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New SOMA Teaser Trailer From Frictional Games
By MaximB, 5 March 2014 at 4:24 pm UTC

"It's not my fault people keep killing themselves..." - Yeah, right.

Gabe Newell Of Valve Answers Questions, CS:GO Coming To Linux & Steam To Be A Self-Publishing System
By , 5 March 2014 at 4:08 pm UTC

Did anyone asked him if Valve is still planning to develop single-player games at all?

Gabe Newell Of Valve Answers Questions, CS:GO Coming To Linux & Steam To Be A Self-Publishing System
By s_d, 5 March 2014 at 3:53 pm UTC

Also two other important things... Firstly, that avoiding Wine, in favour of native ports, is a company policy, and one which Gabe claims is good for the future sustainability of Linux as a gaming platform. I agree with him, and am pleased to see that he and his team are paying attention.

Secondly, there will be no SteamOS exclusives, as many (myself included) predicted based on Valve's history. He wants his Windows userbase to look favourably on SteamOS as a service extension into their living rooms, not as a heavy-handed push onto something unfamiliar (as MS has done with it's own customers, vis a vis Windows 8's Metro).

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By , 5 March 2014 at 2:23 pm UTC

I prefer Legend of Dungeon.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By , 5 March 2014 at 1:57 pm UTC

Oh look, another low resolution game in the damn 2014 year. Can we start building decent games? Graphics don't need to be incredibly awesome, just HD ready. I won't be buying more low-res games, that's for sure.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By Ilya, 5 March 2014 at 11:39 am UTC

Quoting: MamboThat art style is terrible. Pixel art looks nothing like that.
How is this not pixel art?
This quite certainly is not just a filter, but actual pixel art. Within pixel art there are many different styles you know. You might not like this style but it's still pixel art.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By Liam Dawe, 5 March 2014 at 11:25 am UTC

Quoting: MamboThat art style is terrible. Pixel art looks nothing like that; this is just a lowpass filter and a shit palette. I understand the need for cheaper graphics, but there are plenty of pixel (Vladis story), vector (Guacamelee) or more creative styles that look better.

Ouch, I love the art style of this, reminds me a bit of Another World.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By Mambo, 5 March 2014 at 11:24 am UTC

That art style is terrible. Pixel art looks nothing like that; this is just a lowpass filter and a shit palette. I understand the need for cheaper graphics, but there are plenty of pixel (Vladis story), vector (Guacamelee) or more creative styles that look better.

Steam Has Greenlit Plenty More Linux Games
By , 5 March 2014 at 10:07 am UTC

I already own a copy of Livalink, bought it last year on Desura so now it's coming to steam? woohoo. :D

Linux May Gain Rebellion As A Developer & Publisher In Future
By , 5 March 2014 at 2:37 am UTC

dude sniper elite v3 would be awesome on Linux!

Steam Has Greenlit Plenty More Linux Games
By Sabun, 4 March 2014 at 11:29 pm UTC

Livalink! Woot, hope the dev adds achievements as well :)

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By mongrol, 4 March 2014 at 10:59 pm UTC

Bad name. "Crawl" is usually used to refer to Dungeon Crawl or Stone Soup.

Drifter Open-World Sandbox Space Trader Now On Steam Early Acces
By , 4 March 2014 at 10:29 pm UTC

This game is not really 3D, is it? I can't tell for sure from the trailer if it is or not, but objects in this game look awfully disproportionate. The space space station seems comparable in size to the planet. I mean, they both go past the ship at similar speeds. Also, there is light on the dark side on the planet. There's light everywhere, actually.

For a more real space sim, check out pioneerspacesim. There also a commercial spinoff, called Paragon.

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By HadBabits, 4 March 2014 at 10:16 pm UTC

Looks like another game to pester my room-mate with :D

Steam Has Greenlit Plenty More Linux Games
By PlayX, 4 March 2014 at 9:51 pm UTC

Sadly Vendetta is not a good game. I've played it a few months years ago and it has not getting better since then. The UI is a Horror, the game sounds are terrible and the graphics are not up2date.

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux
By , 4 March 2014 at 9:21 pm UTC


these games didnt get my attention before because no linux port news till now

Steam Has Greenlit Plenty More Linux Games
By MaximB, 4 March 2014 at 8:28 pm UTC

Most of the games this time do have a Linux port, and most of those who doesn't - already have a "Will there be a Linux port" topic on their Steam forums ;)

Toy Soldiers: Complete May Come To Linux If The Interest Is There
By Half-Shot, 4 March 2014 at 8:24 pm UTC

Quoting: Smarties
Quoting: minjI am starting to resent statements like these. It does not mean we have different game tastes just because we run Linux. We run the same hardware and input devices ffs. Countless studios have already witnessed that the market exists.

If the devs are not sure their game is worth our attention perhaps they should not be making it in the first place. All new games should start with OpenGL from day zero. This will save dev time and other resources, prevent frustration, theirs and ours, and as Valve has shown will even increase performance.

I currently own many more games than I've actually played. This means that THEY need to come to us with their product. Time for begging is over.
Depends how big the game is, but sometimes the port might simply cost more than than it would likely make.

Bah. I want someone to show me the actual cost of porting a game.

There is no new content, there needs to be at maximum one more programmer and I'm sure you could contract one for minimal amounts to how much these games make. Though quite frankly the resources are there (SteamDevDays Videos for instance) to make your own port in-house. If your shipping something like XNA or Unity then your there already (FNA or ..Unity)

The UnEarth Initiative, A Strategy Game About Colonizing Alien Worlds
By HadBabits, 4 March 2014 at 7:25 pm UTC

Surely you wouldn't back something unless it supported the platform you intended on playing it, right? Unless you have a massive holes burning through your pockets. Maybe I'll back this once it hits said stretch goal, but I fail to see this being an effective way of determining "sufficient interest".

Crawl Has The Best Trailer You Will See Today
By , 4 March 2014 at 6:58 pm UTC

The lack of online MP is certainly a bummer...none of my friends are gamers...but the game looks solid nonetheless.

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux
By HadBabits, 4 March 2014 at 6:57 pm UTC

Looks like an excellent couple of additions, can't wait :D

Being a platformer fan, I very much like the look of Pid.

Star Conflict Beautiful Space MMO Looks Like It May Come To Linux
By , 4 March 2014 at 5:49 pm UTC

I've been playing this game since the winter holidays. Now it's headed for linux. Hope this news is concrete. I'm also waiting for the CS:GO linux version. Hopefully I'll be able to stop dual booting all the time just to play games. Linux games FTW!

The UnEarth Initiative, A Strategy Game About Colonizing Alien Worlds
By , 4 March 2014 at 4:23 pm UTC

Looks nice. Please, remind us, if they ever hit that goal, I still have some cash to spare :)

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux
By leillo1975, 4 March 2014 at 2:24 pm UTC

It's a great new!. I have Pid in my Steam Library and is an awesome platform game.

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux
By , 4 March 2014 at 2:19 pm UTC

I got Pid as a freebie from one of the bundle sites, be nice to have a Linux version as well.

Shelter & Pid From Might and Delight Are Being Ported To Linux
By scaine, 4 March 2014 at 2:03 pm UTC

I wanted to buy Shelter when it came out, so this is great news. I hadn't heard of PID, but it looks superb. The animation is jaw-dropping. Two essential purchases, methinks...

The UnEarth Initiative, A Strategy Game About Colonizing Alien Worlds
By , 4 March 2014 at 1:48 pm UTC

"Unfortunately, Linux is not one of our current development or testing platforms."

"Peter determined that getting the game running on Linux would take enough extra effort that we didn't want to commit to it without sufficient interest."

To me that reads there will most likely not be a port. And if there is, it will have a ton a issues due to not being properly tested. I'll pass

Valve Games On AMD Foss Drivers
By Half-Shot, 4 March 2014 at 12:01 pm UTC

Quoting: SolidarityInteresting work! I wonder how well it deals with unvanquished

Well, from what I've tested it works very well with non-valve games ironically :D. Unigine Tropics actually ran at 60fps with the newest update and Xonotic already ran great so you can expect great things in that area. Also since unvanquished is OpenGL 2.1, that area is already very mature and so stability will be flawless.