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Wasteland 2 RPG New Gameplay Trailer
By Superuser, 26 February 2014 at 2:19 pm UTC

The beta is almost over and there is still no Linux version. :><:

On the bright side, the game seems to be shaping up quite well and can, on the whole, be considered a Kickstarter success story.

Democracy 3 Review On Linux, I Fail At Running A Country
By , 26 February 2014 at 2:13 pm UTC

Fair point, Hamish, but it's less about what the game is than what it isn't, and it's definitely not about free markets. Which, as I say, is fair enough as far as it goes: it's a game about doing a lot of governing. In a sense, although we're clearly coming at it from more or less oppposite angles, I understand Kitten's frustration in not being able to try out your own favoured approach to see how it might work. Of course, to do that well you'd really have to accurately model every person in a real country (arguably the entire world), and we're some way off that yet. :)

anewson, we can argue about words, but you're right: this place is supposed to be about games, and I'm rather embarrassed that my first comment has veered so far off-topic. In fact, my intention wasn't to argue about exactly what philosophy the game seems to subscribe to, but simply to point out that as a game, there have to be rules and restrictions.

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By berarma, 26 February 2014 at 2:05 pm UTC

Quoting: Edgar
Quoting: al... its not fair to give the same amount to giana sisters (0$ this time) than to the swapper...
The detailed split was a great addition to the HIB, now we can deliver justice among developers!

Wasn't it there from the start? I'd say so.

Although the average paid for GNU/Linux is the highest we're the last in the totals. That means we're far behind in number of purchases.

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By , 26 February 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC

Quoting: al... its not fair to give the same amount to giana sisters (0$ this time) than to the swapper...

The detailed split was a great addition to the HIB, now we can deliver justice among developers!

I am not giving any money to Giana Sisters or Starseed Pilgrim (thank you for the air warning), this means more money for... Humble Hearts and Microsoft Studios... what?

Stencyl 3.0 Released, A Game Creation Kit With No Programming
By xuwang, 26 February 2014 at 12:15 pm UTC

Quoting: adolson
Quoting: xuwangMy fault for the off-topic. Last question -- what forums do you mean? Do you mean GOL or does Godot have a forum somewhere? Googling "Forum Godot" didn't turn up much.

Good luck with your project. I bet your buddy will be surprised if you finish it. - check the community page. ;)

Thanks ;)

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By fabertawe, 26 February 2014 at 11:57 am UTC

Bought this so long ago I can't remember! My Win partition's been gone a good while but was waiting on the native version anyway.

Download speed's not the best today but I've waited this long... :D

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By FutureSuture, 26 February 2014 at 11:42 am UTC

Quoting: AX RedneckNow waiting for Witcher(s) and maybe Evoland and maybe even Metro 2033
Now that would be too good to be true.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By s_d, 26 February 2014 at 11:16 am UTC

Pretty sure I only bought Portal 1. Maybe I'm losing my mind

Zigfrak Now DRM Free Exclusively On FireFlower Games
By , 26 February 2014 at 10:47 am UTC

I <3 FireFlower

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By rick01457, 26 February 2014 at 10:38 am UTC

Quoting: s_dWut.

Does this mean (effectively) all Linux folks get P2 for free?! At least beta quality?


I assumed that it was in my library because I had already bought it.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By s_d, 26 February 2014 at 9:37 am UTC


Does this mean (effectively) all Linux folks get P2 for free?! At least beta quality?



Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By killx_den, 26 February 2014 at 9:24 am UTC

The missing voices have been fixed :)

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By , 26 February 2014 at 9:12 am UTC

Now waiting for Witcher(s) and maybe Evoland and maybe even Metro 2033

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By Speedster, 26 February 2014 at 7:41 am UTC

Yes yes yes! Bring on Portal 2!!

Major Mayhem Arcade Shooter Released For Linux
By , 26 February 2014 at 7:03 am UTC

if that's not a phone port I'll eat my laptop

Democracy 3 Review On Linux, I Fail At Running A Country
By , 26 February 2014 at 6:40 am UTC

Quoting: DuncKitten, I heard the exact opposite, that it tended to force you into the Keynesian tax-and-spend model. In fact, that's why I didn't buy it.

Not to turn this into a politics or economics debate, but what I think you mean is a liberal tax-and-spend model. Keynesian demand management policy during a recession (which I assume is what you refer to) is to reduce taxes, not increase them.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By , 26 February 2014 at 3:59 am UTC

Quoting: scaine
Quoting: OrkultusThe Linux version of Cannons Lasers Rockets hit Steam for Linux today too!..Downloading it now. :)
So it did.

Never heard of it! Free to Play though, so it's gotta be worth a look, I suppose.

A F2P spaceship like MOBA, sounds really interesting !

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By scaine, 26 February 2014 at 3:00 am UTC

Quoting: OrkultusThe Linux version of Cannons Lasers Rockets hit Steam for Linux today too!..Downloading it now. :)

So it did.

Never heard of it! Free to Play though, so it's gotta be worth a look, I suppose.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By , 26 February 2014 at 1:28 am UTC

Excellent, this also means we're one step closer to having the SDK available for a port of Stanley Parable.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By Orkultus, 26 February 2014 at 1:13 am UTC

The Linux version of Cannons Lasers Rockets hit Steam for Linux today too!..Downloading it now. :)

Rust Survival Game Updated With Better Performance & Linux Fixes
By RaymondTerrific , 25 February 2014 at 10:59 pm UTC

Good to see they are paying attention to Rust's Linux users.

With Garry's mod Linux users get ignored. This 9 month old bug for example. Mounting Source content in Gmod isn't important or anything... Good thing someone not on the payroll stepped up and offered a temporary fix. Not a peep from Garry about it and the other mods just offer cocky comments.

Project Shyknight Platformer Released For Linux And Windows
By , 25 February 2014 at 10:40 pm UTC

OK, I got it, you have to use the mouse to click on the "1" in the upper left corner. Not instinctive !
Then the game is... pre-8 bit style regarding the controls, if you see what I mean ;) But the music is very nice.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By Xpander, 25 February 2014 at 10:38 pm UTC

Quick Run also:

View video on

missing announcer and wheatley voice

other than that works perfectly

edit: voices has been fixed..

need to rename to in the Portal 2/bin folder though

Project Shyknight Platformer Released For Linux And Windows
By , 25 February 2014 at 10:25 pm UTC

Seems really nice but I can't make it work on my KUbuntu 13.10 64bit.
Original message was: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
But I installed: sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2:i386
and then it started but the welcome screen is animated but I can't get into the game. Any key brings me to an empty but animated screen where I can only go back to the welcome screen by pressing ESC. Any idea ?

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By philip550c, 25 February 2014 at 10:23 pm UTC

Quoting: LostParadiseNow, only CS:GO left!
Downloading too...
and alien swarm and possibly LFD1

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By , 25 February 2014 at 10:23 pm UTC

Quoting: philip550c
Yes we should, some of us only like to use steam. While I like having DRM free for backup purposes, I pretty much only use steam to play games. I prefer steam to manage my games.[/quote]
Same here, I used to play DRM-free version of the bundle games before I discovered steam (and it was only because DN3D was only redeemable there). Now I pretty much only use steam and don't really play games that are not there (with a notable exception of Rocks'n'Diamonds ;-). Desura isn't that bad either, save for constant hangups and lack of achievements or cloud save.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By FutureSuture, 25 February 2014 at 10:10 pm UTC

Can't wait to play this. Hopefully Valve doesn't have too much difficulty bringing this out of the beta.

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By philip550c, 25 February 2014 at 10:09 pm UTC

Quoting: Crazy Penguin
Quoting: zacH... I was hoping they'd bring back Dustforce or something. We still don't have that officially on Steam, despite it being in an older bundle. :(
Dustforce is available on Desura and in the Humble Store.
Do we really have to have everything on Steam?
My priority is still DRM-Free. Steam is nice to have.
Yes we should, some of us only like to use steam. While I like having DRM free for backup purposes, I pretty much only use steam to play games. I prefer steam to manage my games.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By scaine, 25 February 2014 at 9:59 pm UTC

Man, what a relief - this is great news. Portal 2 to play again is superb... once I get my house move out of the way and have a computer again. Argh!!!

And Stanley Parable should be hot on its heel. Amazing news. Superb!

Developer Sells Game On IndieGameStand DRM Free, Then Removes DRM Free Version
By , 25 February 2014 at 9:26 pm UTC

Quoting: s_dBravo to IGS for this! I'm pretty happy to support IGS, and that sentiment is growing rapidly as time passes.

Thank you for the nice words!

At the end of the whole situation, it worked out well for everyone. Panic Arts was new to the PC market and did not understand the mistake that was made. They resolved the situation quickly and fixed the DRM-Free version.

I'd like to thank Panic Arts for making a great game and solving this quickly, as well as thank the community for being supportive.

- Matt "Canj"
Marketing/Community Manager