Viewing all the latest articles (news, guides and more).

Build & Defend Survival Co-Op Rogue-like Game 1.0.22 Released

By Liam Dawe,
Build & Defend is the pretty fun looking co-op survival rogue-like game that doesn't seem to get enough attention.

Maratis Another Open-Source Game Engine

By Liam Dawe,
Move over Godot, you aren't the only open-source game engine in town. Maratis is also free and open source!

GOL Cast: Exploring Ecosystems in Waking Mars

By Samsai,
Being an astronaut and exploring planets far away would be awesome, but sadly becoming an astronaut is really difficult and there won't be any missions to Mars or even Moon for a long time. Oh well, luckily we still have games that allow us to do that.

KiloBite Brings The Classic Game 'Snake' Into 3D With Fun Results & A Video

By Liam Dawe,
KiloBite is an the next logical step for snake, 3D! A simple HighScore chaser with a beautiful retro look; which can be left on or mixed and matched to achieve a look you like.

Planetary Annihilation RTS Major Updates, New Linux Gameplay Video

By Liam Dawe,
Planetary Annihilation has some more spit and polish now as they work through their Gamma phase of development, they have recently improved art, the lobby, the AI and more!

Esenthel Next-Gen Game Engine, Supports Linux

By Liam Dawe,
With all the talk of game engines giving Linux support recently, here is another. Esenthel game engine classes itself as a "Next-Gen" game engine with advanced features.

White Noise Online, An Adventure & Horror Game

By Liam Dawe,
White Noise Online looks extremely interesting. It is a mix between horror and adventure that can be played solo, co-op or even online. It needs help getting onto Steam.

Battle Chess: Game of Kings Will Be Heading To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Battle Chess: Game of Kings looks like it will be coming to Linux as a developer confirms it on their Steam forum.

Get Ready For Some Thumping Tunes In Crypt Of The NecroDancer

By Liam Dawe,
This is just magical, Crypt of the NecroDander is a hardcore dungeon crawling (roguelike) rhythm game. It features an epic sound-track and the ability to play with your own music.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.15 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.15 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 53 bugfixes.

Breach & Clear Tactical Squad Strategy Game Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Breach & Clear brings deep tactical strategy simulation to Windows, Mac and Linux! Build your Special Operations team, plan and execute advanced missions, and own every angle.

Influent Educational Language Game Out Now

By HadBabits,
Influent, a new vocabulary building language game has been released. I decided to purchase it myself to improve my Spanish vocabulary and so far I'd say mission accomplished!

The Last Federation Sci-Fi Strategy New Game-Play Footage, Looking Fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
The Last Federation is a space sci-fi strategy game I am seriously looking forward to, it mixes some good unit graphics with beautiful space backdrops.

Paper Dungeons Roguelike/Tactics Game Now Out For Linux On Desura, My Thoughts & Video

By Liam Dawe,
Paper Dungeons is a brand new mix of tactics and roguelike dungeon crawling all in one neat little package.

Octopus City Blues Game-Like Adventure Game Available For Pre-Order

By Liam Dawe,
Octopus City Blues is certainly an interesting title, the developers don't even say it's actually a game, they say it is "game-like" hah. Well to be more precise they also call it an authentic Octopus City Simulation Software (OCSS). Freaked out yet? I am.

Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube First Person Puzzle Game Has A Trailer, Hooray!

By Liam Dawe,
Remember Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube the first person puzzle game, no? Well I can forgive you as it's not exactly an easy to remember name. We showed you a preview of it before and it now has a brand-spanking new trailer to burn your eyes out with.

Secrets of Rætikon Stylish Adventure Game Alpha 17 Out With New Sound Effects

By Liam Dawe,
Secrets of Rætikon is an extremely stylish aventure game currently in Early Access and they have unleashed their seventeenth alpha, that's a lot of alpha.

Science Girls Anime RPG & Visual Novel Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Science Girls is a 2009 anime visual novel and RPG hybrid, it has now hit Steam with a new version that features updated graphics and sound.

NVIDIA, AMD, Intel Explain How OpenGL Can Unlock 15x Performance Gains, With Slides

By Liam Dawe,
Well this is mighty fine, seems the big guns have teamed up on this one to talk about performance gains in OpenGL.

Starbound Stable Updates, New Weather & Encounters Available

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the really fantastic 2D universe sandbox game has pushed out a small content update into its stable branch on Steam, including some wild weather!