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Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 1 April 2014 at 7:12 am UTC

Quoting: GuestYeah, I didn’t bother with Killing Floor because it grabs the mouse pointer and prevents alt-tab from working (under Xfce, at least). I was surprised than he made that mistake.
This is actually bug between X and window manager[1] - when you are requesting mouse grab, it actually locks keyboard as well.

If you are running under Steam, you should be able to press shift+tab to open overlay and release all grabs temporally.


Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By Mnoleg, 1 April 2014 at 5:57 am UTC

Quoting: SXXAs long as I remembered from Kickstarter campaign they want to use Steamworks for multiplayer so DRM-free version might looks crippled and this will also split player base into two independent groups.

Not so crippled:
DRM THIS!: As well as the Steam version, all $15 pledgers will be offered a DRM-free, caffeine free, gluten free, born free non-Steam version of the PC game to download. This version will have no Steamworks functionality and will support single player and LAN multiplayer only.

A version that can't be played offline looks more crippled to me.

The Most Popular Linux Gaming Articles For March 2014
By Speedster, 1 April 2014 at 3:58 am UTC

Yes it was amazing! Only regret is that FC #29 got totally bumped off the list ;)

The Open Source Game Corner, Highlighting Open Source Projects Part 2
By Speedster, 1 April 2014 at 3:56 am UTC

I've played some UQM lately. The controls are a bit clunky, but the alien races you meet in your travels are quite awesome to make up for it.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By , 1 April 2014 at 2:30 am UTC

so if anyone tried it on windows, does they have good OpenGL support or is more DirectX oriented?

If they have done good openGL and SDL, etc. then they are mostly there. If not I guess they can hire Icculus ...

The Open Source Game Corner, Highlighting Open Source Projects Part 2
By , 1 April 2014 at 12:49 am UTC

What about Mandate and GAE in the Glest category? Oldstyle Glest is way behind MG, GAE, or Mandate in their respective focuses.

Shipwreck, A Top Down Adventure Game On Its Way To Linux, UPDATED
By s_d, 1 April 2014 at 12:38 am UTC

Delightfully retro. Thanks Liam :)

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By SXX, 31 March 2014 at 10:32 pm UTC

Quoting: Guesta) Technical ramifications to being DRM free? Generally there are technical ramifications to including DRM, not to leaving it out. I'm highly suspicious of that comment.
As long as I remembered from Kickstarter campaign they want to use Steamworks for multiplayer so DRM-free version might looks crippled and this will also split player base into two independent groups.

It's one of reasons why some other games don't released as DRM-free and creating/supporting of own multiplayer service can be challenging for any game developer because it's cost money.

Interview With Stefan Achatz Developer Of ROCCAT Gaming Hardware Drivers For Linux
By FutureSuture, 31 March 2014 at 10:19 pm UTC

Quoting: WorMzyThis article has made me consider getting a Ryos MK Pro to replace my Logitech G110. I wonder if they would make one with a dvorak-uk keyboard layout, or if the keys can be easily swapped around..
Why not pop ROCCAT an email? Employees there have been quick to respond in my experience. Mention this article while you're at it!

Interview With Stefan Achatz Developer Of ROCCAT Gaming Hardware Drivers For Linux
By WorMzy, 31 March 2014 at 9:37 pm UTC

This article has made me consider getting a Ryos MK Pro to replace my Logitech G110. I wonder if they would make one with a dvorak-uk keyboard layout, or if the keys can be easily swapped around..

Have Mouse Problems In Unity3D Games On Linux? See Here For Fixes
By Xpander, 31 March 2014 at 9:28 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: Xpanderit seems to be issue with 1920x1080 native monitor resolution
No issues with e16 on Gentoo with 1920x1080.

so its still totaly random then..
my friend has also 1920x1080 and mate desktop with marco and doesnt have such issues.. while i do.
but not with every game.. just with Verdun, Legends of Aetherus and Rust.
Guns of Icarus, Doorways and Planet Explorers work just fine.

anyway xfwm and starting in windowed then switching to fullscreen fixes the issue for me for every game..

still crappy bug.. hope its fixed in unity5

Airships, A Dieselpunk Ship-Design RTS
By s_d, 31 March 2014 at 8:42 pm UTC

Neat! Thanks for sharing, and welcome to GOL, David.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By jlibster, 31 March 2014 at 8:37 pm UTC

Folks, I've just sent messages (and left comments in some cases) to all the KS Projects I've supported with Linux stretch goals (and some that promised it from the get to) reminding them that we're not happy with these fudged (if not totally broken) promises from people like Jensen (after reading a few things on the updates I wasn't surprised that she "mumphed-mumphed" about the Linux release). We need to remind KS projects that just because they got their funding they don't get to just rest on their successful backing as some have done in the past. We'll be ignore if we allow it. So I suggest a big fuss (and poor PR) on those who just ignore money they've taken (as is happening here but it needs to go beyond this site), and remind those who haven't released the game that we are watching and while we are still a small group, we are growing and we know how to make noise.

Leadwerks Game Creation Toolkit Arrives On Linux This Monday!
By Liam Dawe, 31 March 2014 at 7:19 pm UTC

Distrowatch is not anything to base things on, FYI they track hits to their pages and nothing else.

Leadwerks Game Creation Toolkit Arrives On Linux This Monday!
By , 31 March 2014 at 7:16 pm UTC

Rather annoying that the Leadwerks website says "Build games for Ubuntu on Ubuntu" rather than "Build games for Linux on Linux".
Did they REALLY limit it to one distro? If so, that seems unnecessary and you'd think they'd at least pick the most popular one. MINT. ( (Yes I already know MINT is based on Ubuntu).

Escape Goat 2 Sees Decent Linux Sales After The First Week
By , 31 March 2014 at 6:58 pm UTC

Already in my wishlist, but I'm hold on until next sale))

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By DrMcCoy, 31 March 2014 at 6:27 pm UTC

Quoting: s_dIn fact, I think McCoy's comment is his most tactful (and funniest) version of that same comment I've ever seen from him

That's only because I've set the bar for tactfulness pretty low. :P

Have Mouse Problems In Unity3D Games On Linux? See Here For Fixes
By Hamish, 31 March 2014 at 4:32 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdaweIt does look like it's mainly affecting compositing then which is why you most likely don't see it on XFCE.

I am using Xfwm with its built-in compositing though, but only at 1280x1024.

Have Mouse Problems In Unity3D Games On Linux? See Here For Fixes
By fabertawe, 31 March 2014 at 4:14 pm UTC

For the record I run no DE with Compiz 0.8 as WM (Arch 64) and have no issues with Unity games. Not that I have many though. Screen res 1680x1050.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By scaine, 31 March 2014 at 4:11 pm UTC

On the one hand, I find myself wanting to correct "PC is Windows" all the time. On the other hand, I have little more than sneering contempt for people who try to make me say GNU/Linux as if the label had any importance outside their little bubble.

I guess it's weird seeing that petty aspect of yourself reflected back.

The only argument for continuing the crusade is awareness. That, and it's seriously tedious to have to ask every Kickstarter dev under the sun what they mean by "PC, Mac". <sigh>

For my part, I'll no longer support a kickstarter that doesn't support Linux on day 1 release. And that's a big change for a guy like myself, hundreds (over a thousand? maybe) of pounds invested in Kickstarter and Indiegogo, and a member of the TFC team. A real shame.

Escape Goat 2 Sees Decent Linux Sales After The First Week
By adolson, 31 March 2014 at 4:09 pm UTC

Quoting: QantouriscAnyone can tell me what the game is like ? Videos and gameplay are 2 different things I noticed lately.
It's a puzzle-platformer. You play as the goat and you get a mouse buddy you can throw onto a wall or floor and it'll crawl along and can reach places you can get to, can hit switches you can't reach, etc.
The goal is to get the key and reach the exit for each level... Simple enough, but it can be tough at times to figure out what to do.

I think the videos are accurate enough for this game, if you watch gameplay rather than a trailer that's been cut together. Liam posted a commentaryless video, but if you want another vid to see with commentary, check out GiantBomb's video here.

Better yet, just try it yourself in a browser:
Just note that Escape Goat 2 looks much nicer on the eyes, and you can play with a gamepad.

Escape Goat 2 Sees Decent Linux Sales After The First Week
By Qantourisc, 31 March 2014 at 3:58 pm UTC

Anyone can tell me what the game is like ? Videos and gameplay are 2 different things I noticed lately.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By s_d, 31 March 2014 at 3:31 pm UTC

Yeah, they were pretty open about the delayed release with the backers, as well a the schedule slip. I'm not in love with "PC" = "Windows" either, but adolson has a good point about tact.

I don't know anyone here in the community that enjoys self-censoring = not even our own Benevolent Dictator for Life), but we have to realize that we've now got people's attention. People whose attention we've been seeking, such as devs and representatives of digital distributors. There's noting wrong with carefully selecting our words, knowing that folks are coming to peer in at us periodically.

In fact, I think McCoy's comment is his most tactful (and funniest) version of that same comment I've ever seen from him (kudos, McCoy! You got a chuckle out of me).

Our challenge is to keep our message hard-hitting and honest (as usual) without coming off mindlessly pedantic and entitled.

Even if we _are_ GabeN's chosen people ;)

GOL Cast: Chasing Down Bandits in Braveland
By , 31 March 2014 at 3:05 pm UTC

Bought it and beat it in 3h. Game is not too long but adequate for price I think.

Escape Goat 2 Sees Decent Linux Sales After The First Week
By adolson, 31 March 2014 at 3:03 pm UTC

5.8% of what? These figures are fairly meaningless. Maybe they sold only 1000 copies total - 58 Linux sales isn't much to brag about.

I like the games though, so I hope it's much higher than that. Either way, I'm glad they feel it's worth it.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By adolson, 31 March 2014 at 2:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

First of all, can we all stop harping on the "PC means more than Windows" thing? Yes, you're right, Linux runs on PCs, but the fact is that the industry uses the term "PC" to mean Windows, not Mac, not Linux, not BSD, not BeOS, not Amiga, not anything other than Windows... Literally NOTHING about this situation would change had Jason simply said "Windows" instead of "PC." Instead, we look like a bunch of whiny know-it-all ingrates. Focus on the important shit, not the stupid minutiae like this.

Secondly, they were pretty clear in their Kickstarter update that the Mac and Linux versions would be ports:
QuoteSo, we’ve been doing the work here to assess how much it would cost us to port our technology and then the games to these OS’s’s.

QuoteSo, we are willing to commit to porting the game to both Mac and Linux, if we reach:

And finally, even though the date has slipped, they did tell us in the same update that the Mac and Linux ports would not ship at the same time as Windows:
QuoteAnd, like the DRM free version, the shipping date for these versions will be further out, towards the end of 2013.

The fact that there's no Linux early access should come as no surprise to anyone. We were told up-front.

Escape Goat 2 Sees Decent Linux Sales After The First Week
By Orkultus, 31 March 2014 at 2:40 pm UTC

I like hearing about "Worth it" ports. Always good news.

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By Orkultus, 31 March 2014 at 2:33 pm UTC

They made 35k over what they asked for, and they didn't bother to upgrade their Unity version. When knowingly that their version didn't support Linux, and they made it a stretch goal....


Carmageddon: Reincarnation's Jason Garber Answers Our Questions On Their Linux Support
By Orkultus, 31 March 2014 at 2:18 pm UTC

"It's quite possible we would approach it in that way. But we’d hope that Linux, as a port rather than a process of full game development, would be a more linear and (dare I say it) straightforward process that won’t involve the level of player testing that is useful to us while we still develop the full game."

This quote bothers me. So they are making this game on Windows only right now, but they just hope that the port to Linux is going to be easy for them. I am wondering if they have done their studies on those plugins they have used to make this game. Did they check that those plugins are multiplatform? I can see this is going to be a disaster.

"I don’t really think that end users will give much thought to the underlying OS – they will be focussing on the Steam aspect, rather than the Linux underpinnings. IMO."

This is sad but most likely true. Most "Console people" dont really care about what the core of their system is running. Its like how i told my friend that his PS4 is running FreeBSD. He was like "Uhh whats that?". I myself love knowing what any of my systems run.

Sheep i tell you... Sheep.

The Most Popular Linux Gaming Articles For March 2014
By Liam Dawe, 31 March 2014 at 2:10 pm UTC

Probably the biggest month since Steam coming to Linux.