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Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Eddward, 21 July 2011 at 2:18 am UTC

There are several games that were Wolfenstien/Doom clones, but Duke Nuke'em and Redneck Rampage (to name two) were more than clones because they each had a unique personality. Dirk is a game with a unique personality. Helena has an interesting blend of 2D & 3D platforming along with an FSP aspect to it.

They both have platforming to them, but they really are quite different. Helena & Dirk are really only going to be competing for the player's time.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By MyGameCompany, 20 July 2011 at 11:25 pm UTC

Looking good! I think I've picked the wrong time to make Dirk Dashing 2 available... lots of other platformers coming out.

Beep Released
By MyGameCompany, 20 July 2011 at 11:23 pm UTC

This looks pretty cool! I can see Dirk Dashing 2 is going to have some competition...

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Brandon Smith, 20 July 2011 at 10:21 pm UTC

Well thank you Hamish, I appreciate that. Man I might need to back out of the last part of that news. The co-op is kind of there, but really needs a lot more work before we could release it. Might have to come after the game is released as a patch. I am thinking about doing deathmatch though, since I think multiplayer car or tank combat on linux would be awesome.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Hamish, 20 July 2011 at 5:30 pm UTC

Hey, if you are on Linux, you should never get sick of hearing about a native game. ;)

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Brandon Smith, 20 July 2011 at 2:17 pm UTC

Maybe someday your favorite little indie game will get on your favorite new Linux store.

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Liam Dawe, 19 July 2011 at 9:08 pm UTC

Hah they can deal with it :P

Helena the 3rd The Grande Finale
By Brandon Smith, 19 July 2011 at 9:06 pm UTC

:/ I wonder if people here on GOL are sick of this game by now, heh.

Puzzle Moppet now on Gameolith!
By Liam Dawe, 19 July 2011 at 8:43 pm UTC

Well i wouldn't count them out, if they can show good sales numbers.

Puzzle Moppet now on Gameolith!
By Hamish, 19 July 2011 at 8:31 pm UTC

Desura has the advantage of already having considerable contact with the Indie community, but thanks to excellent level of service that Gameolith offers, including custom packaging, sales tracking and the like means it might just be able to corner the market on smaller Indie titles. I doubt we will see the likes of Penumbra, Amnesia, Shadowgrounds, or Trine on their service anytime soon, but games like Puzzle Moppet and the like do seem a good fit.

Beep Released
By Venn, 19 July 2011 at 6:25 am UTC

This Weekend [URL='']L.G.C.[/URL] will ask the top ten questions from r_gaming. Kiaran will gift a FREE copy to the #1 comment; and I will buy copies for 2'nd and 3'rd. Contest ends 07.23.11 midnight EST. The interview will be recorded live and posted on L.G.C.

Cheers; and good luck,
Venn & Kiaran

FLARE 0.14, 0.14.1 and a new video!
By Brandon Smith, 16 July 2011 at 7:20 pm UTC

So happy to see this one coming out. Can't believe they don't have the original Diablo for digital download.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By , 14 July 2011 at 8:47 pm UTC

So is the Linux binaries included with in the Steam launch?

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles
By Liam Dawe, 13 July 2011 at 7:50 pm UTC

Well gameolith have delayed their release another 24 hours due to paypal problems.

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles
By Hamish, 13 July 2011 at 7:29 pm UTC

I am guessing that is a legitimate typo rather than an actual factual error, since he has demonstrated that he knew the difference in the past. Larabel's real problem when it comes to his Linux gaming coverage is because his hardware review background lends him to still have the Windows mindset about AAA titles and developers, causing him to have a larger blind spot when it comes to Indie titles.

After all, he was late in recognizing the first Humble Indie Bundle (though he never made that mistake again, to be fair), and only ever mentioned Frictional for the first time (aside from Overture as part of the first bundle) about a week before Amnesia's release, when you would have thought they would have been right up his alley. Both Penumbra and Amnesia sport pretty damn impressive graphics for an Indie title (I was just playing through Overture again last night, going to have a go at Black Plague again later today) and the physics implementation one would have thought would be intriguing to him. Instead, he worships Valve and the other big Windows or Console developers and just's prays they come around, rather than celebrating what we do have.

He used to be better, back in the days when he was covering what LGP, Icculus, and TTimo was up to (which granted seemed to be more back then than now, for various reasons) and when he was one of the first to mention the work of IGIOS on Shadowgrounds, which in the end has served us and the community well. But the apparent Indie revolution we have been experiencing seems to have flown straight over his head.

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles
By Liam Dawe, 13 July 2011 at 8:54 am UTC

Well this is a case of him yet again not doing his research, after all he said 0 A.D is made by wolfire the other day in his article...

Gameolith Announced Launch Titles
By Hamish, 13 July 2011 at 5:14 am UTC

Looks like Michael Larabal of Phoronix has pissed quite a few people off with his coverage, and rightly so since he was being something of an ass:

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By Rustybolts, 12 July 2011 at 3:37 pm UTC

Quoting: "KIAaze, post: 1936"I'm really amazed by how many games there seem to be for GNU/Linux now.
Of all the games listed, I hadn't heard of SpaceChem, Beep and BOH before.

Of course, most of them are indie games, but in a certain way, that makes it even more interesting. :)

Yes it is! thats exactly why I solely game on Linux as I play games I would not even consider if I was still on Windows and many of them are quite original in design.

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By KIAaze, 12 July 2011 at 2:34 pm UTC

I'm really amazed by how many games there seem to be for GNU/Linux now.
Of all the games listed, I hadn't heard of SpaceChem, Beep and BOH before.

Of course, most of them are indie games, but in a certain way, that makes it even more interesting. :)

Gameolith The Linux® Game Download Store
By Hamish, 12 July 2011 at 8:46 am UTC

Well, they seem to be serious, they now have a list of the games they will be selling at launch and a timer indicating when their service will open it's doors for good. I like that they seem to be big on making sure that they cater to as much as the major distributions as possible, even though I tend to prefer to keep my proprietary games separate from my package manager. Still, compared to the closed nature of the USC it is kind of refreshing.

Scoregasm New Trailer
By Rustybolts, 11 July 2011 at 5:06 pm UTC

Errrr Ok! :confused:

Scoregasm New Trailer
By , 11 July 2011 at 9:43 am UTC

I dunno imagine like a possessed zelda where all the little enemies all shoot like mad and you shoot like mad going from screen to screen. And your collecting keys and new weapons that let you access new areas while checking your map to see which places you haven't been. That'd be cool.

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 3
By , 10 July 2011 at 11:45 pm UTC

This is so interesting! Accidentally stumbled upon Desura, and now read about its work on gettin Linux supported. Yes, that would be great! Would love to finally see a steam-alternative that supports Linux.

Scoregasm New Trailer
By Rustybolts, 10 July 2011 at 8:45 am UTC

Huh! Really?

Scoregasm New Trailer
By , 10 July 2011 at 5:12 am UTC

Somehow this reminds me of zelda. Maybe if they had this kind of play style in a zelda like world that'd be cool.

Interview with Keith Poole from Desura Part 3
By KIAaze, 9 July 2011 at 11:27 pm UTC

I just noticed something: There doesn't seem to be any Mac version of Desura.
I don't have any Mac, so I don't really care about it, but am I seeing this right: Desura coming to GNU/Linux BEFORE Mac?! :confused:
Or is it just being developped in a cross-platform way so that it will work on both at the same time? (That would be slightly disappointing. :p)

Whats in store for Minecraft
By Liam Dawe, 9 July 2011 at 10:22 am UTC

Only just got around to watching the video, hah the end is awesome.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By Liam Dawe, 9 July 2011 at 9:46 am UTC

I think Loki was shutting down as i was getting into Loki. I think digital really is the way to go, it's cheaper and easier to do. I wish Loki was still around as LGP is a bit of a letdown really - "hey we are working on something"....many moons later and nothing :/

Back on topic - To the developers if you read this topic again, I hope you bring it to Desura and the Ubuntu Software Centre, both would increase your popularity on Linux.

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By KIAaze, 8 July 2011 at 11:41 pm UTC

Your links don't work. :(

As for Loki, it was already gone before I even discovered GNU/Linux. :/

Dungeons of Dredmor release date
By Hamish, 8 July 2011 at 5:58 pm UTC

Complaining about problems with electronic commerce being the problem with regards to Loki seems to be laughable to me; the main problem as far as I could tell based on what I have read and what guys like icculus in the past have said seem to indicate a large part of the problem with ventures like Loki or LGP was that they inherently were too based on on traditional shrink-wrapper physical publishing. Like when they ordered way too many units of a supposedly "special edition" of Quake III Arena which they were never able to fully ship. Granted, back in the days of Loki it would be insane to expect anyone to download a full game reliably (though Loki still complained about piracy, hmm...). A good example of where icculus commented on this was his SouthEast LinuxFest talk in 2009:

Video: [URL=''][/URL]

Granted of course, that aside was coming from a former employee, so what do I know?