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Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 3 April 2014 at 9:55 am UTC

Quoting: AnonymousAlso a gay


Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 3 April 2014 at 9:22 am UTC

Also a gay misleading video cos it really about DOTA not other F2P like TF2.
I would be interesting in the F2P business model and how it worked out for Valve but this is all about DOTA 2...

Prison Architect Simulation Alpha 19 Launched, Finance System Revamped & SDL2
By HadBabits, 3 April 2014 at 8:38 am UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: insomniac_croThis game is forever in alpha...
I wll never buy a steam early access game again!
Here's a hint: Games take time, good games take even longer.

I remember the devs joking that being an Introversion game means it might take some time indeed :P

Project Cars New Trailer & A Poll On Platforms
By Lordpkappa, 3 April 2014 at 6:35 am UTC

Voted for Steam OS, and now is in first position ;)

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By Lordpkappa, 3 April 2014 at 6:32 am UTC

Quoting: jdubHas anyone heard anything at all about the rome II port since sept?
Early Next Year they said, so maybe it's not far from release ;)

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By gemini, 3 April 2014 at 5:54 am UTC

"In a shocking turn of events Valve has learnt how to play videos on Linux"

Made my day. :D

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By pd12, 3 April 2014 at 2:11 am UTC

Like your humour =P

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 3 April 2014 at 2:00 am UTC

7 GB for something than I could watch in youtube? really? lol

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 3 April 2014 at 1:47 am UTC

finally i can watch it ! :P

Star Conflict Space MMO Launches On Linux, Finally!
By Orkultus, 3 April 2014 at 1:22 am UTC

Having a blast with this one. Very fun game. Looks great as well.

Nobuo Uematsu Of Final Fantasy Fame To Work On Defenders Quest II Theme
By , 2 April 2014 at 11:03 pm UTC

lol, got to admit that this sentence "For instance, I'm pretty sure there isn't a Unity3D *editor client* for Linux (though I believe it exports games themselves to Linux now). That's obviously irrelevant to me as I don't use Unity, for this kind of reason" made me chuckle with really evil grin on my face.

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 2 April 2014 at 10:58 pm UTC

Is based on AIR. It does contain plain video files in "data" directory, so luckily you can use your own media player. "free_to_play.mp4" is just 4 GB. Rest is "bonus features", I guess.

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 2 April 2014 at 10:35 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousWhy would you want accelerated mouse input in games?
What part of « unplayable » don’t you understand? Without acceleration the movements are extremely slow.
I think you're confusing sensitivity with acceleration.

Valve's Free to Play Movie Now On Linux
By , 2 April 2014 at 10:13 pm UTC

7 GB download.

Star Conflict Space MMO Launches On Linux, Finally!
By , 2 April 2014 at 10:06 pm UTC

When I click "register" in the game, or on absolutely nothing happens. How do I get an account?

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By , 2 April 2014 at 10:02 pm UTC

Has anyone heard anything at all about the rome II port since sept?

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 2 April 2014 at 9:47 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousIf you properly grab the mouse with SDL2 you get unaccelerated XI2 mouse input, if you do it manually by warping the cursor you get accelerated mouse input.
Might be good enough for many games, but especially for first person shooters and similar it's suboptimal.
That must be why several FPS games are unplayable on my system, like Penumbra: Overture for example, because they completely fuck up mouse input instead of using my (accelerated) settings. So allow me to disagree…
Why would you want accelerated mouse input in games?
If I move my mouse by 3cm I want the camera to turn by 40° (or whatever).. and not 10° if I move it slowly and 90° if I move it faster.. and I don't want the camera movement to accelerate when I move the mouse over a longer distance with the same speed.
Many gamers don't want accelerated mouse input, see for example

(Some games provide it by themselves and configurable, which is probably a nice option)

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By pb, 2 April 2014 at 9:09 pm UTC

Well they did show Civ5 in Steam Controller promotional videos. While I realise it was most probably streamed, they are certainly aware that people who buy Steam Machines based on promotional videos will be asking questions if they don't find the advertised games available. So I'd take this as a hint that something is going on behind the curtains.

Anyway it's only logical that more and more devs are going to release Linux versions from day one. While games that are being worked on currently are mostly going to be released for Win and then ported, new games would be more often planned for Win/Mac/Lin form the beginning. The reason behind this is that a game typically sells best right after the release, when the hype is still around, and then the numbers slowly fade, rising only around sales. So now that it's obvious that Linux/SteamOS customer base will only grow, from business perspective it's best to release for all platforms and earn 100% per copy rather than port to Linux a few months later, when most people are getting the game on sale or in bundles (vide Jagged Alliance: Back in Action - it went on -75% sale and then into a bundle very soon after release of the Linux port).

Nobuo Uematsu Of Final Fantasy Fame To Work On Defenders Quest II Theme
By , 2 April 2014 at 8:57 pm UTC

Looking forward for this. Defender Quest 1 was great! You can grab in on Humble Weekly Sale (20 h left).

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 2 April 2014 at 8:45 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestYeah I know (not sure if it’s the same under Gnome and Xfce, but looks like it). However game developers can circumvent the problem easily:
- do not grab the mouse pointer and instead “manually” reset its position to the center of the window every frame.
No, that sucks.
If you properly grab the mouse with SDL2 you get unaccelerated XI2 mouse input, if you do it manually by warping the cursor you get accelerated mouse input.
Might be good enough for many games, but especially for first person shooters and similar it's suboptimal.

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By Teodosio, 2 April 2014 at 8:41 pm UTC

Never a hint about Civ5. But TW Rome 2 was announced months ago.

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By dude, 2 April 2014 at 8:34 pm UTC Likes: 1

Nice to hear about the Linux port, but I'm disappointed to hear that Linux users have to wait again after a Windows release. Conclusion: no buy in May, maybe I'll get the game on a sale or might trade it.

Project Cars New Trailer & A Poll On Platforms
By , 2 April 2014 at 8:33 pm UTC

Will it be cross multiplayer platform as in are we able to play with other users from different platforms? Would be epic if we can

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By Maquis196, 2 April 2014 at 8:15 pm UTC

I'd start playing it if it came out on Linux, but has there been even a hint of Civ5 being ported beyond a pro-Linux publisher?

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By , 2 April 2014 at 8:09 pm UTC Likes: 1

I am happy that they porting tropico to Linux, i really am.

But i am also disappointed that its takes sooo long that we see a linux version for games :(, its like not big off a deal or yeah we do it when we have some spare time someday from a dev point of view.

I think we see the steamOS version for Tropico round 4th quarter this year... :(

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By Liam Dawe, 2 April 2014 at 7:59 pm UTC

Quoting: pbI have a feeling that when Steamboxes start to ship, they will be accompanied by some big releases - Tropico 5, Civilization V, X-COM, Project Cars, maybe Age of Wonders 3, and... could it be... Half-Life 3? I'm not sure if HL3 has been in the works long enough, though.

I agree, it now makes me pretty sure XCOM is also waiting for the first Steam Machine release.

Tropico 5 City-Building Sim To Release Along-Side Steam Machines
By pb, 2 April 2014 at 7:51 pm UTC

I have a feeling that when Steamboxes start to ship, they will be accompanied by some big releases - Tropico 5, Civilization V, X-COM, Project Cars, maybe Age of Wonders 3, and... could it be... Half-Life 3? I'm not sure if HL3 has been in the works long enough, though.