Magicite is a very colourful looking RPG that I bet you will love, funded on Kickstarter it is great to see it now playable.
Rust the extremely succesful early access survival game on Steam has now hit well over 1 million purchases, they have also finally removed Zombies from the game.
The developer of The Swapper already confirmed some time ago that a Linux version would be done, looks like it is now getting really, really close!
In a move that will please developers Valve has opened up the source code to their VR API so anyone can now dive in.
The Funding Crowd is finally back! Somewhat later than we intended, but making it is what matters the most rather than making it fast, as they say.
Valve are again spreading the joy to developers with free games, this time the Ubuntu developers are now eligible to get free Valve games!
The currently in-beta Jagged Alliance: Back in Action is due to be pushed out properly to Linux users on the 14th of February.
No idea how I missed RimWorld as it looks fantastic, funded by Kickstarter RimWorld aims to be a pretty interesting colony building simulator.
You probably don't remember, but I told you about The Last Federation in November of 2013. The Last Federation is developed by the same developers that created Bionic Dues, AI War and Skyward Collapse. Their newest game has finally been shown off.
Warsow is a fast paced first person shooter with some pretty stylish cartoon graphics, they have just released a brand new beta with big changes.
Arena of Heroes is a game I just discovered that is actually quite decent for a free to play game. With decent graphics and interesting game-play.
As promised we took some time to speak to the guys behind Kerbal Space Program, a game where you take control of your own space program and launch little Kerbals into space.
Jazzpunk is a comedy adventure set in an alternate reality Cold War World, plagued with corporate espionage, CyberCrime, and sentient martinis.
If you remember back in October of last year I mentioned that Alcarys Complex would be heading over to Linux, I am pleased to say it has now dropped and works great!
Developers introduced a new point release 1.7.12 of a development branch of Wine. While keeping with a two week release cycle, They were able to push out many new features and 89 bugfixes.
Door Kickers the really interesting SWAT real time tactics game has released it's eighth alpha version completing its class system.
Planet Explorers the epic looking open world voxel based sandbox game is heading to Steam Early Access towards the end of this month.
The epic episodic RPG games Eschalon: Book I & Eschalon: Book II are now on Steam for Linux ahead of Book III's release.
Steam has now taken a first small step towards increasing awareness of their SteamOS with new branding on their top navigation.
We first introduced you to Probably Archery back in November last year, it's now on Steam with a handy launch discount if you didn't pick it up before!