pay back, except completing the game.

Yes, this could be why most backers only want a project goal to be a fraction of the total development cost: because they expect game sales to pay back the developers for the rest in the end. Or it could be that most people have no idea how much development costs, but I think I've seen "they should just invest their time and get paid back later if the game is good" attitude accompanying complaints about high goals.

Clearly that strategy of a project creator getting paid back for personal investments (time and money) after completion is a pretty bad fit for free software projects. When funding free software projects, a much better mental model is patron rather than investor, where we backers are supporting someone to create something we want, which in this case is free software games that can then be shared with the world.

It does take more dedicated (or perhaps richer) people to want to be benefactors for projects that benefit the world, rather than customers or investors who have self-interest to help motivate. That's probably why there haven't been any hugely successful free software campaigns yet. Luckily, free software projects don't need lots of money to be successful; if Daniel succeeds in getting more small Indie developers to work on shared infrastructure as open source, so they can build better cross-platform games, that will be success!

Stunt Rally Has A New Version Released With New Tracks, New Graphics & More
By Liam Dawe, 12 May 2014 at 3:08 pm UTC

I wouldn't call terrible controls that fling you left or right "fun", but that's just me. Our video is an accurate representation on how iffy the handling in the game is by default.

Stunt Rally Has A New Version Released With New Tracks, New Graphics & More
By , 12 May 2014 at 2:57 pm UTC

Ugh, God, the video ....

Please just watch the official video instead
View video on

video link

BTW. Boost is with Ctrl.
You can tweak keyboard input sensitivity on Input tab in Options (alt-I, Player 1, combo with set from preset, e.g. Slow).
But yeah this is a simulation, don't expect to know how to drive the first day, right, or week, that's the fun in it.

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By Liam Dawe, 12 May 2014 at 2:56 pm UTC

Hmm, how do you charge your swings then, didn't see that explained anywhere? When you say charge to me that means running at them, but I guess I am missing something obvious?

I was holding down CTRL which I thought did the same thing as holding the right mouse button?

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 2:46 pm UTC

Yeah. I guess your problem is that you are not charging your swings. Which is kind of an arbitrary system but within the gameplay mechanics it makes a lot of sense. With the right timing and charging your swings single zombies shouldn't be a big problem. Better luck next time ;)

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 1:54 pm UTC

there's something VERY weird going on with your combat there in that vid. Either you're not charging your swings and are hammering the LMB, or something else is going on because you shoulda been able to dispatch that zombie pretty easily. I've never had that much trouble pushing a zombie onto the floor before. :S

Valve's Rich Geldreich Notes Some Problems With OpenGL, DirectX 12 Will Leave It In The Dust
By Lordpkappa, 12 May 2014 at 1:53 pm UTC

I think it's normal to see a worse support and something that doesen't work or have to be worked (in my personal experince i had a lot less problems playing with Linux than on Windows), 5 years ago the Gaming Linux Panorama was terrible, now we are increasing a lot and we have some aspect to fine tuning, like api, driver, wheels, mouses, keyboards support, ecc..

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By Liam Dawe, 12 May 2014 at 1:41 pm UTC

From what I know they are doing a new UI as even this newer one isn't great, it gets in the way a lot.

A UI like Don't Starve would be very welcome in Project Zomboid that's for sure.

Project Zomboid Major Update Released, Video Of Failure Included
By , 12 May 2014 at 1:40 pm UTC

What they really need to do is simplify/improve the UI (more like don't starve) and add gamepad support (though I prefer KB&M for some games and gamepad for others, this one just screams out the latter for me). I have the game in my library, but holding off playing it until these things are done. The NPCs and other planned features look awesome, but I can wait for that.

Nuclear Throne Updated Again With More Enemies, More Weapons, More Awesome On Linux
By , 12 May 2014 at 11:54 am UTC

Increasing the game screen resolution would be fine. It's the only thing why I'm not buying this.

Stunt Rally Has A New Version Released With New Tracks, New Graphics & More
By Superuser, 12 May 2014 at 11:46 am UTC

Use the BACKSPACE key people!!!! It rewinds the game, no need to restart every time. You can also use Nitro with Shift.

Also, The Crystal Hammer (the developer) thinks it makes the game too easy so he won't enable it by default, but I highly recommend turning on ABS and TCS in the settings.