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The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By Surfpup, 12 April 2011 at 5:31 pm UTC

It says the download links will stay for "the foreseeable future." I still have access to my download links from the first bundle, so I wouldn't be worried about it too much. Also, they give you the option of using torrents, which last as long as there is at least one person seeding them - potentially a long time.

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By Hamish, 12 April 2011 at 5:22 pm UTC


I missed out on the first bundle, and was going to participate in the second but everyone's credit cards were spent so I ran out of time. So I really hope that they do as they did before and give out the games in the old bundle if you pay more than average again (makes sense actually, as that would probably up the average for each bundle). I already have Osmos of course thanks to Maxim (thank you very much ;)), but I would not mind trying Braid just to see what everyone goes on about (probably the only indie game with more hype surrounding it would be Minecraft).

So, with these download links, do you get to keep the link forever or is it a limited time span? With my internet I would prefer to have them around for a long time. If not I suppose we could download them at either my fathers or my brothers work... damn bandwidth capping! :mad:

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By Surfpup, 12 April 2011 at 5:11 pm UTC

I love the humble indie bundles. I've been thinking about getting Shadowgrounds, so naturally I had to get this bundle. But, this bundle doesn't have as much variety as previous ones and all the games are from the same developer. Also, I was kind of hoping to get preview/early access builds of Splot, but it sounds like we just get it when it is officially released.

Jack Claw is just an abandoned incomplete prototype for a game that they stopped working on - I suppose if people like it enough, they could extend the code and make it a complete game.

I haven't played any of these yet; looks like they wouldn't be able to run on my netbook, so I'll probably play them when I get home.

Tux Games Sale!
By Maquis196, 12 April 2011 at 10:14 am UTC

I had the tin, I think it got badly damaged so I had to despose of it :(. I got the linux edition of Quake 1 with a couple of expansion packs which was nice (bought that in a brick and mortar shop - Game!)

Alpha Centauri will always be my prized posession, it was the game that got me into Linux, bought that at a computer fair! I might take a pic or two once my new stuff arrives

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By Liam Dawe, 12 April 2011 at 9:55 am UTC

Yeah i will probably buy it as well.

Not just to have a better download link for shadowground since i already own it, but it's a good cause.

Quoting: "MaximB, post: 1539"Although I already have some of the games I'll definitely contribute more.

And I've been told by the developers that the "Windows" game in the bundle is being ported to Linux and Mac.

O, and they fixed a lot of bugs in the SG games (which made the game unstable and crashed it very often).

Can you point us to where the developers said they are porting the game?

Also where is a link to what has changed/been fixed in the HB shadowgrounds?

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By forces, 12 April 2011 at 9:50 am UTC

I'll probably get this! 'we we we so excited!' :D

The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
By MaximB, 12 April 2011 at 9:30 am UTC

Although I already have some of the games I'll definitely contribute more.

And I've been told by the developers that the "Windows" game in the bundle is being ported to Linux and Mac.

O, and they fixed a lot of bugs in the SG games (which made the game unstable and crashed it very often).

Monster Rpg 2
By , 12 April 2011 at 5:41 am UTC

Hamish, you are right that it is possible to still run old games, but I've had trouble with them. You have to jump through hoops sometimes like getting compat libs and the like. For Terminus you have to run

echo "terminus 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/ossrnecho "terminus 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss

Some programs dynamically link and you run into problems because different distro build different versions of packages. You get problems with some things because GTK 1 is dead. You have the mess that came with pulseaudio and all the games that had to release updates to support it. I've had to fight to get FAKK2 Heavy Gear2 to work at times. rnrnBut I guess what I really meant was "LSB, but better." A larger list of library ABIs that a developer can reasonable rely on. Maybe LSB got better since I last looked at it.rnrnAlso, I think that all of the native package managers need to provide a common, generic install interface that installers like bitrock, mojo and can target to tell the system "I'm installing this list of files as a package named Foo" so the package manager can be aware of the files, checksum them if it wants and uninstall them if needed. I could see an easy way to bolt that onto portage. I'm not as familiar with rpm or dpkg but I believe it has to be possible. I wouldn't expect dependency management and I wouldn't try to update management in pass-one. Just a simple 'put these files on the system and give them a name' API for all distros with maybe some architecture queries so a developer doesn't need to make and maintain a 32 & 64 bit deb file, rpm and tarball while drawing the ire of users on systems that have some other package manger. That is wasted duplication in most cases.rnrnThese problems are not the end of the world and it can be overstated. Assuming I have a means to purchase a program in the first place I can usually get it to run. But when it comes to Linux as a platform to support, it's still more difficult than the other platforms. That's not a boogie man. It doesn't need to be and it can be addressed in a manner that doesn't destroy the ability for retain the qualities their target audiences like. rnrnLastly, asking (or expecting) an indie developer to maintain support matrix like the one trentg valiantly listed I think is unreasonable. I love that he's giving it the effort, but I wish it didn't seem necessary.rnrnAlso, sorry about my apostrophes getting mangled. I don't know what I'm doing, but I read my post and I see them getting back whacked or omitted or both. I only see it in my posts, so it's something I've got messed up. I find it annoying and I bet other do too. I don't mean to.

Tux Games Sale!
By Hamish, 11 April 2011 at 5:14 pm UTC

Wow, nice collection you got there! Care to post a picture a picture of it?

Before I die I want to get myself a copy of the Quake III Linux Collectors tin by Loki as well as the boxed Linux copies of Quake: The Offering and Quake II: Colossus produced by Macmillan Digital Publishing. As they are getting rarer it would make a fine collection I think. :D

Tux Games Sale!
By Maquis196, 11 April 2011 at 11:05 am UTC

Finally I can finish my project to own every commercial linux game... already own all the loki titles from back when they still operated (except rune, I'm very happy, just spent £112 at tuxgames! Shame that tuxgames link hasn't got a referral code on it, do tuxgames still use those?

Monster Rpg 2
By , 9 April 2011 at 8:03 pm UTC

Just a quick status update... a few people have tested a bit on Arch Linux, and it appears to run fine there. Thanks for that. The update is taking longer than I expected, but it will be ready as soon as I can manage. Probably need a good 2 weeks to a month extension. It will get done though. Thanks for your patience.

Tux Games Sale!
By Hamish, 9 April 2011 at 6:43 pm UTC

Traditionally Michael Simms and Co. have not had that much luck with sales. Let's hope this one will be different. Too bad we have to budget for needed computer repairs and upgrades at the moment...

Moar games sales!
By Hamish, 9 April 2011 at 6:41 pm UTC

Yes Moar! Moar! Moar! :D

*ducks swiftly to avoid liam's mighty wrath*

Tux Games Sale!
By Liam Dawe, 9 April 2011 at 11:50 am UTC

Pitty as there is a few games i want but i don't get paid until 21st, typical.

Tux Games Sale!
By EvilTux, 9 April 2011 at 10:02 am UTC also have sale

Tux Games Sale!
By Rustybolts, 9 April 2011 at 9:07 am UTC

Just bought myself a copy of Shadowgrounds Survivor for a measly £7.50 :)

Monster Rpg 2
By Hamish, 8 April 2011 at 2:50 am UTC

Quoting: "Eddward, post: 1518"I think it's fair to say that Linux distros need to cooperate more on compatibility matters.

Not saying I disagree with you, but what exactly would you suggest they do differently?

On the whole I have not had any real compatibility problems even with really old Loki games, or with more modern games built on other distros (TTimo builds the id games on Debian, for example, and I never had any problems on Fedora). We of course appreciate the broad testing being conducted by the developer in this case, and it certainly will make Monster RPG 2 a better product, but the Linux "distro incompatibility" bogeyman is for the most part overstated. If you use standard libraries (SDL, OpenAL, OpenGL) then for the most part you are golden.

Monster Rpg 2
By Liam Dawe, 7 April 2011 at 9:53 am UTC

I've tested it a bit on Ubuntu 11.04 with open source AMD drivers, no problems all pretty smooth.

Monster Rpg 2
By , 6 April 2011 at 12:47 am UTC

Do you think acceleration is needed? (I didnt sys any system requirements on the web page, but I only looked a minute or so.) I have a couple of x86 laptops I could reinstall to help cover the 32bit flavors.

Also, big kudos for trying to cover so much. I would have said to just test debian, fedora and maybe something like opensuse or the latest mandrake incarnation. Smaller distros or ones that allow heavy customization like Gentoo are probably a little over ambitious. (I say that as a Gentoo fan.)

I think it's fair to say that Linux distros need to cooperate more on compatibility matters. I'm thinking LSB but better. I was just bummed because I don't know how to buy from Canonical's app store without running a newish Ubuntu. It didn't matter if I could make it run.

Spiral Knights Released!
By , 5 April 2011 at 2:03 am UTC

That game looks fun! Is it like multiplayer Zelda?

Monster Rpg 2
By , 4 April 2011 at 8:53 pm UTC

Sorry, the game uses OpenGL which is not reliable in most VMs. I wouldn't count it as a valid test. Thanks for the offer though.

Spiral Knights Released!
By , 4 April 2011 at 8:22 pm UTC

Works lovely on my ArchLinux box!

Nice graphics too, dunno about the gameplay though.

Monster Rpg 2
By tweakedenigma, 4 April 2011 at 7:48 pm UTC

I would be willing to help out. Would testing in a VM be ok?

Monster Rpg 2
By , 4 April 2011 at 7:23 pm UTC


I'm looking for testers for operating systems that haven't been tested. So far what's covered:

Fedora 13 x86
Arch x64
openSuse x64
Funtoo x64 (this might cover gentoo also, not sure)

Some I would really like to test are:
Arch x86
Fedora, latest both archs
Latest openSuse both archs
Gentoo both archs
Mint both
Debian both
Slackware both

I don't think I need people to test the whole game on all of these distros. Maybe someone wants to be a basic coverage tester and install all of these distros and make sure that 1) the game starts up, 2) it runs with all features such as sound working. 3) you can play through the first battle (this is a 5 minute test). You could probably get away with testing only one arch per distro, varying back and forth such as Arch x86, Fedora x64, opensuse x86 and so on. If someone wants to do this that would be really great. If not, I might do a little more spot testing myself.


Monster Rpg 2
By tweakedenigma, 4 April 2011 at 3:21 pm UTC

Are you looking for any Linux distro? Or are you looking for some specific targets?

Monster Rpg 2
By Hamish, 4 April 2011 at 4:47 am UTC

Hey, that sounds tempting, but I can not do anything about that right this second unfortunately. If the offer is still available in a few weeks, I might just try my hand at being your Fedora tester. :D

Monster Rpg 2
By , 2 April 2011 at 4:28 pm UTC

Hello. A generic Linux port is possible but since it's a one man show now, with me handling and testing the updates myself, it's quite a big job. I could do it though if I could get a couple testers who could test the game on various distros besides Ubuntu, in return for a free copy of the game (and if you do a thorough job, testing credits.) If anyone is interested email me at trent2/at/ I would be selling the game on, the same way as the Windows version (probably a combo buy one version get them all.)

Monster Rpg 2
By Hamish, 1 April 2011 at 5:24 pm UTC

Yeah, that was my thinking to. The problem is Desura has been dragging its feet with regards to porting to Linux for how long? Despite it being the most requested feature by it's user base?

Monster Rpg 2
By , 1 April 2011 at 12:31 am UTC

After thinking about it a bit, it might be nice if Nooskewl supported Desura once they get Linux support in place. I'm sure they just want the easy channel. (Of course I'm hoping Desura doesn't go Ubuntu only as well.) They could also see if they could slip into a Humble Bundle. If it's at least a few hours worth of game play, I'd pay more than $3 for it. I like RPGs.rnrnOn a side note, I keep seeing cool Linux gaming site in Polish. I need to find a way to get Google to translate an RSS feed.

Monster Rpg 2
By , 1 April 2011 at 12:10 am UTC

That was my thought. I'm currenty running an older Ubuntu that has Software Center but none of the games that are supposed to be available in it. I haven't decided yet, but but my next install is either going to be Gentoo (again) or one of the rolling Debians. rnrnI'm truly crossed with Canonical. It seems they keep trying to balkanize Linux. For what it's worth, I can't really blame Nooskewl since they aren't the one who created the situation, however if I can't buy the game, I won't. It's a shame too. It looks like a nice game.