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Episode 1 of The Fall To Be Released On June 1st
By scaine, 7 May 2014 at 7:38 pm UTC

We covered this on the Funding Crowd #18 article too -
I remember that I was absolutely gutted to discover that it was a Canadian dollar project and I have trust issues with my credit card, so I couldn't/wouldn't pledge. Damn.

Starry Expanse, A Fan Remake Of 'Riven: The Sequel to Myst' Announces A Linux Version
By , 7 May 2014 at 7:14 pm UTC

Fantastic news, playing Riven native in Linux...never crossed my mind.
At the same time, the project began in 2008 and likely will take another few years to complete, so I sent them 20 bucks to hurry up :)

Anyway, an earlier demo from them, looks fantastic:

Storming The Simpson House In Door Kickers On Linux, Mods Are Awesome
By Xpander, 7 May 2014 at 6:16 pm UTC

hehe, nice one... haven't tried mods yet.. but the game itself is pretty fun..
good game for taking some time off and relaxing ...though it gets pretty intense at some levels

View video on

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
By , 7 May 2014 at 5:49 pm UTC

Considering price I payed (I thing about 10 EUR or little less) for the game and how fun it was even in it's incomplete state I do not feel cheated.

Ender Of Fire Looks Like A Great Side-scrolling Action Game
By potatopete, 7 May 2014 at 5:04 pm UTC

Looks really good, I'll be keeping my eye out for this.

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
By PUN, 7 May 2014 at 3:35 pm UTC

And that's why you should think twice before buying games in Early Access stage. You pay for an unfinished game and you have the chance that the bugs will never get fixed because the developers quits the project

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
By Teodosio, 7 May 2014 at 3:29 pm UTC

The lesson is always the same: read reviews and users comments before buying a game, unless you are comfortable with losing the amount of money you are spending.

Codemasters Looking At Supporting Linux, GRID Autosport Possible
By LinuxGamesTV, 7 May 2014 at 3:01 pm UTC

I think it was a great turn from Codemasters if they support Linux with all her games.

The Time For Towns Is Over, A Developer Speaks Out About The Indie Game
By sobkas, 7 May 2014 at 2:17 pm UTC

For me the lesson is that on steam you can publish anything, no matter how horrible the thing is. So I need to be careful/paranoid about what I buy or I will end up with Towns or/and Earth Year 2066.

QuoteSo if I don't really get paid for it then I would pledge for rather making Towns open source. That way I could still contribute to it (without payment) and have other people help me with that. But that is a decision that I have very little to say about ...

Like this will ever happen.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By GoCorinthians, 7 May 2014 at 11:24 am UTC

Quoting: pb
Quoting: GoCorinthiansThe bureau!...why not 2k :'(?
Don't rush them, one step at a time, now it's time for Civ V. ;-)
lol...Civ V will not come..but the next Civ Beyond

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By , 7 May 2014 at 10:44 am UTC

Hope it will be released on Desura too

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By rustybroomhandle, 7 May 2014 at 10:16 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GoCorinthiansThe bureau!...why not 2k :'(?

That game is complete garbage. :/

Anyhoo, I already own X-COM:EU and will be picking up the expansion :Enemy Within the second the Linux version is ready. It's one of the few games I managed to just totally lose myself in.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By pb, 7 May 2014 at 9:35 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: GoCorinthiansThe bureau!...why not 2k :'(?

Don't rush them, one step at a time, now it's time for Civ V. ;-)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By GoCorinthians, 7 May 2014 at 9:28 am UTC

The bureau!...why not 2k :'(?

Quest for Infamy Classic Point & Click Adventure Game Arrives On Linux Soon
By Apopas, 7 May 2014 at 7:45 am UTC

Quoting: GuestI hope the game has written text because I couldn’t understand a lot of the speech in the trailer.
Otherwise, it looks very atmospheric and beautiful.

Mark of the Old Ones, A Metroidvania Physics Platformer Needs One Small Push
By Liam Dawe, 7 May 2014 at 7:03 am UTC

Let's not make this a back and forth about the C4 engine guys, if you wish to carry that on I suggest a forum post ;)

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By Beamboom, 7 May 2014 at 6:49 am UTC

Will be bought for *sure*, even though strategy is not my favourite kind of games.

Episode 1 of The Fall To Be Released On June 1st
By drmoth, 7 May 2014 at 5:54 am UTC

Nice. I backed this project, the only Kickstarter I've ever given money to. John's been talking about how good the writing is in this project in his video updates...I hope this is the case. Looking forward to it.

Double Fine's Hack 'n' Slash Released on Steam Early Access
By xeranas, 7 May 2014 at 4:09 am UTC

Looks interesting, like zelda in debug mode :)

Mark of the Old Ones, A Metroidvania Physics Platformer Needs One Small Push
By , 7 May 2014 at 1:54 am UTC

You chose to go out of your way to say "...It's kind of hard, for me personally, to back the project. ...I don't really want to help anyone using the C4 engine."

Its quite clear you took the time to spit on the engine rather than help the developer of a game who did absolutely nothing wrong but use an engine you happen to not like because of your specific experience.

You obviously have some chip on your shoulder. So you had a few posts removed...
So now you feel justified?
You don't see the harm you do to others?
If you wanted to post feedback or comments about the engine, there are much better venues for airing your personal issues rather than dump them on top of a indie developer who merely used the same engine.

This was supposed to be a way to bring good vibes to a good game concept.
Thanks for taking the time out to sink their efforts...

Mark of the Old Ones, A Metroidvania Physics Platformer Needs One Small Push
By migizi, 7 May 2014 at 12:30 am UTC

Well Mack it's kind of hard to see the posts that were removed, when you know they were removed. Maybe you have some kind of special machine to see what once was but is no more.

Did I say all my posts were deleted, no, I said they started to delete my posts. Oh did I say I didn't buy the book, no I didn't. I own the damn thing. Don't go making assumptions because you did one quick little search. Every post I made about webgl was removed. Eric gets really possessive if you mention *** that isn't in his engine.

So if you weren't there reading what was happening while it happened then maybe you can stop accusing people of ***.

I also did love the engine but you know, what good are the tools if the community and developers that make don't like you? It would be like buying a car but one will repair it because you mentioned another brand.

I talked to people about it in the IRC room, this is how Eric is.

I also didn't put down the other developer, I said I couldn't support him. I didn't say "well to hell with him I hope he fails." No, I said I wasn't going to give him my money. That's no different than people who don't find the game interesting and not backing it.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By , 6 May 2014 at 11:44 pm UTC

Oh damn, that reminds me on some old game I loved. I hope it really will be released for Linux.

Mark of the Old Ones, A Metroidvania Physics Platformer Needs One Small Push
By , 6 May 2014 at 11:05 pm UTC

I can agree on what Mack says. I didn't use C4 for long though, during engine decision making I dabbled with it (Demo), and the community was very helpful on that, even showing up limitations and explaining why things are done certain ways. Can't say about books, though, the available help is not always sufficient, but for showcases mostly more than enough. If you get deeper, I guess you'll figure out anyway.

I agree that C4 is a good engine to look at, but it has it's limitations (as all other engines do too in certain aspects). Next time on decision making I'll look into it again - it's an interesting choice especially for having a linux toolset as well (easier that way - at least if I think about my testing and debugging workflows). And the pricing model for us (two-person indie dev hobbyists) is pretty interesting, especially the lifetime 750 $ version isn't a huge investment.

For game developers it's important an engine provides easy ports and debugging abilities to an operating system. Most testing you still do on the major platform (Windows), since that's 95 % of the people you'll have to support, but you will have to test and support the others too - if you target them.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By pb, 6 May 2014 at 10:30 pm UTC Likes: 2

I have a special place reserved on my disk for XCOM (already bought it last year, on first gossips about Linux version). I've been waiting to play an XCOM game ever since finishing UFO: Enemy Unknown on Amiga for the n-th time. ;-)

Mark of the Old Ones, A Metroidvania Physics Platformer Needs One Small Push
By Mack, 6 May 2014 at 10:03 pm UTC

So, I was popping in to see how some fellow C4 devs were doing... and WTH...
I see this Migizi post...

I challenge Migizi on many of his comments.

The C4 Community is awesome, with rare exception. Most everyone there will bend over backwards to help people out.

No engine is perfect. It takes a lot of dedication and additionally a commitment to persistence in order to achieve ones programming goals. There are plenty of things that can be improved, but the engine makes decent progress. Its a pretty low blow to fail to support the C4 Engine just because of some posts about emscripten.

Just like any forum, there are times when people get pretty inappropriate. We hardly ever see posts being removed, but perhaps occasionally it happens.

The "Migizi" in the C4 Engine forum has the following post: "So now that I have a license I've been playing around with the engine. I can say that I'm in love with it. I wish I could get more people to see how awesome it is."

I challenge anyone to visit:

and they can see for themselves.

IF this is TRULY Migizi... then you have clearly gone awry.
Why did you not purchase the latest C4 Engine book ???
There's a ton of stuff in there that could help you.
Or post questions in the forum about your problems?

LOOK, we all want the best for the C4 Engine... especially because we want to see it do well on platforms on Linux! (And I don't even know much about Linux... but I sure would love to see more games on it.)

Its a rediculous shame to not support this game just because you have a beef with the C4 Engine.

And BTW... The C4 Engine is really good. Its low relatively low cost for full source, and good support. And of course, a great community.
Just like any place, there are issues that need to be resolved.

But putting it down on another Developer's Dream of Making a great Kickstarter game... that's pretty low.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown Looks Like It's In Testing For Linux Right Now
By , 6 May 2014 at 9:49 pm UTC

Well, I've been playing it on my nexus 5 for quite a while now, but desktop version is most welcome:D