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The Last Tinker: City Of Colours Releases Tomorrow For Linux, Video & Review
By , 11 May 2014 at 11:43 am UTC

Thank you so much for the nice words about the game! If anyone has issues with the title on Linux, then please send a mail, tweet or contact us on FB. We invested a lot of time to get the port on Linux as good as possible, but it's still difficult to test for such a small team on this platform. :)

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By , 11 May 2014 at 11:41 am UTC Likes: 1

Been having so much fun with this game.

The Last Tinker: City Of Colours Releases Tomorrow For Linux, Video & Review
By Znurre, 11 May 2014 at 11:34 am UTC

Watching this video made me so hyped for this game.
It reminds me a lot of Nintendo's games, like a combination of Zelda and Mario.
I wish it would be tomorrow already :P

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By Liam Dawe, 11 May 2014 at 8:30 am UTC Likes: 2

We now have a server:

I will be attempting to install some source mods over today, or server admin Levi was awesome enough to get metamod working putting me one step closer.

Starsector, An Open-world Single-player Space-combat, Roleplaying, Exploration and Economic game
By , 11 May 2014 at 4:38 am UTC

I LOVE this game, it's a great game and although yes, quiet a bad one sometimes, it's still one hell of a great game and takes little to run it for the most part.

Mods add gameplay mechanics or totally convert the StarSector Universe, so in all it can be very very diverse.

Good article by the way. ^ ^

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By , 11 May 2014 at 3:53 am UTC Likes: 1

Too bad the real FOSS engines don't get dev support like this.

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 11 May 2014 at 3:04 am UTC

honestly the biggest culprit seems to be UE3 not the efforts of the porters

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By edo, 11 May 2014 at 12:37 am UTC

It shows how much interest has the community to have native games in Linux, and its great to see it.

Paranautical Activity Cancels Co-Op And Draws More Ire For Early Access
By HadBabits, 10 May 2014 at 11:29 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweThere is no reason to get rid of Early Access that's going overboard, there's a lot to like about it.

Like with everything, you have good apples and bad apples. In this case it's somewhere in-between.

No matter what you do, there will always be bad points.

True, but it appears to be generating quite a bit of hate. I don't think it should be done away with, just moved more to the side. It should be targeted more at people who really want to help devs shape their game. I understand that many use it as a means to fund their game, but it just reminds me of pre-order culture, but instead of buying a game before you even know it's good, you buy it before it's finished.

Calibre 10 Racing Series Linux Version Possibility Is Based On Demand
By , 10 May 2014 at 10:19 pm UTC

I hope it feels like Burnout Paradise instead of GRID.

I spent 4 hours last night trying to get Burnout running in Wine 1.7.18 on PlayOnLinux :(

I'll have to see more promo videos, it looks great.

Also looking forward to the "Arcade 90s Racing Game" for Linux :)

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By , 10 May 2014 at 10:14 pm UTC

Now I can consider using UE4 for my next Game Design project, I can't wait :)

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By tuxisagamer, 10 May 2014 at 9:09 pm UTC

I really hope this helps convince Gearbox to port Borderlands.

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By , 10 May 2014 at 8:24 pm UTC Likes: 4

Linux devs are awesome! Granted we only have like 2-3% of the desktop/laptop userbase, it's clearly quality over quantity on team penguin

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By , 10 May 2014 at 8:21 pm UTC Likes: 2

I'm loving this as i was developing a Linux game in Unity3d but i found it to be 1/2 of what Unreal is i may have to move my game to Unreal (starting Over) as Unity3d does not really care about Linux and Unreal is going full speed Linux they're even going to have full OpenGL support in Unreal this year

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By Sabun, 10 May 2014 at 7:54 pm UTC Likes: 1

That is amazing, I couldn't help but smile whilst reading that article :D

The Community Has Beaten Epic At Porting The Unreal Editor To Linux
By WorMzy, 10 May 2014 at 7:52 pm UTC Likes: 3


It just goes to show how awesome Linux developers are!

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By wolfyrion, 10 May 2014 at 6:54 pm UTC

I played for first time last night a bit...

It was not clearly if I was on a team like Team Fortress 2 (red and blue) so I was shooting everyone...

it was fun though ^_^

Limit Theory Space Sim Developer Switches To Linux, New Video & It Looks Fantastic
By Liam Dawe, 10 May 2014 at 6:00 pm UTC

Well next time I will attempt to get a bit more clarification heh. Oh well he's using Linux for most things now anyway, so it's all still fun news.

Calibre 10 Racing Series Linux Version Possibility Is Based On Demand
By Sabun, 10 May 2014 at 3:51 pm UTC

I was trying to figure out why so many linux gamers were posting to my thread all of a sudden, now it makes sense. It's great to see everyone come together for a similar cause :)

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By GoCorinthians, 10 May 2014 at 2:19 pm UTC


Supergiant Games Transistor, A Sci-fi Themed Action RPG Will Fully Support Linux
By GoCorinthians, 10 May 2014 at 2:14 pm UTC

I will resist and buy only when releasing on linux...but surely cont me in

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By Snev, 10 May 2014 at 2:01 pm UTC

You can always use the option to join a server automatically when a spot gets available whilst shooting them wild west bots.

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By Xpander, 10 May 2014 at 1:53 pm UTC Likes: 1

quick gameplay video by me as well:

View video on

like Liam said.... servers seem to be all full and its hard to get into.. had to play against bots.
hope to see more servers poping up.

Calibre 10 Racing Series Linux Version Possibility Is Based On Demand
By HadBabits, 10 May 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC

Definitely not what I expected, will be keeping an eye on this :)

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By Liam Dawe, 10 May 2014 at 1:02 pm UTC Likes: 1


Paranautical Activity Cancels Co-Op And Draws More Ire For Early Access
By Liam Dawe, 10 May 2014 at 1:02 pm UTC

There is no reason to get rid of Early Access that's going overboard, there's a lot to like about it.

Like with everything, you have good apples and bad apples. In this case it's somewhere in-between.

No matter what you do, there will always be bad points.

Fistful of Frags Free FPS Released For Linux On Steam
By Snev, 10 May 2014 at 1:02 pm UTC

For me this is the best 3rd party Source modification I've ever played. I played it in 2008 and had to quit because I left Windows permanently. I'm happy I can play it again.
Just DM and TDM so far, but it has been very fun already!

For people who want to put up a dedicated server, click here.

Come on Linux gamers, have some fun! Yeehaaaw!

Paranautical Activity Cancels Co-Op And Draws More Ire For Early Access
By abelthorne, 10 May 2014 at 6:55 am UTC

Quoting: AnonymousHas the Linux port been published on Steam yet or not?
No. The game appears in the library but the executable is missing. They keep telling that the Linux build will be available with the next big update but this update has been delayed over and over.

There's been a new thread opened yesterday. Looks like people are getting a bit ***ed of.

Paranautical Activity Cancels Co-Op And Draws More Ire For Early Access
By HadBabits, 10 May 2014 at 1:46 am UTC

Honestly, I almost never buy early access games anymore. Often I don't have the time to contribute to the development process and I miss just buying a game as the final product, because unless I'm really invested in the development already, getting my hands on the game before all the pieces are in place seems to spoil my experience somewhat. Not to mention it's hard to build up excitement and anticipation for a game that's technically been around for some time in alpha/beta. Unfortunately it feels like most of the games released on Steam for Linux lately are Early Access.

As for these folks, I don't think they're scammers or scum bags like Muxwell and his ilk, but it seems like they've made a lot of mistakes. They may not have promised co-op, but they certainly made it sound like it was coming; and to their credit it sounds like they tried to change the store description which mentioned it as soon as they could. And while they're right that they weren't obligated to do co-op since it's stretch goal wasn't reached, they should have made clear that their effort to include it wasn't a sure thing until they knew it was possible. As for removing negative threads, I think it's quite clear why that's a slippery slope PR wise.

I don't think they've deserved as much hate as some of these people are giving them, but I do see where some of there customers are coming from. Lately it feels like taking advantage of gamers is becoming commonplace, and now many of us are edgy and on the defense as trust wears thin. All the while crowd-funding and Early Access make gamers feel more involved in the development in games, but this is a double edged sword as it means they also feel more entitled to rage when things go south.

I think these trends of crowd-funding and early access have definitely changed things, and will probably be a point of interest for some time to come. However I hope things will reel back somewhat in the future and that only those really interested in the development of a game will participate in early access in the future.