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Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By Xpander, 10 April 2014 at 4:36 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymous
Quoting: Xpanderno big changes imo ... that again proves my point that OC is quite useless for Mid/High end GPU's

also at +150mhz core it just downclocked itself automatically, but the framerates werent that much better anyway till that point
Unfortunately Xpander, Kepler cards (especially 66X Kepler) have tight power limits. You might well be running into a power bottleneck. In addition, Kepler is weird in that the clocks you choose won't n't necessarily be the actual running clocks because of Boost and the aforementioned power and tdp controls. 7XX Kepler is not as bad in this respect but you do run into the same issues. Windows (e.g with MSI Afterburner) at least does have some control over the power limit, but it's usually only something small like 110% (10% above stock power). You need to mod your bios to unlock these limits, which is relatively safe these days although still an annoying restriction.

ohh ok.. thanks for the information.. didnt know about this.
yeah i noticed that numbers in nvidia-settings and actual numbers were quite different.. also it still automaticaly controlled my clocks... im not going to start hacking my VGA BIOS though... i just run it at stock untill i see a game that doesnt run good enough..then i buy a new card :)
a lot simpler than messing with settings imo ...

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By , 10 April 2014 at 4:30 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpanderno big changes imo ... that again proves my point that OC is quite useless for Mid/High end GPU's

also at +150mhz core it just downclocked itself automatically, but the framerates werent that much better anyway till that point

Unfortunately Xpander, Kepler cards (especially 66X Kepler) have tight power limits. You might well be running into a power bottleneck. In addition, Kepler is weird in that the clocks you choose won't n't necessarily be the actual running clocks because of Boost and the aforementioned power and tdp controls. 7XX Kepler is not as bad in this respect but you do run into the same issues. Windows (e.g with MSI Afterburner) at least does have some control over the power limit, but it's usually only something small like 110% (10% above stock power). You need to mod your bios to unlock these limits, which is relatively safe these days although still an annoying restriction.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By mrdeathjr, 10 April 2014 at 4:30 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpanderwell yeah CPU doesnt really make difference in Valley, because its focused on GPU testing

on wine ofc it does... but GPU not much.

nowadays most games are on shader units.. instead of raw core clocks.
oldschool games might get improvements..but then again oldschool games run superbly anyway with stock clocks

edit: i will try to do some more wine tests if i have time.. but on wine CPU frequency is most important... core count isnt that important unless you run CSMT.
GPU performance on wine is bottlenecked by all kinds of direct3d bugs.. but with CSMT enabled (forcing rendering to other core) it can improve a lot..cause it takes heat off from the 1 and only core that wine wants to use.

For disgrace many issues on direct3d to solve:

-d3dcaps not have complete (this affect various games as saint row the third)

-shadows give problems on many games (the suffeing ties that bind and others) and affect performance

-some light effects give trobles on some games (lantern bug on alan wake)

see around 11 minut

View video on

-and other many graphics issues

On input mouse movement have problems on some games is partially solved when you use on windowed but various games dont work still with windowed mode case binary domain and anothers

View video on

And other issues in ther areas

Respect CSMT, step by step more close to wine vanilla integration (few a few many thigs are included actually on vanilla) only remains wait

And overhead still is bigger depend game on d3d is appear major difference as farcry 3 and many others


Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By , 10 April 2014 at 4:25 pm UTC

Quoting: KevinI really hope they add the ability to downsample in future Linux drivers. That's one feature from their windows drivers I would love.
Quoting: KevinI really hope they add the ability to downsample in future Linux drivers. That's one feature from their windows drivers I would love.
Quoting: KevinI really hope they add the ability to downsample in future Linux drivers. That's one feature from their windows drivers I would love.

Assuming I'm reading what you want correctly, you can do this with xrandr already, Kevin. I can't remember if this is the precise syntax but it's something like this:

xrandr --output <output> --mode <native resolution> --scale-from <resolution you want to downscale from>

E.g. to scale from 4k to 1440p to the first DVI-D output:

xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --mode 2560x1440 --scale-from 3840x2160

I remember it being a bit buggy in that it might not properly go back to my native resolution after but it does work. It's slow as you'd expect but I suspect it will be doable as a last resort AA for lighter games.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By Xpander, 10 April 2014 at 4:12 pm UTC

well yeah CPU doesnt really make difference in Valley, because its focused on GPU testing

on wine ofc it does... but GPU not much.

nowadays most games are on shader units.. instead of raw core clocks.
oldschool games might get improvements..but then again oldschool games run superbly anyway with stock clocks

edit: i will try to do some more wine tests if i have time.. but on wine CPU frequency is most important... core count isnt that important unless you run CSMT.
GPU performance on wine is bottlenecked by all kinds of direct3d bugs.. but with CSMT enabled (forcing rendering to other core) it can improve a lot..cause it takes heat off from the 1 and only core that wine wants to use.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By mrdeathjr, 10 April 2014 at 3:47 pm UTC

Quoting: Xpandermade some tests also

Stock 660 TI

+100mhz core and +100mhz memory

no big changes imo ... that again proves my point that OC is quite useless for Mid/High end GPU's

also at +150mhz core it just downclocked itself automatically, but the framerates werent that much better anyway till that point

Good test at your max fps up, but you must test with cpu at stock frecuencies vs overclocked frecuencies

Both overclocking shows results but if only with oc your card give 5fps, not bad on wine maybe change something

For example: cpu stock + VGA stock
cpu stock + VGA overclocked
cpu overclocked + VGA stock
cpu overclocked + VGA overclocked

This is very interesting because on your hardware is possible use overclocking thanks to your vga components

And shows if wine depend more cpu frecuency than vga frecuency or both or another situation

Other test if you can make and its very usefull, is testing how many cores affect wine performance, if your mainboard support (you can disable cores: for example test 1 core to 4 cores (disable cores not modules on your fx), most people have machines on this cpu range) and add stock and overcloked states for see how affect frecuency and cores on wine

And possible add test of different resolutions since lower 1024 if you prefer until 1080p, this test is important for how affect cpu performance on cores (single, dual and quad) and frecuency: stock and overclocked

If you have can test the witcher 2, farcry 3, shadow warrior, skyrim with mods, fallout 3 with mods and many other titles

If you make this tests, its very appreciated thanks for hardware components allow this tests without problems (on my case only have some idea about lower resolutions and dual core cpu with moderate values) and give more information about this situation for most people (this information lack this days)


Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By Xpander, 10 April 2014 at 3:41 pm UTC

made some tests also

Stock 660 TI

+100mhz core and +100mhz memory


no big changes imo ... that again proves my point that OC is quite useless for Mid/High end GPU's

also at +150mhz core it just downclocked itself automatically, but the framerates werent that much better anyway till that point

KeeperRL, An Open Source Mix Dungeon Keeper and Dwarf Fortress Of Needs IndieGoGo Love
By Liam Dawe, 10 April 2014 at 1:27 pm UTC

Quoting: michalIt's fixed funding actually. Thanks for the write-up :)

Oh odd, either that changed or I just completely mis-read it :(

KeeperRL, An Open Source Mix Dungeon Keeper and Dwarf Fortress Of Needs IndieGoGo Love
By , 10 April 2014 at 1:14 pm UTC

It's fixed funding actually. Thanks for the write-up :)

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By Half-Shot, 10 April 2014 at 7:41 am UTC

Quoting: liamdaweAlso I turned down another offer of $100 today for an article from someone else, they also refused to let me put a sponsored tag on, so no deal.

Starting to sound like the 'occulus' problem all over again. Thanks for holding integrity. I don't find you all that agressive. Quite frankly, the amount of problems from other elements GOL gets it's amazing your haven't flipped yet :P.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By Mnoleg, 10 April 2014 at 5:56 am UTC

Quoting: berarmaIt's the first Unity game I have problems with. I guess it's using locale-aware number parsing functions for reading its data files, nasty. It might be some Unity plugin that is doing it.

The same workaround is needed for the first release version of Larry Reloaded (fixed in 2.0) and Chuck's Challenge. Try the demo of the latter to see funny graphical bugs.

Quoting: JIghtuseI hope they will announce Linux support someday.

I am optimistic about this, their have improved their Linux support from none to bundles only. They only need to take another step.

FLASHOUT 2 Looks Like A Great Futuristic Racer
By , 10 April 2014 at 4:32 am UTC

This looks like a modern version of WipEout! While this looks really awesome, I sure as hell hope the game doesn't feature any dubstep music.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By JIghtuse, 10 April 2014 at 2:35 am UTC

Quoting: ApopasYeah, but besides the bundles they don't support Linux.
It is sad, but their games uses ags engine, port of which works fine for me ( I hope they will announce Linux support someday.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By , 10 April 2014 at 12:09 am UTC

I really hope they add the ability to downsample in future Linux drivers. That's one feature from their windows drivers I would love.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By Apopas, 9 April 2014 at 11:46 pm UTC

Quoting: JIghtuseI was amazed by the fact they added Shivah. It is one of the few games from Wadjet Eye I didn't have at the moment. I like this guys, already preordered Blackwell Epiphany. So, bundle worth it at least for Shivah.
Yeah, but besides the bundles they don't support Linux.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By Apopas, 9 April 2014 at 11:39 pm UTC

I found Bridge Constructor very enjoyable.
Nine games, Linux, Android, Steam! Great bundle overall!
I only wonder why they have ceased to offer Desura support.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By JIghtuse, 9 April 2014 at 11:24 pm UTC

I was amazed by the fact they added Shivah. It is one of the few games from Wadjet Eye I didn't have at the moment. I like this guys, already preordered Blackwell Epiphany. So, bundle worth it at least for Shivah.

Broken Sword and Savant looks great for me too.

Humble Bundle PC & Android 9 Ups The Ante With Three More Linux Games
By berarma, 9 April 2014 at 10:02 pm UTC

Syder Arcade caught my attention first, I liked this kind of games back in the day. It's good but a bit buggy. In case your system uses a non-english locale you might get visual and gameplay errors. Try running it with the command:
LC_ALL=C ./SyderArcade_Humble.x86

It's the first Unity game I have problems with. I guess it's using locale-aware number parsing functions for reading its data files, nasty. It might be some Unity plugin that is doing it.

Overall, a good and varied bundle. Bridge Constructor and Savant-Ascent are good too and running very well. Haven't tried the others yet.

Interview With Pasi Kainiemi Developer Of Running With Rifles & Linux Game-play Video
By hardpenguin, 9 April 2014 at 9:04 pm UTC

pasik is the coolest dev ever. Go all buy his game NOW!

Hotline Miami 2 Has A New Trailer, Yes It Will Be On Linux
By , 9 April 2014 at 8:33 pm UTC

the original is great; in fact I didn't even find the core gameplay that fun, but the "story" is great. you have no idea what's real and what isn't, you don't know why you're responding to these calls and killing these people, all you know is that you have to push deeper, not because if you get deep enough things will make sense (there's no hope for understanding or redemption) but because you can't turn back

if you like david lynch you will love this game. conversely if you like this game you should check out david lynch.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By , 9 April 2014 at 8:11 pm UTC

What I really want to see among the Nvidia driver features is shadowplay (GPU level video capture + encoding)

Is there any info on if/when might that come to Linux?

Interview With Pasi Kainiemi Developer Of Running With Rifles & Linux Game-play Video
By , 9 April 2014 at 8:01 pm UTC

Great game. I am playing it since a while now and I am still not sick of it. Also huge modding potential (I am not a modder myself though).

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By , 9 April 2014 at 7:35 pm UTC

Quoting: OZSeafordI hope that Steam dream will carry on too, but even if it fails then we will still have the indie game scene to cater for our gaming needs.

In the meantime:

AAA games that we are expecting for a steamOS release:
    <li>Two Worlds Two
    Tropico 5</li>

AAA games also likely to come out at that time:
    <li>Witcher 2
    Total War Rome 2
    Xcom EU
    CS GO
    Project Cars</li>

AAA Games we'd like to hope will be there:
    <li>Civ 5
    Elderscrolls! (Personal wish)
    Mount and Blade</li>
Quoting: OZSeafordI hope that Steam dream will carry on too, but even if it fails then we will still have the indie game scene to cater for our gaming needs.

In the meantime:

AAA games that we are expecting for a steamOS release:
    <li>Two Worlds Two
    Tropico 5</li>

AAA games also likely to come out at that time:
    <li>Witcher 2
    Total War Rome 2
    Xcom EU
    CS GO
    Project Cars</li>

AAA Games we'd like to hope will be there:
    <li>Civ 5
    Elderscrolls! (Personal wish)
    Mount and Blade</li>

I'd HOPE that more than just Witcher 2 shows up- I'd expect Witcher/Witcher2/Witcher3 in this case.

Some of the others would be nice.

Hotline Miami 2 Has A New Trailer, Yes It Will Be On Linux
By pd12, 9 April 2014 at 6:58 pm UTC

It's a good game got it from the humble bundle, I like the gameplay - requiring good skills. Final boss was also really hard to beat too which was good. One of the better story driven small indie games out there (my favourite of which is Bastion). KSP and Star Citizen don't count in that category.

Didn't know how they'd continue the story but then I read wikipedia and was like .. oh.

Interview With Pasi Kainiemi Developer Of Running With Rifles & Linux Game-play Video
By , 9 April 2014 at 6:35 pm UTC

I love this game, my only issue with it is the lack of multimonitor support, and with windowed mode the mouse goes bonkers

Epic Games Loves Linux, Unreal Engine 4.1 Update Preview With Linux Support
By loudermp, 9 April 2014 at 5:55 pm UTC

Here is the work path I added under the application tab

/home/pdl/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DiabloIII/dosdevices/c:/Program Files/Diablo III/

If someone has a better suggestion please pot it and on another subject I am looking for a browser, previously I was using Firefox which I stopped using for personal reasons and I know a lot of people would suggest Chrome but I also will not use it for personal reasons.


I am sorry if there are multiple posts of this on my end it does not seem to post hence multiple posts from multiple tries, currently it might be noted I am using the Konqueror browser.

Epic Games Loves Linux, Unreal Engine 4.1 Update Preview With Linux Support
By , 9 April 2014 at 5:04 pm UTC

Steam now starts fine but I have yet to try a game on it, I had just recently started playing Diablo III which runs fine under windows but it was built for windows, I installed it on Play on Linux and after some modifications I got it to start although inconsistently, on the icon properties Play on Linux made I had to add the work in path to get it to work, I have a laptop with a external HDMI display and sound only works from the laptop not the display, I used the install in Play on Linux for it so if anyone has any suggests please help, I haven't decided if I will try to play it in its current state but if I do I will keep this updated and I will get the work in path to post for anyone having a problem, if it helps before I made this change I was able to login but it seemed to hang at authenticating.

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By , 9 April 2014 at 4:23 pm UTC

@OZSeaford we still get some pretty nice kickstarters with AAA quality though ...

FLASHOUT 2 Looks Like A Great Futuristic Racer
By Alzarath, 9 April 2014 at 4:07 pm UTC

Hopefully it gets a proper interface. You can tell how mobile it is just by looking at that trailer. Mobile games are also known for things like short experiences and micro-transactions. Can't say I'm hyped. I'll check to see if it exceeds expectatioms after release.

FLASHOUT 2 Looks Like A Great Futuristic Racer
By , 9 April 2014 at 3:11 pm UTC

If this plays anything like F-Zero GX (The best racing game of all time IMO), then this is a day 1 buy for me.