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AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By , 16 April 2014 at 9:11 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: SilviuOh dude, please don't try to humour me. If throwing money at the company which shies away from properly supporting people that buy their products is your thing, then by all means, continue to do so.

Don't worry about making *me* happy. I got that covered ;)
As amusing as this has been, I'll make one more post here: why are you using Linux? You obviously don't care for FOSS principles, and care a great deal for games running under wine, not natively, so one wonders why you don't just stick with Windows?

Oh man, that has to be really hard to understand for some people, but here it is, plain and simple. Linux works better for me and what I need to do than Windows. Even the Unity interface is years ahead of what MS can muster on Windows. From my p.o.v. at least.

Are you saying that I should not use Linux if I don't care for FOSS principles? Please point me to the license that forbids me to use the software because of political beliefs. You lot are a riot.

Quoting: GuestOr go with Intel. They've been quite supportive of Linux.

Actually I *do* use Intel kit. They did not fire their Linux developers, on the contrary, they make sure to have support for upcoming products in the kernel way ahead of the actual product launch. They have my support and my money.

The only thing I don't use is their IGPs. The performance sucks... but, if it ever gets better, I'll drop nvidia in a heartbeat. The same goes for AMD.

Quoting: GuestA closed up blob and downright hostility towards kernel developers is not supportive of Linux, and not supportive of its community

I do not care. Actually I care even less about the so called "community". I want to be able to fully use my hardware. Intel enables that for me, so does nvidia. AMD? not so much.

Quoting: GuestIf Mantle does come to Linux, and released and open API, then you can bet nVidia wouldn't support that either.

If, if if if if... Facts bro', not ifs. As far as I'm concerned, Mantle is the equivalent of 3dfx's Glide api. If they ever release specs good enough for people to be able to create their own implementations, I shall change my mind... IF... ever

Quoting: GuestI understand that some people are rather pragmatic in that they use nVidia's blobs, but they generally also care about FOSS, and want games natively instead of through wine. Many would also, if given the option, go for an open source driver (leaving aside games, Mesa drivers + desktop far surpasses anything blobs from any company can do).

So, lemme get this straight... because I care about native games (I already have over 100 of them), I should deny myself the ability to run those titles that have not been ported.

You don't get the pragmatist's mindset.

This part at least, does not compute at all:
Quoting: Guestthey generally also care about FOSS, and want games natively instead of through wine

You do realise that most of those native games are as closed source and a good part of them even use Valve's DRM. There's nothing FOSSy about that. Come on people, be consistent.

The Hong Kong Massacre Has A Trailer, Looks Brutal
By , 16 April 2014 at 9:11 am UTC

Quoting: loggfreakbtw does anyone know any good top down multiplayer shooters?
can't seem to find any good ones, even on windows, or they're dead.

Nation Red comes to my mind, Windows only though.

The Hong Kong Massacre Has A Trailer, Looks Brutal
By loggfreak, 16 April 2014 at 9:02 am UTC

btw does anyone know any good top down multiplayer shooters?
can't seem to find any good ones, even on windows, or they're dead.

Game Develop Still Seeking Funds To Better Their Toolkits Linux Support
By , 16 April 2014 at 8:21 am UTC

Shame! Have they never heard of the Open Build Service from SuSE ?

Mojang Offer No Hints As To When Scrolls Will Get The Promised Linux Release
By Liam Dawe, 16 April 2014 at 8:20 am UTC

Quoting: KoltorocWell, Mojang and Notch are famous for breaking promises meanwhile. Another example is the over three year promised MOD-API for Minecraft.

Well the Mod-API is due to Minecraft not actual being built by Notch to be moddable originally, leading the guys who took over to have to re-write everything pretty much.

Give it another year and Minecraft might actually be interesting to me again, right now though unless you have something massive in mind to build it's boring as hell.

The combat is just lifeless.

Mojang Offer No Hints As To When Scrolls Will Get The Promised Linux Release
By , 16 April 2014 at 8:19 am UTC Likes: 1

Well, Mojang and Notch are famous for breaking promises meanwhile. Another example is the over three year promised MOD-API for Minecraft.

Glitchspace FPS Programming Game Enters Steam Early Access
By minj, 16 April 2014 at 7:43 am UTC

Embracing bug=feature ideology. Visionary indeed xD

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By n30p1r4t3, 16 April 2014 at 1:30 am UTC

AMD for the money can't be beat.

Bionic Attack, A Real Time Strategy Game Made On Linux & It Looks Brilliant
By oldrocker99, 16 April 2014 at 1:05 am UTC

It looks a bit more TD than RTS, for sure, but there was some interesting stuff at the end.

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By PlayX, 15 April 2014 at 11:32 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: PlayXNot in the Podcast. In the Comments below the Video on YouTube.
Any chance of you noting this to us next time? I will update the article to state that.

I could swear I wrote "in the comments" in my tip.

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By GoCorinthians, 15 April 2014 at 10:28 pm UTC

Im buying at least half of their games! of course just after port is released even on beta.

Natural Selection 2: Combat, A New Natural Selection FPS Coming Soon
By GoCorinthians, 15 April 2014 at 10:26 pm UTC

CS GO port will come with it a lot of source-based games! Like Insurgency

Did Anyone Else Notice What System The Lead Star Citizen Developer Is Using In Their PAX Video?
By , 15 April 2014 at 9:34 pm UTC

UVL tracks what development systems games were created with. Including Linux. These lists are by no means complete, but hopefully interesting.

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By , 15 April 2014 at 9:31 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: Silviu
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: SilviuIt sounds like I struck a chord of an AMD fan :)

See, now you're just coming across as a trolling hater. I pity you that you feel you need to be that way.
Label me however you like... as long as it makes you feel good about your choice and the money you spent :)
It seems you're not happy with how other people choose to spend their money, or if their opinion differs to your own. Such a shame, such a shame.

Oh dude, please don't try to humour me. If throwing money at the company which shies away from properly supporting people that buy their products is your thing, then by all means, continue to do so.

Don't worry about making *me* happy. I got that covered ;)

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By Liam Dawe, 15 April 2014 at 9:30 pm UTC

Quoting: PlayXNot in the Podcast. In the Comments below the Video on YouTube.

Any chance of you noting this to us next time? I will update the article to state that.

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By philip550c, 15 April 2014 at 8:54 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: AnonymousJesus, I had to adblock your gif before it triggered an epileptic fit, PlayX. Thank god for adblock. Maybe I'll read some of your posts in future instead of just scrolling your avatar off the page as quickly as possible...
lol, gifs for avatars remind me of the 90s

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By Hamish, 15 April 2014 at 8:54 pm UTC

Quoting: SilviuOf course you can twist this again and make it about Linux, but the thing is that while most of the time I do use Linux, I have no issues running Windows when I really need it. I have a feeling you would not do that.

The difference is neither I or mirv are making inflammatory posts about Windows users, not that I can speak for his platform choices.

Quoting: Silviuas long as it makes you feel good about your choice and the money you spent

I have actually spent very little money on graphics cards; my current one I got used for $40 dollars over three years ago. It is still the best graphics card I have ever had the pleasure of using, so I definitely have no regrets in purchasing it.

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By , 15 April 2014 at 8:53 pm UTC

Jesus, I had to adblock your gif before it triggered an epileptic fit, PlayX. Thank god for adblock. Maybe I'll read some of your posts in future instead of just scrolling your avatar off the page as quickly as possible...

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By , 15 April 2014 at 8:50 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: SilviuIt sounds like I struck a chord of an AMD fan :)

See, now you're just coming across as a trolling hater. I pity you that you feel you need to be that way.

Label me however you like... as long as it makes you feel good about your choice and the money you spent :)

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By , 15 April 2014 at 8:38 pm UTC

It sounds like I struck a chord of an AMD fan :)


The thing is that for me, as an nvidia user, the number of games that will work is higher than those that work for AMD users. I'm not talking about the native titles... but about the ones that still are not ported and need wine in some form.

If you're fine with a smaller selection of games you can play good for you.

Of course you can twist this again and make it about Linux, but the thing is that while most of the time I do use Linux, I have no issues running Windows when I really need it. I have a feeling you would not do that.

This, again, may be fine for you... it's not fine for me.

Natural Selection 2: Combat, A New Natural Selection FPS Coming Soon
By , 15 April 2014 at 8:31 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: AnonymousThey aren't removing anything from the base game, so I don't know what you are talking about. The online sci fi FPS selection on linux is mostly ancient games with a sliver of an online community
It is clearly stated they are removing commanders, the game will be very different.

Still, far better than most FPS games on Linux. Not many have two completely different sides, upgrades per-side and beautiful graphics.

What I meant what natural selection 2 will remain unchanged, since this is a seperate game =)

AMD's Mantle May Still Come To Linux, Despite Other Websites Reports
By Hamish, 15 April 2014 at 8:30 pm UTC

Quoting: SilviuGeez, I don't know... performance?. We're talking about gaming here.

Of course I expect the "it works just fine for me" band wagon to arrive. I mean, somehow you need to justify spending money on AMD's crap and still feel good about it.

Geez, I don't know... performance? We're talking about gaming here.

Of course I expect the "it works just fine for me" band wagon to arrive. I mean, somehow you need to justify spending time with this Linux crap and still feel good about it

See how that sounds for you. It is the crux of your own argument.

I only use FOSS drivers for many good and valid reasons, including for all of the gaming that I currently do. I appreciate the fact that I can use my AMD cards the way I want to, which is something I can not currently say for Nvidia.

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By PlayX, 15 April 2014 at 8:25 pm UTC

damn how can I delete my posts?

any mod can delete this ;-)

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By PlayX, 15 April 2014 at 8:23 pm UTC

Not in the Podcast. In the Comments below the Video on YouTube.
But in 13th Podcast they say again that Tropico 5 will come to Linux, but no exact date for it.

Auch weitere Spiele, die gerade in der Entwicklung sind, werden ebenfalls für Linux und Mac erscheinen. Welche das sind, das können wir noch nicht verraten ;-)

GoogleTranslator ;-)
Even more games that are currently in development, will also appear for Linux and Mac. Which they are, we can not tell;-)

Kalypso Media Bringing More Games To Linux In The Future, Not Just Tropico 5
By philip550c, 15 April 2014 at 8:19 pm UTC

do you know how many mins in they talk about the new linux games?

Natural Selection 2: Combat, A New Natural Selection FPS Coming Soon
By Liam Dawe, 15 April 2014 at 7:58 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymousthis has no reason to exist while unvanquished still breathes

Yeah sure.

While we are at it Planetary Annihilation shouldn't exist as we have Globulation 2...

Natural Selection 2: Combat, A New Natural Selection FPS Coming Soon
By , 15 April 2014 at 7:52 pm UTC

this has no reason to exist while unvanquished still breathes