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Ensign 1 the upcoming indie game from Only Human Studios has released their latest weekly update to show off the new better looking explosions, you may also notice the ships cockpit has be...
One of the most interesting looking indie games that will hopefully be released this year is Hostile Target, a game I have covered a few times, has received some more love recently!
Hi all!
It is with immense pleasure that I present my latest "cheese talks to" interview, this time featuring the thoughts and perspectives of Robert Kooima (RLK) on the evolution of the open source game Neverball, which he persona...
So let it begin, what could bring a good influx of new games! Unity 3D has with the latest version added support for building for Linux (note: version not out yet, available now for pre-order).
Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L Eye version 0.9.2 has been released!
With this release, I've hit another major milestone: all of the game's levels are now finished! This update also includes more gameplay enhancements and bug fixes. If you ...
Kittylambada has released the full version of The Real Texas available on Windows, Mac and Linux priced at $14.95 but if you buy it before this Sunday its available at $7.95.
The guys from Humble posted on G+
QuoteAre you a professional Linux developer who is interested in bringing some of the best games from Mac and Windows to Linux? If so, please email
A reader sent me an email to get us to bring attention to a wishlist on to ask them to support Linux on the games they already have that support Linux.
I don't usually bring atten...
Kickstarter has been pretty good to what was once called a dying genre, adventure games. Both the Doublefine Adventure and the Leisure Suit Larry remake had no trouble getting funded. Unfortunately this has not yet translated to success for another projec...
Anomaly - Warzone Earth a game introduced to Linux gamers in one of the previous Android Humble Bundles has updated it's website to include the Humble Store purchased option mea...
To everyone who visits us using the address www, you may ignore this article, this is for people very oldschool who have been with us for sometime!
The .info domain name