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Tomes of Mephistopheles Teaser
By Xpander, 7 January 2012 at 1:22 pm UTC

nice. textures seem pretty high quality.
explosion effects are quite not there yet tho.
anyways seems interesting :p

Tomes of Mephistopheles Teaser
By Bumadar, 7 January 2012 at 7:41 am UTC

very nice, 1s few seconds I was thinking Ultima Underworld ;) a dungeon crawler with random generated dungeons sounds endless fun though. anything about classes ? or will you gain skills in what you use most, you know like the old DM used to do, even your wizard could become briliant tank if he just kept at it :)

Tomes of Mephistopheles Teaser
By , 7 January 2012 at 4:19 am UTC

Time flies by on my side, that's why I was wondering ;)

thanks :)

Tomes of Mephistopheles Teaser
By Hamish, 7 January 2012 at 4:03 am UTC

The story has only been up for five hours and you are are complaining about a lack of comments already? :rolleyes:

That being said, the graphics and especially the shadowing do look quite nice.

Nemesys games needing testers
By Kame, 7 January 2012 at 3:25 am UTC

Awesome, sent my message and will hopefully be able to test out Fortix 2, I liked the look of it when it was first put on Desura.

Tomes of Mephistopheles Teaser
By , 7 January 2012 at 2:06 am UTC

nice, no comments :(

Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By malevolent, 6 January 2012 at 9:47 pm UTC

Hi there!

Im running Arch Linux 32 bit with a 3.1.6 kernel.

Do you need more info?


Nemesys games needing testers
By Hamish, 5 January 2012 at 7:04 pm UTC

Good job on this Liam, and of course good work to Nemesys as well.

Nemesys games needing testers
By , 5 January 2012 at 4:30 pm UTC

Sweet, sent my message :)

Freespace 1&2 heading to Desura!
By Liam Dawe, 5 January 2012 at 9:22 am UTC

The freespace engine is already open source so hopefully it will be native using the freespace open project.

Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By Brandon Smith, 5 January 2012 at 5:04 am UTC

Hi, can you let me know which distro you are running on please?

Freespace 1&2 heading to Desura!
By Cheeseness, 5 January 2012 at 12:56 am UTC

Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 3014, member: 93"same as gog, using dosbox ? very smart move if they are. 2 brilliant games too :)

I can't say I know how it will all turn out (based on the quote, it sounds like things are still being ironed out), but look at the name of the forum thread in which the quote was posted.

Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By malevolent, 4 January 2012 at 8:32 pm UTC

I just donwloaded and testing the paid version! But I have some problems.
How can I get the game run in full screen mode? I didn't saw the option anywhere, nor in the game option neither in re README
Anywhere, if I try to run, after selecting new game, It crashes saying "Failed to load resource image"
And if I run the game from a terminal, It says:

$ ./Helena32
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display: assertion `(anid != 0)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_draw_drawable: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (src)' failed
(Helena32:7426): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display: assertion `(anid != 0)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_draw_drawable: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (src)' failed
(Helena32:7426): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display: assertion `(anid != 0)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_draw_drawable: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (src)' failed
(Helena32:7426): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_pixmap_foreign_new_for_display: assertion `(anid != 0)' failed
(Helena32:7426): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_draw_drawable: assertion `GDK_IS_DRAWABLE (src)' failed
(Helena32:7426): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Violación de segmento


Freespace 1&2 heading to Desura!
By Bumadar, 4 January 2012 at 7:54 pm UTC

same as gog, using dosbox ? very smart move if they are. 2 brilliant games too :)

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By Hamish, 2 January 2012 at 8:10 pm UTC

Edward Rudd? I had no idea he had anything to do with Overgrwoth, I thought that was going to be Gordon again. Then again, it was not until yesterday I knew he was porting for the Bundles as well.

He did a good job with Penumbra and Amnesia though, so it is no problem.

Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By Liam Dawe, 2 January 2012 at 5:32 pm UTC


Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By Rustybolts, 2 January 2012 at 2:13 pm UTC

Its also pay what you want on Indievania if you prefer http://www.indievania.com/games/helena-3rd

Helena the 3rd pay what you want
By Brandon Smith, 2 January 2012 at 1:49 pm UTC

Ooooh, might want to mention that this is a limited time thing though (until Jan 15th), this isn't a permanent change.

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By , 1 January 2012 at 9:44 pm UTC

Quoting: "whizse, post: 3005, member: 126"Thanks!

LGP were apparently working on something new which would be announced "soon" so who knows... but yes, there are (fortunately) a lot of other more interesting com
panies and developers these days. As an example: I really hope that Overgrowth gets a Linux port this year. It's just an alpha, but it's already looking good: View video on youtube.com

Edward Rudd has stated that he is doing the port and we will hopefully see it within a month or two. There still seems to be problems with Awesomium, but we're definetly getting closer.

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By whizse, 1 January 2012 at 9:07 pm UTC


LGP were apparently working on something new which would be announced "soon" so who knows... but yes, there are (fortunately) a lot of other more interesting companies and developers these days. As an example: I really hope that Overgrowth gets a Linux port this year. It's just an alpha, but it's already looking good: View video on youtube.com

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By Liam Dawe, 1 January 2012 at 8:30 pm UTC

Hah good one whizse I tend to forget about LGP these days. They just can't match anything anyone else is doing nowadays especially with HIB, Desura and Gameolith developers actually have decent incentives to port themselves (or get ported by HIB).

Ps. Welcome to the forum whizse

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By whizse, 1 January 2012 at 8:26 pm UTC

I wouldn't be surprised if 2012 is make it or break it time for LGP. I also noticed that their identi.ca/Twitter feed contains a new years greeting. Nice, if it wasn't for the fact that it's one year old...

Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
By Hamish, 1 January 2012 at 7:21 pm UTC

Thanks for the informative post Tim, added some perspective.

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By Hamish, 1 January 2012 at 7:15 pm UTC

Well, to be fair to Phoronix, they have not mentioned Steam in months now, and their gaming coverage has improved somewhat.

And with regards to Bumbadar, at the very least the Humble Bundle has been getting some more games ported. Many of the games in the past few bundles have been Ryan Gordon's ports, they did not have Linux versions before.

As to the Indie Royal Bundle, I stand by what I said when I first heard of it: a crass attempt to cash in on someone else's good idea. It does not change how I view Desura, but I am dissaptointed in the company behind them somewhat for it. Especially when I feel the HIB is overstretching it in terms of bundle amounts anyway.

But DesuraNET is doing great things with Desura, and the Linux attention has definitely been good for them. I was just working on improving their Wikipedia article, and it is hard to find media coverage of it that is not related to the Linux release anymore, so much so I had a hell of a time finding a source for the date of its original Windows launch. That bodes well for us, I think.

And Liam, I think the biggest thing to look forward to when it comes to the Doom 3 source code releases is for iodoom3 to continue progressing and see some of the Doom 3 Mods (The Dark Mod, Hexen: Edge of Chaos, etc) go stand-alone. There is not actually that much the Doom 3 source can really teach us otherwise. You brought up Xonotic, which is already on DarkPlaces, which has basically the same feature set of id Tech 4 already.

Still, I can not actually argue with the claim that 2011 was Linux Gamings best year; we have a momentum again that we have not really had since the days of Loki and the heady start-ups and derivatives it original inspired, before it all burned out. Only this time it is built on a wide network of developers and not the cash flow of one software licensing attorney and his wife, and the casual interest of others. With efforts like Humble Bundle, Gameolith, Desura, Unigine, and every single other Linux friendly developer pushing in the right direction, the future does seem bright.

Happy new year, a review of 2011
By Bumadar, 1 January 2012 at 5:11 pm UTC

Humble Bundle showed that Linux users pay more then any other OS, but has it really led to anything other then that ? The Indie Royal bundle appeared which did not force developers to make a Linux version so they ignored the extra sales Linux can generate. Yet the Royal bundle is done by the same people who are behind Desura who in return did invest in a Linux client for their store... that one still puzzles me a bit.

Gameolith I have to admit was the one that surprised me the most in a good way, it does not look that big, the launch was rather unspectacular but if I see the support they do via kick-starter for example it shows they got their heart in the right place.

Things I want to see in 2012 .... a [URL='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captive_(video_game)']Captive[/URL] remake, answer to [URL='http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/34255/Humble_Bundle_Backed_By_47_Million_In_Venture_Capital.php']this[/URL], a linux version of [URL='http://www.grimrock.net/']LoG[/URL], the new Steelstorm or a DLC for SteelStorm 2... ooh and probably many things more :)

either way, have a good 2012 all.

Getting back to normal
By Liam Dawe, 1 January 2012 at 2:35 pm UTC

Well it's good of them to put it up would be nice of them to give you some credit though...

FLARE v0.15 and v0.15.1
By Brandon Smith, 31 December 2011 at 9:53 pm UTC

It's interesting that they talk so much about the technical side of things. I wonder who their audience is? Anyway, can't say know to more Diablo!

Getting back to normal
By Hamish, 31 December 2011 at 8:55 pm UTC

QuoteLibraries to remove if the games don't launch

If the games don't run, you can try removing the following libraries (this may be the case for e.g. Fedora 16). Please note that all games also require the PhysX libraries (i.e. libNxCooking.so, libNxCharacter.so in the lib32 directory) - if the PhysX libraries are missing the game may start but you may experience odd physics-based behavior.




Shadowgrounds Survivor
libz.so.1l l


Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura
By Protektor, 31 December 2011 at 6:03 pm UTC

This is Tim Jung. I'm the Game Lead on Desura. I think I should correct a few things here. First if developers want the email addresses of their Desura customers that is possible. Developers can setup an opt-in from customers to send their information to the developer's web site. Because of our privacy policy we can't just give out user information any time we want and the users have made it clear they don't want that either. Second all you have to do to update you game is to point the client at a clean install directory of the game and upload it. It will only upload the files that have changed since the last release. It does a CRC of the files to look for changed files. If I upload the 32-bit version and the following 64-bit version upload is only a few megs. Once the first version is on Desura it shouldn't take more than 3-4 minutes to get the upload started, then after the upload tell the system what you uploaded. The biggest problem currently is changed .PAK/compressed files that FSP games use and we are looking in to ways to change that, so update uploads & downloads are smaller for those type of files. I will say I have had quite a few developers comment that using Desura and doing updates on Desura is way easier than Steam and that we provide more information about their customers than Steam does. I have no idea how true that is or isn't since I have zero developer experience with Steam.

I do have to wonder why developers are upset that they can't get user information by default from Desura, Steam or anyone else. I don't see how it is any different than when I go in to Wal-Mart/Gamestop/etc. and buy a game. I would be pissed if Wal-Mart/Gamestop/etc. was sending off my personal information to EA/Activision or anyone else. I would be pissed if Steam did that. I should decide who gets my personal information not another company choosing for me, but maybe that is just me.

As for the problems of all the different versions of Linux out there....that is what Desura is designed to address. We have a bunch of different libraries the system can check for and install automatically on the users system if they are missing. We can easily add more libraries if a game needs them and the developer doesn't want to included them in their releases. A developer just needs to tell us they want us to have a specific library included by Desura. If a game loads and clears the load of all the needed libraries then there isn't much Desura can do about that if a game isn't working.

If a developer doesn't want to be on Desura that is their right and there isn't anything we can do about it. I am sorry a developer isn't having a good experience with Desura and if they would contact me I would be more than happy to try and work things out. The one thing I will say is that HiB can be for some games be the kiss of death for future sales. Once they are in HiB, that can be pretty much the end of their sales since 500,000+ people now have a copy of their game. The market for some indie games at that point is saturated. So it isn't surprising to me that a game doesn't sell well after a HiB release. The Desura users and HiB users seem to overlap by a large percentage, as a result that can effect sales. There are a lot of Desura users who are using their HiB keys to get their games on/from Desura.

I have no idea how HiB updates work for developers but I can't see how they can be any easier. My question would be if a developer finds it a hassle does that mean they don't have to update the HiB site anymore? Steam is definitely a hassle for developers I would think since they have to support Steamworks in their games, or at least that is my understanding. So they have to provide a Steam version of their games.

The other issue is if you look at Cheese's graphs for HiB you will see that since they have gone to a more frequent release schedule users numbers have been all over the board. HiB users are becoming more particular about which HiB bundles they buy since they are overloaded with so many releases. I know developers want more HiB releases so they can get in on it but it appears to be at the cost of possibly decreasing sales and definitely decreased purchase prices. Linux user totals seem to be about the same but they are paying less with more bundle releases, and yet they are still the highest paying users on average.

If someone is having problems with Desura, please contact me so I am aware of it and can try to resolve the issue for you.

Tim Jung
Desura Game Lead/Tux