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The Adventures of Rick Rocket v1.1.1 is available!

By MyGameCompany,
My Game Company has released v1.1.1 of The Adventures of Rick Rocket! This is my 1950s-style space shooter with epic space battles between fleets of capital ships and fighters, a wide variety of mission styles, and a sci-fi story like the old Dan Dare and...

FireFall "might" be coming to Linux

By Alex V.Sharp,
It seems that Linux is making a comeback as a viable gaming platform as more and more developers consider adding cross-platform support to their titles. And while most of the times this is something associated with small Indie studios, sometimes triple-A ...

To the websites copying our content...

By Liam Dawe,
While it's nice to see GOL has become reasonably popular i won't stand for people taking our posts without permission. Hotlinking our images - it uses up our bandwith, shows you used us as a source for your news and not crediting i...

More Tomes of Mephistopheles updates!

By Liam Dawe,
Okay the up and coming dungeon crawler Tomes of Mephistopheles from Kot-In-Action (Makers of Steel Storm series) has had a few updates including a new video and a new version for pre-order custom...

Bobby now open source

By Liam Dawe,
Bobby is now not only free, but open source too! QuoteSource code for Bobby is

Wakfu MMORPG from Square Enix Launched today

By Rustybolts,
Wakfu a free or subscription based (for premium content) RPG game by Square Enix and ANKAMA has now launched and is available on Windows, Mac and Linux

FTL: Faster Than Light

By Liam Dawe,
Introducing Faster Than Light a game that is coming for Linux, Mac and Windows and it's, err, hard to describe really - they describe it as a Spaceship Simulation Real-Time Rouge-Like (now that&...

Dirk Dashing v0.8 is available!

By MyGameCompany,
I'm pleased to announce the release of v0.8 of Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L Eye! This update adds 7 new levels for Part 4 of the 5-part story. The new levels are available to pre-order customers as part of the full version beta, which now con...

Amnesia A Machine for Pigs

By Rustybolts,
[ATTACH=full]329[/ATTACH] A recent Joystiq article and an

Indie Royale Alpha Collection

By Rustybolts,
The latest Indie Royale is an Alpha collection which for the first time, are all available on Linux with Desura support. The current minimum to help support these games is £3.18. The game on offer are:

Age of Conquest III released

By mseidl,
Check it out here on Desura! Or check out the developer website here. QuoteAge...

Monster RPG 2 Desura Sale

By Rustybolts,
Nooskewl have announced that there old school snes like rpg game Monster RPG is now on sale on Desura costing a mere £0.65 not a bad game for this amount at all.

The Humble Bundle Mojam!

By Liam Dawe,
Ok so a little late to the party here (been busy) but the next Bundle is upon is and it's a short one, a weekend long with ~7 hours left.

Beans Quest

By Liam Dawe,
Introducing Beans Quest Emilio has been cursed and his girlfriend kidnapped! Transformed by dark magic into a jumping bean, Emilio must bounce his way to victory through 5...

Double Fine Adventure confirmed for Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
The huge success of Double Fine Adventure (a game we covered here before) has been confirmed to be coming to Linux!

Tomes of Mephistopheles Alpha Funding Available

By Rustybolts,
Oooo a shiny new Linux game! Kot in Action have announced via Twitter that they have now released TOM for alpha funding you can buy it for a reduced price of $10

Exclusive interview with Gaslamp Games

By Alex V.Sharp,
Dear readers, it has arrived! It is with great pleasure that GoL brings you an exclusive interview with Nicholas Vining and Daniel Jacobsen, members of

Tomes of Mephistopheles updates

By Liam Dawe,
The interesting 3D dungeon crawler Tomes of Mephistopheles coming from Kot-in-Action now has a website and a real gameplay video.