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Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By Half-Shot, 3 March 2014 at 5:59 pm UTC

Quoting: leillo1975I bought this game last week and think it's really good. It's strange to see the logo of Microsoft in my Ubuntu.
Tell me about it, I was worried for a second... then relaxed when I saw the D:AET logo :)

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By , 3 March 2014 at 5:27 pm UTC

Well I purchased it, but haven't even installed it yet.

from the bundle:

About 10 to 12% from linux.

$2,220,309.00 = ~220k

almost 473,000+ bundles sold.

so That could be like 40k linux users.

As for Steam, would probably be like ~400k copies sold since launch. Probably like ~100k copies on the Humble store.

Add all and you get ~1M copies sold.

Toy Soldiers: Complete May Come To Linux If The Interest Is There
By scaine, 3 March 2014 at 5:02 pm UTC

I can't stand Wine. I've had precisely zero success with it, except for a vaguely disappointing success with Half-Life 2 years and years ago. I'm not interested in investing hours of my time for a second-rate experience. If there's no native client, I won't be buying it.

And yep, I have to agree with Minj - if the dev hasn't done their research on their target markets, it shouldn't be on us to say "yes, please" over and over. The need for that approach is diminishing rapidly and unless it's a AAA title that I'm desperate for, I'm not going to play the begging game.

Star Conflict Beautiful Space MMO Looks Like It May Come To Linux
By Roman0, 3 March 2014 at 4:55 pm UTC

TotalBiscuit's first impression of Star Conflict, if someone's interested:

Toy Soldiers: Complete May Come To Linux If The Interest Is There
By , 3 March 2014 at 4:48 pm UTC

Added to this the fact that if there is no Linux offer, how can you be sure that there's an interest?

I often read :"Only 1% of our players are running Linux. It's not enough to release a Linux client."

This 1% of players must be running Wine then. In this case 1% is awesome! It's not everybody that likes to tweak wine to get a game running.

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By scaine, 3 March 2014 at 4:19 pm UTC

I loved this game. Finished it - an excellent 12 hours. The voice acting was a high standard, I thought, so I'm not sure what annoyed you Babits...

You know, 1 million sales, 1% is Linux - that's 10k sales, £11.99 on Steam. If half of those were from the Humble Bundle and we ignore them completely (which is a bit unfair), that's still £60k in sales. It couldn't have cost anywhere near that to port, so I hope this is a developer who sees some value from the platform, even without the "Steam Machine" promise.

Toy Soldiers: Complete May Come To Linux If The Interest Is There
By minj, 3 March 2014 at 4:02 pm UTC

I am starting to resent statements like these. It does not mean we have different game tastes just because we run Linux. We run the same hardware and input devices ffs. Countless studios have already witnessed that the market exists.

If the devs are not sure their game is worth our attention perhaps they should not be making it in the first place. All new games should start with OpenGL from day zero. This will save dev time and other resources, prevent frustration, theirs and ours, and as Valve has shown will even increase performance.

I currently own many more games than I've actually played. This means that THEY need to come to us with their product. Time for begging is over.

Star Conflict Beautiful Space MMO Looks Like It May Come To Linux
By abelthorne, 3 March 2014 at 3:23 pm UTC

Is it any good? The up/down votes on Steam aren't really positive (~40/60). According to the comments, it seems quite fun but too much "pay to win".

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By HadBabits, 3 March 2014 at 3:03 pm UTC

Got this a while back. Very pretty, but the writing and voice acting became unbearable. I came off with the impression that this is for anime fans.

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By leillo1975, 3 March 2014 at 2:51 pm UTC

I bought this game last week and think it's really good. It's strange to see the logo of Microsoft in my Ubuntu.

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By minj, 3 March 2014 at 12:58 pm UTC

Thoroughly enjoyed it. But it in Xmas sale and then again in HIB... Don't Plan On Introducing Linux Support In The Foreseeable Future UPDATED
By , 3 March 2014 at 11:54 am UTC

Debian, Ubuntu, ArchLinux support please !!!!

Steam support Linux, Desura support Linux and still not GOG ? Bad !!!!

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By , 3 March 2014 at 11:53 am UTC

This game is on of the best 2d games I have played in a long time! it's amazing with a gamepad!

Dust: An Elysian Tail Hits 1 Million Sales, Linux Stats Included
By , 3 March 2014 at 11:39 am UTC

This game was already out for linux at christmas and certainly before.i bought it from steam christmas sales.

Valve Games On AMD Foss Drivers
By Speedster, 3 March 2014 at 7:33 am UTC

Quoting: HadBabitsCompared to my 6620 AMD card (no idea where that is in the spectrum) with 6 gigs of RAM and some kind of quad core processor that ran at 1.6 GHZ.

Radeon 6620 chipset is pretty bottom end, normally meant for laptops...
looks like far worse performance even than the wimpy Radeon 6850 that IT dept ended up getting instead of the mid-range 6970 I had requested. A more fair comparison for the 6620 would be against Intel integrated video. No wonder you weren't exactly happy with it as a card for gaming!

Valve Games On AMD Foss Drivers
By , 3 March 2014 at 6:41 am UTC

With the catalyst driver I am running half life lost coast at 2560x1600 (with another monitor on the side 1980x1200) at 150 FPS and finally it is stable. This with a Radeon 6870 and the catalyst drivers I got by adding the xorg-edgers-ppa-saucy repository.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By killx_den, 2 March 2014 at 11:01 pm UTC

Had my first Linux survey this month :D

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 9:40 pm UTC

steambox will change this. fast.

A Call For Help, Help GamingOnLinux Grow
By , 2 March 2014 at 8:06 pm UTC

Your welcome to post stuff on my site, as long as its about Indie Games which is most Linux ported games at the moment.

Make sure your read the Global Forum Rules & Follow Them Please.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 5:24 pm UTC

Finally, yesterday I was asked to answer the survey, my first time after months waiting!

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By FutureSuture, 2 March 2014 at 4:28 pm UTC

Quoting: minj
Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.
Aye, that is the video available in the comments of The Witcher 3 article that I was referring to.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By minj, 2 March 2014 at 4:25 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By Half-Shot, 2 March 2014 at 4:20 pm UTC

Quoting: edgleyAnother 0.11% unaccounted for. Seems like more people are going OS-less!
Well you know, I do love to use a computer while I'm coding its environment, why use an operating system when you can code raw programs?

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:17 pm UTC

Another 0.11% unaccounted for. Seems like more people are going OS-less!

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By FutureSuture, 2 March 2014 at 4:14 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:13 pm UTC

to me DRM free is more as a BACKUP COPY, that I can access in case anything happens.

However I keep things nice and organized on steam.

So I prefer games that include both a drm free download + steam key (like from the humble store, kickstarters, etc).

So I not a drm free zealot. I choose DRM free for practical reasons only to keep my things backup, nothing else. So no reason to shy away if you're also getting a free key, which in terms helps improve the linux stats and get more users and developers over.

Democracy 3 Review On Linux, I Fail At Running A Country
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:09 pm UTC

The Steam forums for the game feature a whole raft of (apparent) Fox News viewers who whinge about the game not reflecting the economics that they think is The Only Way. I tried to point out that the game is a simulation, not reality, to no avail:D.

It is one rather complicated game, proving that anyone who wants to become President is a secret masochist. Not that its players are masochists:D...

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:01 pm UTC

Deadfall Adventures became available for Steam Linux yesterday. It got a 3/10 on GameSpot, but a game is a game...