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A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 8 May 2014 at 3:37 pm UTC

I have not completed painkiller, nor intending, its just boring. Deadfall was not a bad port. Shaders were broken, but apart from that game was playable AND enjoyable.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By Xpander, 8 May 2014 at 3:37 pm UTC

Quoting: omer666If their Linux port is as ***ty as their support for the first Killing Floor on Linux, well, no thanks.

whats wrong with first Killing Floor... i have played it for good 8-10 hours without any issues.
also if i remember correctly their first port is done by icculus, who probably got the money already but is not able to polish it up...correct me if im wrong though...

good news on the next Killing Floor... cant wait!

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By , 8 May 2014 at 3:18 pm UTC

If their Linux port is as ***ty as their support for the first Killing Floor on Linux, well, no thanks.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By gabsd84, 8 May 2014 at 2:42 pm UTC

I have spent hundreds of hours on the first Killing Floor. When this hits early access I will be throwing money at my screen. :D

Hopefully they will optimise the game really well for Linux...maybe using VOGL to help? Anyway, this is great news.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By Sabun, 8 May 2014 at 1:46 pm UTC

Now, that is awesome news! It's definitely good news that they are doing the port internally this time. The Linux sales, or at least the prospect of Linux sales for SteamOS must be motivating them.

The only shame is that Unreal Engine 4.1 came out too late for them to use it as their default engine.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By Liam Dawe, 8 May 2014 at 1:13 pm UTC Likes: 1

UPDATED, see the bottom of the article.

Killing Floor 2 FPS Announced With SteamOS Linux Support Right In
By Qydfac, 8 May 2014 at 1:12 pm UTC

omg omg omg omg omg. yesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 8 May 2014 at 12:53 pm UTC

Since I moved to Nvidia both games ran almost flawlessly.
Almost, because that shaders compilation kicking in from time to time and occasional (very rare) graphical glitches.

I would say that he did a pretty good job on both.
For Painkiller I would give a 9/10 and for Deadfall 8/10 points (because of a controller issue).

So yeah, is good to have him on board.

Mojang's Battling Card Game 'Scrolls' Linux Version Most Likely After The Final For Other Platforms
By Mnoleg, 8 May 2014 at 12:52 pm UTC

Quoting: RealKleinerI thought we had learned our lesson when it comes to promises of a Linux port? Don't buy it until it's out.

I fully agree. Even a confirmation that the game actually works is becoming necessary lately.

New Steam Beta Client Improves Big Picture Mode For Linux
By , 8 May 2014 at 12:35 pm UTC

I do use also BigPicture mode in SteamOS when I play certain games. Is one simple option to get Vsync to work for Unity3D games for example.

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By killx_den, 8 May 2014 at 11:52 am UTC

I have finished both games (I have a nvidia card).

Painkiller was pretty painless ;)
I just had one crash on a DLC map, but that was it so far.

Deadfall Beta was a bit more of a pain though, it took me 12 hours to finish and I had 17 crashes and a lot of stuttering here and there. But I didn't see any graphic glitches. I have sent all the logs to devs and hope they were helpful. Hopefully they will fix it, because Deadfall is a good game imho.

Quoting: Mr NiceThis was not Leszek Godlewski fault. Nordic Games has moved him to other projects look at steam community.

I have read this too on the Steam forum.

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 8 May 2014 at 11:27 am UTC

I have played the game on Intel drivers and NVIDIA. I faced issues like: crash when using the sniper rifle, shiny objects renders as white squares, looking at water turns the whole scene to crap, flying objects in the skybox, the start screen renders as black squares a big part of the time. It's like they never even tested the game at all.

NVIDIA with OpenGL 4.4

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By godlike, 8 May 2014 at 11:16 am UTC

I own both games. While they have some issues (with the worst offender being the loading times and stuttering) they are quite playable (with an nVidia yes). Personally I prefer this kind of "buggy" experience than the endless hoards of 2D indies.

It's a good starting point for Nordic/Farm 51 but I believe that porting games will never be the optimal solution. Planing to support a platform from the beginning will likely produce better results than trying to "adapt" a final code base to something that was not designed for.

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 8 May 2014 at 11:15 am UTC

This was not Leszek Godlewski fault. Nordic Games has moved him to other projects look at steam community.

A Post-mortem On Porting Two Titles To Linux, One Year Of Porting
By , 8 May 2014 at 11:03 am UTC

Why are we even listening to this man? Deadfall Adventures has to be the worst Linux port I have ever bought. I wouldn't take his words seriously, but rather listen to Valve or any other developer who actually make things good and not terrible. Deadfall is just a mess and they don't ship updates to fix the remaining serious bugs. Terrible mouse input, terrible shader porting (lots of the shaders render just black or white squares). It's really the worst porting job ever done.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By neffo, 8 May 2014 at 9:51 am UTC

*** SPOILERS ***

Aliens are the enemies.

New Steam Beta Client Improves Big Picture Mode For Linux
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:32 am UTC

Awesome, always use picture when I use my gaming pad. And to fix it to performe better is always good ^^.

Mojang's Battling Card Game 'Scrolls' Linux Version Most Likely After The Final For Other Platforms
By , 8 May 2014 at 9:27 am UTC

I thought we had learned our lesson when it comes to promises of a Linux port? Don't buy it until it's out.

Epic Games Roadmap For Unreal Engine Now Available, Linux Native Editor Is On It
By , 8 May 2014 at 8:53 am UTC

Voted for Linux Editor.
PS: The labels on top of the card says "May" "June" :D

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By , 8 May 2014 at 8:37 am UTC

Quoting: SabunBeen waiting on this one for quite a while. I don't mind them taking their time, if it means it will be a quality port.

exactly what this chap says ^

Mojang's Battling Card Game 'Scrolls' Linux Version Most Likely After The Final For Other Platforms
By , 8 May 2014 at 8:36 am UTC

it's a shame that you jumped the gun... I came pretty close; I've been excited for this game for a while.

here's hoping it happens.

Episode 1 of The Fall To Be Released On June 1st
By Cheeseness, 8 May 2014 at 5:44 am UTC

Quoting: scaineI remember that I was absolutely gutted to discover that it was a Canadian dollar project and I have trust issues with my credit card, so I couldn't/wouldn't pledge. Damn.

Whelp, come June 1st, you'll be able to pick it up on Steam :D

Quoting: drmothJohn's been talking about how good the writing is in this project in his video updates...I hope this is the case.

I've had the opportunity to play the latest development version and the writing has been notably improved over the initial beta and earlier alpha versions :)

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
By , 8 May 2014 at 1:53 am UTC

That's the problem. If it was differently, there could have been two or three developers and/or designers.

Multiplayer Don't Starve Is Now A Thing, Don't Starve Together
By , 8 May 2014 at 1:15 am UTC

That's a great news.
I got rapidly gored of this game.. surely the multiplayer option will be much more fun!

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By , 8 May 2014 at 1:10 am UTC

Quoting: GoCorinthians
Quoting: pb
Quoting: GoCorinthiansThe bureau!...why not 2k :'(?
Don't rush them, one step at a time, now it's time for Civ V. ;-)
lol...Civ V will not come..but the next Civ Beyond

Well, to be honest, it makes a lot of sense to port Civ V, if not for general Linux machines, for SteamOS, because it is one of the most played AND most owned games on all Steam. And if Steam wants to push it's OS on the mainstream, a huge game like Civ V it is really a plus for that.