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Red Baron Remake Adds Linux and SteamOS Support

By Samsai,
Two days ago we published an article about Mad Otter Games asking if there anyone was interested for a Linux port of their Red Baron remake that they are kickstarting. We Linux users are quite vocal about things we like and many people displayed their interest in the comments and now they have given an official response to us Linux gamers.

Left 4 Dead 2 Graduates Linux School, Now Officially Available

By Liam Dawe,
Well folks Left 4 Dead 2 now has a Linux icon and it's beta tag completely removed, this follows some essential fixes they did.

Knytt Underground & Nihilumbra Platformers On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Two new platformers are now on Steam for you lovely lovely people to enjoy, both rated well and should be worth a look!

Spooky Range - A new Unity3D FPS for Halloween

By Hamish,
Spooky Range is a new Unity3D powered first person shooter that is currently available for pre-order on Desura and will be released the day before Halloween.

The Wine Development Release 1.7.5 Is Now Available

By sobkas,
Continuing their effort of improving experimental Wine branch, developers have reached new goalpost and released version: 1.7.5. It includes many additional features and 30 bugfixes for known problems present in version 1.7.4.

Want To See Red Baron On Linux? The Developers Are Listening!

By Liam Dawe,
It's time to ramp up the support of a Linux version for the new Red Baron flight combat sim, the developers are listening.

Neocolonialism World Manipulation Strategy

By Liam Dawe,
Neocolonialism - Buy votes. Extract wealth. Exploit the working class. Negotiate. Backstab. Manipulate parliaments. Manipulate the International Monetary Fund. Manipulate the world. The map is upside-down.

Sparkle 2 Evo On Steam

By Liam Dawe,
Control the evolution with the touch of your finger. Climb your way through the evolutional ladder. Start as a little organism and transform into a magnificent aquatic being. Explore the abyss in search of nutritional elements. Attack other species whenever you run out of other food sources.

Forced Action RPG Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Forced is a one- to four-player co-op arcade action RPG with puzzle and tactical elements. You are cast as slaves in the toughest fantasy gladiator school of them all, condemned to fight to the death, all the while attempting to win your freedom.

Another Don't Starve Survival Game Content Update

By Liam Dawe,
Klei Entertainment are super awesome aren't they? Releasing so much extra content for free for Don't Starve.

Cheese Talks: The Steam Hardware & Software Survey

By Cheeseness,
Ever since the Steam Hardware & Software Survey began showing Linux statistics, I've been asked to write about it. This month I've taken some time to talk about why the survey is important, pitfalls to watch out for when interpreting it, and some suggestions for improvement. I also take a look at how Linux userbase figures shift when adjusted for title count and find an interesting correlation.

Alone An Immersive VR Horror Experience For The Oculus Rift

By Liam Dawe,
The developers emailed this in one to let us know about Alone, a very interesting looking horror game for the Oculus Rift which supports Linux of course.

Minecraft 1.7.1 Major Release Imminent With Massive Changes

By Liam Dawe,
The latest major update to Minecraft (1.7.1) and one of it's biggest yet is about to drop on our plates!

Democracy 3 Is Out For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Have you ever wanted to be president? or prime-minister? Convinced you could do a better job of running the country? Let's face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders. Crime, Unemployment, National Debt, Terrorism, Climate Change...

Door Kickers Real Time Tactics Alpha 5 is out!

By Liam Dawe,
Door Kickers is an innovative Real-Time Tactics game that puts you in charge of a SWAT team. With your help we can make this The Ultimate Swat Team Command Simulator.

Monster RPG 2 To Go Non-Free After Succesfully Crowdfunding To Become Open Source UPDATED

By Liam Dawe,
Some more sad news today folks, Trent from Nooskewl has made a blog post detailing why the currently open source game Monster RPG 2 is to become non-free again.

GamingOnLinux Reviews - Trine 2: Complete Story

By Hamish,
Rating: 8.5/10 The original Trine (2009) first became notable to me after I had discovered that its developer Frozenbyte had given full permission to redistribute certain screenshots of the game under a Creative Commons license as long as an attribution back to them was preserved...

7 Days To Die Taken Down From Steam

By Liam Dawe,
7 Days To Die is a promising looking zombie survival and crafting game that was kickstarted and will head to Linux, sadly Tripwire Interactive the makers behind Killing Floor filed a claim against them.

Timothy Zahn's Parallax Turn Based 4X Strategy With Interview!

By Liam Dawe,
Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate your way across a galaxy of Timothy Zahn's favorite aliens...and some of your own. I interviewed them on the project and here is the result!

The Indie Game Developer Community & Unity3D

By Liam Dawe,
So, some see Unity3D as one of the saviours of Linux gaming along with Steam. I, however, have been thinking more on this recently, and feel that it could be dangerous, not just for Linux, but for Indie developers in general to be so heavily reliant on one game engine.