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ROCCAT Ryos MK Glow Review
By , 27 April 2014 at 2:13 pm UTC

I'm still using my beloved Saitek Cyborg from 2008...gotta love the color changing keys =)

ROCCAT Ryos MK Glow Review
By , 27 April 2014 at 2:11 pm UTC

I only buy cheap KB, mines always got watered...:'(

Quest of Dungeons Dungeon Crawler Has A Linux Beta, Slots Open For Testers
By , 27 April 2014 at 12:18 pm UTC

yeap it works now.
it's a great little time killer

The Funding Crowd 31 (Mar 31st - Apr 21st)
By gemini, 27 April 2014 at 11:47 am UTC

Quoting: scaineLooks fantastic! I've added it to the []WIKI[/url] and will nominate it as a Biggie. Thanks!

No problem. I pledged it as soon as I saw it. :)

Quest of Dungeons Dungeon Crawler Has A Linux Beta, Slots Open For Testers
By scaine, 27 April 2014 at 11:00 am UTC

Looks like the beta is now fully open:
Might give this one a go...

The Funding Crowd 31 (Mar 31st - Apr 21st)
By scaine, 27 April 2014 at 7:23 am UTC

Quoting: geminiWhat about The Universim?

Looks fantastic! I've added it to the []WIKI[/url] and will nominate it as a Biggie. Thanks!

The Funding Crowd 31 (Mar 31st - Apr 21st)
By scaine, 27 April 2014 at 7:13 am UTC

Quoting: GuestLegends of Persia funding goal seems to low... The "Why help" section does not give enough details. It also says it will help "produce quality game mechanics" when they say at the top the game is scheduled for release in June of 2014... And why no demo if they are this close to a release?

Reading the "Risks" section, it would appear that their main focus is recoding the scripting engine for "FIGS", which will allow simpler translations. However, I agree, the funding goal is oddly low and I did note that in my write up. I can't bring myself to pledge to this one not because of the low goal, but because they only vaguely mention that Linux is on the radar. These days, I'll only pledge to projects that specify that Linux is part of their plans from day one and will launch simultaneously.

To be honest, these days I'm also wanting assurances that any alphas or betas will also launch simultaneously. You can blame the Fun Pimps and their "7 Days to Die" title for my new-found scepticism.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 27 April 2014 at 6:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: neffoThe actual quote:
This quote were in the article Liam referred to as well (on this site) and is what we do discuss here.

QuoteWhat he is saying is they want to be a part of Linux because if it gets a "Halo"-level game it will take off. They are not saying that they want to be the Halo-maker, they are saying they want to be there when it happens so they can be a part of it.
I agree, that's what he says. But isn't this just a technicality when they first and foremost is an engine maker? So if they make the engine available for this platform, *others* may then make the "Halo" game for this platform.

But *others* can be only other EA Studios. Frostbite is not available to external studios.
That's an EA business decision.

I think it's safe to assume that Frostbite runs on Linux already (internally).
However, history told us that this does not necessarily mean it will become available to the customers.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Beamboom, 27 April 2014 at 4:58 am UTC

Quoting: neffoThe actual quote:

This quote were in the article Liam referred to as well (on this site) and is what we do discuss here.

QuoteWhat he is saying is they want to be a part of Linux because if it gets a "Halo"-level game it will take off. They are not saying that they want to be the Halo-maker, they are saying they want to be there when it happens so they can be a part of it.

I agree, that's what he says. But isn't this just a technicality when they first and foremost is an engine maker? So if they make the engine available for this platform, *others* may then make the "Halo" game for this platform.

Add to this the fact that their main competitors - Crytek and Unreal - are already ready with their Linux versions, I'd say it is a pretty safe bet to assume they are doing the same. It's not confirmed, and it can be just talk, but I think there's realistic hope to be found here.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By neffo, 27 April 2014 at 3:45 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: liamdaweThey never said they will support Linux, but that they want to which are very different things.
I think there are plenty room for interpretation in that quote, Liam.

He say "we" as in the company, not "I" as in a personal opinion or wish. So he speaks on behalf of Dice.

So he states, metaquoted, "DICE strongly want to get into Linux for a reason" -> Meaning this is not just a wish, but there are *reasons* why they want to get into it. And when a company *strongly* want something, they are working on it.

The original source (<a href="">polygon</a> - not really known for being anti-Linux) doesn't come away from the interview with your interpretation.

The actual quote:
Quote"We strongly want to get into Linux for a reason," Gustavsson said. "It took Halo for the first Xbox to kick off and go crazy — usually, it takes one killer app or game and then people are more than willing [to adopt it] — it is not hard to get your hands on Linux, for example, it only takes one game that motivates you to go there."

What he is saying is they want to be a part of Linux because if it gets a "Halo"-level game it will take off. They are not saying that they want to be the Halo-maker, they are saying they want to be there when it happens so they can be a part of it. They are not saying they want to take a risk on Linux, they are saying it is a risk to not be ready for it.

(It probably doesn't hurt that they speak the same language as Linux Torvalds.)

The Funding Crowd 31 (Mar 31st - Apr 21st)
By HadBabits, 27 April 2014 at 1:32 am UTC Likes: 1

This is a handy FAQ:
"If we fund, LAST LIFE will be released on Mac, PC, and Linux (Yeah! No silly Linux stretch goals)."

Someone's been paying attention ;)

Don't Get Your Hopes Up On Borderlands 2 On Linux Says Randy From Gearbox
By FutureSuture, 26 April 2014 at 7:50 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: entropyWasn't Gabe Newell saying recently that it turned out to be easy to convince publishers to support Linux? Gearbox obviously disagrees.
convincing to do new game for it is 100x easier than convincing for late port

when you do new game (if done correctly) you'll need minimal work. it will share marketing expense and you'll sell over all platforms. this is simple win which is not hard to persuade into

late port needs extra work, extra marketing... and there is a fact of how many people will buy it. lots of people already bought windows version to play native or on wine. now... this is where persuading over risk gets trickier
I wish more studios were like Frozenbyte. Trine was released for Windows in July of 2009, for Mac OS in November of 2010, and for Linux in April of 2011. url=[Now Frozenbyte is releasing the game for Linux again, but this time the developers are coding it themselves as opposed to outsourcing the port.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Beamboom, 26 April 2014 at 3:37 pm UTC

Quoting: entropyThe catch is: DICE still has to ask EA for permission.

... But why wouldn't they get a GO for that? I mean, EA has moved to support Mac, and Mac users are at a mere 3% or therabounts on the Steam network. Yeah Linux is even smaller, but that may very well change very fast once the SteamOS prerigged boxes hits the market.

I know my arguments are based on wishful thinking and little else, but there is *some* logic in all this. It's not totally far fetched that they too will support Linux now that three major competitors have done so - Source, Cryengine and Unreal.

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By , 26 April 2014 at 10:40 am UTC

I've enjoyed both the previous games they've ported to Linux and I'm looking forward to this one. The only problem I've seen in their games is the dodgy lip sync.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Belarrius, 26 April 2014 at 10:28 am UTC

Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: liamdaweThey never said they will support Linux, but that they want to which are very different things.
I think there are plenty room for interpretation in that quote, Liam.

He say "we" as in the company, not "I" as in a personal opinion or wish. So he speaks on behalf of Dice.

So he states, metaquoted, "DICE strongly want to get into Linux for a reason" -&gt; Meaning this is not just a wish, but there are *reasons* why they want to get into it. And when a company *strongly* want something, they are working on it.

Big +1

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 26 April 2014 at 10:13 am UTC

Quoting: Beamboom
Quoting: liamdaweThey never said they will support Linux, but that they want to which are very different things.
I think there are plenty room for interpretation in that quote, Liam.

He say "we" as in the company, not "I" as in a personal opinion or wish. So he speaks on behalf of Dice.

So he states, metaquoted, "DICE strongly want to get into Linux for a reason" -&gt; Meaning this is not just a wish, but there are *reasons* why they want to get into it. And when a company *strongly* want something, they are working on it.

The catch is: DICE still has to ask EA for permission.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Beamboom, 26 April 2014 at 9:34 am UTC

Quoting: liamdaweThey never said they will support Linux, but that they want to which are very different things.

I think there are plenty room for interpretation in that quote, Liam.

He say "we" as in the company, not "I" as in a personal opinion or wish. So he speaks on behalf of Dice.

So he states, metaquoted, "DICE strongly want to get into Linux for a reason" -> Meaning this is not just a wish, but there are *reasons* why they want to get into it. And when a company *strongly* want something, they are working on it.

Vangers A Very Weird Game From The Past Released On Steam For Linux
By JIghtuse, 26 April 2014 at 6:18 am UTC

It is a native port. Man with a nickname stalkerg spends tons of time to port it to SDL2. Original version has some code on ASM to render graphics and ugly-looking C code. He also said this game was a milestone in the Russian gamedev community. He takes source code from the devs and ports it to Linux/FreeBSD/etc. One of the problems was with a rights on a game, it was held by Buka, who does nothing with it. stalkerg wrote about it on Russian IT-resource, habrahabr. He also appears on Vangers' Steam Community Hub:

Also, world of Vangers is the same world that appears in another famous game from K-D Lab, Perimeter: It will not be ported probably, because rights on it still held by Buka.

Both Vangers and Perimeter has a huge community in Russia, these game are legendary.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 8:46 pm UTC

Quoting: MohandevirWho said anybody was wrong? Why always find evil where there is none? Don't interpret what I wrote. Misguided wasn't probably the good term and I surely don't mean to insult anybody.

The main idea is that SteamOS permits developpers to have a clear target for game development. And it's Linux compatible. That was the whole point of the argument.

found no evil, lol. probably my bad since english is not my native language

i just explained that misguided would be harsh term, not that it is wrong (at least in my english harsh not negating). you were 100% right. it's just that misguided can be labeled to various attributes which contribute to that point where linux is that monster in the closet.

out of all my coder friends i can't find one who would say "i won't develop for linux", but 80% simply does not know where to turn. steam is practically solving 99% since it is defacto "this is how it is and nothing else"

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By , 25 April 2014 at 8:29 pm UTC

No problem with this. Larian specifically said the Linux version will come out later. While I moved to Linux exclusively, I'm still a big of theirs. I'm glad I donated to this kickstarter and I hope to get to use my copy soon.

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By Shmerl, 25 April 2014 at 8:03 pm UTC

The actual announcement is here:
It's probably better to reference it directly in the post rather than simply linking to the top KS page.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 7:09 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: AnonymousI know you're not argueing. It's just that I've seen too many times some misguided arguments about Linux fragmentation to justify the fact that there is no port for this game or that one.

And for Linux not beeing a scary monster anymore... I'll drink to that! :)
calling them misguided is a bit harsh, especially since community contributes 90% to that opinion. coders have jobs and can't simply go into linux 100%, but what they can do is get into it with leveled up expectations from what they learn reading on internet. same as they decide on how to approach to it

which distro they pick, where they search information, how they approach to solving problems... that is all based on what they read on internet. with right guidance you can make true believer in days, with wrong one you can make enemy in hours

i actually bothered to get 80% of my non-linux coder friends actually admit why the bogus claims and it always comes to exaggeration&amp;expectation by linux zealots. when you get into anything with such high expectation any non trivial unsolvable problem just leads to you feel stupid about your self (it's so easy for everyone else, what am i then? stupid?). and that is one feeling no developer should feel if you want acceptance. sadly, zealoting just creates opposite zealoting

read forums and notice how some people claim "everything just works", "not one problem"... up to the point where linux is the final stand preventing WW3. all you need is look at forums and search "i'm total n00b, which distro..." and watch responses... full of gentoo

whole situation is more like

Who said anybody was wrong? Why always find evil where there is none? Don't interpret what I wrote. Misguided wasn't probably the good term and I surely don't mean to insult anybody.

The main idea is that SteamOS permits developpers to have a clear target for game development. And it's Linux compatible. That was the whole point of the argument.

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By , 25 April 2014 at 7:01 pm UTC

I backed this game only because of promised Linux support, yet another example of "oh, we will get to it". Great people who do listen to their fans but this is the last time I back one of their promised Linux versions, game it's self is over a half a year late (Yes I know there has been many improvments).

Vangers A Very Weird Game From The Past Released On Steam For Linux
By , 25 April 2014 at 6:24 pm UTC

Quoting: LinasWonder if it is Wine-based or native, though?

As far as I can tell, it's native (with a 32 and 64 bit build). Seems to have all three platforms in one though.

Vangers/bin/linux directory looks like this (only other relevant directory is Vangers/data):

├── lib32
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── lib64
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── vangers32
├── vangers32.bin
├── vangers64
└── vangers64.bin

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 6:18 pm UTC

Are we reaching the point where it's easier to ask what engines are left that don't support Linux (or will Real Soon Now) than which ones do?

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 5:58 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousI know you're not argueing. It's just that I've seen too many times some misguided arguments about Linux fragmentation to justify the fact that there is no port for this game or that one.

And for Linux not beeing a scary monster anymore... I'll drink to that! :)

calling them misguided is a bit harsh, especially since community contributes 90% to that opinion. coders have jobs and can't simply go into linux 100%, but what they can do is get into it with leveled up expectations from what they learn reading on internet. same as they decide on how to approach to it

which distro they pick, where they search information, how they approach to solving problems... that is all based on what they read on internet. with right guidance you can make true believer in days, with wrong one you can make enemy in hours

i actually bothered to get 80% of my non-linux coder friends actually admit why the bogus claims and it always comes to exaggeration&expectation by linux zealots. when you get into anything with such high expectation any non trivial unsolvable problem just leads to you feel stupid about your self (it's so easy for everyone else, what am i then? stupid?). and that is one feeling no developer should feel if you want acceptance. sadly, zealoting just creates opposite zealoting

read forums and notice how some people claim "everything just works", "not one problem"... up to the point where linux is the final stand preventing WW3. all you need is look at forums and search "i'm total n00b, which distro..." and watch responses... full of gentoo

whole situation is more like

Vangers A Very Weird Game From The Past Released On Steam For Linux
By Linas, 25 April 2014 at 5:39 pm UTC

I remember this one. Probably still have the CD somewhere at my moms, if I did not throw it out at some point. Never got into it, because I could not figure out what it is all about.

If I had to define the game in two words it would be ugly and confusing. For the price they are asking, I really think there are better things to choose from.

Wonder if it is Wine-based or native, though?

Pixel Piracy Sandbox Game Linux Video, Thoughts & Keys To Give-away!
By UCGianfranco, 25 April 2014 at 5:28 pm UTC

What Star Wars character is really a pirate?


Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By Deformal, 25 April 2014 at 5:24 pm UTC

Well, If you need, I can write, where you can find enough low price - 13.94$