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Monsters! A new alpha funded game on Desura

By Liam Dawe,
Monsters is a 2D action shooter inspired by the classic arcade game Robotron 2084. Wielding “twin stick” controls, the player aims to defeat waves of enemy monsters bent on his destruc...

Strike Suit Zero is still on it's way to Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
I spoke to the developers of Strike Suit Zero via twitter to try to find out when the game is coming to Linux!

Devana - open source browser strategy game

By Andrei Busuioc,
Hello there! My name is Andrei Busuioc, I'm the developer of Devana (anopen source browser strategy game). The kind of game where you build structures, research technologies, craft components, ...

Dead Cyborg scifi adventure episode 2 now available!

By Liam Dawe,
Dead Cyborg scifi adventure game episode 2 now available! Easily one of the best looking adventure games available on Linux!

Humble Bundle with Android 5!

By Liam Dawe,
Here we go another Humble Bundle, this time an Android bundle! Pay what you want, get games, support charity.

Hostile Takeover new video to show off gameplay

By Liam Dawe,
Hostile Takeover an isometric assassination/stealth game inspired by classics like Fallout, X-COM and Syndicate has a new video showing off...

Enemy needs less than $3000 for Simultaneous platform release

By Liam Dawe,
Enemy is a role playing game, so you will create and gradually level-up your own custom retro game character, with a mix of skills ranging from mental health and reaction t...

UFHO2 competitive turn-based game released on Desura

By Liam Dawe,
UFHO2 is a competitive turn-based game of wits. Half strategy, half board game, all fun.

Train Fever, the 21st century Transport Tycoon, is coming to Linux

By muntdefems,
Urban Games, the Swiss team behind Train Fever, recently...

The developers or Defenders Quest show off Linux sales!

By Liam Dawe,
This is great to see, the developers of Defenders Quest have done a blog post to show off Linux Sales! ...

Rochard "Hard Times" DLC Released

By Hamish,
Rochard, the puzzle-platformer that has the distinct honour of being the first ever Unity3D game released for Linux thanks to its inclusion with Humble Indie Bundle 6, now has a little more content. Developer Recoil Games have released their "Hard...

New demo available for the innovative new runner and Next Game Boss finalist: Death Boulder Bones

By Zac Delventhal, Grandendroit, the indie-dev team behind the exciting new auto-runner Death Boulder Bones, has released a new demo in conjunction with their ongoing Ki...

Steams February stats are out, Linux rises again to over 2%

By Liam Dawe,
So as usual Steam has published their monthly user statistics and it's looking ever better for Linux! We're now over 2%.

AlterEgo: DreamWalker Now on Linux

By avarisclari,
AlterEgo is a multi-level, platform game where you navigate around platforms, obstacles and monsters to collect jumping pixels.

3 new bundles with Linux titles in them

By muntdefems,
3 bundles containing Linux native games have been launched today. You can get them at Indie Royale and at

ANOMALY 2 announced with Linux support!

By Liam Dawe,
Two weeks ago, 11 bit studios offered gamers a chance to buy its secret next game at half price. Today, that secret game was unveiled as 11 bit studios announces Anomaly 2, the sequel to the award...

Champions of Regnum MMORPG released on Steam

By shaunix,
Free MMORPG now on Steam "Champions of Regnum".

Sacred Line - free dark adventure/surreal thriller got an upgrade

By sashadarko,
Sacred Line 1.2b Overhaul is released. It's totally redone version with new content, updated graphics/physics, bug/grammar/whatever fixes, also introduces secret ending.

Jonathan Blow on Linux users buying games and The Witness

By Liam Dawe,
So this made me a bit confused, John Blow creator of Braid seems to think Linux users don't really buy games outside...

Jon Shafer's At the Gates an empire builder confirmed for Linux

By Liam Dawe,
At the Gates - Lead a barbarian kingdom to glory during the final days of the Roman Empire. An empire builder by Jon Shafer, designer of Civ. The develope...