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Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By leillo1975, 30 March 2014 at 7:46 pm UTC

Quoting: marcelomendesNice one, I got both Sanctum 1 and 2, waiting... :)

In the same situation...

Is there any difference between that is developed with UDK or Unreal Engine?

Valve Publishes Their SteamOS Mesa Patched Branch On Github
By Half-Shot, 30 March 2014 at 6:50 pm UTC

Quoting: mdibaieeActually, I'm not sure what Mesa is and what it does.

But I'm happy that everything is coming together to make an awesome gaming platform out of Linux, Yay!

3D Acceleration for ye open source drivers in a nutshell.

Star Conflict Free 2 Play MMO Linux Version Is Waiting On Valve
By Liam Dawe, 30 March 2014 at 6:40 pm UTC

Quoting: jordicomaI don't know, but I clicked on play at the steam store, and it's downloading. It says that is for windows and mac, nothing of linux. We will see if it's already uploaded or it's an error.

Like I've said the past few times, it won't work.

Star Conflict Free 2 Play MMO Linux Version Is Waiting On Valve
By , 30 March 2014 at 6:37 pm UTC

I don't know, but I clicked on play at the steam store, and it's downloading. It says that is for windows and mac, nothing of linux. We will see if it's already uploaded or it's an error.

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 6:08 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: AnonymousIs he a good porter? Because apparently he ported Killing Floor to Linux and it runs like shit :/ (note it not just me. Lots of people report same problem)
He's a well known figure in Linux game porting. He may have done the initial port of Killing Floor, but that doesn't mean he has been paid by Tripwire to fix anything since the initial port, so bug Tripwire.

Unfortunately I have told Tripwire loads of time and now I just gave up. Screw them.

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 5:35 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: AnonymousIs he a good porter? Because apparently he ported Killing Floor to Linux and it runs like shit :/ (note it not just me. Lots of people report same problem)
He's a well known figure in Linux game porting. He may have done the initial port of Killing Floor, but that doesn't mean he has been paid by Tripwire to fix anything since the initial port, so bug Tripwire.

That's why we should hope for more in-house Linux specialists/porters instead of hired freelancers.
It seems many companies only want to get a Linux version out quick-and-dirty to be covered in news or to be able to release in Humble Bundles.

Ryan is an excellent porter but with the high amounts of accumulated ports he won't voluntary maintain the Linux build if he's not getting paid.

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By marcelomendes, 30 March 2014 at 5:22 pm UTC

Nice one, I got both Sanctum 1 and 2, waiting... :)

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By marcelomendes, 30 March 2014 at 5:16 pm UTC

Well, maybe is time to stop support liers on kickstarter and keep supporting games already launched with native linux builds.

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By Liam Dawe, 30 March 2014 at 4:38 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousIs he a good porter? Because apparently he ported Killing Floor to Linux and it runs like shit :/ (note it not just me. Lots of people report same problem)

He's a well known figure in Linux game porting. He may have done the initial port of Killing Floor, but that doesn't mean he has been paid by Tripwire to fix anything since the initial port, so bug Tripwire.

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 4:29 pm UTC

Is he a good porter? Because apparently he ported Killing Floor to Linux and it runs like shit :/ (note it not just me. Lots of people report same problem)

Dota 2: How Does Ubuntu 13.04 Compare To Windows 8?
By LostParadise, 30 March 2014 at 4:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

guys i found out that unity on idle state uses about 300mb of ram, while the is not any way of disabling composite while to low-end or older computers this reduces the performance alot (in my case with a 8800gts with 512VRAM on ubuntu dota used to crash! Now with mate i can play with everything maxed except shadows with very stable fps) . I also found many performance fixes since the October (when the video released)

Dungeon Prospector Roguelike Sees First New Release For Half A Year
By hardpenguin, 30 March 2014 at 3:50 pm UTC

I am really glad it is still developed, I wouldn't like to see my 1 euro I gave for this game going to waste :D

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By , 30 March 2014 at 3:38 pm UTC

Quoting: AnonymousThe Linux build will follow probably 1-3 months later, once we have upgraded the Unity engine to a version that supports Linux and can test it properly. We’ll let you know the dates for the foreign language editions as soon as we have them.
They said the same thing about Cognition... about nine months ago.

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 3:38 pm UTC

I have this game on my Steam library, and today it appeared on my Steam for Linux games list. I can install it, but the size is 0 bytes (some Linux games still in porting process on Steam work that way), so I guess it may be closer than we thought :)

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 3:24 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoyWhile I love icculus for what he's doing, why isn't he answering mails? O_o

because he sees the title and sends it straight to the: "another when will you be done with this or that" folder...

Things will be ready when ready :p

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By , 30 March 2014 at 3:20 pm UTC

I'm a backer of this game.

The official communication on this was in a mail from them on 20th February :
When with the CSG get the PC and Mac builds? What about Linux?

The English PC/Mac builds will go out to the CSG just before the official launch – like probably the day before or a few days before. The Linux build will follow probably 1-3 months later, once we have upgraded the Unity engine to a version that supports Linux and can test it properly. We’ll let you know the dates for the foreign language editions as soon as we have them.

Valve Publishes Their SteamOS Mesa Patched Branch On Github
By mdibaiee, 30 March 2014 at 2:45 pm UTC

Actually, I'm not sure what Mesa is and what it does.

But I'm happy that everything is coming together to make an awesome gaming platform out of Linux, Yay!

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 1:59 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoyWhile I love icculus for what he's doing, why isn't he answering mails? O_o
Because he is busy with porting?

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By WorMzy, 30 March 2014 at 1:49 pm UTC

I do wish people would stop saying ~PC~ when they actually mean ~Windows~.

Hey devs, I'm using a ~PC~, it just has ~Linux~ on it.

*grumble grumble*

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By DrMcCoy, 30 March 2014 at 1:33 pm UTC

While I love icculus for what he's doing, why isn't he answering mails? O_o

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By DrMcCoy, 30 March 2014 at 1:31 pm UTC

Also very annoying that we have to run after the developers to actually tell us what happens, at least us non-backers. Apparently, the information was inside a backer update, but why make that a backer-exclusive information and not tell anyone else? :/

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By , 30 March 2014 at 1:21 pm UTC

It's sad that we get treated like a second class citizen still.

Moebius: Empire Rising Adventure Game Will Not Support Linux From Day 1
By , 30 March 2014 at 1:15 pm UTC

They've been saying this about Cognition, too. And the forthcoming Gabriel Knight game. I am... decidedly sceptical about this. Are Going To Support Linux, Confirmed!
By , 30 March 2014 at 1:05 pm UTC

now they got my attention. They'l probably be the digital distributor of my choice soon.

Facebook Buys Oculus VR, The Internet Freaks Out
By , 30 March 2014 at 12:53 pm UTC

Here, here bones. Good to see a voice of reason amongst the drivel.

No doubt Spock would deem the selling to Bookface as a logical choice, yet as we proved to him in countless episodes, logic does not always dictate the greater outcome.

I can see great harm coming to the ability of any such future endeavours of this sort on kickstarter.

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 12:41 pm UTC

I'm really enjoying this news ! Finally some good Linux native FPS games !

Since Quake Live is no more "native" (you have to run it through wine) and it's like ten years old... I'm willing something new ! :)

This game might be really fun !

Sanctum 2 Mixes FPS with Tower Defence & It's Being Ported To Linux
By , 30 March 2014 at 12:31 pm UTC

I played the original quite a lot and watched a few videos on the sequel; definitely will be buying once they have a date.

Voxatron Becomes A Fantasy Console & A Game
By , 30 March 2014 at 9:48 am UTC

I'm playing some of the BBS levels every now and then - some of them are actually quite good :-)

Natural Selection 2's Direct3D HLSL to OpenGL GLSL Parser Open Sourced
By pd12, 30 March 2014 at 7:11 am UTC

Quoting: liamdawe"Although Valve's Source Engine 2 should be using OpenGL directly rather than some sort of translation layer."
Hi Liam, do you have a source for this (or anyone else)?

Quoting: philip550c
Quoting: ....some one needs to make a OpenGL&gt;DX for Xbone so developers can no longer fear not being able to develop for Xbone
Does the Xbone not support opengl?
Ha, M$ has been restricting their XBox platforms to use DX/D3D for quite some time now (like all of them), which is why a lot of developers used DX to start off with - they wanted to go on XBoxes. M$ obviously did this to try and lock people into their own proprietary rendering engine with D3D as opposed to OpenGL (and similarly DX vs SDL).