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Humble Bundle number 13!
By Liam Dawe, 1 June 2012 at 4:41 pm UTC

The thing is though, if games that use it sell well, then hopefully you would think people in future would program with Linux in mind for a native version, after all this is a game that has been out for a while.

Tacking on wine support after is better than 0 support in my eyes, i don't have to mess with any configs still, it all installs for me just like it would natively.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Bumadar, 1 June 2012 at 3:30 pm UTC

I have little issue with Wine, I use it a lot. But if limbo does this now then it simply mean in the future we will see more humble games doing that which eventually will mean less native humble games..... which is a shame as humble bundle in a way forced developers to work with linux.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By , 1 June 2012 at 2:46 pm UTC

Quoting: "lfz, post: 4382"What's the problem with that? People put a lot of effort in Wine development just so that this kind of thing can happen and more games can be played on Linux.

Wine development? This is still Windows development, because tehy sell Windows version of Limbo instead native Linux version.

Wine = WINdows Emulator

Quoting: "lfz, post: 4382"I particulary wish more developers would at least officialy support Wine instead of saying that porting for Linux is hard.

Wine, Cider, Wineskin etc. is trap for gamers and game producers:

"Mac OS X Non-Cider Update
The original version of X³: Reunion for Mac OS X used the Cider "wrapper" technology developed by [URL='']Transgaming[/URL].[URL=''][COLOR=#0b0080][20][/URL][/COLOR] On June 29, 2010, [URL='']Virtual Programming[/URL]issued a new version of the game that eschewed Cider.[URL=''][COLOR=#0b0080][21][/URL][/COLOR] Virtual Programming CEO Mark Hinton was quoted as saying: "We weren't happy with X³: Reunion's performance when using Cider, and it turned out many of our customers weren't either. As a gesture of goodwill, we reengineered the game as a native port that's a free update for existing customers. Starting today, new X³: Reunion customers will receive the updated version of the game.""

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Liam Dawe, 1 June 2012 at 12:32 pm UTC

Well I have to say....Limbo actually works very nicely even on integrated intel graphics for me i don't even need to use the nvidia chip :D

Humble Bundle number 13!
By oak, 1 June 2012 at 4:06 am UTC

People seem rather pissed, even though 4 out of the 5 games are absolutely worth buying.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Hamish, 1 June 2012 at 4:04 am UTC

Considering everything, if I do grab this I am considering not giving anything in the form of a Humble Tip. Including a game with a WINE wrapper is just something I never expected from them. And I definitely would not give a cent to the developers of Limbo...

That said, I still want to pick it up so that I will finally get myself a copy of Amnesia and also grab Physconauts, which I have heard great things about. I will see how things go though.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Beherit, 1 June 2012 at 2:00 am UTC

Well the irony is that Limbo runs smoothly on my machine and Bastion which is sort of native (XNA mono) crashes on click.

Edit: Got it!

Ubuntu 12.04
You have to edit
/usr/local/games/Bastion/OpenTK.dll.config (or the path you installed at)
and add the line

Now it runs fine. Slower than on Chrome (!) but it's ok

Humble Bundle number 13!
By , 1 June 2012 at 1:28 am UTC

crap - that should read 'the following *four* lines :)

also not the perl lines are each one line, take care when copying not to split the line as it looks in the post.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By , 1 June 2012 at 1:26 am UTC

Quoting: "Xpander, post: 4384, member: 92"i had no problems running it in wine when i used to play.
now with the bundle version (crossover ported one)..that works well also.
yeah..native version would be better but no problem with the winelib one for me at least.

only problem is that the damn game doesnt have windowed mode. so its better to play windows version in wine to emulate wine window to be able to play in windowed mode:)

I found a fix for this. In the limbo directory, you run the ./ Edit that to include the following three lines directly after the DIRNAME line:

if [ "$1" == -w ]; then
perl -e 'open (SETIN,"<./support/limbo/drive_c/Program Files/limbo/settings.txt"); @settings = ; close SETIN; open (SETOUT,">./support/limbo/drive_c/Program Files/limbo/settings.txt");foreach $line(@settings) { if ($line =~ /windowedmode/) { print SETOUT "windowedmode = truen" } else { print SETOUT $line;} } close SETOUT;'
perl -e 'open (SETIN,"<./support/limbo/drive_c/Program Files/limbo/settings.txt"); @settings = ; close SETIN; open (SETOUT,">./support/limbo/drive_c/Program Files/limbo/settings.txt");foreach $line(@settings) { if ($line =~ /windowedmode/) { print SETOUT "windowedmode = falsen" } else { print SETOUT $line;} } close SETOUT;'

It's a major hack and uses perl instead of sed (i've never quite got the hang of sed) but the end result is:

starts the game fullscreen

./ -w
starts the game in windowed mode

Note that the script assumes you are in the root limbo directory when running the launcher.


Humble Bundle number 13!
By Xpander, 31 May 2012 at 8:12 pm UTC

i had no problems running it in wine when i used to play.
now with the bundle version (crossover ported one)..that works well also.
yeah..native version would be better but no problem with the winelib one for me at least.

only problem is that the damn game doesnt have windowed mode. so its better to play windows version in wine to emulate wine window to be able to play in windowed mode:)

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Liam Dawe, 31 May 2012 at 8:03 pm UTC

Quoting: "lfz, post: 4382"What's the problem with that? People put a lot of effort in Wine development just so that this kind of thing can happen and more games can be played on Linux. I particulary wish more developers would at least officialy support Wine instead of saying that porting for Linux is hard.

That being said, I read the thread and it seems that the game doesnt run as expected and that sux indeed, if they wanted to pull this out they should have at least put some effort in making it run flawlessly.

The point it is very very hard to get wine to run "flawlessly" due to the very nature of what it is doing.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By , 31 May 2012 at 8:00 pm UTC

Quoting: "Use2378, post: 4380"Looks like the Linux version of LIMBO is just a Wine wrapper:

I expected more from a HIB

What's the problem with that? People put a lot of effort in Wine development just so that this kind of thing can happen and more games can be played on Linux. I particulary wish more developers would at least officialy support Wine instead of saying that porting for Linux is hard.

That being said, I read the thread and it seems that the game doesnt run as expected and that sux indeed, if they wanted to pull this out they should have at least put some effort in making it run flawlessly.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Liam Dawe, 31 May 2012 at 7:59 pm UTC

Man that's very annoying, it's the game i want to play!

Humble Bundle number 13!
By , 31 May 2012 at 7:44 pm UTC

Looks like the Linux version of LIMBO is just a Wine wrapper:

I expected more from a HIB

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Beherit, 31 May 2012 at 7:35 pm UTC

Not to exaggerate but this to me is definitely the best bundle ever! Totally worth going above the average!

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Hamish, 31 May 2012 at 6:12 pm UTC

I was rather meh when I heard this was coming, but now it's... woah!

They ported Psyhconauts? Bloody Hell! :eek:

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Kame, 31 May 2012 at 5:27 pm UTC

Quoting: "Alex V.Sharp, post: 4376, member: 136"Yeah... woohoo... :(

Well, on the bright side it's better than nothing. Luckily I've come to love the unity2d interface. Which their taking out of Ubuntu 12.10... :(

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Alex V.Sharp, 31 May 2012 at 5:24 pm UTC

Quoting: "oak, post: 4375, member: 152"There's even support for downloading from the Ubuntu Software Center!!! Woohoo!

Yeah... woohoo... :(

Humble Bundle number 13!
By oak, 31 May 2012 at 5:22 pm UTC

There's even support for downloading from the Ubuntu Software Center!!! Woohoo!

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Kame, 31 May 2012 at 5:21 pm UTC

Wow. MAKE SURE YOU PAY OVER THE AVERAGE. Bastion is a FANTASTIC game and the soundtrack is simply amazing.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By oak, 31 May 2012 at 5:12 pm UTC

Holy smokes! This sure beats the past few bundles. I was starting to lose hope with these guys.

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Alex V.Sharp, 31 May 2012 at 4:17 pm UTC

We should start a campaign for including Desura keys in advance. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Cheeseness, 31 May 2012 at 3:51 pm UTC

Oh noes. I counted wrong. This would be the 13th bundle. There have been 12 to date.
Sorry >_<

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Liam Dawe, 31 May 2012 at 3:30 pm UTC

Corrected! Thanks :)

Humble Bundle number 13!
By Cheeseness, 31 May 2012 at 3:27 pm UTC

This would be Humble Indie Bundle #5 if it turns out to be an "indie" bundle. It'll be the 12th bundle all up though (the number 8 is coming from leaked opensteamworks info - I've got no idea why it's numbered like that for Steam)

Gameolith games sale
By Liam Dawe, 30 May 2012 at 6:24 pm UTC

Indeed good time to be a gamer eh

Lodestar: Stygian Skies - back it now!
By Bumadar, 30 May 2012 at 3:45 pm UTC

sweet, thanks Liam for the extra exposure :)

update 4 is out, its about the Spilia Dachtylo ... talk about detail :)

Overgrowth finally supports Linux
By Cheeseness, 30 May 2012 at 4:22 am UTC

Yay. It's fun, but please be aware that it is an alpha (and the Linux builds are quite new). There will be bugs :)
Also, there's a community made game launcher/mod manager called SUMLauncher that's currently being ported for the Linux version which should make finding additional content and updating (hopefully) easier.

Overgrowth finally supports Linux
By Xpander, 30 May 2012 at 3:40 am UTC

its time to preorder now as well :)
have been keeping my eye on it since the beginning of the development videos on youtube