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Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By FutureSuture, 2 March 2014 at 4:28 pm UTC

Quoting: minj
Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.
Also http://youtu.be/Sd8ie5R4CVE?t=4m50s
Aye, that is the video available in the comments of The Witcher 3 article that I was referring to.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By minj, 2 March 2014 at 4:25 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.
Also http://youtu.be/Sd8ie5R4CVE?t=4m50s

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By Half-Shot, 2 March 2014 at 4:20 pm UTC

Quoting: edgleyAnother 0.11% unaccounted for. Seems like more people are going OS-less!
Well you know, I do love to use a computer while I'm coding its environment, why use an operating system when you can code raw programs?

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:17 pm UTC

Another 0.11% unaccounted for. Seems like more people are going OS-less!

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By FutureSuture, 2 March 2014 at 4:14 pm UTC

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: AnonymousBut then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem
Because people like to spread FUD, think that what they believe is reality, don’t do their research… I’m pretty sure this myth has been debunked here a few days/weeks ago (in the Witcher 3 article?) but of course you have to repeat everything again regularly.
You are correct about that myth being debunked in The Witcher 3 article. Slides are available in the article itself, and there's a video in the comments too. This fallacy needs to die.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:13 pm UTC

to me DRM free is more as a BACKUP COPY, that I can access in case anything happens.

However I keep things nice and organized on steam.

So I prefer games that include both a drm free download + steam key (like from the humble store, kickstarters, etc).

So I not a drm free zealot. I choose DRM free for practical reasons only to keep my things backup, nothing else. So no reason to shy away if you're also getting a free key, which in terms helps improve the linux stats and get more users and developers over.

Democracy 3 Review On Linux, I Fail At Running A Country
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:09 pm UTC

The Steam forums for the game feature a whole raft of (apparent) Fox News viewers who whinge about the game not reflecting the economics that they think is The Only Way. I tried to point out that the game is a simulation, not reality, to no avail:D.

It is one rather complicated game, proving that anyone who wants to become President is a secret masochist. Not that its players are masochists:D...

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 2 March 2014 at 4:01 pm UTC

Deadfall Adventures became available for Steam Linux yesterday. It got a 3/10 on GameSpot, but a game is a game...

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 3:17 pm UTC

pretty much what stan said.

The difference between ubuntu and say debian is ubuntu has a lot of ubuntu only patchsets if anything that's the one distro THEY SHOULDN'T aim for as it would work with all the others as well as ubuntu 90% of the time and if it didn't they would just include a lib. Punish the one making trouble not the others.

CD Projekt RED Considering The Witcher 3 For Linux If SteamOS Takes Off
By jlibster, 2 March 2014 at 3:16 pm UTC

More nonsense. If other game developers can make games that primarily support Ubuntu (or Linux Mint) the answer seems clear. And for gamers, the only Linux distros that show any signs of getting a critical mass are Ubuntu, Linux Mint (both based on Debian), Fedora and possibly OpenSuse (I've not see so many uses of OpenSuse myself). So many game coming out using this model on the Unity engine. Although Projeckt Red said that "learned their lesson" this could be a way of playing with the DRM system in SteamOS (Steam's DRM system is most likely tightly integrated with their OS). I've yet to see anyone out there officially supporting 5 distros. The most I've seen is 2. (mostly 1). Comments if there is legitimate information to the contrary but the Ubuntu based support model is by far the most dominant one I've seen,and it appears to work fairly well.

PARAGON, A Good Looking Space Trading & Combat Game
By Havner, 2 March 2014 at 3:09 pm UTC

This is a commercial game based on Pioneer Space Sim code-base as far as I can see.


Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By minj, 2 March 2014 at 1:15 pm UTC

I started using Steam only when it launched closed beta on Linux. I used to get the survey every time. But then they 'fixed' something related to reports of users never seeing them. I haven't seen one since ;)

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By mdibaiee, 2 March 2014 at 11:30 am UTC

I'm looking forward for CS: GO, Project CARS and hoping to get Witcher 3 on Linux. 2014 will be an awesome year for Linux.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 11:25 am UTC

Or couldn't we just have some scripts that would do the job according to the distro you are using and that developpers would only need to work on something generic and not worry about which distro they are targeting? I'm not that experimented, that may already be the case. But then why would we discussing the fact the number of linux distros is a problem

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 11:21 am UTC

Or can't they just use something generic to every distro? Like a tar containing all dependencies? This would be disk space waste though.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By Deformal, 2 March 2014 at 11:05 am UTC

Quoting: Half-ShotWould like to see Steam pick up individual distros, as many as possible. It would look very pretty in a pie chart. Not sure if there is an easy way to find the distro name...

Nvm. Entering
cat /etc/*-release
gives you a very nice readout of distro stuff.
i do not agree. I think, developers must work only with two-three distros. Steam OS and two other. More distros mean much more problems.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By , 2 March 2014 at 10:56 am UTC

I registred to and installed Steam last month on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS 64 bit. Lucky me, I also took part in that survey right after installation.
I compared the survey results from January and February. Looks like the minimum percentage for an OS to get counted is 0.05%.

Steam Hardware Survey For February 2014, Linux Is Holding
By Half-Shot, 2 March 2014 at 10:08 am UTC

Would like to see Steam pick up individual distros, as many as possible. It would look very pretty in a pie chart. Not sure if there is an easy way to find the distro name...

Nvm. Entering
cat /etc/*-release
gives you a very nice readout of distro stuff.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By jlibster, 2 March 2014 at 9:12 am UTC

A few games that MAY have been missed. At least what I read says they are being released 2014:

Pillars of Eternity (Project Eternity)
Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse Part 2
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Torment: Tides of Numenera (okay, early 2015, but still...)

Let me know what you all thing of these suggestions. Most of these (if not all) should be great when released.

3089 Futuristic Action RPG Updated, Better Graphics
By , 2 March 2014 at 3:27 am UTC

Quoting: steamAlso, forgive me for being ignorant, but what is the difference between 3079 and 3089? Are they essentially the same game? Do they differ just in graphics (now anyway), or is it a different story?

3089 is a sequel.

Core gameplay is similar in both, but several key mechanics (like gun and armour customisation) were implemented in 3089; along with this new base capture ability.

Also, the graphics style in 3089 has not changed in relation to itself.

Quoting: steamI'm pretty confused as to why there are two games instead of one.

Tell that to Infinity Ward. New story, new game play, same core mechanics, better graphics; what else does a sequel need?

Quoting: scaineI played the first for about an hour, but didn't like it. There seemed to be no plot, just an open-world sandbox. The graphics were also too Minecraft-y for me.

I never really got the "minecraft" style feel with 3079 personally; but the story felt very disjointed and a sort of add on. 3089 pushes it a bit more and is much more fleshed out.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 1 March 2014 at 11:24 pm UTC

Quoting: DanBrownleeMagicite came out recently and is currently in Early Access on Steam.
View video on youtube.com
Quoting: DanBrownleeMagicite came out recently and is currently in Early Access on Steam.
View video on youtube.com
Picked up Magicite, thanks! Hopefully the next update includes learning crafting recipes.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 1 March 2014 at 11:24 pm UTC

Quoting: FutureSuture
Quoting: Anonymousdivinity:OS is supposedly coming to linux and mac (kickstarter page indicated) at a later date http://store.steampowered.com/app/230230/

I wish they would hurry it up it was supposed to be released 3/4 q 2013. If I didn't back it I wouldn't buy it now because they are really back burning Linux support
Supposely? I thought it was confirmed a long time ago. The developer team took money from Linux users after all. Also, the game has already been delayed by at least 5 months? Is that normal?

It's delayed because of all the additional content however they have been mum on Linux updates but have stated the mac port is coming along and working, it's still not out of alpha/beta didn't mean to make it sound like they aren't going to port it but the last I have seen the last word was at a later date after the Windows and Mac versions.

RimWorld Space Colony Sim Alpha 2 Is Now Out
By Radegast, 1 March 2014 at 10:23 pm UTC

Prison architect was similarly expensive. I don't regret buying it, but I won't buy an alpha stage indie game for AAA game price again. It just isn't right.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By FutureSuture, 1 March 2014 at 9:11 pm UTC

Quoting: Anonymousdivinity:OS is supposedly coming to linux and mac (kickstarter page indicated) at a later date http://store.steampowered.com/app/230230/

I wish they would hurry it up it was supposed to be released 3/4 q 2013. If I didn't back it I wouldn't buy it now because they are really back burning Linux support
Supposely? I thought it was confirmed a long time ago. The developer team took money from Linux users after all. Also, the game has already been delayed by at least 5 months? Is that normal?

Quoting: cr0neThis post and comments round up most Linux games for 2014 but I'll throw in a few other big ones that are missing.

Cradle (former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. devs, assuming it does not get delayed by the Ukraine revolution)
Pity that the Kickstarter campaign for the other Cradle failed, though. Would have been nice to have another CryEngine game on Linux.

3089 Futuristic Action RPG Updated, Better Graphics
By scaine, 1 March 2014 at 8:22 pm UTC

I played the first for about an hour, but didn't like it. There seemed to be no plot, just an open-world sandbox. The graphics were also too Minecraft-y for me.

Something about 3089 clicked for me though. Once you start seeing the sky-scraper bots, it's like you've accomplished something. The underground race that contact you appear to be hinting at something greater too. There's just more substance to 3089, I think. And the grapple-hook / hyper-board combo is just superb fun. I didn't realise how much I'd missed grapple hooks since playing Quake 2 all those years ago. Every game can be made better by a grapple hook. Probably.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 1 March 2014 at 8:11 pm UTC

Quoting: Broken_CloudsWasteland II, Project Eternity (they're still promising it for Q4), Dreamfall Chapters, Broken Age Part II and a *ton* of other KS games :]]

Yeah Magicite was kickstarted.

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By , 1 March 2014 at 8:05 pm UTC

Wasteland II, Project Eternity (they're still promising it for Q4), Dreamfall Chapters, Broken Age Part II and a *ton* of other KS games :]]

Many Linux Games To Look Forward To In 2014
By cr0ne, 1 March 2014 at 7:57 pm UTC

This post and comments round up most Linux games for 2014 but I'll throw in a few other big ones that are missing.

Cradle (former S.T.A.L.K.E.R. devs, assuming it does not get delayed by the Ukraine revolution)

Hyper Light Drifter

(linux port in development: http://steamcommunity.com/app/94400/discussions/0/648816743233129483/)

Hotline Miami 2

Shovel Knight

3089 Futuristic Action RPG Updated, Better Graphics
By , 1 March 2014 at 7:31 pm UTC

Why I asked was because I thought the graphics were intentionally blocky, but then all of a sudden they do a total swap and upload brand new gfx. Sounds like a work-in-progress to me, rather than a finished product.

Also, forgive me for being ignorant, but what is the difference between 3079 and 3089? Are they essentially the same game? Do they differ just in graphics (now anyway), or is it a different story? From their store descriptions they really sound like the same game:

"3079 is a futuristic, open-world action first-person role playing game. All areas, buildings, items, quests and characters are randomly generated. You will find unique lands & challenges."

"3089 is a futuristic, procedurally generated, open-world action role-playing game. All terrain, enemies, weapons, items, quests & more are uniquely generated."

I'm pretty confused as to why there are two games instead of one.

PARAGON, A Good Looking Space Trading & Combat Game
By scaine, 1 March 2014 at 6:41 pm UTC

That planetary sweep was practically photo-realistic! Incredible. Nice find.