A new release for Linux in Steam's Early Access is Steam Bandits: Outpost what will become a free to play game in the future, it looks pretty decent too.
Ah, zombies. There can never be enough of them, right? Well, getting stranded on an island infested with the things after a storm nearly sinks your ship and drowns you might sound like a perfect vacation to you then.
I don't usually point out developers blog posts unless they say something interesting, luckily the developer of Democracy 3, Gratuitous Space Battles, Redshirt & more has said something I bet a lot of developers now feel.
Interstellaria the 2d space SIM/RPG/Sandbox game has a new alpha trailer and wow this game looks fantastic, this is going to be a true must-have for sci-fi space fans.
Have you ever wondered what it felt like to pilot the Millennium Falcon through the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back; dodging asteroids and evading enemy fighters? Well Scavenger looks nothing like it Star Wars, but it does look like some good wireframe fun.
The original Natural Selection modification of Half Life has been put onto github by the developers, pretty nice move.
In NeonXSZ (pronounced Neon Excesses) you are injected into cyberspace to stake your place in a war of virus verses machine. During your journey you will fly dozens of spaceships with hundreds of upgrades allowing you to create totally unique spacecraft with which to wage war.
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.11 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 46 bugfixes. It includes a preparation work for D3D command stream.
The Leadwerks game creation tool has pushed passed two major Linux issues the developers came across making way for the Linux release. Good news everyone!
Fancy Skulls the fun looking and a bit odd FPS game has released two point versions recently and we have the scoop for you. I also captured a little video so feast your eyes.
Planetary Annihilation the massive scale RTS has received its first patch for 2014 and it includes some pretty sweeping changes!
Octodad: Dadliest Catch is about destruction, deception, and fatherhood. The player controls Octodad, a dapper octopus masquerading as a human, as he goes about daily life.
Estranged: Act I tells the story of a lone fisherman, whose ship is stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm.
So Steam Dev Days is off again and we are here again to bring you the highlights from afar in lonely UK.
The one we have all been waiting for will warp-in for Starbound next week, this patch will be the long awaited backwards-compatibility patch!
As if it wasn't hard enough to just get-by in Don't Starve, the developers has teased the first DLC titled "Reign of Giants", oh crap.
Lestac is a quirky, lovingly crafted 2D exploration platformer with an ever-growing world and soundtrack. It's currently on the newer Itch.io game store in Early Access and you won't find it on other stores.
Well Steam Dev Days has kicked off in style and we have a little bit of the lowdown here for you, keep an eye on this post as I will keep updating it to keep everyone in the loop as much as I can!
0RBITALIS is a gravity-based puzzle game. Launch probes to explore remote constellations and send interplanetary missiles against other planets. Whatever you chose, you'll be alone facing the strongest enemy in the Universe: Gravity. Study it; trick it; defeat it. With just one click.
Loren The Amazon Princess is a fantasy epic combining intricate turn-based battles with a heroic tale of overcoming evil -- with a twist! In this tale, you play as a loyal servant of the hero rather than the hero herself.