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The Funding Crowd 29 (Feb 24th - Mar 9th)
By Speedster, 10 March 2014 at 7:30 am UTC

Quoting: q4aLiam already wrote article about Proven Lands, which is on Kickstarter now, but there is no mention about this game. It's a bit strange.. or you don't want to duplicate it?

No, it's more a matter of timing...

By the time Liam wrote that article, this article was close to the target publishing deadline. Definitely by the time I noticed Proven Lands, this article's text was complete (aside from errors caught during proof reading). So I think that's why Liam didn't add it to the list of nominated games, unlike Heart & Slash which he nominated 3 days ago, before the writeups had been done.

The Funding Crowd 29 (Feb 24th - Mar 9th)
By q4a, 10 March 2014 at 5:57 am UTC

Liam already wrote article about Proven Lands, which is on Kickstarter now, but there is no mention about this game. It's a bit strange.. or you don't want to duplicate it?

Proven Lands, Fantastic Looking Science-Fiction Sandbox Roguelike Needs Funding
By , 10 March 2014 at 3:44 am UTC

looks really cool, but that's quite a goal they are aiming for.

they will need major coverage from as many places as possible.

The Funding Crowd 29 (Feb 24th - Mar 9th)
By HadBabits, 10 March 2014 at 2:51 am UTC

I backed Galactic Princess, everything else I'll keep an eye on :p

FortressCraft Evolved Building Game Linux Preview Available On Steam
By , 9 March 2014 at 11:28 pm UTC

Quoting: mannywell can't really complain.

it has steam integration and the price is just $6 bucks.

I can. It's $2 more if you have to pay in Euro's.

Infinity Wars Trading Card Battle Game Will Come To Linux
By dilly, 9 March 2014 at 10:25 pm UTC

Quoting: q4a
Quoting: nyomozooBUT! I don't remember seeing any other online tcg that works natively on linux so it's clever from them to get in there before others.
But there is at least 2 tcg (not flash):
- Forgotten Myths. I played it and it has native client.
- Ironclad Tactics. I't not F2P and i didn't play it, but looks like there is singleplayer and multiplayer mode (including coop and pvp.

And one game i was waiting for is Hell Invaders, but as I can see, it was renamed to "The Gate" and released for Android, iOS and Unity Web Player and no Linux version =( So, please, give some votes to add Linux support for webplayer.

I can say that Ironclad is awesome. I have played it for hours already. :]

Offworld, A Good Looking Free Aerial Combat Game
By pwburkhardt, 9 March 2014 at 9:14 pm UTC

Cool! But its not normal, that such a game has no Multiplayer...
(i hope my grammar wasnt too bad ;(, im swiss)

Infinity Wars Trading Card Battle Game Will Come To Linux
By scaine, 9 March 2014 at 8:01 pm UTC

There's also Card City Nights - It's really good, no in-app purchases at all and clocks in at a reasonably 8 hours campaign. I'm not sure, but I don't think there's multiplayer in this one though.

Worth a look though. The combo idea is really clever and makes the strategy more important than waiting for a killer card. The style is fun too - reminds me a little of the superb Costume Quest.

Proven Lands, Fantastic Looking Science-Fiction Sandbox Roguelike Needs Funding
By , 9 March 2014 at 7:36 pm UTC

Whew looks good....but looks like a ways away for post-release Linux version. Glad it's not a stretch goal =) Will keep an eye on it for sure...thanks for the report.

Proven Lands, Fantastic Looking Science-Fiction Sandbox Roguelike Needs Funding
By , 9 March 2014 at 7:14 pm UTC

Quoteand OpenGL limits, in general.
Give me one example of what OpenGL can't but DirectX can and I'll believe.

Offworld, A Good Looking Free Aerial Combat Game
By Xpander, 9 March 2014 at 2:44 pm UTC

too bad no multiplayer.. othewise seems pretty solid
flying with airship is done pretty good, its a bit arcadish, but not too much.. takes a little time to get used to controlling it.
Fighting against A.I is not really my thing...

View video on

Kingdom Rush Strategy Game Exits Beta, Now Officially Available On Linux
By , 9 March 2014 at 1:39 pm UTC

American, British or otherwise...petty argument, guys.

Offworld, A Good Looking Free Aerial Combat Game
By , 9 March 2014 at 1:30 pm UTC

When I spawn, I immediately, EXPLODE???

Offworld, A Good Looking Free Aerial Combat Game
By , 9 March 2014 at 1:07 pm UTC

Thanks! It looks incredible! I'll definitely test it and eventually drop some bucks into it ;-)

Infinity Wars Trading Card Battle Game Will Come To Linux
By q4a, 9 March 2014 at 6:01 am UTC

Quoting: nyomozooBUT! I don't remember seeing any other online tcg that works natively on linux so it's clever from them to get in there before others.
But there is at least 2 tcg (not flash):
- Forgotten Myths. I played it and it has native client.
- Ironclad Tactics. I't not F2P and i didn't play it, but looks like there is singleplayer and multiplayer mode (including coop and pvp.

And one game i was waiting for is Hell Invaders, but as I can see, it was renamed to "The Gate" and released for Android, iOS and Unity Web Player and no Linux version =( So, please, give some votes to add Linux support for webplayer.

Meltdown Tactical Arcade Shooter Confirmed For Linux By The Publisher
By s_d, 9 March 2014 at 5:23 am UTC

I've had a chance to play Meltdown; it's pretty darn fun. I hope they hurry the hell up with the Linux port. Personally, I'd be playing a standalone version, but it has a great console feel to it, and would be super on a Steam Machine with a controller, for those so inclined.

Puppy Arcade - Retro Gaming Live CD
By , 9 March 2014 at 4:34 am UTC Likes: 1

The Official Dolphin emulator page is is a scam!!

Defense Grid 2 is happening and coming to Linux!
By Mambo, 9 March 2014 at 3:35 am UTC

This Defense Grid post-mortem (via Kickstarter updates gives some really good reasons to target Linux: their first release got screwed by Microsoft (on delays and price points), they managed to release to Steam instead, and worked on Valve's CS:GO later on.

Kingdom Rush Strategy Game Exits Beta, Now Officially Available On Linux
By neffo, 9 March 2014 at 2:28 am UTC

Quoting: drmothWell I'm Australian as well and we actually use British spelling. Any deviance from this is actually laziness or due to American influence (TV, books etc).

In case you had any doubts -

And I agree with Liam, tower defence is a genre, not a proper noun, so it can be spelt either way depending on your heritage.

The game looks good. Excited that more and more developers are turning to Linux (and glad we agree on THAT spelling).

Unfortunately, the original spelling post was a bit offencive to Liam, and everyone seems to be getting very defencive and territorial about this. I am not one to criticise though.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.14 Is Now Available
By sobkas, 8 March 2014 at 11:03 pm UTC

My vote:

The Wine Development Release 1.7.14 Is Now Available
By sobkas, 8 March 2014 at 11:02 pm UTC

I would like to ask for a vote on bug list format:
a. Remove the bug list
b. Let it stay the same
c. Copy the look from the announcement
d. Start a thread on the forum and take this discussion there

Vote by writing choices from the most desirable to the least.

I will make the final choice, but I will pretty much go with the the most popular choice if enough votes were cast.
Voting will be counted in debian-ctte way. Vote is open till the next release of Wine.

FortressCraft Evolved Building Game Linux Preview Available On Steam
By , 8 March 2014 at 10:17 pm UTC

well can't really complain.

it has steam integration and the price is just $6 bucks.

Infinity Wars Trading Card Battle Game Will Come To Linux
By , 8 March 2014 at 9:11 pm UTC

I tried the windows version a few weeks ago.
Gameplaywise it's a nice cardgame, thank god it's not too much like MtG or the Might and Magic cardgame. On the other hand it's still very much in beta and some stuff did not work that annoyed me.

BUT! I don't remember seeing any other online tcg that works natively on linux so it's clever from them to get in there before others.

Spine, 2D Skeletal Animation For Games With Linux Support
By s_d, 8 March 2014 at 7:57 pm UTC

Quoting: DrMcCoy
Quoting: Spine websiteThe official runtimes are on github under a liberal license
Quoting: Spine source codeYou are granted a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to install, execute and perform the Spine Runtimes Software (the "Software" ) solely for internal use. Without the written permission of Esoteric Software, you may not (a) modify, translate, adapt or otherwise create derivative works, improvements of the Software or develop new applications using the Software or (b) remove, delete, alter or obscure any trademarks or any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property or proprietary rights notices on or in the Software, including any copy thereof.
They must be using a definiton of "liberal license" I was not previously aware of.

EDIT: Ah, in the LICENSE file, they later added "(typically granted by licensing Spine)" after the written permission part, but failed to update the header blurb in all the source files. In either case, that's still pretty non-liberal in my book. I mean, in the same vain, you could claim the Unreal Engine, or hell BioWare's Aurora engine, is liberally licensed, because licensees could make changes. Whoop-de-doo.

EDIT 2: It's even worse: The initial license was the 2-clause BSD license. They changed the license 6 months later to some custom "Spline 1.0" license, then over the course of the next 6 months, it became the current Spline license 2.1. Boo, I say.

Yeah, this is pretty bad. It means that we can't use their runtimes in our own free software games because that could imply relicensing to copyleft (or similar).

Though, of course, Spine users can still output sprite sheets, of course. And the community is still able to contribute their own runtimes, licensed however they want... but why bother :S:

Meltdown Tactical Arcade Shooter Confirmed For Linux By The Publisher
By , 8 March 2014 at 7:28 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: gamer
QuoteLinux version will come later.
It's a trick to milk money from us, Linux gamers, and then say "sorry we didn't had time or enough interest".
Then don't buy until it is out, it's very simple.
I know, I just got irritated by the fact that they treat linux as a "3rd world citizen". I'm currently making my own game and porting the game from my Ubuntu system to Windows took me like 50 minutes (recompiled libs, fixed a few missing functions).

PS. For Unity engine it's a matter of one click (and in some _rare_ cases change some code) to get game working on Linux.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.14 Is Now Available
By Swater96, 8 March 2014 at 7:25 pm UTC

Quoting: GuestThe list of bug report numbers in these Wine news is not very useful, it’s a pain to hover every one to see what it’s about. Much better to simply point at the official announcement that has a proper bugs list!
Lol true. I get about 3 in and give up. Easier to just copy the winehq buglist imo.