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Hotline Miami 2 Has A New Trailer, Yes It Will Be On Linux
By Alzarath, 8 April 2014 at 10:39 pm UTC

I quite enjoyed the first game and would recommend you continue if you enjoyed the gameplay at all. It had a slightly interesring story that made you think throughout. One of the few games I can proudly say I actually beat.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By JoZ3, 8 April 2014 at 9:58 pm UTC

Every day I hate more my HD7850... why amd, Why????

ATTRACTIO First Person Puzzler Now Available On Linux
By leillo1975, 8 April 2014 at 9:57 pm UTC


Portal and Portal 2 are two great games that I never get tired of playing

CryEngine SDK on SteamDB Is Now The CryEngine 3 Free SDK
By killx_den, 8 April 2014 at 9:44 pm UTC

Quoting: SabunCryEngine 3? So, that means that not only are they bringing CryEngine 4 (or simply labelled CryEngine now) to Linux, but they are bringing CryEngine 3 as well?

Doesn't this mean CryEngine 3 games can now be ported to Linux? (Star Citizen, Sniper 2, Crysis 3?)

That is correct :)

CryEngine SDK on SteamDB Is Now The CryEngine 3 Free SDK
By Sabun, 8 April 2014 at 9:38 pm UTC

CryEngine 3? So, that means that not only are they bringing CryEngine 4 (or simply labelled CryEngine now) to Linux, but they are bringing CryEngine 3 as well?

Doesn't this mean CryEngine 3 games can now be ported to Linux? (Star Citizen, Sniper 2, Crysis 3?)

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By PlayX, 8 April 2014 at 9:25 pm UTC

Nice. I hope X Edgers doenst wait so long like they did for the 334.
Hopefulle the bug from 334 is gone wich makes my Desktop unusable. Graphic glitches everywhere, only Downgrade to 331 did help.

Nvidia Releases 337.12 Beta Driver, Brings Back Over-clocking
By Xpander, 8 April 2014 at 8:30 pm UTC

yeah finaly ...

i wont probably OC much though... doesnt give the needed boost anyway and when the card is getting older i will get a newer anyway.

but those who have weaker GPUs and are pretty much on the edge of droping below 30 fps for games, small boost can help to make this experience better.

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By , 8 April 2014 at 8:20 pm UTC

Quoting: PlayXPeople have to stop thinking, that everything in the www is for free.

they shouldn't browse porn or at least they should use separate browser for that ;)

if you only browse normal sites, adds are not even close to annoying. not to mention you support the site. but, browsing porn without addblock, that might be much more tricky, lol

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By , 8 April 2014 at 8:10 pm UTC

Gotta do what you gotta do to stay afloat

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By , 8 April 2014 at 8:04 pm UTC

Sad to hear this atempt failled.

Hope you get to increase your gain from this site, i've grown quite fond of this and is on the top 5 sites i visit everyday. Multiple times a day come to think of it.

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By Liam Dawe, 8 April 2014 at 7:51 pm UTC

@PlayX I haven't tracked how many people are blocking our adverts no, not sure if I want to know either!

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By PlayX, 8 April 2014 at 7:45 pm UTC

Do you have a statistic of your daily views with and without adblocker?
If I look at my YouTube Analytics I can see, that round about 2/3 of my views cant be monetized.
So I can say there is a lot of money run through my fingers.
And the user has nothing to pay for this stuff.
People have to stop thinking, that everything in the www is for free.
Behind every Website, every Blog and every Video are some people that spend their time to bring you the coolest news and the hottest videos.
If you dont want to spend them hard Dollars, that is ok. I personally have only spend money to a few things that i realy like.
But click on an Ad is not a big deal. And if a website is not overpowered with Ads, then it is not a problem for me to put it on my whitelist.

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By , 8 April 2014 at 7:33 pm UTC

As long as you being honest about that stuff I don't have a problem with it, keep up the good work:)

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By Liam Dawe, 8 April 2014 at 7:26 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest"Thanks for understanding. If you aren't understanding then do everyone a favour and don't comment."
If you want to make money out of GoL and/or get donations, then being aggressive like that might not be the best thing to do.
That is NOT aggressive. That is me telling people very clearly I don't want idiotic comments about this.

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By OZSeaford, 8 April 2014 at 7:16 pm UTC

Quoting: edgley
Quoting: jdubSince when is M&B AAA?
Have they even speculated on porting it?
First off, sorry about that, M&B is NOT an AAA game, I just got carried away...that game is so epic that I oftne think of it as an AAA title. M&B 2 isn't even being considered for Linux so I think it is quite fair to say that it will never grace our platform...

Quoting: Anonymous@OZSeaford Witcher2 was lately pulled off steam for linux again - no linux support and no content download anymore.
Oh no! Still, let's not dismiss the idea completely, they may have needed to replace the image? I don't really know how it works...

Finally, to the person who was wondering what makes an AAA title, I would say that Skyrim and (Frontiers illustrate the different approaches brilliantly. Skyrim is a massive enterprise, that had the backing of a small army of developers and artists. The result is a game with polish (A few laughs from the assembly as a few bugs come to mind), with good voice acting, a good graphics engine, unique art assets and a powerful narrative. Frontiers on the other hand is the work of 2 individuals, featuring a large open world, which has been procedurally generated, art assets that have been bought from a store, no voice acting, no . The man hours put into the game are probably only a fraction of what has gone into Skyrim.
you would say, then why bother to play Frontiers? Why not stick to Skyrim. In my view, Skyrim is great...yet there is something missing. It all feels really rehearsed, there is a feeling of deja vu, if you have played the other Elder Scrolls Games. Frontiers on the other hand, really tries to be different, and that is why I will probably enjoy playing it. AAA studios don't like to bring out games that are slightly out of the norm, as the ROI is not assured. COD12 will be released, but like the recent iPhones and Galaxies, they will only be iterations of previous games. Indie games fill that niche area of experimental games. The danger of course is that Indies sometimes get carried away by their ambitions, and the games lose focus. I still marvel at the mad ideas that have been floated around and have actually been put into a game.
Here is a good development blog from an indie perspective that I recommend you follow: Clockwork Empire

Edit - wow, it really reads like the ramblings of an old drunkard, but I swear I have not had a drop of alcohol. I am just really tired after a long dauy at work. Time for me to play I guess.

A Quick Message On Sponsored Articles, My Apologies
By , 8 April 2014 at 7:12 pm UTC

It's really sad.

Honestly I do not get why companies think that someone saying "I got paid to preview this game by this company" is somehow a bad thing. Guys, you wanted him to have a look at it, write about it and compensated for his time.

As long as the article is not a blatant "buy me, buy me" ad, it's all fine.

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By , 8 April 2014 at 5:41 pm UTC

@OZSeaford Witcher2 was lately pulled off steam for linux again - no linux support and no content download anymore.

Broken Sword 1 Directors Cut & 2:Remastered Now On Steam For Linux
By DrMcCoy, 8 April 2014 at 5:30 pm UTC

Hmm, maybe you could try setting a different download mirror in the Steam options?

Linux Game Awards May 2014 Open For Voting
By DrMcCoy, 8 April 2014 at 3:52 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweI won't be bugging companies to release sources

You really should do that, though. :P

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By scaine, 8 April 2014 at 11:56 am UTC

Quoting: maokei
Quoting: BdMdesigN
Quoting: No SecurityValve like's ignoring security feature's on Linux first SElinux now this how soon before Hackers take Aim at SteamOS SteamOS may end up being insecure Like Windows....
You are aware that the SteamOS is BETA software and Valve must first advance the Graphical optimization?
You are also aware that the Debian, all technical safety matters brings?
You are also aware, that's not two quietly required SElinux and there is also a substitute for it?
Correct me if Im wrong but the fixed the SELinux problemnot long ago.

Yep - This was closed out about a month ago.

Broken Sword 1 Directors Cut & 2:Remastered Now On Steam For Linux
By , 8 April 2014 at 11:19 am UTC

I just bought BS2 over the weekend via the Steam sale but sadly the game isn't available in my neck of the woods. When I try to download the game it doesn't download anything.

Interview With The Developers Of Star Conflict The Space MMO Including Game-play Video
By , 8 April 2014 at 9:20 am UTC

Well, the game cant run on Arch Linux so ... no fun for me yet :(

Linux Game Awards May 2014 Open For Voting
By Liam Dawe, 8 April 2014 at 8:36 am UTC

I am not complaining about the other projects not having the source code from the original games *sigh* and I think you know that already.

I was saying it's not fair to the projects that didn't have the source code to start off with. They should have been in different voting polls to be fair to them, that is just my opinion. I didn't get a say in it either due to communication issues I didn't even know there were discussions on the projects being included.

Also, this argument is so boring it's unreal, I am not an open-source zealot, so no I won't be bugging companies to release sources. If you want to go right ahead, now move on from this argument I have made my point.

Linux Game Awards May 2014 Open For Voting
By , 8 April 2014 at 8:20 am UTC

Quoting: liamdaweIt is completely unfair to have projects like Arx in with projects like OpenXcom which is the point, Arx had the entire source code from the official developers handed out, it's in a league of its own.

I wasn't complaining about being pedantic, I like having a good attention to details. My point was made earlier, it's not right for it to be in a list with projects that started with nothing.

I got that, but where is it unfair? It is still a lot of work to port the code, or do you think you just fire up the compiler and it is done?

Sure they didn't have to start from scratch, but the games are released as Open Source, and that is what counts.

I didn't say that you are complaining about being pedantic. What I ment is that if you are complaining about that the other projects didn't have the source from the "original" game, then please go and complain to the company which holds the source without releasing it.

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By , 8 April 2014 at 8:08 am UTC

Quoting: BdMdesigN
Quoting: No SecurityValve like's ignoring security feature's on Linux first SElinux now this how soon before Hackers take Aim at SteamOS SteamOS may end up being insecure Like Windows....
You are aware that the SteamOS is BETA software and Valve must first advance the Graphical optimization?
You are also aware that the Debian, all technical safety matters brings?
You are also aware, that's not two quietly required SElinux and there is also a substitute for it?

Correct me if Im wrong but the fixed the SELinux problemnot long ago.

Linux Game Awards May 2014 Open For Voting
By Liam Dawe, 8 April 2014 at 7:32 am UTC

Quoting: Open Source
Quoting: Heimdall
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: HeimdallArx and Doomsday shouldn't be on there as they benefited from the source release of their games. The rest were built from the ground up.
I agree, but annoyingly I was told I was being "pedantic" by another site owner who is also an award supporter.
Well there is a big difference being given a basically finished project with Arx source and building a new engine from scratch a la CaesarIA and OpenMW. If that is pedantic, then so be it. I think they are belittling the achievement that the OpenMW people have achieved thus far.

Not to say that the Arx Liberal is project isn't cool. I love Arx and am glad they printed it to Linux. They just didn't have to do much work themselves, that was Arkane.
So what? They have had it easier. If that is your point then you are PEDANTIC. At the end it is Open Source and thats what counts.

If you want to complain, then complain to the companies which doesn't release the source for their games.

It is completely unfair to have projects like Arx in with projects like OpenXcom which is the point, Arx had the entire source code from the official developers handed out, it's in a league of its own.

I wasn't complaining about being pedantic, I like having a good attention to details. My point was made earlier, it's not right for it to be in a list with projects that started with nothing.

Linux Game Awards May 2014 Open For Voting
By , 8 April 2014 at 7:20 am UTC

Quoting: Heimdall
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: HeimdallArx and Doomsday shouldn't be on there as they benefited from the source release of their games. The rest were built from the ground up.
I agree, but annoyingly I was told I was being "pedantic" by another site owner who is also an award supporter.
Well there is a big difference being given a basically finished project with Arx source and building a new engine from scratch a la CaesarIA and OpenMW. If that is pedantic, then so be it. I think they are belittling the achievement that the OpenMW people have achieved thus far.

Not to say that the Arx Liberal is project isn't cool. I love Arx and am glad they printed it to Linux. They just didn't have to do much work themselves, that was Arkane.

So what? They have had it easier. If that is your point then you are PEDANTIC. At the end it is Open Source and thats what counts.

If you want to complain, then complain to the companies which doesn't release the source for their games.

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By Lordpkappa, 8 April 2014 at 7:16 am UTC

QuoteI just hope we aren't all putting too much faith in Valve, Steam Machines could fail hard.

I think that Valve it's very important for the Linux Gaming Comunity, for sure, and it's pushing Linux very hard, but the entire ecosystem it's changed, now we have very important game Engine and not only the Steam support, a lot of cool things for Linux comes from kickstarter, and many developers will see a profitable way to support Linux as well.

Steam Hardware Survey For March 2014, Linux Is Just Holding
By , 8 April 2014 at 4:27 am UTC Likes: 1

I just switched from Ubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 final beta. I couldn't wait anymore. 64 bit applications, including Steam were a mess on 13.10 when they decided to stop users installing 32bit libraries on 64bit.

Seems to be fine in 14.04 64 bit now, all my games/programs are stable again. Valve should stop counting differentiating Ubuntu versions as different distros, I notice 14.04 isn't counted in the March 2014 stats.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that I have noticed linux has reached a point where the programs/games you can install it make all the difference for "noob" users who want to get off Windows XP and hate Windows 8.
I've been doing my best to make "noob friendly" installations and setups of linux for people, I can say I've easily done 40 desktops/laptops now.

If everyone does this for people they know, that can be the tipping point for making linux mainstream. Never has linux had the opportunity it has had like right now, users, don't miss this opportunity! Help spread linux! Show your friends how to use it!

Are More AAA Games Waiting For Steam Machines?
By hardpenguin, 8 April 2014 at 3:53 am UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: hardpenguinI really dislike this border being set between AAA and indie. It is constantly changing to the favor of indie games, however how can one be this limited to play only AAA games? Because superior graphics?
This is not only about graphics, but also the amount of content, polish, playability… It’s the difference between Ravensword and Gothic, for example.
Exactly! But to me it often works in the other directon. There are plenty of high-budget games which are easy to finish in like 4 hours. And so many low-budget (indie?) games with tons of content and/or good replayablity (like Dungeons of Dredmor, FTL)