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Project Cars New Trailer & A Poll On Platforms
By Crazy Penguin, 2 April 2014 at 8:47 am UTC

Quoting: minjI was going to vote but Ghostery blocked it for me. I'll pass if they can't make a proper poll

Where is the problem to deactivate it for one use only (arrow with a 1)? It is just a cookie from Polldaddy.

Project Cars New Trailer & A Poll On Platforms
By minj, 2 April 2014 at 8:27 am UTC

I was going to vote but Ghostery blocked it for me. I'll pass if they can't make a proper poll

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By Qantourisc, 2 April 2014 at 6:23 am UTC

I'm not sure to get it because they "ported" it to Linux, or thread it like any other Windows game, because I could run it in Wine...

Airships, A Dieselpunk Ship-Design RTS
By hardpenguin, 2 April 2014 at 6:19 am UTC

This game is just lovely, I love supporting early alphas when they look as promising as this one!

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By hardpenguin, 2 April 2014 at 6:18 am UTC

I am actually looking forward to other classics ported with Wine, wasn't TopWare saying something about that? There will be in few months so I guess I'll be happy if I'll just wait a little bit more :)

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By hardpenguin, 2 April 2014 at 6:12 am UTC

That's annoying how Broken Sword series isn't available on Steam. Apart from this, a brilliant bundle (I also love the current weekly, you have to get NEO Scavenger!).

Wasteland 2 RPG Is Officially Deep Into Linux Testing
By barlas, 2 April 2014 at 5:48 am UTC

The trailer makes me miss Fallout :-/ Will definitely get it when it's finished (and released for linux)

Airships, A Dieselpunk Ship-Design RTS
By barlas, 2 April 2014 at 5:34 am UTC

Any chance of a steam release? :)

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By minj, 2 April 2014 at 5:08 am UTC

Quoting: titiI want a copyright were people get forced to give their code to a official "registry" and in return they get the rights of a copyright of their software. After some years ( 10? or 20? ) the source should be free and available to everyone!

Yes, and after a while we extend it to 30, 50 years, death/liquidation of author(s), and then to 70 years after that ;)

Wasteland 2 RPG Is Officially Deep Into Linux Testing
By Shmerl, 2 April 2014 at 1:08 am UTC

Quoting: adolsonI'll be waiting for the final release (if not longer). I really wanna play it (hence why I backed it), but I haven't ever really enjoyed playing unfinished games in the relatively-recent era of ship-now-patch-later, let alone when they're purposely released unfinished. But at least they're labeling it honestly nowadays.

That's my feeling too. For RPGs and adventure games, unfinished versions can spoil the experience. I'd wait for the release.

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By oldrocker99, 1 April 2014 at 11:54 pm UTC

And, as my Nexus 7 gets more full, my Steam library grows.:D

Eador. Masters of the Broken World Is Still A Sore Spot For Linux Gamers
By , 1 April 2014 at 10:27 pm UTC

I'm getting more upset about the games that do have a Linux version available but it is so buggy that the game is virtually unplayable. Don't tell me you have a Linux version if it's not at least at the level of polish of the Windows version. I've bought several games on Steam in large part because they claim Linux but then am completely frustrated because major bugs destroy the playability. (I'm looking at you Crusader Kings 2 and Battle World Kronos)
As an aside I must say that releasing games prematurely seems to becoming more popular than ever. I'm not against this but I wish they would use the "Early Access" labeling so that I know what I am getting into.

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By titi, 1 April 2014 at 10:17 pm UTC Likes: 1

Thats why I especially hate closed source! All closed source things are doomed to get lost in history, because there code gets "lost" over the years. One day the owner has no more interest in it and throws it away.
The binarys are nothing more than a shadow.

I want a copyright were people get forced to give their code to a official "registry" and in return they get the rights of a copyright of their software. After some years ( 10? or 20? ) the source should be free and available to everyone! It's like patents which also ensure that knowledge does not get lost ...
If they don't register their code their software should not have a copyright protection, they are on their own then. THIS is something I would really like to see.

Wasteland 2 RPG Is Officially Deep Into Linux Testing
By , 1 April 2014 at 9:34 pm UTC

YEAH! drowning in games for Linux just the way I like it!

Wasteland 2 RPG Is Officially Deep Into Linux Testing
By adolson, 1 April 2014 at 8:04 pm UTC

I'll be waiting for the final release (if not longer). I really wanna play it (hence why I backed it), but I haven't ever really enjoyed playing unfinished games in the relatively-recent era of ship-now-patch-later, let alone when they're purposely released unfinished. But at least they're labeling it honestly nowadays.

Although, it looks pretty great... I may make it an exception.

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By Hamish, 1 April 2014 at 7:54 pm UTC

Quoting: LinasWhat was the other one?

The Humble Weekly Sale - I said I would purchase it, but did not get around to it until today.

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By Liam Dawe, 1 April 2014 at 7:50 pm UTC

Quoting: Beer?You forgot to post the Beer
Dammit! Here's me last night

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By , 1 April 2014 at 7:45 pm UTC

You forgot to post the Beer

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By Mnoleg, 1 April 2014 at 7:40 pm UTC

Quoting: scaineBecause he's more likely to play online, than on a LAN? Just a guess.

Ok, I'll admit there is a little difference because LAN multiplayer is more difficult to configure (specially when a VPN is needed) and it's usually restricted to people you know. On the other hand, it's faster and more reliable (specially in the long run).

I would like them to release a single DRM-free version and just disable the steamworks? features when unavailable. I'm afraid they have a different plan though.

Wasteland 2 RPG Is Officially Deep Into Linux Testing
By Maquis196, 1 April 2014 at 7:37 pm UTC


I'll buy the bugger right after someone here confirms there's Linux version!

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By , 1 April 2014 at 7:23 pm UTC

Quoting: Linas
Quoting: HamishI just bought two Bundles in a day. Been awhile since I have done that. :)
What was the other one?

I'm guessing Kalypso Bundle, that's what I've bought anyway (for Jagged Alliance: Back in Action + DLCs). ;-)

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By WorMzy, 1 April 2014 at 7:22 pm UTC

I wonder if this isn't an April Fools joke as well. How long does it take to make a wine port? 10 minutes, including the time it takes to eat the pizza?

I'm not complaining, I just find it odd that they took half a year.

Also, didn't the SS2 sources get leaked recently, or was that just a rumour?

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By , 1 April 2014 at 7:13 pm UTC

Quoting: HamishI just bought two Bundles in a day. Been awhile since I have done that. :)

What was the other one?

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By DrMcCoy, 1 April 2014 at 7:05 pm UTC

Personally, I'm psyched to see the remastered version Broken Sword 2 there. :)

I just wish the Linux version would be up on Steam as well. Ditto with the remastered version of Broken Sword (the first one).

System Shock 2 FPS Now Available On Linux
By DrMcCoy, 1 April 2014 at 7:02 pm UTC

As others have said, source code being lost actually happens quite often, yes.

Quoteso they couldn't port it even if they wanted to

Well, they could have reverse-engineered it. I'm pretty sure there are people willing to do that if you pay them.

Hell, I'd be down for such jobs myself, provided the engine code gets released under the terms of the GPLv3. Well, maybe not System Shock 2; I never played that game after all and feel no connection to it.

Humble Bundle PC and Android 9
By n30p1r4t3, 1 April 2014 at 6:31 pm UTC

Bought for the bridge building possibilities.

CoinRPG Beta V0.2 Release!
By n30p1r4t3, 1 April 2014 at 6:30 pm UTC

Keep up the good work!