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Steam on Linux
By Beherit, 27 April 2012 at 6:33 pm UTC

I'm actually more interested in L4D2 for linux than Steam initself, but I can see the benefits of having it native.

Steam on Linux
By Hamish, 27 April 2012 at 4:21 pm UTC

Well, my only comment here is I do not buy the argument that Valve is somehow magically different from every other gaming company. I am not sure which way that points though.

Steam on Linux
By , 27 April 2012 at 11:31 am UTC

As every message (especially from Phoronix) also this one has to be seen with a grain of salt. Valve is a big company and encourages ideas of peoples. So if some Linux enthusiasts in the company are evaluating if it would be possible to port Steam over to Linux as well as the Source engine, then I guess they are free to do so.

I believe (but do not know) that Michael was shown a prototype. Such a prototype / pet project might be used for further decision at Valve, e.g. "yes, this looks valuable enough. Lets do a full port of L4D2 to Linux plus Steam to Linux. Since I do not know the internal structure of Steam I can not comment on how complicate / time-intense it is to port it over to Linux.

In Valve's position I would do a public STFU as well until I have really something to tell, e.g. annoucing Steam for Linux. You can bet that there are a lot of projects going on at Valve and other game companies which neither go public, nor make it to the market. Michael himself might be looking mostly for revenue in order to keep us visiting his website.

What seems to be obvious for me so far (unless Michael want to make himself really looking goofy):
He has been invited to Valve's office and they are currently doing some porting work on L4D2 to Linux. Nothing more, nothing less.
If Steam really comes to Linux has to be seen. Some screenshots about L4D2 running on a Linux box says all or nothing. Since the Source engine sports OpenGL as well as D3D, the porting should be much easier to do than with a D3D-only engine. Since the rating in WINEs appDB is pretty high for L4D2 at least the base technology should not be so hard to port compared to Windows titles which do not work at all with WINE.

Those who question other thing being done / evaluated by Valve (for example the "Steam box") should keep in mind that they embrace ideas from their employees. I guess a lot of people there do interesting projects which we would see no sooner than 3-4 years in the future. Simply check out there patents on a game controller and such things. Its completely natural that a company researches and experiments. If they do not do so in the entertainment field, they are dead meat in the future.

Avadon: The Black Fortress @ Gameolith
By Hamish, 27 April 2012 at 3:23 am UTC

Well, it is not longer a Gameolith exclusive anymore:

Steam on Linux
By Bumadar, 26 April 2012 at 5:01 pm UTC

its the same old dribble from Phoronix

"Valve's Gabe Newell Talks Linux Steam Client, Source Engine", there is not a single quote from Gabe, heck these is not a single picture with even a face of Gabe or anybody else.

" plan to try out Windows 8 simply to see if it's as bad as Gabe states and because he's curious about my opinions of this latest Microsoft operating system.", sure he does........

"From the recommendations I made to Gabe last month for some experienced Linux OpenGL programmers, they already hired one of them for their Linux skills and are still interviewing at least one other from my list. Valve is also hiring more, and it's just not Linux OpenGL -- even if you're just a Linux kernel developer they might be interested in hiring you (I'll be placing some more recommendations to them in the next few days, if you think you might be interested, contact me for possible referral especially if your work has been covered on Phoronix in the past)." this whole part makes me almost puke, why on earth would a company like Valve need a tabloit like Phoronix to get Linux people... and you can be sure that for the next 2 years he will milk this again and again and of course will have to mention that it was because of his recommendation that this all happened...........

sorry but until I see a post FROM Valve this is again just a big article I have little faith in and am glad we have actual things like Desura and Gamolith

Steam on Linux
By Hamish, 26 April 2012 at 4:27 pm UTC

Quoting: "Chuck, post: 4157"Also, how will the Steam client handle games that are not ported to Linux? Would it use its own wine-wrapper or simply gray them out?

I would assume it would simply be like the Mac version. Why do people think on Linux you naturally would think about looking at Wine?

Quoting: "Chuck, post: 4157"I know a lot of the true hardcore open-source zealots will essentially bash Steam on Linux, but for gamers and for those of us who don't feel so strongly about certain aspects of GNU/Linux, if this actually happens I think it could only mean good things. Hopefully it will at least motivate hardware manufacturers to write better, more complete drivers.

Okay, first, opening with such wonderful phrases as "open-source zealots" is part of the reason why the tone on the Phoronix Forums (for instance) often goes down the tubes. You are going to have to accept that when you are on a system that was built on a lot of ideals, for some strange reason people are going to feel strongly about it, and they are often going to have worked with the platform a lot longer than you have. So give them a little respect, okay?

Now, we are not necessarily saying this a bad thing. But for those of us who already love Linux and already do enjoy gaming on Linux, we do not want to lose what we already have just in the name of potential future growth. We are not against the growth, or are ourselves in favour of anything else contained in many of allegations that are often hurled against such sentiments. We simply want to make sure it does not hurt what we care about, and why we became interested in the first place.

I am not trying to be aggressive or aggravating - but I have seen things happen like this before and I want people to know that it could happen here too.

Steam on Linux
By , 26 April 2012 at 2:16 pm UTC

The one problem I foresee with Steam on Linux is that now we'll have Desura, Gameolith, Ubuntu Software Center and now Steam for games. Who do we buy from? Would purchasing a game from one service over another benefit the Linux community? Also, how will the Steam client handle games that are not ported to Linux? Would it use its own wine-wrapper or simply gray them out?

So many question, only time will tell.

I know a lot of the true hardcore open-source zealots will essentially bash Steam on Linux, but for gamers and for those of us who don't feel so strongly about certain aspects of GNU/Linux, if this actually happens I think it could only mean good things. Hopefully it will at least motivate hardware manufacturers to write better, more complete drivers.

Steam on Linux
By , 26 April 2012 at 8:16 am UTC

Quoting: "entux, post: 4155"It's DRM, so i really don't like it... i'd rather see more crowd funding pop up.

That is not entirely correct. In the first place Steam is a distribution, communication and match making software. It is up to the developers themself to tie their game to Steam as copy protection.

Dungeons of Dredmore for example is distributed via Steam similar to Desura but you are not bound to Steam at all. In fact: I run a copy of DoD with expansion pack from my Steam Account over at my Linux box without issues. Similar would be possible for L4D or HL2 as well if Valve decides to remove the Steam bindings in their code.

As for Steam on Linux I am kind of keen but all depends on the games which are available at which prices. For shure a little higher price for Linux is acceptable but should match general pricing of the games. In general Steam is often quite expensive with newer games compared to boxed wares but you can make great deals when buying bundles.

I for one own nearly all Valve games (beside Portal 2) but would be willing to (re)pay for L4D2 under Linux if the price point is not too steep.

Steam on Linux
By , 26 April 2012 at 6:46 am UTC

It's DRM, so i really don't like it... i'd rather see more crowd funding pop up.

Steam on Linux
By MyGameCompany, 26 April 2012 at 4:06 am UTC

Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 4146, member: 1"What do you think? Will Steam on Linux mean anything for you?

No. I have no interest in using Steam or any other delivery platform. If I want a game, I prefer to buy it from developers directly.

Steam on Linux
By Hamish, 26 April 2012 at 1:22 am UTC

Actually a fairly fair assessment by Alex there. I am only really interested in the port of the Source engine and games. I am a bit leery of Steam itself.

And it is true that Valve has (not entirely deliberately) hurt things I care about by overshadowing things in the past. That was one of the reasons that, even when I was stuck on Windows, I never played their games. I was waiting for Valve to do something for me first.

So we will wait and see if that time has come. Sorry if we are getting any of you people down. ;)

Steam on Linux
By Alex V.Sharp, 25 April 2012 at 11:32 pm UTC

Questions whether Steam is a good thing for Linux gaming (or any sort of gaming for that matter) is a rather difficult one to answer. From what I've researched so far, it was stated that they're planning on turning it into a social network akin to Facebook. This could be something extremely good for the gaming community as a whole, yet it still doesn't say anything about fixing the [URL='']current problems with the service[/URL] (only video I could dig up; too tired to search for the rest). Never forget that Steam is, essentially, a well-branded DRM platform - something that the Linux community has been fending off for quite some time, even more than proprietary software. This move might put a serious dent in the whole open-source campaign in the long run, yet I dare not make assumptions until the first signs of trouble occur. On the other hand, a vast majority of the consumer base has been married to Steam for so long that upon switching to Linux they've either duel-booted or kept used it through Wine. There's no question that this is something they've been eagerly anticipating ever since first mentions of the port were made. One of the things many of them don't seem to understand though is that, by the end of the day, the number of available Linux titles relies solely on the developers, not Steam itself. Though to be perfectly honest, Valve has a huge impact on many things that happen within the gaming industry. I'm certain that as soon as they become available on Linux many publishers (except for EA which now has Origin) will follow in an attempt to make a profit. So to sum it all up, the biggest plus in this whole story is that Source is getting ported; the rest is debatable.

I do wish I had a stronger more subjective feeling about this whole affair, but given the limited amount of information available I just can't care enough to be involved. It's going to happen no matter what I think or say, and not like Newell's going to come by here and indulge my curiosities on the subjects of why, how and where all this is heading. Thus not much more to do except speculate, wait and see. Personally, what really presses my buttons about all of this is the news itself. The fact that so many Linux users will be talking about nothing but Steam until the port is ready means that so much work done by so many people in an effort to get funded (Indies) or accepted by a wider audience (Desura) will once again be overshadowed by the giant marketing grip surrounding this story which, no matter how hyped, shouldn't make the world stop just yet.

Now, if Valve was to announce something like "we're rewriting our licensing agreement" or "we're joining forces with DesuraNET" then I believe I would have a heart attack on the spot... Just sayin' :rolleyes:

Steam on Linux
By Hamish, 25 April 2012 at 9:37 pm UTC

Assuming this is true, I think what is more likely is for companies that previously did support us, such as Croteam and the people behind Red Orchestra, will come back on board once again. They have basically already stated their only real issue (though never forget the power to find other excuses...) is the fact there is no Steam for Linux.

Steam on Linux
By , 25 April 2012 at 6:54 pm UTC

That's probably the best information of the day :)
I really hope that it's not fake again...
I'm waiting for native steam on linux for a long long time.

Linux FTW!

Steam on Linux
By Brandon Smith, 25 April 2012 at 6:47 pm UTC

It'll mean I don't have to boot to Ubuntu each time I want to play Trine with my teammate.

Salvation Prophecy predicted for Linux
By Bumadar, 25 April 2012 at 3:35 pm UTC

think it looks pretty sweet indeed.

Salvation Prophecy predicted for Linux
By Xpander, 25 April 2012 at 2:37 pm UTC

seems pretty good judging by the trailer video.
if it works with wine and is priced nicely then i will defenetly buy it.

Salvation Prophecy predicted for Linux
By Dmitri Seletski, 25 April 2012 at 1:55 pm UTC

Graphics is nice, but i can't say i am impressed. If price is right, surely looks interesting for buying. I am affraid this news will be overshadowed with Phoronix link, about Valve porting source to Linux.

The Humble Botanicula Bundle
By , 24 April 2012 at 12:31 pm UTC

I've brought all of them up to this, but for some reason this one doesn't interest me.

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By Qantourisc, 24 April 2012 at 6:05 am UTC

Ok I registered, I'm slightly older now though :) (according to my profile)

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By , 23 April 2012 at 5:53 pm UTC

Well given the speed of mine-craft support ... I have roughly 14 days of paperwork I could fill in :)
I'll register after some more Arx Fatalis :)

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By Liam Dawe, 23 April 2012 at 11:42 am UTC

Well due to abuse our server is no longer going to be public if you feel you are trustworthy and want to play with us you will need to send me a PM

Snorms episode 2 released
By Hamish, 22 April 2012 at 2:20 pm UTC

I played the demo once and was actually not that impressed. Still, it has been updated since then.

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By , 22 April 2012 at 11:32 am UTC

Well guess there is no option then but to wait for the visa bill and tech support (SLOOOW tech support) of minecraft to reply ... So you might have tossed a call to join ... but it will take around 14 days ATLEAST before I can play it seems ...

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By Xpander, 21 April 2012 at 8:27 pm UTC

i dont really know why ur payment was fail. i was just pointing out that there are other ways to do that than just direct credit card payment.
i myself using paypal lately. cuz its fast and simple.

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By , 21 April 2012 at 7:50 pm UTC

Quoting: "Xpander, post: 4128, member: 92"you can try Skrill (moneybookers)
if somehow ur credit/debit card wont be accepted

But that means ... I'll be putting money in the very same people who fail to accept the payment ?
(The visa payment is already going trough them.) Or did I miss something ?

Reminder - We have a Minecraft server
By Xpander, 21 April 2012 at 7:08 pm UTC

you can try Skrill (moneybookers)
if somehow ur credit/debit card wont be accepted

Arx Libertatis 1.0 released!
By Bestia, 21 April 2012 at 6:14 pm UTC

I'm also playing Legend of Grimrock via Wine (1.5.2) and the only thing I needed to do to get it working is this:

winetricks xact_jun2010 d3dx9_36

in clean Wineprefix (it's important) than just unpack install.exe from the zip archive and install the game. It works very good aside from sound problems with OSSv4 (Open Sound System) in Wine. I ran it on max graphicall settings (with SSAO set to high) in 1920x1080 fullscreen and I get constant framerate above 30 and if I set SSAO to disabled it goes as high as 60 fps.

My specs:
Kernel: Linux 3.0.0-19-generic i686
Distro: Ubuntu 11.10
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+
2 cores/threads
2300.00 MHz
RAM: 1.96 GiB
GPU: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!
OpenGL 3.3.0 NVIDIA 295.20
GLSL 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler

This is the first stable release of Arx Libertatis and the developers have [URL='']plans[/URL] for future milestones, for example a Qt-based modern game editor and support for modern shaders.

The Humble Botanicula Bundle
By Xpander, 21 April 2012 at 5:14 pm UTC

i made a short gameplay video also
View video on

adobe air is quite pain in the ass tho, only version 2.6 and older have linux support. recent versions seems to not have.
other than that.. once air is installed, it works really good

The Humble Botanicula Bundle
By Bestia, 21 April 2012 at 5:11 pm UTC

Botanicula is a masterpiece (it's from Amanita so that's not a surprise), loving everything about it. Even the use of Adobe technologies didn't go against this game.

Although I had problem with installation because it needs very much free space. The installer unpacks files to /tmp and then creates .deb package for installation and I had 3,4 GB free but still it was not enough (so I unpacked relevant files manually from that .deb).

Botanicula doesn't have problems with jerky mouse movements in fullscreen that are appearing in Machinarium.

I've recently stumbled upon another very promising game that is made in AS3 and developer is interested in releasing it for Linux. The game is titled [URL='']The Floor is Jelly[/URL] and this is from it's About page:

QuoteWhat platform(s) is this for?

Right now I plan to release for Mac and PC. I’d love to do a Linux release as well, but I am building the game with Flash and I’m not sure if there’s a good option for putting flash games on Linux. I will if I can!