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Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Beamboom, 25 April 2014 at 4:34 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: WiderwilligWhat about the Frostbite Engine? Is there any hint about Linux support?
IIRC, the Frostbite Engine is developed by DICE which belongs to EA.
I'd be more than surprised to see anything Linux related from EA, until SteamOS will be overly successful and, thus, "proves" that there is a market for Linux-based games.

I actually am pretty sure I've read somewhere that indeed Frostbite for Linux is in the works too.

And a quick Googling confirmed it:

It's also listed under "game engines for Linux" on Wikipedia:

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 4:27 pm UTC

Quoting: MohandevirBecause marketing is the thing! :)

Valve/SteamOS "trademark" is much more easy to sell than Linux. This is probably one of the reasons why Valve decided to throw themselves in the publication of an OS.

No more arguments about the fragmentation of Linux distributions. All you have to do is aim for SteamOS.

At this point, developpers don't need to know about the fact that it is Linux compatible... I'm sure they do but I'm not sure they all care.

Valve knows and care, we know and that's all that matters. :)

well, distro fragmentation was solved in multitude of projects long ago. build once, run everywhere or single click install and so on. problem here is that each and every distro applies its own solution instead of working towards one that rules them all (or at least one defacto included everywhere). now, how could a developer that is not versed to linux know how and which. especially when you consider that each solution is solving one aspect and forgets few and there is not one solution you could rely on.

btw, this answer is in no way disagreeing with what you said, you were correct. steam it self is doing nothing but solving this exact problem (ok, adds lots of game wise features). it provides developer with "just works" environment

as far as i see, the only solution that actually tackles all aspects is unfortunately WIP, but that is just my opinion

getting something like this as standard everywhere... linux suddenly is not as scary monster in the closet as it was. not to mention, shops like desura, gog, etc could be insanely simplified

Pixel Piracy Sandbox Game Linux Video, Thoughts & Keys To Give-away!
By , 25 April 2014 at 3:48 pm UTC

Eye patch? Neither Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Mark Zuckerberg ever wore an eye patch.

Q. What did the first pirate say to the second.
A. "...I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it."

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By , 25 April 2014 at 3:10 pm UTC

I don't really understand not putting out an early access version on Linux; many of the bugs reported by us will no doubt be cross platform and generally we have much more experience in what actually needs to go in to a bug report (rather than just "it doesn't work!!!1012312").

Proper user feedback (including constructive criticism) obviously isn't as high a priority as lots of "dis game iz gud" circle jerk feedback.

Not that I'm suggesting all Windows / Mac users are incompetent. Honestly.

Edit: I've wanted to include the phrase "circle jerk" somewhere at some point for a while now.

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By Sabun, 25 April 2014 at 2:46 pm UTC

That is a surprise, but as jdub has pointed out above it's still pretty vague. I guess we'll see in time. If they deliver on their Mac port, it's one more step in the direction of Linux support.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 2:36 pm UTC

Because marketing is the thing! :)

Valve/SteamOS "trademark" is much more easy to sell than Linux. This is probably one of the reasons why Valve decided to throw themselves in the publication of an OS.

No more arguments about the fragmentation of Linux distributions. All you have to do is aim for SteamOS.

At this point, developpers don't need to know about the fact that it is Linux compatible... I'm sure they do but I'm not sure they all care.

Valve knows and care, we know and that's all that matters. :)

Divinity: Original Sin RPG Confirms Linux Release After The Full Windows & Mac Versions
By , 25 April 2014 at 2:35 pm UTC Likes: 1

"a version of the game for Linux some time after its full release"

How vague of them <_<

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By , 25 April 2014 at 2:32 pm UTC

Quoting: WiderwilligWhat about the Frostbite Engine? Is there any hint about Linux support?

IIRC, the Frostbite Engine is developed by DICE which belongs to EA.
I'd be more than surprised to see anything Linux related from EA, until SteamOS will be overly successful and, thus, "proves" that there is a market for Linux-based games.

Vangers A Very Weird Game From The Past Released On Steam For Linux
By , 25 April 2014 at 1:37 pm UTC

I didn't recognise it initially when I saw it pop up on Steam; however after saying the name Vangers several times and then watching the video, it all comes back to me now.

I have no idea what was going on in the trailer, I also had no idea what was going on when I played it back in my Windows 95 days. However, it does still evoke many fond memories.

Will have to buy it again, just for nostalgias sake.

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By xuwang, 25 April 2014 at 1:24 pm UTC

From what I understand UE 3 is completely incompatible with UE 4. That is, it's not the same as going from Unity 3 to Unity 4. So I guess it will take some time until games that are developed are released. Yes, there have been some UE 3 ports, but not the "automatic" ports that hopefully UE 4.1 will bring.

I'm guessing that it is straightforward to upgrade from UE 4 to UE 4.1. Does anyone have a sense of what proportion of new games using UE use UE 4 versus UE 3?

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Widerwillig, 25 April 2014 at 1:12 pm UTC

What about the Frostbite Engine? Is there any hint about Linux support?

Unreal Engine 4.1 Has Been Released, Features Early Linux Support
By Belarrius, 25 April 2014 at 12:43 pm UTC

Ohhhhhh it's very very insane! <3

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By pb, 25 April 2014 at 11:46 am UTC

Yeah, there were a few mistranslations, but overall the script was pretty decent.

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By killx_den, 25 April 2014 at 10:43 am UTC

Nightmares from the Deep was a lot of fun, but it had a bad translation error at one point. The mini game said that I have to find the onion but they actually meant garlic. Took me 20 minutes to figure that out :D

Anyways I'll probably buy this one :)

Project Cars Beautiful Racing Sim To Release In November
By killx_den, 25 April 2014 at 10:39 am UTC

As soon as the Linux Version comes out I'll buy it.
I can't wait for this game it looks so awesome >.<

Vangers A Very Weird Game From The Past Released On Steam For Linux
By killx_den, 25 April 2014 at 10:37 am UTC

I think I can still remember this game but i didn't play it back then.

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink Adventure Game Released On Steam For Linux
By pb, 25 April 2014 at 9:33 am UTC

It's already the third game by Artifex Mundi released on Steam. They have quite a few more games in their backpack: - interestingly, though, they don't list Linux support even on those that were put on Steam for Linux. So there's no telling if their other games work on Linux or not. Maybe they're porting to Linux as they're releasing on Steam? Though I'd guess most of their games work on the same engine, so maybe the others are also Linux-ready?

Anyhow, I played Nightmares from the Deep and quite enjoyed it. It's good to see more of their games are coming to Steam/Linux.

Project Cars Beautiful Racing Sim To Release In November
By rustybroomhandle, 25 April 2014 at 7:12 am UTC

Quoting: AnonymousIs this a game or real life?

No, it's just fantasy. Caught in a landslide...

The GDC Video On Approaching Zero Driver Overhead in OpenGL Is Now Up
By , 25 April 2014 at 3:01 am UTC

Quoting: Half-Shot
Quoting: JasonThis isn't true. The OpenGL 3.x/4.x path on OSX is core profile only (no compatibility profile).
Metro only included a 3.x path only Linux and OSX, they decided not to put two in. It was hardly 'shoddy'. Strictly a business/time/money decision.
But why did they lower standards on Linux to save time. And actually how much business/time/money does it save once you are on OpenGL. I'm not expert, but it couldn't take THAT long to include some OpenGL 4 features. It's not an easy job to port DX to GL, but once your there, why stop short.

It's probably to stop the OSX users whining that Linux got a better port than them which is evil, bad and should never be done.

TL;DR : Any port that lowers its standards to meet another system despite not acutally needing to IS 'shoddy'. There is enough games to line my walls which were ported from consoles and look crap on PC just because the developers wanted a quick cash in.

By the time the Linux port came out, they could have updated the game for 4.x on OSX as well... Nothing about 'whining users'... It's simply a money/time thing. They already had one backend, they didn't want to write another.

Out of the Park Baseball 15 Released On Linux
By , 25 April 2014 at 2:10 am UTC

But in Britain, the game on which baseball is - ahem - based, i.e. rounders, is only played by children.

Cricket - now there's a game for grown ups.

Project Cars Beautiful Racing Sim To Release In November
By , 25 April 2014 at 1:16 am UTC

Is this a game or real life?

Out of the Park Baseball 15 Released On Linux
By tuxisagamer, 25 April 2014 at 12:05 am UTC


Baseball is big in Canada, Puerto Rico, and Japan too.

Project Cars Beautiful Racing Sim To Release In November
By , 24 April 2014 at 9:04 pm UTC


Definetly, with the official release of the Steam Machines and of games like this one, fall 2014 will be really hot for Linux gamers...

Project Cars Beautiful Racing Sim To Release In November
By , 24 April 2014 at 8:16 pm UTC

Am not a fan of auto sims, but this one looks like benchmarking tool, and it's sexy.
It's like a sexy silly girl. You can't take her seriously, but you can't take her out of your head either.

DRM Boosts Profits & It's Here To Stay
By Hamish, 24 April 2014 at 7:50 pm UTC

Quoting: eMcEDon't have steam/gog/uplay/desura account? You don't exist for gaming ad.2014.

To be fair, I do not see how this is a worse power dynamic than what existed before when you were dependant on actual physical retailers.

My main concern is having control over the games once I purchase them. Exactly how they are acquired is a much smaller point for me.