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Gameoliths newest titles!
By Brandon Smith, 24 March 2012 at 6:27 am UTC

I have to say, now that we're on the site, I quite like it. As a developer they seem to give us a lot of freedom and we can create keys to give out. I'd definitely consider doing business with them again in the future.

Wasteland 2 for Linux confirmed
By Hamish, 24 March 2012 at 3:51 am UTC

What can I say except "woot!" :D

Gameoliths newest titles!
By Hamish, 24 March 2012 at 3:49 am UTC

As much as I like Desura, I wish Gameolith all the best. And it is nice to see Helena up somewhere new to. ;)

Setting the record straight about Heroes of Forevia
By , 23 March 2012 at 11:30 pm UTC

Quoting: "whizse, post: 3812, member: 126"Anthony Bertolo, lead developer for [URL='http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paybacktony/heroes-of-forevia/http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paybacktony/heroes-of-forevia/']Heroes of Forevia[/URL] [URL='http://gamingonlinux.com/index.php?threads/kickstarter-fever.805/#post-3794']dropped by the comment thread[/URL] about Kickstarter games earlier to set the record straight about their intentions for a Linux port.

He later returned to mention that at launch there will also be a [URL='http://gamingonlinux.com/index.php?threads/kickstarter-fever.805/#post-3802']Google NaCl port of the game[/URL].

Link broken

Kickstarter fever
By whizse, 23 March 2012 at 10:05 pm UTC

Thanks for digging these up Zerothis! I might do another round-up post with Kickstarter projects.

(liam have covered FTL previously I think?)

Ensign 1 new footage!
By whizse, 23 March 2012 at 9:45 pm UTC

Heh, I also thought of Ensign 1 when I read that.

Project Zomboid, on the road to release!
By Liam Dawe, 23 March 2012 at 5:46 pm UTC

Thanks for letting us know, I am looking forward to it!

Kickstarter fever
By , 23 March 2012 at 4:27 pm UTC

Quoting: "Anthony Bertolo, post: 3802"Just to clear one more thing up.

At launch, we will have a Chrome Native Client build of the game (playable on Linux without Wine and WITH full hardware acceleration).

I still see your point though, and can definitely appreciate it.

Hmm, how about saying so on the Kickstarter page?

Anywho, <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1256521023/proppa> A Linux version of Proppa can happen for just $50.00 (fifty dollars, not 50k, not $5,000, specified for any dyslexics like my self out there). Actually they want 50 Linux bakers, regardless of the amount of money they give (minimum support is $1 so that makes $50 minimum). That's just 50 people, the Linux version happens. That's the going record for the lowest Linux version bounty.

"If you are a supporter, and would like a Linux or Mac version, let us know. If 50 or more of our supporters, at any level, request Linux or Mac support, we'll add support for that system and fill the "Windows PC" reward with a Linux or Mac version as you specify. Please allow an additional month."

Tortured Hearts <http://www.kickstarter.com/messages/912398>
Jib Life Early <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jiblifegame/jib-life-early-launch>

These are based on Unity3D. Every Linux user know, i hope, that the Unity Team has avoided native Linux in their efforts to cover every other platform imaginable. Unity says they will be judging the merits of activating (that's activating, not adding, because its already functional) the Linux native option based on how many developers use their Google NaCl option (And Burger King will add bacon chili cheese dogs when enough customers order plain veggie wraps). But, there's a rumor that there is a Linux Source Code license for Unity3D (case-by-case negotiation with developers as requested). Unfortunately, this probably means Linux bounties for Unity3D projects will be outrageously high, and Unity might refuse many devs that ask for it. HEY UNITY! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!

Feebles Fable(TM), <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atomicchimp/feebles-fable>. On March 21st and 22nd, they had a $100k bounty to "think about it". Its gone now. Lets all be extra generous and all of us "think about" giving them a billion dollars each . But only for the next 2 days.

FTL: Faster Than Light <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/64409699/ftl-faster-than-light>
Bacillus, <http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/534715294/bacillus>
Already Linux.

Gameoliths newest titles!
By Brandon Smith, 23 March 2012 at 3:21 pm UTC

Look at that Helena title ;)

Ensign 1 new footage!
By Brandon Smith, 23 March 2012 at 2:42 pm UTC

Oh that's cool, we have people talking about us! I knew about Notch's vision for a space game, where you play as the guy himself rather than just the ship. And back when I remember thinking that was the kind of game I wanted to make, and just sort of imagining there must also be a lot of other game designers out there that wanted to make that type of game. I've tried contacting Notch since, no luck of course! haha.

Ensign 1 new footage!
By Bumadar, 23 March 2012 at 2:25 pm UTC

looking good :)

btw did you read this: http://www.bluesnews.com/cgi-bin/board.pl?action=viewthread&boardid=1&threadid=130862? ensign-1 is mentioned by the user there.... you guys should talk to Notch ;) of course also send off a note to blue's news about the new video, am sure it will be posted.

Wasteland 2 Kickstarted
By Bumadar, 23 March 2012 at 2:17 pm UTC

its a go ! 1.5mil reached
and they kicked of this: http://kickingitforward.org/

Kickstarter fever
By , 23 March 2012 at 4:01 am UTC

Just to clear one more thing up.

At launch, we will have a Chrome Native Client build of the game (playable on Linux without Wine and WITH full hardware acceleration).

I still see your point though, and can definitely appreciate it.

Ensign 1 new footage!
By Brandon Smith, 23 March 2012 at 12:07 am UTC

We are of course very grateful for all the support Gaming on Linux gave us during our Kickstarter campaign, you guys were a huge help to us. This whole 8-Bit funding campaign was started because we were getting contacted by different people asking if they could still donate. Now if any of the perks interest you and you didn't grab them the first time around, we aren't going to turn money away ;). But the $400 goal is just there for us to strive for, it's not all or nothing like it was with Kickstarter.

Kickstarter fever
By whizse, 22 March 2012 at 8:17 pm UTC

Here's another (pre-Kickstarter) interesting one to keep an eye on. Dead State, a zombie RPG. It's being co-developed by DoubleBear and Iron Tower Studios. Iron Tower is the guys doing Age of Decadence, that's supposedly coming out for Linux, so it's just possible that Dead State could too:

Kickstarter fever
By whizse, 22 March 2012 at 8:09 pm UTC

Hi Anthony, thanks for dropping by and clearing things up!

Kickstarter fever
By , 22 March 2012 at 6:36 pm UTC

Hmm... you see, the problem is: I am not willing to spend my money on a game, which is not confirmed for my plattform. I don't want to end up buying a game that I can't play. (Which might happen if I fund it and the end-amount would be between 10k and 20k.)
Officially confirm a Linux client and I will fund you. I'm sorry, because I would really love it, I think, but the problem is the big difference between funding goal and confirmed linux-client.

To the Banner Saga:
There team is running a survey at the moment, on which platform we want to see it:


I hope many of you vote for linux!^^

...maybe you can put this into article above?

Wasteland 2 Kickstarted
By Bumadar, 22 March 2012 at 5:49 pm UTC

it is, but only time will tell if its really gone happen and work. I liked the whole #4 update though, he seems really passionate about that its really happening

Kickstarter fever
By Bumadar, 22 March 2012 at 5:00 pm UTC

a few comment :)

- Heroes of Forevia / Anthony, the extra 10.000 for Linux sounds weird without your explanation, but with it I can see that we gone get a Linux port at some stage, depending on the cash it might be at launch.... on the other hand we still got wine and since I do have fond gauntlet memories consider yourself backed... clicking right now :)

- The Banner saga, looks also promising, will wait on their Linux thoughts.

On another note, I am looking at how come Banner saga is so well funded while Heroes of Forevia is not... both games should appeal to enough people and looking at the video the biggest difference I see is that the one shows actual (or I think it is) game footage while the other does not.... could that make such a difference or is it just one getting the word out better then the other ?

Kickstarter fever
By , 22 March 2012 at 3:29 pm UTC

Hi guys,

I'm actually the lead developer for heroes of forevia. I know on the surface asking for double the pledge for a Linux port is excessive but there are two caveats to that:

A) $10,000 is just the amount we are looking for to shore things up. We've spent more than that ourselves in the last year on art and other assets for the game.

B) We are going to push for a Linux port regardless of the final pledge amount. Since we've spent countless hours programming already, it's more of a time issue getting what we have over to the right platform. $10k is the price tag to have that done by a 3rd party. We can do it ourselves, it's just that without the extra cash we can't list it as a sure thing to be ready when the Mac / PC version is.

Just think of it this way: Wasteland 2 is asking for an extra $500k to do their Linux port (which is reasonable depending on the engine technology they plan to use). We're just asking for enough bread and water to make it happen, indie style. (btw the devs at inxile are pretty cool people, they've backed or project as well).

You guys can drill us via email as well (we don't mind). Mine is Anthony at popflame.com

Project Zomboid, on the road to release!
By , 22 March 2012 at 3:26 pm UTC

Im writing the official launcher, as a Linux Systems Admin, trust me, linux support it top priority and it working perfectly in the current private releases. should be public VERY soon

Kickstarter fever
By Brandon Smith, 22 March 2012 at 1:08 pm UTC

I'd agree with Beherit, that almost sounds like they are trying use the linux community just for the advertising.

Kickstarter fever
By whizse, 22 March 2012 at 12:37 pm UTC

Yeah, that did seem rather excessive. Shame really, as the game looks interesting.

Kickstarter fever
By Beherit, 22 March 2012 at 1:05 am UTC

20.000 to develop a port in Linux while already developing a Mac version? That's insane.

Banner saga looks promising.

Wasteland 2 Kickstarted
By whizse, 21 March 2012 at 7:02 pm UTC

The "Kick it Forward" idea is pretty interesting:

Wasteland 2 Kickstarted
By Bumadar, 21 March 2012 at 4:59 pm UTC

its slowed down a bit compared to double fine, but they almost at the 1.5 mark :)

Gaming news catchup via Ubuntu Vibes
By , 21 March 2012 at 8:20 am UTC

Great,Look forward a long time.

Humble Indie Bundle Android 2
By whizse, 20 March 2012 at 11:04 pm UTC

Their email support was quite fast to reply, even if it was just to say "we'll look into that".

Humble Indie Bundle Android 2
By Liam Dawe, 20 March 2012 at 10:52 pm UTC

Well i decided to get this bundle, problem is i can't get their android app to register the new games, i registered the new bundle and it said yeah it's now on...no games, gah. There live support doesn't answer as usual, guess i will hit them up with an email!

Tiberium Alliances open beta
By whizse, 20 March 2012 at 10:24 pm UTC

Added a couple of sentences, not sure I can write much more about the game itself, I only spent a couple of minutes with it so far.