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Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 9 May 2014 at 3:39 am UTC

yeah besides the texture issues (actually it just means sometimes I can see stalkers when they're cloaked) I found the KF1 port great... runs in HD on my ultrabook at a great framerate.

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By philip550c, 9 May 2014 at 3:37 am UTC

It sounds to me like they want SteamOS to be popular. If you buy a SteamMachine you get the new unreal tournament out of the box.

Limit Theory Space Sim Developer Switches To Linux, New Video & It Looks Fantastic
By , 8 May 2014 at 11:58 pm UTC

Guess who!

As edgley said Josh has been using Linux quite a bit since early on. Its just that he just now figured out how to record on Linux in acceptable quality (and I don't blame him, it took me quite a while to get FFMPEG working like it should, not sure if he's using that though.

Whether or not Josh was using Linux from the start, it's awesome to have him on board because the guy is like a one man army when it comes to coding, maybe a god even, it's insane! I hope he makes a file manager out of his node based UI!

Just after that video he optimized and now he can run not the 100 like in the video, but 256 ships in a system at 60 FPS (30 FPS in an all out war)

That's no small amount of optimization I say. Seems the development update of June will be about a full on research system implementation for the AI judging by the latest entry in his dev logs.

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By fedso, 8 May 2014 at 11:06 pm UTC

This is awesome news!! And by the 2000+ posts on their forum in about 5 hours I'd say that there is "some" interest ;)

SuperTuxKart Open Source Racer Is Going Graphical With A New Engine
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:56 pm UTC

Quoting: feoou
Quoting: hardpenguinI actually liked the game pace before... The pace shown in the video seems too fast to me, I hope it won't be what will represent the official version.
Yeah the game looked way too fast I don't know if it was sped up...The guy also has a tough time staying in the small path/track.

There is 4 speed available depending on the difficulty. So no worries :)

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:50 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpander
Quoting: omer666If their Linux port is as ***ty as their support for the first Killing Floor on Linux, well, no thanks.
whats wrong with first Killing Floor... i have played it for good 8-10 hours without any issues.
also if i remember correctly their first port is done by icculus, who probably got the money already but is not able to polish it up...correct me if im wrong though...

good news on the next Killing Floor... cant wait!

It is full of texture bugs with nVidia drivers, so that you can't see thtough the scope in iron sight, water becomes solid, some texture masks are messed up - there are black squares all around, etc.

The number of bugs depends on the map you're playing.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:35 pm UTC

Please guys don't buy this piece of *** because the first Killing Floor Linux version suffer major problems.

You are just supporting company with ***ty linux support if you buy it.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:34 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpanderwhats wrong with first Killing Floor... i have played it for good 8-10 hours without any issues.
also if i remember correctly their first port is done by icculus, who probably got the money already but is not able to polish it up...correct me if im wrong though...
Well, I don't know what the experience is like with Nvidia, but with Intel and AMD fps drop below 10 fps frequently after spawns of zombies and it automatically sets all monitors in mirrored mode. I also had some issues with sometimes being unable to move the mouse to certain places in the menu's. Performance is also lower than in wine. With an Nvidia card I remember stalkers not being invisable either.

Limit Theory Space Sim Developer Switches To Linux, New Video & It Looks Fantastic
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:32 pm UTC

Quotehe funniest thing about this is that Linux support was a stretch goal at $100,000

Well, technically not -- the stretch goal was for priority development on both Mac and Linux:

QuoteWill it be on Mac/Linux?

If we hit the stretch goal, then yes, definitely! Otherwise, I will make porting an immediate priority after release, but cannot guarantee a Mac/Linux port. However, the codebase is completely portable, so I wouldn't anticipate any problems doing so.

He was already developing for cross platform capability -- I would hazard a guess (from everything I've read and heard of Josh) that the Linux port would have been almost guaranteed either way.

Quoteand for the developer to now be using Linux as his main development machine...another one joins the cause eh?

I've been following this since I backed it on KS (can't believe it was 2012!), he was always very open about developing on Linux and in the video above IIRC, he said he actually has been developing on Linux for a while now, but still recorded on Windows.

Edit: It's a bit ambiguous but he says "[...] I'm basically capturing now using my native Linux client, which is actually, um, the version of LT I develop on. Previously I was using windows [...]" I read that as he was previously capturing using Windows, but not 100%.

Also, his comment regarding his development environment suggest he's at least used to *nix -- Windows converts don't rush straight to Vim normally (I <3 him for using Vim though).

This game has a lot of potential though, the entire thing is dynamic and procedurally generated. It's also one of two Kickstarters I backed that I feel could actually go above and beyond what I hope for (the only other one being The Mandate).

Limit Theory Space Sim Developer Switches To Linux, New Video & It Looks Fantastic
By jdub, 8 May 2014 at 8:20 pm UTC

Looks good, will most certainly check it out when it's available =)

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By , 8 May 2014 at 7:41 pm UTC

Don't care about the license is it open or not. Nobody cares about DOTA 2 license yet it's free game and on Linux. Good news!

Broken Rules Are Considering Open Sourcing Their Game Engine
By Liam Dawe, 8 May 2014 at 7:40 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
QuoteFor it to be useful in my opinion is to have something like an official fully open github repo for it, where people can put up issues, submit code and more. Then it would be useful.
Uh, if it is not proprietary (as in GPL for instance), you, or I, or anyone can put up a fully open github repo.

That's part of my point, the problem is if a lot of people do it, how do any developers interested in using it pick one? An official one from Broken Rules that others can fork and submit code to in my opinion would be better.

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By Liam Dawe, 8 May 2014 at 7:30 pm UTC

No it's not open source as pointed out, if something is open source I always mention it. Whenever I say free I am talking cost.

Also post updated to include the official tweet on it.

Starry Expanse, A Fan Remake Of 'Riven: The Sequel to Myst' Announces A Linux Version
By , 8 May 2014 at 7:00 pm UTC

While indeed SteamOS is (a) Linux, one might take it as a hint that they intend to sell the game not only via Steam. If that is what it means, it would (at least for me) an important (and welcome) distinction....

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By crackhash, 8 May 2014 at 6:41 pm UTC

Awesome news. Let's hope they don't take long times to give the game a playable state.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By jdub, 8 May 2014 at 6:20 pm UTC

Wow man, Dreams do come true

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By , 8 May 2014 at 5:54 pm UTC

If you have an Unreal Engine 4 subscription you can access the live Github fork:

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By DrMcCoy, 8 May 2014 at 5:53 pm UTC

Quoting: SabunFree as in free from all aspects?

Naw, probably just free as in beer (gratis), not free as in freedom (libre).

Quoting: EpicAll code and content will be available live to UE4 developers on GitHub

(Bold mine)
That basically already says that the code will only be open for people who pay for a UE4 license, and won't be put under a FLOSS license.

New Steam Beta Client Improves Big Picture Mode For Linux
By GoCorinthians, 8 May 2014 at 5:51 pm UTC

"and don't see the need for it on a normal desktop PC."

In a fresh install of OS its a big hand. Its far easy to use Steam. Installing, purchasing everything with BigP is a easy task.

No mouse need on BigP thats why i love it..i just hate mice. So BigP is a must.

Please Valve do a GREAT job on SteamController. I want to not even know where is my corsair mice! lmao!

Vim(ium) FTW

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By Sabun, 8 May 2014 at 5:40 pm UTC

QuoteUmmm, is there any link to this announcement?

QuoteSpeaking on cost they said it themselves that it will be free, it's not even close to being ready yet. It's not free 2 play, it's just 100% free. That's absolutely crazy.

I don't understand. Free as in free from all aspects? No monetary cost and open source? I was all ready to start saving money, but now I'm just confused haha!

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By Hamish, 8 May 2014 at 5:37 pm UTC

So basically this should be called Unreal Tournament: Team Fortress 2. :P

Dota 2: How Does Ubuntu 13.04 Compare To Windows 8?
By dddux, 8 May 2014 at 5:26 pm UTC

Quoting: LostParadiseguys i found out that unity on idle state uses about 300mb of ram, while the is not any way of disabling composite while to low-end or older computers this reduces the performance alot (in my case with a 8800gts with 512VRAM on ubuntu dota used to crash! Now with mate i can play with everything maxed except shadows with very stable fps) . I also found many performance fixes since the October (when the video released)

Just imagine what it would be like with LXDE or Xfce. ;) LXDE works so much better for me for everything.

New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will Be Free
By Sslaxx, 8 May 2014 at 5:15 pm UTC

Ummm, is there any link to this announcement?

Epic Games Roadmap For Unreal Engine Now Available, Linux Native Editor Is On It
By , 8 May 2014 at 4:54 pm UTC

I tried to play with beta of UDK (Unreal Engine 3 SDK) earlier under Windows but i encountered 2 problems:
1. No linux support at all. I already had dualboot WinXP + Kubuntu 10.10. Games worked under Wine but editors didn't.
2. Too complicated scripts. I think UDK didn't allow to create game from scratch, it only allowed to modify Unreal Tournament demo distributed with UDK.
Now if UE4 will solve both these problems i'll try Unreal Engine again.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By Xpander, 8 May 2014 at 4:48 pm UTC

Quoting: AresoI have experienced a resolution problem - no one from my 3 PCs can run it on resolution more than 800x600. Even more - after closing program, usually my Desktop resolution also was set to 800x600.
I tried a few workarounds, no one from them works for me.
And yeap - there were no help.
It should be noticed, even then game was quite playable.
none of those experienced.. except the multimonitor issue that it switches second monitor off when going to game.. for that helps windowed mode and custom resolution to not get your game behind panels.

Quoting: scaine...

KF1 has severe texture issues on Linux but I've been lucky to avoid all the resolution issues that plague some.


no texture issues for me also, but i have seen some have white floor on some maps and so on.. i dunno what fixed it for me... it might be my custom resolution (1920x1020 - to not have game behind my desktop panels) or FoV which i increased to 105 from the settings file.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 8 May 2014 at 4:31 pm UTC

So I take this means we'll finally get RO2's nix build at the same time (since KF1 is built on Ro1, I imagine KF2 is built on RO2)?

Epic Games Roadmap For Unreal Engine Now Available, Linux Native Editor Is On It
By , 8 May 2014 at 4:15 pm UTC

It's very hard to make a closed source program follow the fast pace of evolution in GNU/Linux (even harder on the GFX stack).
The idea of having a kind of freezed GNU/Linux for gaming is to reduce pressure on developers. The trick is to rely as less as possible on system installed software. Namely, you would have to package as much as possible with the game. At that, Valve is better everyday.
Regarding the GFX stack, 1 big change is about to land: wayland (if the protocol KISS is honored, if not, no point dropping x11).

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By scaine, 8 May 2014 at 4:08 pm UTC

Having spent more time on Killing Floor than any other game in my library by a factor of probably around 3... this is the greatest news I've heard all year.

KF1 has severe texture issues on Linux but I've been lucky to avoid all the resolution issues that plague some.

Fantastic news. Gonna have my wallet ready for this.

I mean, I was playing this last night! :-)

Broken Rules Are Considering Open Sourcing Their Game Engine
By , 8 May 2014 at 4:04 pm UTC

For open source software components which will link against closed source programs, the appropriate license is the GNU *Lesser* GPL, not raw GNU GPL.
