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Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan Continues To Sell Well On Linux
By Liam Dawe, 2 May 2014 at 6:59 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: AnonymousI find these numbers really interesting! Games need to be sold for a bright future of Linux gaming. If you've got more of these numbers, good or bad, an overview article would be nice as well.

I actually did that twice already:

Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan Continues To Sell Well On Linux
By , 2 May 2014 at 6:58 pm UTC Likes: 1

I find these numbers really interesting! Games need to be sold for a bright future of Linux gaming. If you've got more of these numbers, good or bad, an overview article would be nice as well.

Nekro, A Beautiful Action Game Released On Steam's Early Access For Linux
By Liam Dawe, 2 May 2014 at 6:37 pm UTC

I've added a HS link, kinda pointless since it's Steam only ;) but happy to act on feedback.

Nekro, A Beautiful Action Game Released On Steam's Early Access For Linux
By n30p1r4t3, 2 May 2014 at 6:14 pm UTC

Why not post the launch trailer as well? ;)

Also, it would be pretty cool to post links to all the stores it's for sale on, I.E Humble Store.

Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan Continues To Sell Well On Linux
By JoZ3, 2 May 2014 at 5:56 pm UTC Likes: 1

For the same $4.99 you can buy ku + 7 games for linux and few for windows -

Prison Architect Building & Managment Sim New Alpha & Massive Sale
By gemini, 2 May 2014 at 5:55 pm UTC

It works fine for me on LM 16 Cinnamon, played 19 hours so far since the day before yesterday. Awesome game! The only thing I can complain about is the tutorial, it doesn´t cover much at all, so it took me a few hours to figure out how to get things going.

Escape Goat 2's Linux Sales Are Still Good After A Month
By gemini, 2 May 2014 at 5:51 pm UTC

First when I saw this I was like "just another boring "platformer", but it´s actually really good.

Nekro, A Beautiful Action Game Released On Steam's Early Access For Linux
By Xpander, 2 May 2014 at 5:35 pm UTC

woot.. its downloading from steam... gonna give it a shot.. i have waited for this so long..
i think it was the first game i backed in kickstarter.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By fedso, 2 May 2014 at 5:26 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSutureI am glad that there's an increase, but it's a tiny one. When will we see a considerable jump? An increase of 1.00%, 0.50%, or even 0.25%?

0.25% that is about 150-200k users could be a realistic percentage only after the official release of Steam Boxes, the 1% we have now is already great considering that it's between hard to impossible depending on the country to buy out-of-the-box Linux computers and that big publisher are not on Linux yet (as Deformal clearly explain with an example :) ). Linux could gain a few new ex-WinXP users but they are just 5% and they most likely have a very Windows oriented library so in the best case the 0.06% is not a fluctuation and we'll gain a few more cents of percent ;)

Comparing Windows and Linux stats I noticed a few interesting points.
First that, while I thought Linux users had older slower machines, the actual average amount of RAM (more or less, I approximated the "less than...", "" and "...and higher" ) is equivalent, just 2% difference: Linux 5.89 GB vs Windows 5.76 GB
Linux gamers choose Intel slightly more often than Windows users (76.56% vs 73.69%), CPU frequency statistics don't say much since there definitely old high frequency CPUs (P4) in some Linux machines. The average number of cores is also equivalent with just a 3.7% advantage for Linux (Linux 3.07, Windows 2.96)
The Video Card statistic is not reliable since Steam doesn't specify the graphic used for 34.71% of Windows machines and 39.09% of Linux machines, however Linux users seem to use Intel Graphics more than Windows users (Linux 22.23% vs Win 14.62%) but avoid AMD graphics more or less like Windows users (Linux: AMD 10.02%, Nvidia 27.94%, Windows: AMD 12.92%, Nvidia: 37.72%), unless Steam get confused by FOSS drivers and put AMD on FOSS drivers under "other"...
In any case 0.54% of Linux users are on VirtualBox graphics... that's about 4000 users, I didn't expect so many people to play on VM!
Last, Linux users use their hard drives much less having on average 79GB of space used (avg free=208GB, avg total=287GB) while Windows users on average use 271GB of space but have bigger drives (avg free=362GB, avg total=633GB) ...well, for Linux I should probably talk about partitions since Linux machines often have multiboot.

Desura Announce A New Embeddable Widget, Accounts No Longer Needed To Buy Games
By Speedster, 2 May 2014 at 4:16 pm UTC

That is a great feature, I love not having to make a new account unless I really want to. I appreciate that GOL allows you to comment without requiring login first, and after a while of commenting without login I ended up getting drawn in so much that GOL was deemed worthy of making a new account (and even learning the password instead of just stashing it in password wallet).

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Deformal, 2 May 2014 at 3:38 pm UTC

Quoting: oldrocker99I have a dual-boot desktop, and kept Windows 7 strictly for the games; I like Bioshock Inifnite and X-COM:Enemy Unknown and a few others, but...

Lately Windows 7 has a frozen mouse pointer (fixed by Safe Mode, until I rebooted, then frozen again), and screw it! All the games I have been playing for the last few month are Steam for Linux games (I do use Steam with Wine to play Oblivion and Skyrim, and they play quite nicely, thank you), and sooner or later, I'm going to deepsix that miserable excuse for an OS ("But it has Office!";)and go 100% GNU/Linux again.

There are very few games out there that cannot be ported to Linux; God knows we already have a ton of FPS games, both OSS and commercial, and there's no reason that Battlefield, GTA, etc., etc cannot be ported, except for developer laziness.
Man, developers and publishers want money. And if EA will choose what to do: to port Battlefield 4 on Linux and sell 200 000 or 300 000 copies only and to make new pack of maps, that they sell 2 000 000 or 3 000 000 copies, what do you think they will choose?

Desura Announce A New Embeddable Widget, Accounts No Longer Needed To Buy Games
By Hamish, 2 May 2014 at 3:36 pm UTC

Good moves, especially considering that GoG is coming to Linux Desura needs to stay competitive. Eagerly awaiting when the new free software Desura client is Linux deployable.

When it comes to the community features, I have talked to other users and developers through it, but it is true that at the moment the experience is the same as you would get on basically any internet forum.

That being said, Desura should be careful with Sabun's points as a lot of them traditionally have involved locking you down to a client. There may be ways to do this without doing that, and I would love for Desura to explore them, but I am still a little wary of such things until they are properly demonstrated to me.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By , 2 May 2014 at 3:20 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSutureI am glad that there's an increase, but it's a tiny one. When will we see a considerable jump? An increase of 1.00%, 0.50%, or even 0.25%?

1% would mean about 700k new accounts.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Deformal, 2 May 2014 at 3:20 pm UTC

Other possibility is Linux publishers. This role can play Mac publishers that already exist - Aspyr and Feral Interactive. They port games from Win to Mac, so they know, how to work with OpenGL.

Where Will AMD Take Their Drivers In Future On Linux?
By mrdeathjr, 2 May 2014 at 3:19 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpander
Quoting: SkullyYes Linux is multithread and more cores win, but that doesn't apply to games yet. Most games are still using 1, sometimes 2 and rarely 4. So most games run *** due to poor single core performance and they also stink at floating point calculations due to having a shared fpu unit in each module.
Then take into account that the fx-8350 runs at 3.9ghz and boosts to 4.1, while the i7 is 3.6 with boost to 3.9. An I5 would be everybit as good for gaming as my i7 due to games using 4 or less cores.

eg. Serious sam 3 on Linux. In the performance options cpu performance, my fx8350 has to be set to lowest or framerate drops below 60 alot. My i7 can have it on ultra. same distro, same gpu
i dunno what you talking about really... check those videos:

FPS difference in games is minimal.. and when it comes to running other things at the same time when gaming then AMD pulls ahead quite a lot compared to same priced CPUs from intel

also i dunno what issues you had then... i have SS3 on ultra and my 8320 at 4.2ghz with no such drops..
probably you had ondemand governor when those issues happened.. this is known to suck under linux with amd cpus.

edit: also theres __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 to make some singlethreaded games at least run rendering on second thread.. which boosts performance quite a bit on AMD CPUs that suck on single core stuff.. And when you play windows games in wine theres CSMT patchset that does that.. + luckly many games starting to use more than 2 cores lately.. spcialy thanks to new console generation that has the same AMD CPUs... like it or not but many games come from consoles to PC...

This is not completly correct Xpander as i said to you before when you use games with use 3 or more cores (mayor games at time) single thread performance is more important and AMD low IPC give loss perferformance

Compare your FX dont work because your cpu have many cores and stay OC, also i suggest you, you cant test with 2 cores at stock clock with similar INTEL cpu with same quantity of cores and frecuency and appear huge differences

Something more for make this test needs correct games with use no more from 3 cores, many titles of 2011 and before, this titles is mayor compared with recent titles with 4 core use

CSMT on machines with 4 core or less mainly depend higher IPC with higher frecuency (on most titles not scale up 3 cores, because this titles dont use more from 3 cores, mostly use 2)

On your machine is different because you use 1080p resolution and on this resolution VGA its more used and need in minor way cpu power

But many users use minor resolutions than 1080p and have lower machines

See your steam game list

you can have some options for test for example (as i comment you, your machine allow select how cores as used):

alan wake (however this title have bug latern on recent wine)*

batman arkham asylum (this title is very interesting)*

bioshock 2 *

blades of time*

borderlands 2

burnout paradise (good title)*

company of heroes (good game)*

counter strike global offensive*

darksiders (good game)

dead space (good game)*

dishonored (good game)

fear 2 (good game)*

fear 3 (this game must be run on windowed mode for prevent mouse problems thanks gamersonlinux for tip)*

flatout 1 (good game)*

flatout 2 (good game)*

grand theft auto III*

grand theft auto vice city*

grans theft auto san andreas


mirrors edge (very good game)*

payday the heist (very good game)*

shadow warrior 2013 (very good game)*



lord of the rings war in north (good game)*

titan quest (good game)*

two worlds II (good game)*

*some titles i test on my channel

some of this titles from your list maybe usefull for test with before parameters mentionated

This give some example wiht this title: injustice gods among us

this with AMD A4 3300 Dual Core 2.5GHz

View video on

and this with INTEL Pentium G3220 3.0GHz

View video on

When i comment you in other topic with this video recompiling test for cpu world

View video on

AMD core performance its too low compared with Intel at same frecuencies on same quantity of cores

This problem is for speeddevil cpu arquitecture used on FX and derivatives

However this situation its for wine


Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By oldrocker99, 2 May 2014 at 3:17 pm UTC

I have a dual-boot desktop, and kept Windows 7 strictly for the games; I like Bioshock Inifnite and X-COM:Enemy Unknown and a few others, but...

Lately Windows 7 has a frozen mouse pointer (fixed by Safe Mode, until I rebooted, then frozen again), and screw it! All the games I have been playing for the last few month are Steam for Linux games (I do use Steam with Wine to play Oblivion and Skyrim, and they play quite nicely, thank you), and sooner or later, I'm going to deepsix that miserable excuse for an OS ("But it has Office!")and go 100% GNU/Linux again.

There are very few games out there that cannot be ported to Linux; God knows we already have a ton of FPS games, both OSS and commercial, and there's no reason that Battlefield, GTA, etc., etc cannot be ported, except for developer laziness.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Deformal, 2 May 2014 at 3:16 pm UTC

Well, I don`t think we can expect rising of gaming linux until Steam Machine with Steam OS appearing. And I think it`s right decision. Developers won`t to work with different 5 or 6 popular distros. They will support officially Steam OS only and don`t work with other distro. It will give a chance for us to see good big titles on Steam OS - Witcher 2, Arma 3 and others.
So rising of gaming on Linux we will see only in 2015.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Xpander, 2 May 2014 at 2:15 pm UTC

Quoting: Abhishek chatterjeei want all future action or adventure games to linux version then i move windows to linux.

for example..
next battlefield 5 game, GTA V, watchdogs, max payne 4, call of duty (2014), far cry 4.

and i dont think linux support this type of games.. :P

but there are so many native games to play that you couldnt even complete them all + many that work perfectly under wine.. so you dont need to keep your windblows installation at all.
you just dont play those games..theres plenty of choices.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By , 2 May 2014 at 2:14 pm UTC

Quoting: wolfyrionAll my friends are willing to change to Linux but the only reason that keeping them on Windows is that some of their favourite game tittles are working only on windows and they dont want to mess up with Wine.

If at least 5 Major Games go to Linux you will see up to 50% Rise of Linux

- Blizzard Games (Diablo , WoW, etc)
- Battlefield
- World of Tanks
- Dark Souls 2
- Guild Wars 2

Totally agree, woudn't minde seeing League of legends with a linux client, but I got to say, lol works really good on wine for me atleast.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By FutureSuture, 2 May 2014 at 1:55 pm UTC

I am glad that there's an increase, but it's a tiny one. When will we see a considerable jump? An increase of 1.00%, 0.50%, or even 0.25%?

Battleblock Theatre Will See Same-day Linux Support At Release This May
By pwburkhardt, 2 May 2014 at 1:52 pm UTC

I would love to see castle crashers on linux!

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Caldazar, 2 May 2014 at 1:45 pm UTC

Judging from my personal environment, those stats right now are as unimportant as it gets.
What's important is how the perception of Linux among gamers, even the casual ones, changed.

People who called me "elitist" togue-in-cheek a year ago now dualboot with Ubuntu as secondary OS.
"Hey Elitist, trouble with your LAN connection? Aww!"
got replaced by
"That isn't anywhere near as hard as everyone says! Would you recommend Ubuntu or rather another Distro?"

From elitist to OS-expert in one year. People asking about Distros!

Of course those lads don't play on Linux yet. They have Windows installed, which to this point is far, far superior for gaming.
But I havent heard a snarky comment about me gaming on Linux for a long time.
Instead Linux is widely considered the next best thing after Windows, expected to take the crown in the long run (a.k.a. when Windows 7 becomes obsolete).
It is taken seriously.

Really, don't mind those stats just yet. If you know where to watch ,just lean back and enjoy how the tide slowly turns.

Desura Announce A New Embeddable Widget, Accounts No Longer Needed To Buy Games
By FutureSuture, 2 May 2014 at 1:40 pm UTC

Accounts no longer needed to buy games? That sounds like gaming free of DRM at its finest!

Linux Version Of Hugely Customizable Game 'Vox' To Come Soon Developer Confirms
By migizi, 2 May 2014 at 1:15 pm UTC

Quoting: loggfreakreal voxels aren't that far away, look at the voxelfarm engine, it's being used in the upcoming everquest next and uses opengl, and looks increadibly good

Indeed there have been some nice advancements but I believe in the TSG interview from Humble Miguel stated that the engine EQ is using is a hybrid. It does use voxels but not everything is a voxel. A pure voxel engine is still a little behind the performance of polygons right now but there are tricks to make it faster by using a hybrid system. Things like the marching cube algorithm, calculating which voxels need to be computed vs which ones are hidden. I believe you could also use GLSL to handle a lot of the work but I think most people are using the CPU for voxel calculation. You also have to remember that engines similar to MC are probably storing data for every voxel in certain range, even if it isn't being displayed. It comes to a memory and CPU constraint at that point when you need to calculate off that much data.

Either way I'm a fan of voxels and there are people much smarter than myself finding tricks to make it work. For now I believe that a hybrid system is best for performance.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By , 2 May 2014 at 12:56 pm UTC

Quoting: wolfyrionAll my friends are willing to change to Linux but the only reason that keeping them on Windows is that some of their favourite game tittles are working only on windows and they dont want to mess up with Wine.

If at least 5 Major Games go to Linux you will see up to 50% Rise of Linux

- Blizzard Games (Diablo , WoW, etc)
- Battlefield
- World of Tanks
- Dark Souls 2
- Guild Wars 2

i want all future action or adventure games to linux version then i move windows to linux.

for example..
next battlefield 5 game, GTA V, watchdogs, max payne 4, call of duty (2014), far cry 4.

and i dont think linux support this type of games.. :P

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By Widerwillig, 2 May 2014 at 12:39 pm UTC

I was even surveyed yesterday on my Linux system. ^_^ It was the second time after the first survey, right after the very first start of steam.

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By , 2 May 2014 at 12:34 pm UTC

I haven't seen a survey since December, on Windows or Linux (I dual boot).

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By killx_den, 2 May 2014 at 11:55 am UTC Likes: 1

I am playing GW2 via wine on Linux and have like 1700 hours played yet :>
Runs good for me between 25fps - 60fps on high settings. I am using this ppa:

Lately I really don't care about Windows games anymore. If I really want to play something I will play it via wine (If I really have to) or on my PS3. Otherwise it is the devs bad luck, because they won't see my money.

I realize that this won't apply to other people and I also know we need some more AAA games, but no matter how many games we get, there will always be someone missing his favorite game on Linux. So just be happy about every new game that comes to Linux, because the more games there are the more people will join thew community ;)

Steam Hardware Survey For April 2014, Linux Rises From The Ashes
By JoZ3, 2 May 2014 at 11:31 am UTC

Quoting: wolfyrionAll my friends are willing to change to Linux but the only reason that keeping them on Windows is that some of their favourite game tittles are working only on windows and they dont want to mess up with Wine.

If at least 5 Major Games go to Linux you will see up to 50% Rise of Linux

- Blizzard Games (Diablo , WoW, etc)
- Battlefield
- World of Tanks
- Dark Souls 2
- Guild Wars 2

GW2 is the only reason that I keep windows

Unrest RPG & Adventure Game To Arrive On Linux This June
By GoCorinthians, 2 May 2014 at 11:19 am UTC

Witcher 2?:'(

I knew only on GOG linux launch! why waste a great opportunity to catch eyes blink on GOG?!