First of all Happy New Year to all!
2012 what year! Has been full of ups for Linux this year and I think easily one of the most important years for Linux gaming, this is aimed to be a small roundup of 2012 with a reminder of interesting news...
Hi people. As many of you are aware, I've spent the last month or so slaving over hot research for a new article on Humble Bundle stuff.
With the recent no...
Just a reminder folks over a week ago Headclot posted about Torque3D needing funds to port to Linux well this is a reminder since it seems they have had...
The awesome RPG games Eschalon Book 1&2 will be heading to Steam, this comes direct from the developer!
QuoteYep, Eschalon Book 1 & 2 will be on @steam_games Li...
Few weeks ago Tasharen Entertainment released Linux build of Unity game "Windward" - sea MMORPG, inspired by Sid Meier's Pirates. Game looks like nice MMORPG and you still can play with bots. Game
Hi, we are a young indie game studio from Nantes, in France, and we have recently finished our first complete game: Andy's Super Great Park. It is available for Windows and Ubuntu. A demo can be downloaded from the
Well now, can interesting things stop appearing when I am asleep please!
On USC and Team Meat's Super Meat Boy
It seems Canonical have done a bit of a boo-boo here in the way of selling Super Meat Boy witho...
Charlie's Games is offering the bullet hell shmup for sale this festive season at the delightful reduction of 90% off, so that brings the price down to a christmassy $1. You'll get a copy of the game for Windows, Mac and Linux including a Steam ...