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FLARE 0.13 Released!
By Liam Dawe, 8 May 2011 at 12:26 pm UTC

Well looks like only another couple months until the engine is in a more finished state and then i think they will be working on an actual game :)

Helena The 3rd update
By Brandon Smith, 8 May 2011 at 12:13 pm UTC

Ah well, in that case thank you!

Helena The 3rd update
By Liam Dawe, 8 May 2011 at 12:12 pm UTC

I thought the auto updater was newsworthy :)

Helena The 3rd update
By Brandon Smith, 8 May 2011 at 12:08 pm UTC

Err.., I'm honored you posted the game again! We don't want to spam about it though right?
It's your call of course though, your site :)

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By MaximB, 8 May 2011 at 11:31 am UTC

Sure, I understand your view as I used to think the same.
I would never have bought a non Linux native game - but now my line is drawn elsewhere.
For me if it's cheap and old enough ( and runs on Wine - then I'll consider paying for it.
Because once the games get this old - the developers usually do not care so much about them.

Some people will only play free source games.

It's all a matter where you draw the line.

But my line still says "No Wine games on LGN" ;)

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Hamish, 8 May 2011 at 8:53 am UTC

Hey, well, I appreciated Majesty. It is not my most favourite game in the world but it can be fun, and it is Michael Simms favourite game FYI. Although I do not know how good the second game was, I would not mind trying it out, but would only be willing to do that if it has a native port. I do not "care" if it runs in Wine; for me the game does not exist unless it goes native.

I also disagree with your comment that porting games that work in Wine is necessarily a waste. Saying that something does not need to be ported because it works in Wine is giving the project too much legitimacy. Wine should be respected as a amazing technical feat, but it should not be treated as being equivalent to native applications. This is based on the fact we have to make the Linux ecosystem respected under its own merits, and the fact that I have only rarely had a game which ran flawlessly in Wine, and then when you are lucky enough to have one it gets screwed up in the next Wine release. Wine can never be trusted as providing official support for applications.

As for porting games that "do not run on Linux", if it has to be ran through Wine it does not run on Linux. It runs on virtual Windows, that is all Wine is. So Majesty 2 is just as much fair game as Gothic 3, 4 , Risen, and all of these other games I have never heard of. That is another thing, once I switched to Linux full time, I basically came to the conclusion that a game (well, at least any modern still commercially viable game) only really exists if it has a native port. If it does not, then it is not real. It is just some Windows fantasy.

Call it a bit of a twisted reasoning if you like, but it is that kind of stubroness that has gotten us this far, where you can game only on Linux and still play more games than you ever would want to. But until we are treated with respect, we must continue not to give them any. They must earn our respect, and our acceptance, by giving us the consideration of a port. And we in return, must be grateful. So I will be grateful to LGP for whatever they give us in the next few months (years?).

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By MaximB, 8 May 2011 at 7:34 am UTC

@Hamish : Although many gamers love Majesty, I didn't like the game at all, so I'm not too thrilled about the sequel.
Also imo games to be ported need to not work with Wine as if they already runnable then wasting 4-5 years just to have a native Linux client for a game that runs fine with Wine is a waste.

I would prefer porting games that do not run on Linux, like Gothic 3, 4 , Risen etc...

And about his Facebook, as he updates his status for the "common folks" who do not even know what is Linux, he can't be technical - so he says "worked all night, time to get some sleep..." sort of things.

But sure he can update his LGP blog more.

Dirk Dashing 2 Production Update
By MyGameCompany, 8 May 2011 at 2:37 am UTC


I took a look at your web site for Helena the 3rd, and watched the video. Unusual name, but it looks really good. I like the 3D aspect of it, and it seems like the tank has lots of weapons and abilities. Looks like it would be a lot of fun to play! Good luck with it!

Sometimes when I look at what other developers are working on, I get discouraged. Dirk Dashing 2 isn't nearly as technically or visually impressive as other recent platformers, nor is it necessarily as innovative. I'm only one guy, so I have to focus on areas I'm strong at, like story and gameplay. However, I've worked hard to improve the graphics, and I think Dirk 2 looks much better than the original. Adding cel shading to the characters, lighting effects, shadows, and a wider variety of textures and background art has really improved the visual aspect of the game. Hopefully players will agree.

From the gameplay standpoint, I think Dirk 2 is a lot of fun. He's got more moves, more weapons, and more gadgets. He's got a health system, so there's no more instant death. And the new inventory, which gives you the ability to pick up gadgets and use them whenever you want, has allowed me to get very creative with the level designs. Having gadgets in your inventory often gives you multiple solutions to various obstacles and puzzles that you encounter. And since the player can carry the x-ray glasses around with them, I've gotten more devious at hiding stuff. ;) The health system has also enabled me to create more dangerous/intense situations for Dirk, which makes the game more exciting.

I'm eager to complete this game and see what people think of it. I just wish it didn't take so long to build the levels!

Dirk Dashing 2 Production Update
By Rustybolts, 7 May 2011 at 10:38 pm UTC

Cheers Troy!
Looking forward to the release of Dirk 2, I already have and enjoy playing Dirk 1, Oh and welcome to the forums!

Dirk Dashing 2 Production Update
By MyGameCompany, 7 May 2011 at 2:55 pm UTC

Hi Rustybolts,

I just want to thank you for posting the news about my game to your readers. I know that you've been faithfully posting my newsletter updates almost every month, and I really appreciate it. As an indie developer, I need all the publicity I can get!

Troy Hepfner
My Game Company

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Hamish, 6 May 2011 at 5:36 pm UTC

Just to throw my hat into the ring, how about Majesty 2? :D

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Liam Dawe, 6 May 2011 at 8:34 am UTC

Well i doubt it would kill him to post something in public once now and then, if he's doing it in private then it could be because he isn't doing much and just making himself look good to his friends on FB. Not to bash the guy but until we see what they are up to people will think that.

Sacred 2 would be a pretty cool port, i honestly as well hope it is a newer game and not one of their older in-porting for x years games. But then it would prove to their customers they can finish stuff if they did finish up their older ports.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By MaximB, 6 May 2011 at 7:06 am UTC

@liamdawe : well except his Wii fit updates and calories gained afterwards he also says sometimes about how hard he works.

I really hope it's unannounced title and not too old one.
Sacred 2 + Expansions, I will buy for the right price.

Sadly there is no chance they will ever port "The Witcher", but the sequel does have *some* chances to be ported someday.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Brandon Smith, 5 May 2011 at 10:31 pm UTC

Hehe, good on ya MaximB!

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Hamish, 5 May 2011 at 7:12 pm UTC

Phoronix have posted their own comments on the blog post:

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Liam Dawe, 5 May 2011 at 4:47 pm UTC

Michael updating his facebook means nothing for LGP unless they are LGP related though. It just means he is alive, since others do the work for LGP not just him.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By MaximB, 5 May 2011 at 1:40 pm UTC

@Brandon Smith :
Couldn't resist and bought Disciples 2 Gold from .
Sorry but there is a limit on how much I can wait for a game, and if I get it without the expansions at higher price (x4) - it's not worth it for me.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By MaximB, 5 May 2011 at 1:38 pm UTC

Off course LGP are alive, I see Michael updating his Facebook status every day ;)

The sad thing is that I gave up on old games and I sin by buying many games from that work on Linux.
It's not something that I'm proud of, and not something I want to publish on LGN - but that's the truth.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Liam Dawe, 5 May 2011 at 1:12 pm UTC

I would much prefer a more up to date game, most of their games are so old you cannot change screen resolution which looks aweful on my 24" monitor.

Then again it's just nice to see them active again, i want it to be bandits really, game looks cool.

Monster Rpg 2 Full Linux Port
By , 5 May 2011 at 6:27 am UTC

You're welcome :). If you have any issues please let me know!

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Brandon Smith, 5 May 2011 at 3:55 am UTC

It better be Disciples 2

FLARE 0.13 Released!
By Brandon Smith, 5 May 2011 at 3:50 am UTC

I would like to get my Diablo on.

Linux Game Publishing...are alive?
By Hamish, 4 May 2011 at 5:50 pm UTC

Sounds good, was wondering about them recently, especially with the sale on Tux Games.

Monster Rpg 2 Full Linux Port
By Hamish, 4 May 2011 at 5:48 pm UTC

We Fedora and other alternative distro users appreciate the effort Trent. Keep up the good work!

Monster Rpg 2
By , 4 May 2011 at 5:31 am UTC

The generic Linux port is available now at Of course testing every distro out there is not possible, but I think it should be compatible for the most part. If it's not we can work on it.

Helena The 3rd
By Liam Dawe, 28 April 2011 at 7:40 pm UTC

Added a link to the demo in the news post.

Helena The 3rd
By Brandon Smith, 28 April 2011 at 1:14 am UTC

Hahahaha, I will forever love that video Venn.

By , 27 April 2011 at 7:51 pm UTC

Just tried it.. what a great game! Really well done. The music is really nice, too!

...looking forward to the final game! Thanks for making it for Linux!

Want to win a copy of the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle?
By Liam Dawe, 27 April 2011 at 8:56 am UTC

I try to run these types of things now and then but it seems it hasn't prompted anyone to chat, so another failure :