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Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By oldrocker99, 14 April 2014 at 12:32 am UTC

As someone who still plays SMAC and AC from GOG, I'm beside myself with anticipation. This is BIG news.

Whitewash First Person Puzzle/Shooter Plans To Come To Linux, Made In Unity3D
By philip550c, 13 April 2014 at 9:24 pm UTC

My favorite gaming genre. Nice, can't wait for this. Almost all first person puzzle games are on Linux now or soon. I wish that magrunner would get a port.

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By Belphias, 13 April 2014 at 8:46 pm UTC

Hello folks on GamingOnLinux, I am a huge MOBA-Fan and with DotA 2 there is already a major player available on linux. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them on our beloved platform and maybe they will be the force that allows linux to become the front player operating system for gamers!
And I love GamingOnLinux for being a part of the force who drives Linux towards popularity! :-)

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By Orkultus, 13 April 2014 at 8:41 pm UTC

I hope the exporting to Linux, or i should say "building for Linux", isn't a problem at all.

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By Linas, 13 April 2014 at 8:36 pm UTC

GOL is the most informative and accurate source of Linux gaming news I have encountered so far. Yet it is a friendly and personal space that actually encouraged me to be more social in the community.

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By RaymondTerrific , 13 April 2014 at 7:58 pm UTC

I love GOL because people say you can't game on Linux, this blog is proof that you can.

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By scaine, 13 April 2014 at 7:15 pm UTC

I missed out on the whole Myst phenomenon (can you see what I did there?), but was curious enough to visit their Kickstarter and hopefully get on board second time around. Sadly, no Linux support. So this is good news, albeit I've "myst" the boat again (just in case you didn't get it the first time).

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By , 13 April 2014 at 7:02 pm UTC

I backed this one, betting Unreal Engine would eventually have Linux version. I'm thrilled to see that happen, and I would be very surprised and disappointed if Cyan didn't release a Linux version of the came because of that (I'm a bit worried due to their size and the Kickstarter not bringing in all that much money)

Whitewash First Person Puzzle/Shooter Plans To Come To Linux, Made In Unity3D
By , 13 April 2014 at 6:45 pm UTC

Seems great, I will probably pick this up :)

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By Kurremkarmerruk, 13 April 2014 at 5:52 pm UTC

I love because it provides a place for linux gaming that isn't focused on open source and free software. Not that I hate those ideologies (in fact, I love them!) but I am glad to have a place that is more inclusive!

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By babai, 13 April 2014 at 5:51 pm UTC

I love GOL coz I get info about all the new releases and upcoming games for linux from here.

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Delayed For Linux Because Of Unity3D
By s_d, 13 April 2014 at 4:50 pm UTC

QuoteThat is totally not true, Phoenix Online expected to make a Linux version of GK20 after getting the whole upgrade to Unity 4 thing done!

Exactly. Also, if you look at the timeline, she'd worked with them on Cognition way before announcing the Moebius campaign. Thusly, it's my theory that, #1 she became convinced to work with them when launching her own studio, #2 they were a Unity3D shop at that time and heavily invested in Unity version 3/3.5, and #3 support for Linux hadn't been announced by Unity Technologies at the time of negotiation with Activision before the launch of the campaign.

What I take from that is that she negotiated development rights for the platforms supported by her team's tools at the time of negotiation. After following the project for years (two years yesterday, in fact!), and reading between-the-lines in relation to their trials, frustrations and delays with announcing GK20, it's clear what sort of actor we have in Activision. I can understand why she's concerned about them cancelling the entire project if she takes a wrong step and it's perceived to be a liability (they almost certainly retain those rights). She probably thinks that she has the best chance of negotiating new porting rights after release, like in the AAA world with console games and such.

That's another reason why the AAA publishing model is so awful... it's structured specifically to make all follow-on ports feel like second-class citizens, with delays, lack of commitments, etc. The maximum effort expended is always on their launch platforms. Any effort beyond that is on the shoulders of the studio and it's not unheard-of for studios to, essentially, beg the publisher to permit them to put out patches, ports, and additional post-release content.

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By Speedster, 13 April 2014 at 4:05 pm UTC

Myst truly was groundbreaking in its day. Not a traditional point-n-click adventure by any means, I consider it to have created its own genre (like the article description points out).

At the time of the Obduction campaign, I didn't even watch the pitch video after seeing "Unreal engine", not wanting to dwell on what I was missing out on. Time to go watch it, and catch up on why many of my fellow kickstarter backers (ones who don't use Linux) were so excited!

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By minj, 13 April 2014 at 3:41 pm UTC

Quoting: adolsonhopes don't run on Linux.
this is worth to be somebody's signature

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By Stav, 13 April 2014 at 3:32 pm UTC

I love because the website always update. and the design very good.

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By Maquis196, 13 April 2014 at 3:26 pm UTC

Ah fan sodding tastic!

So happy I could squeal... I might need to clone myself so one half of me can spend 24x7 playing games whilst the other works to support both of us.

Sounds legit :)

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By JoZ3, 13 April 2014 at 3:20 pm UTC

Thanks to GOL esoy always informed the world of video games for linux, and the sales section is essential, not imagine how much money I saved :) Thanks GOL are the best

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By minj, 13 April 2014 at 3:00 pm UTC

GoL is one stop shop for linux gaming news. RSS feed quickly fills up with action if you skip even a single day. Nothing better out there

Want A Free Strife MOBA Closed Beta Key?
By sid, 13 April 2014 at 2:26 pm UTC

GoL is the best!!!!!! BUT if you need a reason I say, you give up-to-date info about gaming on Linux. Let's not forget about the "Sales" tab you have set up for us.

Obduction Adventure Game Evaluating A Linux Port With Unreal Engine Supporting Linux
By adolson, 13 April 2014 at 2:23 pm UTC

This would be awesome! I wrote to Cyan during the Kickstarter, and they told me at that time, "We have high hopes that Linux support will come, we just can't guarantee it." I didn't back the project as a result, because hopes don't run on Linux. But I'll buy when it's available if they do wind up bringing it, no question.

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By , 13 April 2014 at 2:15 pm UTC

Pirates gonna pirate....but not me I'll buy that sucker XD

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By , 13 April 2014 at 1:08 pm UTC

Quoting: ZapCan't wait to pirate this game!

I don't think you will see any cracked Linux game any time soon :). And as there aren't any Steam OS exclusive game I thing you will need to wait long before any hacker will start to bother with Linux games

Banished City-building Strategy Game Will Get A Linux Port
By Apopas, 13 April 2014 at 1:00 pm UTC

Good news! I had seen this one in Steam and I envied to play it on Linux.

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By Samsai, 13 April 2014 at 11:34 am UTC

Quoting: ZapCan't wait to pirate this game!
And people wonder why we are seeing so many crappy F2P games these days...
I hope that was a joke.

Banished City-building Strategy Game Will Get A Linux Port
By Xpander, 13 April 2014 at 11:28 am UTC

Quoting: STiAT@Xpander i'm just sick of "getting games in wine to work". I've by now 17 different wine prefixes and configurations for different games, and I just decided I won't buy games to play in wine anymore. As well as buying on windows (wine) it counts as windows for steam sales.

i hear you ..i feel quite same lately.. but if theres a game i really want to play and its known to work in wine. then i will still do it.. at least we have the option to do that.

as for prefixes..i usualy make standalone packages ... making new perfix and special wine version and putting inside the game directory.. then running a script that runs all those files.. so i dont f up with wine updates or what not

Banished City-building Strategy Game Will Get A Linux Port
By , 13 April 2014 at 9:19 am UTC

@Xpander i'm just sick of "getting games in wine to work". I've by now 17 different wine prefixes and configurations for different games, and I just decided I won't buy games to play in wine anymore. As well as buying on windows (wine) it counts as windows for steam sales.

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By Cheeseness, 13 April 2014 at 7:05 am UTC

Good work on following this up. I spent a while trying to find a 2K/Firaxis source or press release for this (just in case it was yet another misunderstanding that propagated itself across a whole stack of news sites).

I loved Alpha Centauri, and it seems like the Beyond Earth team are the right people to make a spiritual successor.

Firaxis Games New IP "Civilization: Beyond Earth" Will Come To Linux - CONFIRMED
By , 13 April 2014 at 6:40 am UTC

I'm waiting for Civ V for Linux (which I think it will happen together with the launch of the Steam Machines)...