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Developers Can Now Set Their Own Discounts On Steam
By Beardy, 27 February 2014 at 1:51 pm UTC

Quoting: killx_denWould you be happier if they had made HL3 instead of Steam for Linux? ^^

Nope. Having Steam on Linux and Valve's massive Linux push is far more important. Windows is a dead-end with an xbox-like UI and an MS app store as the ONLY way to install *anything* waiting for you in the near future. Sod that.

HL3 will happen when it happens. It'll probably be the first Source 2 engine game, unless L4D3 gets there first. Although why anyone thinks we need another L4D game is a mystery to me.

Developers Can Now Set Their Own Discounts On Steam
By killx_den, 27 February 2014 at 1:09 pm UTC

Quoting: BeardyMore reasons why Valve isn't an evil empire in the making. I bet quite a few devs and publishers will be happy with this news. Valve may be a bit slow with some things but they seem to get there eventually with the important stuff. Well, except for the obvious game sequel that shall not be mentioned. ;)

Would you be happier if they had made HL3 instead of Steam for Linux? ^^

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By tuxisagamer, 27 February 2014 at 12:42 pm UTC

I wonder if Kubuntu shows up as Ubuntu or other.

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 12:15 pm UTC

I wonder how the 39.26% "other" in the Linux version statistics breaks down. It apparently got a sizable bump this month (+7.62%!)..

Developers Can Now Set Their Own Discounts On Steam
By Beardy, 27 February 2014 at 12:13 pm UTC

More reasons why Valve isn't an evil empire in the making. I bet quite a few devs and publishers will be happy with this news. Valve may be a bit slow with some things but they seem to get there eventually with the important stuff. Well, except for the obvious game sequel that shall not be mentioned. ;)

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 12:07 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: edgleyNow, correct me if I'm wrong but, the totals leave 0.10% unaccounted for?
These are the proper totals, including what was originally in "Other" since they took it out.

There's absolutely no way these include all the 'Other' numbers, unless you believe that absolutely no one is running Steam on a 32-bit Linux other than Ubuntu 13.10 (and I know I am).

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 12:01 pm UTC

I was surveyed in Steam whilst in Manjaro a few weeks ago rather surprisingly, so I guess I'm in the "Linux 64bit" category. Never had the survey pop up whilst in Linux before and I was in the Steam Linux Client beta way back when so I've only had to wait ~16 months for that! Maybe the glitch with not sending surveys to Linux clients has been resolved? My guess is it hasn't and I was just lucky to get the survey because I'd expect the Linux share to rise a little once that particular glitch (or whatever is behind it) has actually been sorted out. I'm pretty sure that there's a large amount of Linux only users that still haven't seen the survey ever. I've had it multiple times whilst in Windows in the last year. When I was still gaming on Windows a lot I used to get the survey most months. Now I'm mostly gaming on Linux I've seen it once in Linux and 3-4 times in Windows (which I rarely touch these days). Usually I see it Windows when I haven't booted into it for months and the survey pops up as soon as the Steam client loads. Most annoying.

Quoting: minjI for one am glad to see 32 bit linux going away.
32bit in general needs to die. It'll be 30 years old next year (the Intel 80386 was the first 32bit processor, released in 1985). That alone is a reason to kill off 32bit. Everything really should be 64bit by now. In fact, where's my 64bit flying car and/or hoverboard? Hollywood lied to me!!!!!!!!

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By Liam Dawe, 27 February 2014 at 11:51 am UTC

Hah didn't even notice that you're right!

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 11:49 am UTC

Quoting: liamdaweThese are the proper totals, including what was originally in "Other" since they took it out.

Yeah, but 95.00 + 3.56 + 1.34 = 99.90.

So 0.10% of the statistics submitted don't have an OS?

Quoting: AX RedneckThere's Wine somewhere among "Windows XP 32 bit 5.96% -0.09%"

Although I no longer bother with Steam in Wine, I used to run it in a 64 bit prefix and using Windows 7 as the default OS. Pretty sure Wine statistics will be all over the place depending on what is needed for certain games.

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By Liam Dawe, 27 February 2014 at 11:43 am UTC

Quoting: edgleyNow, correct me if I'm wrong but, the totals leave 0.10% unaccounted for?

These are the proper totals, including what was originally in "Other" since they took it out.

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 11:40 am UTC

There's Wine somewhere among "Windows XP 32 bit 5.96% -0.09%"

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By , 27 February 2014 at 11:37 am UTC

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but, the totals leave 0.10% unaccounted for?

Steam Hardware Survey Changes, Now Split Per-Platform
By minj, 27 February 2014 at 11:11 am UTC

I for one am glad to see 32 bit linux going away. Sadly Windows is slow to catch up. And that is not likely to change considering the situation in China.

Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge Released On Steam For Linux
By Liam Dawe, 27 February 2014 at 10:48 am UTC

Quoting: adolsonEh... It seems kinda silly to complain about having yet another game in any given genre, regardless of saturation level. Especially on Linux.

I completely disagree, we have a massive library of games now and it is easy to get bored when a vast majority of them have very similar game-play - platformers.

The Funding Crowd 28 (Feb 12th-23rd)
By scaine, 27 February 2014 at 7:32 am UTC

Quoting: bcruz111thank you for another high quality funding crowd article, i have a really hard time tracking the good linux projects, i am pretty close to kickstarter burn-out but it is good to see the standards in the gaming projects get so high. please continue with posting these articles and the wiki because they are awesome.

Thanks! I hear you on the burn out angle. I was the same around Christmas, but I'm actually slowly getting more tuned again and even if I'm not pledging as often as before, I still love researching and writing about these projects, so the Funding Crowd isn't going away, I hope!

That said, I'm moving house tomorrow and will be offline for a fortnight, so I won't be contributing nearly anything to TFC#29... but I'm sure S.D., Speedster and Muntdefems will keep the flag flying.

And if you, or anyone else wants to get involved, drop us a PM! Even if it's just a write up for a project you love, even if it's just for one issue, we'll be happy to use the help.

Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge Released On Steam For Linux
By adolson, 27 February 2014 at 6:27 am UTC

Eh... It seems kinda silly to complain about having yet another game in any given genre, regardless of saturation level. Especially on Linux.

Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge Released On Steam For Linux
By HadBabits, 27 February 2014 at 2:27 am UTC

Just be careful mentioning the skimpy outfit on Steam, otherwise you'll be waist high in "culture warrior" and "white knight" accusations :P

The Funding Crowd 28 (Feb 12th-23rd)
By bcruz111, 27 February 2014 at 12:49 am UTC

thank you for another high quality funding crowd article, i have a really hard time tracking the good linux projects, i am pretty close to kickstarter burn-out but it is good to see the standards in the gaming projects get so high. please continue with posting these articles and the wiki because they are awesome.

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By bcruz111, 27 February 2014 at 12:39 am UTC

Quoting: berarma
Quoting: Edgar
Quoting: al... its not fair to give the same amount to giana sisters (0$ this time) than to the swapper...
The detailed split was a great addition to the HIB, now we can deliver justice among developers!
Wasn't it there from the start? I'd say so.

Although the average paid for GNU/Linux is the highest we're the last in the totals. That means we're far behind in number of purchases.

i know we are far behind in number of purchases but i still think higher average from linux users still really helps the community and sends a good message to indie developers. indie developers know that linux community is able to pay more and are generally more innovative and technical. i think linux users pay more because humblebundle encourages all three platforms for release (or at least wine support) which helps in the long term. so if a developer only wants huge sales and is not interested in dealing with cross platform issues then i think that is a good filter for avoiding the lower quality games. i know linux will probably not have more games than the other platforms in the future but i think linux will have the highest percentage or quality games.

Portal 2 Looks Set To Drop On Linux With A Beta
By bcruz111, 27 February 2014 at 12:26 am UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: Half-ShotBloody hell Liam, how do you do that so fast :D
Imagine the film the Matrix, I am plugged into it.

matrix 1 was great, if you were plugged into the 2nd or 3rd film, i would be really worried,

i love valve, has there ever been an attempt to put the portal gun in team fortress or in half-life? it just seems too limiting to have the portal gun for only puzzles but no action.

Minecraft 1.7.5 Released With Minor Changes
By RaymondTerrific , 26 February 2014 at 11:35 pm UTC

A lot of the popular mods haven't been updated past 1.6.4. At this point, I doubt the API is ever coming out.

Entropy Space MMO Has A New Major Update
By Orkultus, 26 February 2014 at 11:34 pm UTC

I have been playing it for a while now. It is a really fun game, but it got boring after you had nothing to do but Mine, Pirate Hunt, or trade. Glad they added missions and such. I will be getting back online alot more.

Wasteland 2 RPG New Gameplay Trailer
By Disharmonic, 26 February 2014 at 11:24 pm UTC

The beta is nowhere near over. My guess is official release is about 4-6 months out

Entropy Space MMO Has A New Major Update
By Hallvar, 26 February 2014 at 9:27 pm UTC

Still no decent way to configure my Logitech Extreme 3D PRO Joystick, And i have no love for the mouse based stearing, aiming, shoting combo.

The game needs a proper way to configure joystick, and I feel the devs could be way more active in responding on the bug forums.They still havent managed to point linux users to where the player.log file is located, even tough I, and several others have pointed at this to them.

I'm wondering if theyare realy testing on other platforms b4 pushung updates, and just hope the mac and osx builds from unity will "just work".

Wasteland 2 RPG New Gameplay Trailer
By FutureSuture, 26 February 2014 at 9:10 pm UTC

This definitely looks interesting. Will buy it at some point. I don't think I ever played a CRPG.

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By berarma, 26 February 2014 at 7:59 pm UTC

Quoting: Edgar
Quoting: berarmaWasn't it there from the start? I'd say so.
My memory isn't very reliable, but I checked some old promotional videos and the developer's split isn't there: HIB3, HIB4.

They link to the proper time for your comfort ;)

Ok, good research work, it seems you're right. :)

Entropy Space MMO Has A New Major Update
By Liam Dawe, 26 February 2014 at 7:38 pm UTC

Quoting: rick01457Damn you Liam!
I'm holding you personally responsible for me just buying this game. I've been looking for an alternative to the X games for a while so I won't hold it against you (for now).

You buying games = I'm doing my job right :D

Entropy Space MMO Has A New Major Update
By rick01457, 26 February 2014 at 7:15 pm UTC

Damn you Liam!
I'm holding you personally responsible for me just buying this game. I've been looking for an alternative to the X games for a while so I won't hold it against you (for now).

Humble Indie Bundle 11 Adds More Linux Games
By , 26 February 2014 at 7:14 pm UTC

Quoting: berarmaWasn't it there from the start? I'd say so.

My memory isn't very reliable, but I checked some old promotional videos and the developer's split isn't there: HIB3, HIB4.

They link to the proper time for your comfort ;)

Minecraft 1.7.5 Released With Minor Changes
By scaine, 26 February 2014 at 6:22 pm UTC

Yep, nothing to see here. And every time they put a release out that doesn't include a Mod API, you're left waiting for Bukkit to catch up.

I mean, I run 5 little worlds for my son to play on - every release of Bukkit from Alpha, to Beta, to Stable, often a version behind Mojang's official is a pain.