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A 2012 review and what's in store for 2013?

By Liam Dawe,
First of all Happy New Year to all! 2012 what year! Has been full of ups for Linux this year and I think easily one of the most important years for Linux gaming, this is aimed to be a small roundup of 2012 with a reminder of interesting news...

Cheese Talks: More Cross-platform Humble Bundle Details Than You Ever Wanted To Know!

By Cheeseness,
Hi people. As many of you are aware, I've spent the last month or so slaving over hot research for a new article on Humble Bundle stuff. With the recent no...

Red Orchestra 2 coming to Linux?

By CzarnyNalesnik,
Look at this twitter between Ryan Gordon and John Gibson (co-owner Tripwire Interactive, the authors of the "Red Orchestra" series):

Torque3D reminder!

By Liam Dawe,
Just a reminder folks over a week ago Headclot posted about Torque3D needing funds to port to Linux well this is a reminder since it seems they have had...

Organ Trail: Director's Cut

By Liam Dawe,
A new release on Desura - Organ Trail: Director's Cut is a retro zombie survival game made with Unity3D.

Steam working towards better supporting other distros!

By Liam Dawe,
A Steam developer johnv has written on the Steam Linux Group forum asking for feedback on package install changes. QuoteWe&...

GamingOnLinux Reviews - Rochard

By Hamish,
Game Information: Name: Rochard Released: September 27, 2011 Developer: Recoil Games Rating: 8/10 Hardware Specifications: Processor: AMD Sempron 140 2.7 Ghz Video ...

Humble Indie Bundle 7 expanded with more games!

By Liam Dawe,
The Humble Indie Bundle 7 has added some more games to keep you going! The new games: The basement collectionCave Story+Offspring Fling

OpenTTD new major RC release

By Liam Dawe,
OpenTTD the awesome Transport Tycoon Deluxe inspired open source game has hit 1.3.0 RC1 with a lot of new features and bug fixes.

Eschalon Book 1+2 heading to Steam

By Liam Dawe,
The awesome RPG games Eschalon Book 1&2 will be heading to Steam, this comes direct from the developer! QuoteYep, Eschalon Book 1 & 2 will be on @steam_games Li...

Linux build of Unity game "Windward" - sea MMORPG, inspired by Sid Meier's Pirates.

By q4a,
Few weeks ago Tasharen Entertainment released Linux build of Unity game "Windward" - sea MMORPG, inspired by Sid Meier's Pirates. Game looks like nice MMORPG and you still can play with bots. Game

Andy's Super Great Park

By Stuffomatic,
Hi, we are a young indie game studio from Nantes, in France, and we have recently finished our first complete game: Andy's Super Great Park. It is available for Windows and Ubuntu. A demo can be downloaded from the

Dragon Fantasy will come to Linux! 8-bit graphical goodness

By Liam Dawe,
Dragon Fantasy devs have posted on their desura page to confirm the game is currently in testing for Linux! A...

Ensign-1 gets new missions and models!

By Liam Dawe,
Ensign-1 a space combat sim from Only Human Studios has had some blog posts recently outl...

Paradox games coming to Linux, Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4 and up

By Liam Dawe,
Paradox Interactive have confirmed on a forum post that Crusader Kings 2 and Europa Universalis 4+ will be on Linux!

On the controversies of Humble, Canonical and Team Meat

By Liam Dawe,
Well now, can interesting things stop appearing when I am asleep please! On USC and Team Meat's Super Meat Boy It seems Canonical have done a bit of a boo-boo here in the way of selling Super Meat Boy witho...

Scoregasm Christmas Sale

By Rustybolts,
Charlie's Games is offering the bullet hell shmup for sale this festive season at the delightful reduction of 90% off, so that brings the price down to a christmassy $1. You'll get a copy of the game for Windows, Mac and Linux including a Steam ...

Hit Indie Title Chivalry Medieval Warfare Might Come To Linux!

By Chivalry MW Linux!,
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a multiplayer action video game developed by Torn Banner Studios as their first commercial title. After a succesfull