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Fortix 2 is best described as a reverse turret defense game. As Sir Fortix, the knight, you must conquer castles while dodging tower turrets and evil monsters.
SUPERHOT is an FPS game where time moves only when you move. The innovative time control mechanics create gameplay never seen before. TAKE YOUR TIME! Get rid of aggressive enemies with grace, style and the intense satisfaction.
Planetary Annihilation an RTS game currently in alpha testing is due to go into beta on the 26th of September which means it will drop in price from $70 to $60 and a whole host of new features will be pushed!
BlastEm has the goal of being an extermely accurate Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) emulator while still running on relatively modest hardware by using advanced techniques.
Captain your own space ship and roam the galaxy in 3D in this tactical space simulator with tons of RPG depth ! Space has never looked so inviting - but images can betray...
Gaming, game capturing and video editing, does that sound like Linux to you? Few years ago most of us most likely would have said "no", but I am here to show you the current situation and prove that old fact wrong! Step into my lair of Linux gaming videos!
Something odd has happened to Steam for Linux and you might face some difficulties starting/restarting it at the moment. We don't know what causes this, but luckily we have a quick temporary fix for you!
Democracy 3 is now available for pre-order which comes with the beta version, beware though the port is not done by the developer so we may see issues like we did with Gratuitous Space Battles and lack of updates and DLC.
Valve are making another Linux push towards having their full library available on Linux, this time it's Half-Life: Source & Half-Life Deathmatch: Source.
Worlds of Magic is a 4X game being developed by a team of Master of Magic fans, determined to recapture the gameplay feel of the original MoM but with updated technology.