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IndieCIty - New game store coming soon!
By Liam Dawe, 31 July 2011 at 5:51 pm UTC

Gah sorry, blame the hangover.

IndieCIty - New game store coming soon!
By TheAncientGoat, 31 July 2011 at 4:24 pm UTC

Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 2032"Thanks to Ryan Stewart on google+ i got notified about [URL='']IndieCity[/URL].

It's Swart, not Stewart :P

Mini Spotlight: Balanced Annihilation Reloaded
By Liam Dawe, 30 July 2011 at 12:10 pm UTC

I think the main point was determining who was who at a distance which is why they chose team colour to be so prominent. At least that is what I remember, the models themselves look great though.

Mini Spotlight: Balanced Annihilation Reloaded
By , 30 July 2011 at 11:27 am UTC

Not very bad, but...
Too much team color on models: they should use more of team-neutral colors.
Models look like a mess: they should have bright differences, units and factories too.
I saw that thread on spring forums at first page, and people was talking right about design, but this result is unexpected to me because this problem of bright differences between models was longly discussed.

Mini Spotlight: Balanced Annihilation Reloaded
By Liam Dawe, 29 July 2011 at 12:48 pm UTC

Another new shot:

Project Zomboid working on Linux!
By Brandon Smith, 28 July 2011 at 5:49 pm UTC

I did miss that. Thank you :) I'm going to need to get Rusty to play it now so we can talk about it. Such a good game, basically my dream zombie game right there.

Edit: And yea, Java is not as cross platform as they'd like you to believe. I keep telling people to use C++.... (using portable code)

Project Zomboid working on Linux!
By Liam Dawe, 28 July 2011 at 5:27 pm UTC

You missed it never working on Linux for a lot of people without work arounds, this works out of the box :)

Project Zomboid working on Linux!
By Brandon Smith, 28 July 2011 at 4:34 pm UTC

Hasn't this demo been out like a month? Was there something new I missed?

Amazing game by the way.

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By Liam Dawe, 27 July 2011 at 6:34 pm UTC

Actually Desura's Mark commented saying the lists still show Windows games, so take what games are listed with a pinch of salt.

Your last point is very valid though, you cannot get (from what i see) Aquaria from any other source which is a shame as it's a nice little game.

It's a good job Desura is being active though as this bundles games you can already buy directly from them :D

Time will tell what will be available, i reckon end of august we will see either the stable release or some form of testing release. I had a chat with Scott the other week and hopefully i can get a look at an early build :)

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By , 27 July 2011 at 5:10 pm UTC

Hey, this is Hamish, but I am on a library computer.

Anyways, looks like I am happy, as both Braid and Trine (as well as the Shadowgrounds games, poor LGP :P) seem to be coming to the Linux Desura, if you study the latest screenshots released:

I already own all of the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle games (missed the second bundle due to problems with our credit cards, so I missed out on Braid) but I do want these games to continue to be available through other sources so those who miss out on the Bundle events can still enjoy them.

My main complaint against the Bundles (you mean there is something you can complain about?) was that a lot of the ports sold through them seemed to not be available through other sources (in some cases), thankfully Desura is helping to relieve this.

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By Liam Dawe, 27 July 2011 at 9:20 am UTC

Quoting: "Hamish, post: 1986"Does that mean that all the titles that were a part of the Humble Indie Bundle will be available for Linux through Desura? So Trine and the other Bundle titles not currently available will be available through there, and it will mean you can get Braid somewhere other than the Ubuntu Software Centre?

I actually meant it more in the way of the bundles you buy you can activate on Desura. But most of if not all of the games in the bundles are available on Desura anyway :)

The games in the current Bundle are all now available to buy on Desura as well :)

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By KIAaze, 27 July 2011 at 7:36 am UTC

I think I should start counting how much money I spend on games now. ^^
I'm also hesitating between giving a lot to the HIB3 or a bit less + some to stuff like FOSS games/projects, opengameart, humanitarian charities, etc.
There should be an option to donate to other charities/projects through the HIB. :)

(child's play and EFF are very centered on the english speaking parts of the world... :/ Does the EFF act worldwide?)

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By , 27 July 2011 at 2:44 am UTC

Quoting: "Hamish, post: 1986"Does that mean that all the titles that were a part of the Humble Indie Bundle will be available for Linux through Desura? So Trine and the other Bundle titles not currently available will be available through there, and it will mean you can get Braid somewhere other than the Ubuntu Software Centre?

In short? Maybe.

What I've been able to gather from the linux dev is that this is exactly what they would LIKE to do, but it's really up to the developers of the games themselves. Seeing as they're all indie devs however, I would assume most would give the go ahead to make it a one pay for all platforms.

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By Hamish, 26 July 2011 at 11:23 pm UTC

Does that mean that all the titles that were a part of the Humble Indie Bundle will be available for Linux through Desura? So Trine and the other Bundle titles not currently available will be available through there, and it will mean you can get Braid somewhere other than the Ubuntu Software Centre?

The Humble Indie Bundle #3
By Liam Dawe, 26 July 2011 at 6:07 pm UTC

I will be buying as soon as i get home, such a good cause and as always it contains games I am interested in, even if it's only 1 or 2. I haven't finished any of the games from the other bundles either! So this is more fuel to keep me going when i am bored :D

Good job Desura is supporting them too, can't wait for the Linux client so i can have easy access to them all the time :)

Achron updates
By Hamish, 24 July 2011 at 5:49 am UTC

Indeed it was. It was also the one that showed that the Doom engine could actually have had fully implemented jumping, but id simply did not think of it at the time.

Achron updates
By Brandon Smith, 23 July 2011 at 6:01 pm UTC

Perhaps Archon was just the name my friend gave it, or maybe it was in the German version since that's the one he played. But I guess it would have been what you call the Arch-Vile, that's the one that did the flame spell right?

Achron updates
By Hamish, 23 July 2011 at 2:28 pm UTC

Quoting: "Brandon Smith, post: 1972"Man good music! When I see the name Achron I think of those demons from DOOM, I guess those were archons though, heh.

Which beastie were you specifically thinking off, the Arachnotron or the Arch-Vile? :D

Puzzle Moppet now on Gameolith!
By , 23 July 2011 at 8:04 am UTC

It will be interesting to see if Gameolith is able to do anything to distinguish itself from Tux Games of Linux Game Publishing or any of the other small online Linux game stores. There's also Desura and Steam forthcoming that it has to compete with as well as Ubuntu's growing Software Center.

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles
By , 23 July 2011 at 7:56 am UTC

But as with any case the amount of appraisal and success Gameolith will garner will depend purely on the fact of how well they manage to develop a user community around the Store. They need to make an identity for themselves. Desura and the Ubuntu Software Centre have already kissed success on this front and thus they have a strategic advantage over Gameolith.

Achron updates
By Eddward, 22 July 2011 at 10:29 pm UTC

Quoting: "Brandon Smith, post: 1972"Man good music! When I see the name Achron I think of those demons from DOOM, I guess those were archons though, heh.

I keep thinking it's talking about the old game Archon.

Achron updates
By Brandon Smith, 22 July 2011 at 4:16 pm UTC

Man good music! When I see the name Achron I think of those demons from DOOM, I guess those were archons though, heh.

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 3
By Liam Dawe, 22 July 2011 at 9:07 am UTC

Should be good once they add in more community options like chat, friends list etc, that really is what makes Steam so good.

Blocks that Matter tech demo out!
By Liam Dawe, 22 July 2011 at 8:39 am UTC

Honestly I don't care what version a video is from, a video is a video and should show exactly the same thing - the game, i really don't take an elitist attitude to it all.

That said i will include your video, as now i know it exists :P

Blocks that Matter tech demo out!
By Venn, 22 July 2011 at 6:02 am UTC

You could show real Linux capture

Not a good job linking to a WINDOWS version of the game.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Brandon Smith, 21 July 2011 at 11:37 pm UTC

We're currently looking into several different options as far as digital distribution goes, but currently the game is simply for sale through paypal on the game's site. We'd love to be listed in your catalog. Why don't you send me an email or private message or such, and let me know what we need to do for that to happen.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By MyGameCompany, 21 July 2011 at 11:22 pm UTC

That's true, in that it probably won't impact sales of the Linux version. There just isn't much competition - unfortunately. Maybe for Mac and Windows it would be different - since gamers have a much bigger choice of where to spend their money. But on the other hand, like you say, the target audiences are a bit different (though I did deliberately design Dirk 2 to appeal to a wider audience, not just kids).

At any rate, sorry to hijack your thread. Helena looks good! Any thoughts on how you're going to sell it yet? I'm secretly hoping you're planning to sell it through a payment provider like BMT Micro or Plimus, so I can affiliate it and add it to my catalog!

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Hamish, 21 July 2011 at 7:35 am UTC

Quoting: "Eddward, post: 1962"There are several games that were Wolfenstien/Doom clones, but Duke Nuke'em and Redneck Rampage (to name two) were more than clones because they each had a unique personality.

Well, Redneck Rampage did have personality, I will give it that. Blood will always be my favourite Build game though. :D

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Brandon Smith, 21 July 2011 at 4:50 am UTC

Yea I agree, I don't see Helena in competition with Dirk Dashing at all, very different target audiences. And any game on linux helps us all out in spreading the word of Linux being a very capable gaming platform.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By MyGameCompany, 21 July 2011 at 3:42 am UTC

Thanks, Eddward!